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<table width="100%" summary="page for dropna,DataFrame-method {SparkR}"><tr><td>dropna,DataFrame-method {SparkR}</td><td align="right">R Documentation</td></tr></table>



<p>Returns a new DataFrame omitting rows with null values.
<p>Replace null values.


## S4 method for signature 'DataFrame'
dropna(x, how = c("any", "all"), minNonNulls = NULL,
  cols = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'DataFrame'
fillna(x, value, cols = NULL)

dropna(x, how = c("any", "all"), minNonNulls = NULL, cols = NULL)

na.omit(x, how = c("any", "all"), minNonNulls = NULL, cols = NULL)

fillna(x, value, cols = NULL)


<table summary="R argblock">
<tr valign="top"><td><code>x</code></td>
<p>A SparkSQL DataFrame.</p>
<tr valign="top"><td><code>how</code></td>
<p>&quot;any&quot; or &quot;all&quot;.
if &quot;any&quot;, drop a row if it contains any nulls.
if &quot;all&quot;, drop a row only if all its values are null.
if minNonNulls is specified, how is ignored.</p>
<tr valign="top"><td><code>minNonNulls</code></td>
<p>If specified, drop rows that have less than
minNonNulls non-null values.
This overwrites the how parameter.</p>
<tr valign="top"><td><code>cols</code></td>
<p>Optional list of column names to consider.</p>
<tr valign="top"><td><code>value</code></td>
<p>Value to replace null values with.
Should be an integer, numeric, character or named list.
If the value is a named list, then cols is ignored and
value must be a mapping from column name (character) to
replacement value. The replacement value must be an
integer, numeric or character.</p>
<tr valign="top"><td><code>x</code></td>
<p>A SparkSQL DataFrame.</p>
<tr valign="top"><td><code>cols</code></td>
<p>optional list of column names to consider.
Columns specified in cols that do not have matching data
type are ignored. For example, if value is a character, and
subset contains a non-character column, then the non-character
column is simply ignored.</p>


<p>A DataFrame
<p>A DataFrame


<pre><code class="r">## Not run: 
##D sc &lt;- sparkR.init()
##D sqlCtx &lt;- sparkRSQL.init(sc)
##D path &lt;- &quot;path/to/file.json&quot;
##D df &lt;- jsonFile(sqlCtx, path)
##D dropna(df)
## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
##D sc &lt;- sparkR.init()
##D sqlCtx &lt;- sparkRSQL.init(sc)
##D path &lt;- &quot;path/to/file.json&quot;
##D df &lt;- jsonFile(sqlCtx, path)
##D fillna(df, 1)
##D fillna(df, list(&quot;age&quot; = 20, &quot;name&quot; = &quot;unknown&quot;))
## End(Not run)

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