path: root/test/files/pos/dotless-targs.scala
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* Dotless type application for infix operators.Paul Phillips2013-12-171-0/+9
When you have an aesthetic expresion like def f(xs: Iterator[Int]) = ( xs takeWhile (_ < 1000) map (_ * -1) filter (_ % 2 == 0) flatMap (x => List(x, x)) reduceOption (_ + _) maxBy (_.toString) ) And then for whatever reason you have to perform explicit type application in the midst of that expression, it's aggravating in the extreme that it has (had) to be rewritten in its entirety to accommodate that change. So now you can perform type application in the middle of it. For reasons not entirely clear to me postfix operators are excluded. The discussion as well as the approval for the infix variation of it can be found at:!msg/scala-language/eJl1wnkEz9M/hR984-lqC5EJ