path: root/test/files/jvm/scala-concurrent-tck.check
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove further references to forkjoinJason Zaugg2015-07-151-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Use j.u.c.Forkjoin directly in active and disabled tests Remove bitrotted benchmarks code I was going to update these to use `java.util.concurrent.ForkJoin` directly, instead of our deprecated stubs. But most of them don't compile anymore (e.g. scala.testing.Benchmark has been removed, ClassTag imports missing). While I'm all for benchmarks, we should have large swathes of code checked in that isn't at compiled and run automatically. I'm happy to help someone resurrect these in a suitable form.
* Add missing canonical combinators:Viktor Klang2014-10-201-0/+1
- `def transform[S](f: Try[T] => Try[S])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[S]` - `def transformWith[S](f: Try[T] => Future[S])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[S]` - `def flatten[S](implicit ev: T <:< Future[S]): Future[S]` - `def zipWith[U, R](that: Future[U])(f: (T, U) => R)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[R]` Add missing utilities: - `val unit: Future[Unit]` in `object Future` - `object never extends Future[Nothing]` in `object Future` - `def defaultBlockContext: BlockContext` in `object BlockContext` - `def toString: String` on stdlib implementations of `Future` Refactors: - the `scala.concurrent.Future` trait to not explicit create any `Promises`, so that implementations can control implementation type, this is mainly facilitated through adding of the `transform` and `transformWith` methods. - the implementation of `ExecutionContextImpl` has been cleaned up - the `scala.concurrent.impl.DefaultPromise` has been reimplemented to not use `sun.misc.Unsafe` Securing: - Add a self-check in `completeWith` and `tryCompleteWith` to avoid cycles in trait Promise - Capping the maximum number of threads for the global `ExecutionContext` to the max parallelism - Implementing (almost) all `Future` combinators on `transformWith` and `transform` means that `DefaultPromise` linking works on both `(flat)map` and `recover(With)` - Nested `blocking {}` should not spawn extra threads beyond the first. Removes: - the private `internalExecutor` method in favor of an import in trait `Future` - the private `internalExecutor` method in favor of an import in trait `Promise` - the `AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater` in `AbstractPromise` since we're using `Unsafe` - `scala.concurrent.impl.Future` is no longer needed Deprecates: - `Future.onSuccess` - discourage the use of callbacks (and is also redundant considering `foreach` and `onComplete`) - `Future.onFailure` - discourage the use of callbacks (and is also redundant considering `onComplete` and `failed.foreach`) - `ExecutionContext.prepare` - it was ill specced and it is too easy to forget to call it (or even know when to call it or call it more times than needed) - All classes in scala.concurrent.forkjoin. Scala 2.12 will be Java 8+ and as such the jsr166e should be used as included in java.util.concurrent. Reimplements: - `failed` - in terms of `transform` - `map` - in terms of `transform` - `flatMap` - in terms of `transformWith` - `recover` - in terms of `transform` - `recoverWith` - in terms of `transformWith` - `zip` - in terms of `flatMap` + `map` - `fallbackTo` - in terms of `recoverWith` + `recoverWith` - `andThen` - in terms of `transform` Miscellaneous: - Giving the threads of `` sensible names - Optimizes `object Future.successful` and `object Future.failed` are now separate implementations, to optimize for the result, avoiding doing work for the "other branch". - Optimizes `compressedRoot()` by avoiding double-calls to volatile get. Documentation: - Almost all methods on `Future` and `Promise` have been revisited and had their ScalaDoc updated Tests: - Yes