path: root/test/files/pos/t7944.scala
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* SI-7944 FOUND: stray undetermined type params in vicinity of implicitsJason Zaugg2013-10-311-0/+24
Implicit search created a nested Context into which the results of its typechecking, namely, errors and undetermined type parameters (roughly: those inferred as Nothing) are stashed. The code the drives the process was checking for errors, but discarded those undetermined type parameters. This commit copies them from the child context to the parent, which lets `Typer#adapt` to get to: else if (hasUndetsInMonoMode) { // (9) assert(!context.inTypeConstructorAllowed, context) //@M instantiatePossiblyExpectingUnit(tree, mode, pt) } Our lost TypeVar has found its way home! The reward for which is being instantiated, based on another type inference session adapting the expression's type to the expected type.