path: root/test/files/jvm/unittest_io_Jvm.check
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Begone t1737...Hubert Plociniczak2011-11-021-1/+1
* Added *.log and build/ to gitignore so partest/...Josh Suereth2011-11-231-1/+1
| | | | | | | Added *.log and build/ to gitignore so partest/ant artifacts don't show up in our commit messages. Also fixed whitespace issues arising from the filter-branch history rewrite for git move.
* Removes SUnit (long deprecated!) from the stand...Paul Phillips2011-05-191-0/+6
Removes SUnit (long deprecated!) from the standard library. the relatively small number of partest tests in Scala's suite that were still using SUnit now either just use regular asserts, or they print stuff that partest checks with a .check file. Also fixed some bad indentation, removed ancient useless-looking commented-out code, etc. Contributed by Seth Tisue (way to go seth) no review.