path: root/test/files/pos/t3234.scala
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* New trait encoding: use default methods, jettison impl classesJason Zaugg2016-03-181-4/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Until now, concrete methods in traits were encoded with "trait implementation classes". - Such a trait would compile to two class files - the trait interface, a Java interface, and - the implementation class, containing "trait implementation methods" - trait implementation methods are static methods has an explicit self parameter. - some methods don't require addition of an interface method, such as private methods. Calls to these directly call the implementation method - classes that mixin a trait install "trait forwarders", which implement the abstract method in the interface by forwarding to the trait implementation method. The new encoding: - no longer emits trait implementation classes or trait implementation methods. - instead, concrete methods are simply retained in the interface, as JVM 8 default interface methods (the JVM spec changes in [JSR-335]( pave the way) - use `invokespecial` to call private or particular super implementations of a method (rather `invokestatic`) - in cases when we `invokespecial` to a method in an indirect ancestor, we add that ancestor redundantly as a direct parent. We are investigating alternatives approaches here. - we still emit trait fowrarders, although we are [investigating]( ways to only do this when the JVM would be unable to resolve the correct method using its rules for default method resolution. Here's an example: ``` trait T { println("T") def m1 = m2 private def m2 = "m2" } trait U extends T { println("T") override def m1 = super[T].m1 } class C extends U { println("C") def test = m1 } ``` The old and new encodings are displayed and diffed here: Some notes in the implementation: - No need to filter members from class decls at all in AddInterfaces (although we do have to trigger side effecting info transformers) - We can now emit an EnclosingMethod attribute for classes nested in private trait methods - Created a factory method for an AST shape that is used in a number of places to symbolically bind to a particular super method without needed to specify the qualifier of the `Super` tree (which is too limiting, as it only allows you to refer to direct parents.) - I also found a similar tree shape created in Delambdafy, that is better expressed with an existing tree creation factory method, mkSuperInit.
* Remove GenASM, merge remaining common code snippetsSimon Ochsenreither2015-10-271-0/+17
| | | | | | | | With GenBCode being the default and only supported backend for Java 8, we can get rid of GenASM. This commit also fixes/migrates/moves to pending/deletes tests which depended on GenASM before.
* SI-6142: warn @inline-methods ending up not inlined (rightfully or not)Miguel Garcia2012-07-261-19/+0
* Begone t1737...Hubert Plociniczak2011-11-021-1/+1
* Renamed tests named bugXXX to tXXX, no review.Paul Phillips2011-08-241-0/+19