path: root/test/files/neg/t8430.flags
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* SI-7746 patmat: fix non-determinism, infeasible counter examplesGerard Basler2014-10-051-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Fixes non-determinism within the DPLL algorithm and disallows infeasible counter examples directly in the formula. The function to compute all solutions was flawed and thus only returned a subset of the solutions. The algorithm would stop too soon and thus depending on the ordering of the symbols return more or less solutions. I also added printing a warning when the search was stopped because the max recursion depth was reached. This is very useful as an explanation of spuriously failing regression tests, since less counter examples might be reported. In such a case the recursion depth should be set to infinite by adding `-Ypatmat-exhaust-depth off`. The mapping of the solutions of the DPLL algorithm to counter examples has been adapted to take the additional solutions from the solver into account: Consider for example `t8430.scala`: ```Scala sealed trait CL3Literal case object IntLit extends CL3Literal case object CharLit extends CL3Literal case object BooleanLit extends CL3Literal case object UnitLit extends CL3Literal sealed trait Tree case class LetL(value: CL3Literal) extends Tree case object LetP extends Tree case object LetC extends Tree case object LetF extends Tree object Test { (tree: Tree) => tree match {case LetL(CharLit) => ??? } } ``` This test contains 2 domains, `IntLit, CharLit, ...` and `LetL, LetP, ...`, the corresponding formula to check exhaustivity looks like: ``` V1=LetC.type#13 \/ V1=LetF.type#14 \/ V1=LetL#11 \/ V1=LetP.type#15 /\ V2=BooleanLit.type#16 \/ V2=CharLit#12 \/ V2=IntLit.type#17 \/ V2=UnitLit.type#18 /\ -V1=LetL#11 \/ -V2=CharLit#12 \/ \/ ``` The first two lines assign a value of the domain to the scrutinee (and the correponding member in case of `LetL`) and prohibit the counter example `LetL(CharLit)` since it's covered by the pattern match. The used Boolean encoding allows that scrutinee `V1` can be equal to `LetC` and `LetF` at the same time and thus, during enumeration of all possible solutions of the formula, such a solution will be found, since only one literal needs to be set to true, to satisfy that clause. That means, if at least one of the literals of such a clause was in the `unassigned` list of the DPLL procedure, we will get solutions where the scrutinee is equal to more than one element of the domain. A remedy would be to add constraints that forbid both literals to be true at the same time. His is infeasible for big domains (see `pos/t8531.scala`), since we would have to add a quadratic number of clauses (one clause for each pair in the domain). A much simpler solution is to just filter the invalid results. Since both values for `unassigned` literals are explored, we will eventually find a valid counter example.
* SI-8430 Less non-determinism in patmat exhautiveness warningsJason Zaugg2014-03-241-0/+1
Another mole whacked on the head by using `LinkedHashMap`. Caution: `LinkedHashMap` doesn't preserve its runtime type if you map through the generic interface. I've noted this gotcha as SI-8434. I've structured this patch to enforce that concrete collection with types, which is a good idea anyway. My method to track this down was to place breakpoints in `Hash{Map,Set}`.{foreach,iterator}` to see where that was used from within pattern match translation. This approach was drastically faster than my previous rounds of whack-a-mole. The counter-examples are still a bit off; I'm going to merge that aspect of this ticket with SI-7746, in which we've pinpointed the culpable part of the implementation, but haven't had success in fixing the bug.