path: root/test/files/run/view-iterator-stream.scala
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Cull extraneous whitespace.Paul Phillips2013-09-181-4/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | One last flurry with the broom before I leave you slobs to code in your own filth. Eliminated all the trailing whitespace I could manage, with special prejudice reserved for the test cases which depended on the preservation of trailing whitespace. Was reminded I cannot figure out how to eliminate the trailing space on the "scala> " prompt in repl transcripts. At least reduced the number of such empty prompts by trimming transcript code on the way in. Routed ConsoleReporter's "printMessage" through a trailing whitespace stripping method which might help futureproof against the future of whitespace diseases. Deleted the up-to-40 lines of trailing whitespace found in various library files. It seems like only yesterday we performed whitespace surgery on the whole repo. Clearly it doesn't stick very well. I suggest it would work better to enforce a few requirements on the way in.
* SI-7003 Partest redirects stderr to log fileSom Snytt2013-05-251-0/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Some scalac output is on stderr, and it's useful to see that in the log file, especially for debugging. Adds a line filter for logs, specified as "filter: pattern" in the test source. Backslashes are made forward only when detected as paths. Test alignments: Deprecations which do not pertain to the system under test are corrected in the obvious way. When testing deprecated API, suppress warnings by deprecating the Test object. Check files are updated with useful true warnings, instead of running under -nowarn. Language feature imports as required, instead of running under -language. Language feature not required, such as casual use of postfix. Heed useful warning. Ignore broken warnings. (Rarely, -nowarn.) Inliner warnings pop up under -optimise only, so for now, just filter them out where they occur. Debug output from the test required an update.
* Begone t1737...Hubert Plociniczak2011-11-021-4/+4
* A patch for views. Most relevant change:Paul Phillips2011-03-111-0/+67
Almost all view classes now list parents like trait Appended[B >: A] extends super.Appended[B] with Transformed[B] instead of the former trait Appended[B >: A] extends Transformed[B] with super.Appended[B] because as it was, the implementation of foreach in TraversableViewLike#Transformed was repeatedly trumping overrides found in e.g. IterableLike. This change was not without its own consequences, and much of the rest of the patch is dealing with that. A more general issue is clearly revealed here: there is no straightforward way to deal with trait composition and overrides when some methods should prefer B over A and some the reverse. (It's more like A through Z in this case.) That closes #4279, with some views being five orders of magnitude slower than necessary. There is a test that confirms they'll stay performance neighbors. In the view classes (Zipped, Mapped, etc.) I attended to them with comb and brush until they were reasonably consistent. I only use "override" where necessary and throw in some "final" in the interests of trying to anchor the composition outcome. I also switched the newSliced, newZipped, etc. methods to use early init syntax since a number have abstract vals and I found at least one bug originating with uninitialized access. There was a piece of a parallel collections scalacheck test failing, which I disabled out of expedience - am emailing prokopec. There is plenty of work left to do but paulp must get back to other 2.9 issues. This is the Zurich->SF airplane patch. No review.