path: root/src
diff options
authorJakob Odersky <jodersky@gmail.com>2012-10-30 23:31:46 +0100
committerJakob Odersky <jodersky@gmail.com>2012-10-30 23:31:46 +0100
commit3d5b08cf59375233b693803511ea7fc75a3da1cc (patch)
treeeb5495bfc98a39cd9f4d7982e847856cb75ef107 /src
parent38ea0931471326f11ea7d83fd9e30dadd6256fc4 (diff)
re-implement Plot (hopefully in a cleaner way)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/scalam/plotting/Plot.scala b/src/main/scala/scalam/plotting/Plot.scala
index dede530..1391143 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/scalam/plotting/Plot.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/scalam/plotting/Plot.scala
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import scala.sys.process._
import scalam.m.ast._
import scalax.file.Path
import scalam.plotting.styles._
+import scala.collection.mutable.Map
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
class Plot(
val dataSets: Seq[DataSet],
@@ -13,83 +15,119 @@ class Plot(
grid: Boolean = true,
legend: Boolean = true,
fontSize: Int = 10,
- styles: Seq[Style[_]] = Seq(),
- name: String = "plot" + Plot.next) {
+ styles: Seq[Style[StyleElement]] = Seq(),
+ name: String = "") {
- private case class RichDataSet(underlying: DataSet, localPath: Path, id: Identifier)
- private val richDataSets = dataSets.zipWithIndex.map {
- case (d, i) => RichDataSet(d, Path("data") / i.toString, Identifier("data" + (i + 1)))
+ def preamble = {
+ val df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss")
+ val now = (new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))
+ Seq(
+ DoubleComment("Generated by scalam, v1.0-SNAPSHOT"),
+ DoubleComment(df.format(now)))
- lazy val roots: List[Root] = {
- def loadData(dataSet: RichDataSet) =
- Assign(dataSet.id, Function(Identifier("load"), StringLiteral(dataSet.localPath.path))) withComment SimpleComment(dataSet.id.m)
- val (initial: Seq[Seq[Statement]], styleMaps: Iterable[DataSet => StyleElement]) = styles.map(_.apply(dataSets)).unzip
- val figureId = Identifier("fh")
- val on = StringLiteral("on")
- val off = StringLiteral("off")
- def newFigure(figureId: Identifier) = Assign(figureId, Function(Identifier("figure")))
- def hold(b: Boolean) = Function(Identifier("hold"), if (b) on else off)
- def grid(show: Boolean) = Function(Identifier("grid"), if (show) on else off)
- def title(s: String) = Function(Identifier("title"), StringLiteral(s))
- def xLabel(s: String) = Function(Identifier("xlabel"), StringLiteral(s))
- def yLabel(s: String) = Function(Identifier("ylabel"), StringLiteral(s))
- def fontSize(size: Int) = Function(Identifier("set"), Variable(Identifier("gca")), StringLiteral("fontsize"), IntLiteral(size))
- def plot(dataSet: RichDataSet) = {
- val plot = Identifier("plot")
- val styleParams = styleMaps.flatMap(styleMap => {val style = styleMap.apply(dataSet.underlying); Seq(style.name, style.expression)})
- val params = Seq(
- IndexMatrix(dataSet.id, SliceLiteral, IntLiteral(1)),
- IndexMatrix(dataSet.id, SliceLiteral, IntLiteral(2))) ++
- styleParams
- Function(plot, params: _*)
+ class RichDataSet(val id: Identifier, val localPath: Path, val underlying: DataSet)
+ def richDataSets = {
+ val knownIds = Map[Identifier, Int]()
+ def toRich(dataSet: DataSet) = {
+ val firstId = Identifier(dataSet.name)
+ val finalId = knownIds.get(firstId) match {
+ case None => { //firstId is not already used
+ knownIds += (firstId -> 1)
+ firstId
+ }
+ case Some(prev) => { // firstId is already in use
+ knownIds(firstId) = prev + 1
+ Identifier(firstId.name + "_" + prev)
+ }
+ }
+ new RichDataSet(finalId, Path(".") / finalId.name, dataSet)
- def legend(dataSets: Seq[DataSet]) =
- Function(Identifier("legend"), (for (d <- dataSets) yield StringLiteral(d.label)): _*) :: Nil
- val commands = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Root]
- commands ++= (for (d <- richDataSets) yield loadData(d))
- commands ++= initial.flatten
- commands += newFigure(figureId)
- commands += hold(true)
- commands += grid(this.grid)
- commands += fontSize(this.fontSize)
- commands += title(this.title)
- commands += xLabel(this.xLabel)
- commands += yLabel(this.yLabel)
- commands ++= (for (d <- richDataSets) yield plot(d))
- if (this.legend) commands ++= legend(dataSets)
- commands.toList
+ dataSets.map(toRich(_))
+ }
+ def resolveStyles: (Seq[Root], Seq[DataSet => StyleElement]) = {
+ val setupAndStyles = styles.map(_.apply(dataSets))
+ val setup = setupAndStyles.map(_._1).flatten
+ val styleMaps = setupAndStyles.map(_._2)
+ (setup, styleMaps)
- private def preamble = {
- val df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss")
- val now = (new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))
+ def roots: Seq[Root] = {
+ import Plot._
+ val richDataSets = this.richDataSets
- Seq(DoubleComment("Generated by scalam, v1.0-new"), DoubleComment(df.format(now)))
+ val (setup, styleMappings) = resolveStyles
+ val loads = richDataSets.map(r =>
+ m.load(r.id, r.localPath) withComment SimpleComment(r.underlying.label))
+ val plots = richDataSets.map{r =>
+ val styleElements = styleMappings.map(_.apply(r.underlying))
+ m.plot(r.id, styleElements)
+ }
+ val roots = new ListBuffer[Root]
+ roots ++= preamble
+ roots ++= loads
+ roots += m.newFigure
+ roots += m.hold(true)
+ roots += m.grid(this.grid)
+ roots += m.title(this.title)
+ roots += m.xLabel(this.xLabel)
+ roots += m.yLabel(this.yLabel)
+ roots += m.fontSize(this.fontSize)
+ roots ++= plots
+ roots += m.legend(dataSets)
+ roots.toList
object Plot {
private[this] var counter = -1
private def next = { counter += 1; counter }
- private def randomDataSet(length: Int) = {
+ private def randomDataSet(length: Int) = {
import scala.util.Random
val data = for (i <- 0 until length) yield (i * 1.0, Random.nextDouble() * 10)
val name = "a"
new DataSet(data, name)
- }
+ }
val ds = Seq(
new DataSet(Seq((0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 0.0), (4.0, 1.0), (5.0, 1.0)), "temperature"),
new DataSet(Seq((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 4.0), (3.0, 9.0)), """\alpha""")) ++ (0 to 10).map(_ => randomDataSet(10))
val test = new Plot(ds, "title", "x", "y")
+ private object m {
+ import scalam.m.ast._
+ val On = StringLiteral("on")
+ val Off = StringLiteral("off")
+ def newFigure = Function(Identifier("figure"))
+ def hold(b: Boolean) = Function(Identifier("hold"), if (b) On else Off)
+ def grid(show: Boolean) = Function(Identifier("grid"), if (show) On else Off)
+ def title(s: String) = Function(Identifier("title"), StringLiteral(s))
+ def xLabel(s: String) = Function(Identifier("xlabel"), StringLiteral(s))
+ def yLabel(s: String) = Function(Identifier("ylabel"), StringLiteral(s))
+ def fontSize(size: Int) = Function(Identifier("set"), Variable(Identifier("gca")), StringLiteral("fontsize"), IntLiteral(size))
+ def load(id: Identifier, path: Path) = Assign(id, Function(Identifier("load"), StringLiteral(path.path)))
+ def plot(dataSet: Identifier, styleElements: Seq[StyleElement]) = {
+ val plot = Identifier("plot")
+ val params = Seq(
+ IndexMatrix(dataSet, SliceLiteral, IntLiteral(1)),
+ IndexMatrix(dataSet, SliceLiteral, IntLiteral(2))) ++
+ styleElements.flatMap(e => Seq(e.name, e.expression))
+ Function(plot, params: _*)
+ }
+ def legend(dataSets: Seq[DataSet]) =
+ Function(Identifier("legend"), dataSets.map(d => StringLiteral(d.label)): _*)
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file