path: root/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/DAGSchedulerSuite.scala
blob: 819f95634bcdcf90c91c914d1075ceb5b9835e3d (plain) (tree)


























































































































 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashSet, HashMap, Map}
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls

import akka.actor._
import akka.testkit.{ImplicitSender, TestKit, TestActorRef}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FunSuiteLike}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Timeouts
import org.scalatest.time.SpanSugar._

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.SchedulingMode.SchedulingMode
import org.apache.spark.storage.{BlockId, BlockManagerId, BlockManagerMaster}
import org.apache.spark.util.CallSite
import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics

class BuggyDAGEventProcessActor extends Actor {
  val state = 0
  def receive = {
    case _ => throw new SparkException("error")

 * An RDD for passing to DAGScheduler. These RDDs will use the dependencies and
 * preferredLocations (if any) that are passed to them. They are deliberately not executable
 * so we can test that DAGScheduler does not try to execute RDDs locally.
class MyRDD(
    sc: SparkContext,
    numPartitions: Int,
    dependencies: List[Dependency[_]],
    locations: Seq[Seq[String]] = Nil) extends RDD[(Int, Int)](sc, dependencies) with Serializable {
  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(Int, Int)] =
    throw new RuntimeException("should not be reached")
  override def getPartitions = (0 until numPartitions).map(i => new Partition {
    override def index = i
  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =
    if (locations.isDefinedAt(split.index))
  override def toString: String = "DAGSchedulerSuiteRDD " + id

class DAGSchedulerSuiteDummyException extends Exception

class DAGSchedulerSuite extends TestKit(ActorSystem("DAGSchedulerSuite")) with FunSuiteLike
  with ImplicitSender with BeforeAndAfter with LocalSparkContext with Timeouts {

  val conf = new SparkConf
  /** Set of TaskSets the DAGScheduler has requested executed. */
  val taskSets = scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[TaskSet]()

  /** Stages for which the DAGScheduler has called TaskScheduler.cancelTasks(). */
  val cancelledStages = new HashSet[Int]()

  val taskScheduler = new TaskScheduler() {
    override def rootPool: Pool = null
    override def schedulingMode: SchedulingMode = SchedulingMode.NONE
    override def start() = {}
    override def stop() = {}
    override def executorHeartbeatReceived(execId: String, taskMetrics: Array[(Long, TaskMetrics)],
      blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean = true
    override def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet) = {
      // normally done by TaskSetManager
      taskSet.tasks.foreach(_.epoch = mapOutputTracker.getEpoch)
      taskSets += taskSet
    override def cancelTasks(stageId: Int, interruptThread: Boolean) {
      cancelledStages += stageId
    override def setDAGScheduler(dagScheduler: DAGScheduler) = {}
    override def defaultParallelism() = 2

  /** Length of time to wait while draining listener events. */
  val sparkListener = new SparkListener() {
    val successfulStages = new HashSet[Int]
    val failedStages = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
    val stageByOrderOfExecution = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
    override def onStageCompleted(stageCompleted: SparkListenerStageCompleted) {
      val stageInfo = stageCompleted.stageInfo
      stageByOrderOfExecution += stageInfo.stageId
      if (stageInfo.failureReason.isEmpty) {
        successfulStages += stageInfo.stageId
      } else {
        failedStages += stageInfo.stageId

  var mapOutputTracker: MapOutputTrackerMaster = null
  var scheduler: DAGScheduler = null
  var dagEventProcessTestActor: TestActorRef[DAGSchedulerEventProcessActor] = null

   * Set of cache locations to return from our mock BlockManagerMaster.
   * Keys are (rdd ID, partition ID). Anything not present will return an empty
   * list of cache locations silently.
  val cacheLocations = new HashMap[(Int, Int), Seq[BlockManagerId]]
  // stub out BlockManagerMaster.getLocations to use our cacheLocations
  val blockManagerMaster = new BlockManagerMaster(null, conf, true) {
      override def getLocations(blockIds: Array[BlockId]): Seq[Seq[BlockManagerId]] = {
        blockIds.map {
          _.asRDDId.map(id => (id.rddId -> id.splitIndex)).flatMap(key => cacheLocations.get(key)).
      override def removeExecutor(execId: String) {
        // don't need to propagate to the driver, which we don't have

  /** The list of results that DAGScheduler has collected. */
  val results = new HashMap[Int, Any]()
  var failure: Exception = _
  val jobListener = new JobListener() {
    override def taskSucceeded(index: Int, result: Any) = results.put(index, result)
    override def jobFailed(exception: Exception) = { failure = exception }

  before {
    // Enable local execution for this test
    val conf = new SparkConf().set("spark.localExecution.enabled", "true")
    sc = new SparkContext("local", "DAGSchedulerSuite", conf)
    failure = null
    mapOutputTracker = new MapOutputTrackerMaster(conf)
    scheduler = new DAGScheduler(
        sc.env) {
      override def runLocally(job: ActiveJob) {
        // don't bother with the thread while unit testing
    dagEventProcessTestActor = TestActorRef[DAGSchedulerEventProcessActor](
      Props(classOf[DAGSchedulerEventProcessActor], scheduler))(system)

  override def afterAll() {

   * Type of RDD we use for testing. Note that we should never call the real RDD compute methods.
   * This is a pair RDD type so it can always be used in ShuffleDependencies.
  type PairOfIntsRDD = RDD[(Int, Int)]

   * Process the supplied event as if it were the top of the DAGScheduler event queue, expecting
   * the scheduler not to exit.
   * After processing the event, submit waiting stages as is done on most iterations of the
   * DAGScheduler event loop.
  private def runEvent(event: DAGSchedulerEvent) {

   * When we submit dummy Jobs, this is the compute function we supply. Except in a local test
   * below, we do not expect this function to ever be executed; instead, we will return results
   * directly through CompletionEvents.
  private val jobComputeFunc = (context: TaskContext, it: Iterator[(_)]) =>
     it.next.asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._1

  /** Send the given CompletionEvent messages for the tasks in the TaskSet. */
  private def complete(taskSet: TaskSet, results: Seq[(TaskEndReason, Any)]) {
    assert(taskSet.tasks.size >= results.size)
    for ((result, i) <- results.zipWithIndex) {
      if (i < taskSet.tasks.size) {
        runEvent(CompletionEvent(taskSet.tasks(i), result._1, result._2, Map[Long, Any](), null, null))

  /** Sends the rdd to the scheduler for scheduling and returns the job id. */
  private def submit(
      rdd: RDD[_],
      partitions: Array[Int],
      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _ = jobComputeFunc,
      allowLocal: Boolean = false,
      listener: JobListener = jobListener): Int = {
    val jobId = scheduler.nextJobId.getAndIncrement()
    runEvent(JobSubmitted(jobId, rdd, func, partitions, allowLocal, CallSite("", ""), listener))

  /** Sends TaskSetFailed to the scheduler. */
  private def failed(taskSet: TaskSet, message: String) {
    runEvent(TaskSetFailed(taskSet, message))

  /** Sends JobCancelled to the DAG scheduler. */
  private def cancel(jobId: Int) {

  test("[SPARK-3353] parent stage should have lower stage id") {
    sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => (x, x)).reduceByKey(_ + _, 4).count()
    assert(sparkListener.stageByOrderOfExecution.length === 2)
    assert(sparkListener.stageByOrderOfExecution(0) < sparkListener.stageByOrderOfExecution(1))

  test("zero split job") {
    var numResults = 0
    val fakeListener = new JobListener() {
      override def taskSucceeded(partition: Int, value: Any) = numResults += 1
      override def jobFailed(exception: Exception) = throw exception
    submit(new MyRDD(sc, 0, Nil), Array(), listener = fakeListener)
    assert(numResults === 0)

  test("run trivial job") {
    submit(new MyRDD(sc, 1, Nil), Array(0))
    complete(taskSets(0), List((Success, 42)))
    assert(results === Map(0 -> 42))

  test("local job") {
    val rdd = new PairOfIntsRDD(sc, Nil) {
      override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(Int, Int)] =
        Array(42 -> 0).iterator
      override def getPartitions = Array( new Partition { override def index = 0 } )
      override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition) = Nil
      override def toString = "DAGSchedulerSuite Local RDD"
    val jobId = scheduler.nextJobId.getAndIncrement()
    runEvent(JobSubmitted(jobId, rdd, jobComputeFunc, Array(0), true, CallSite("", ""), jobListener))
    assert(results === Map(0 -> 42))

  test("local job oom") {
    val rdd = new PairOfIntsRDD(sc, Nil) {
      override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(Int, Int)] =
        throw new java.lang.OutOfMemoryError("test local job oom")
      override def getPartitions = Array( new Partition { override def index = 0 } )
      override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition) = Nil
      override def toString = "DAGSchedulerSuite Local RDD"
    val jobId = scheduler.nextJobId.getAndIncrement()
    runEvent(JobSubmitted(jobId, rdd, jobComputeFunc, Array(0), true, CallSite("", ""), jobListener))
    assert(results.size == 0)

  test("run trivial job w/ dependency") {
    val baseRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 1, Nil)
    val finalRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 1, List(new OneToOneDependency(baseRdd)))
    submit(finalRdd, Array(0))
    complete(taskSets(0), Seq((Success, 42)))
    assert(results === Map(0 -> 42))

  test("cache location preferences w/ dependency") {
    val baseRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 1, Nil)
    val finalRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 1, List(new OneToOneDependency(baseRdd)))
    cacheLocations(baseRdd.id -> 0) =
      Seq(makeBlockManagerId("hostA"), makeBlockManagerId("hostB"))
    submit(finalRdd, Array(0))
    val taskSet = taskSets(0)
    assertLocations(taskSet, Seq(Seq("hostA", "hostB")))
    complete(taskSet, Seq((Success, 42)))
    assert(results === Map(0 -> 42))

  test("avoid exponential blowup when getting preferred locs list") {
    // Build up a complex dependency graph with repeated zip operations, without preferred locations.
    var rdd: RDD[_] = new MyRDD(sc, 1, Nil)
    (1 to 30).foreach(_ => rdd = rdd.zip(rdd))
    // getPreferredLocs runs quickly, indicating that exponential graph traversal is avoided.
    failAfter(10 seconds) {
      val preferredLocs = scheduler.getPreferredLocs(rdd,0)
      // No preferred locations are returned.
      assert(preferredLocs.length === 0)

  test("unserializable task") {
    val unserializableRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 1, Nil) {
      class UnserializableClass
      val unserializable = new UnserializableClass
    submit(unserializableRdd, Array(0))
      "Job aborted due to stage failure: Task not serializable:"))
    assert(sparkListener.failedStages.size === 1)

  test("trivial job failure") {
    submit(new MyRDD(sc, 1, Nil), Array(0))
    failed(taskSets(0), "some failure")
    assert(failure.getMessage === "Job aborted due to stage failure: some failure")
    assert(sparkListener.failedStages.size === 1)

  test("trivial job cancellation") {
    val rdd = new MyRDD(sc, 1, Nil)
    val jobId = submit(rdd, Array(0))
    assert(failure.getMessage === s"Job $jobId cancelled ")
    assert(sparkListener.failedStages.size === 1)

  test("job cancellation no-kill backend") {
    // make sure that the DAGScheduler doesn't crash when the TaskScheduler
    // doesn't implement killTask()
    val noKillTaskScheduler = new TaskScheduler() {
      override def rootPool: Pool = null
      override def schedulingMode: SchedulingMode = SchedulingMode.NONE
      override def start() = {}
      override def stop() = {}
      override def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet) = {
        taskSets += taskSet
      override def cancelTasks(stageId: Int, interruptThread: Boolean) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException
      override def setDAGScheduler(dagScheduler: DAGScheduler) = {}
      override def defaultParallelism() = 2
      override def executorHeartbeatReceived(execId: String, taskMetrics: Array[(Long, TaskMetrics)],
        blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean = true
    val noKillScheduler = new DAGScheduler(
      sc.env) {
      override def runLocally(job: ActiveJob) {
        // don't bother with the thread while unit testing
    dagEventProcessTestActor = TestActorRef[DAGSchedulerEventProcessActor](
      Props(classOf[DAGSchedulerEventProcessActor], noKillScheduler))(system)
    val jobId = submit(new MyRDD(sc, 1, Nil), Array(0))
    // Because the job wasn't actually cancelled, we shouldn't have received a failure message.
    assert(failure === null)

    // When the task set completes normally, state should be correctly updated.
    complete(taskSets(0), Seq((Success, 42)))
    assert(results === Map(0 -> 42))


  test("run trivial shuffle") {
    val shuffleMapRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, Nil)
    val shuffleDep = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleMapRdd, null)
    val shuffleId = shuffleDep.shuffleId
    val reduceRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 1, List(shuffleDep))
    submit(reduceRdd, Array(0))
    complete(taskSets(0), Seq(
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 1)),
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostB", 1))))
    assert(mapOutputTracker.getServerStatuses(shuffleId, 0).map(_._1) ===
           Array(makeBlockManagerId("hostA"), makeBlockManagerId("hostB")))
    complete(taskSets(1), Seq((Success, 42)))
    assert(results === Map(0 -> 42))

  test("run trivial shuffle with fetch failure") {
    val shuffleMapRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, Nil)
    val shuffleDep = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleMapRdd, null)
    val shuffleId = shuffleDep.shuffleId
    val reduceRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, List(shuffleDep))
    submit(reduceRdd, Array(0, 1))
    complete(taskSets(0), Seq(
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 1)),
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostB", 1))))
    // the 2nd ResultTask failed
    complete(taskSets(1), Seq(
        (Success, 42),
        (FetchFailed(makeBlockManagerId("hostA"), shuffleId, 0, 0, "ignored"), null)))
    // this will get called
    // blockManagerMaster.removeExecutor("exec-hostA")
    // ask the scheduler to try it again
    // have the 2nd attempt pass
    complete(taskSets(2), Seq((Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 1))))
    // we can see both result blocks now
    assert(mapOutputTracker.getServerStatuses(shuffleId, 0).map(_._1.host) === Array("hostA", "hostB"))
    complete(taskSets(3), Seq((Success, 43)))
    assert(results === Map(0 -> 42, 1 -> 43))

  test("trivial shuffle with multiple fetch failures") {
    val shuffleMapRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, Nil)
    val shuffleDep = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleMapRdd, null)
    val shuffleId = shuffleDep.shuffleId
    val reduceRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, List(shuffleDep))
    submit(reduceRdd, Array(0, 1))
    complete(taskSets(0), Seq(
      (Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 1)),
      (Success, makeMapStatus("hostB", 1))))
    // The MapOutputTracker should know about both map output locations.
    assert(mapOutputTracker.getServerStatuses(shuffleId, 0).map(_._1.host) ===
      Array("hostA", "hostB"))

    // The first result task fails, with a fetch failure for the output from the first mapper.
      FetchFailed(makeBlockManagerId("hostA"), shuffleId, 0, 0, "ignored"),
      Map[Long, Any](),

    // The second ResultTask fails, with a fetch failure for the output from the second mapper.
      FetchFailed(makeBlockManagerId("hostA"), shuffleId, 1, 1, "ignored"),
      Map[Long, Any](),
    // The SparkListener should not receive redundant failure events.
    assert(sparkListener.failedStages.size == 1)

  test("ignore late map task completions") {
    val shuffleMapRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, Nil)
    val shuffleDep = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleMapRdd, null)
    val shuffleId = shuffleDep.shuffleId
    val reduceRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, List(shuffleDep))
    submit(reduceRdd, Array(0, 1))
    // pretend we were told hostA went away
    val oldEpoch = mapOutputTracker.getEpoch
    val newEpoch = mapOutputTracker.getEpoch
    assert(newEpoch > oldEpoch)
    val noAccum = Map[Long, Any]()
    val taskSet = taskSets(0)
    // should be ignored for being too old
    runEvent(CompletionEvent(taskSet.tasks(0), Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 1), noAccum, null, null))
    // should work because it's a non-failed host
    runEvent(CompletionEvent(taskSet.tasks(0), Success, makeMapStatus("hostB", 1), noAccum, null, null))
    // should be ignored for being too old
    runEvent(CompletionEvent(taskSet.tasks(0), Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 1), noAccum, null, null))
    // should work because it's a new epoch
    taskSet.tasks(1).epoch = newEpoch
    runEvent(CompletionEvent(taskSet.tasks(1), Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 1), noAccum, null, null))
    assert(mapOutputTracker.getServerStatuses(shuffleId, 0).map(_._1) ===
           Array(makeBlockManagerId("hostB"), makeBlockManagerId("hostA")))
    complete(taskSets(1), Seq((Success, 42), (Success, 43)))
    assert(results === Map(0 -> 42, 1 -> 43))

  test("run shuffle with map stage failure") {
    val shuffleMapRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, Nil)
    val shuffleDep = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleMapRdd, null)
    val reduceRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, List(shuffleDep))
    submit(reduceRdd, Array(0, 1))

    // Fail the map stage.  This should cause the entire job to fail.
    val stageFailureMessage = "Exception failure in map stage"
    failed(taskSets(0), stageFailureMessage)
    assert(failure.getMessage === s"Job aborted due to stage failure: $stageFailureMessage")

    // Listener bus should get told about the map stage failing, but not the reduce stage
    // (since the reduce stage hasn't been started yet).
    assert(sparkListener.failedStages.toSet === Set(0))


   * Makes sure that failures of stage used by multiple jobs are correctly handled.
   * This test creates the following dependency graph:
   * shuffleMapRdd1     shuffleMapRDD2
   *        |     \        |
   *        |      \       |
   *        |       \      |
   *        |        \     |
   *   reduceRdd1    reduceRdd2
   * We start both shuffleMapRdds and then fail shuffleMapRdd1.  As a result, the job listeners for
   * reduceRdd1 and reduceRdd2 should both be informed that the job failed.  shuffleMapRDD2 should
   * also be cancelled, because it is only used by reduceRdd2 and reduceRdd2 cannot complete
   * without shuffleMapRdd1.
  test("failure of stage used by two jobs") {
    val shuffleMapRdd1 = new MyRDD(sc, 2, Nil)
    val shuffleDep1 = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleMapRdd1, null)
    val shuffleMapRdd2 = new MyRDD(sc, 2, Nil)
    val shuffleDep2 = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleMapRdd2, null)

    val reduceRdd1 = new MyRDD(sc, 2, List(shuffleDep1))
    val reduceRdd2 = new MyRDD(sc, 2, List(shuffleDep1, shuffleDep2))

    // We need to make our own listeners for this test, since by default submit uses the same
    // listener for all jobs, and here we want to capture the failure for each job separately.
    class FailureRecordingJobListener() extends JobListener {
      var failureMessage: String = _
      override def taskSucceeded(index: Int, result: Any) {}
      override def jobFailed(exception: Exception) = { failureMessage = exception.getMessage }
    val listener1 = new FailureRecordingJobListener()
    val listener2 = new FailureRecordingJobListener()

    submit(reduceRdd1, Array(0, 1), listener=listener1)
    submit(reduceRdd2, Array(0, 1), listener=listener2)

    val stageFailureMessage = "Exception failure in map stage"
    failed(taskSets(0), stageFailureMessage)

    assert(cancelledStages.toSet === Set(0, 2))

    // Make sure the listeners got told about both failed stages.
    assert(sparkListener.failedStages.toSet === Set(0, 2))

    assert(listener1.failureMessage === s"Job aborted due to stage failure: $stageFailureMessage")
    assert(listener2.failureMessage === s"Job aborted due to stage failure: $stageFailureMessage")

  test("run trivial shuffle with out-of-band failure and retry") {
    val shuffleMapRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, Nil)
    val shuffleDep = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleMapRdd, null)
    val shuffleId = shuffleDep.shuffleId
    val reduceRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 1, List(shuffleDep))
    submit(reduceRdd, Array(0))
    // blockManagerMaster.removeExecutor("exec-hostA")
    // pretend we were told hostA went away
    // DAGScheduler will immediately resubmit the stage after it appears to have no pending tasks
    // rather than marking it is as failed and waiting.
    complete(taskSets(0), Seq(
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 1)),
       (Success, makeMapStatus("hostB", 1))))
    // have hostC complete the resubmitted task
    complete(taskSets(1), Seq((Success, makeMapStatus("hostC", 1))))
    assert(mapOutputTracker.getServerStatuses(shuffleId, 0).map(_._1) ===
           Array(makeBlockManagerId("hostC"), makeBlockManagerId("hostB")))
    complete(taskSets(2), Seq((Success, 42)))
    assert(results === Map(0 -> 42))

  test("recursive shuffle failures") {
    val shuffleOneRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, Nil)
    val shuffleDepOne = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleOneRdd, null)
    val shuffleTwoRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, List(shuffleDepOne))
    val shuffleDepTwo = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleTwoRdd, null)
    val finalRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 1, List(shuffleDepTwo))
    submit(finalRdd, Array(0))
    // have the first stage complete normally
    complete(taskSets(0), Seq(
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 2)),
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostB", 2))))
    // have the second stage complete normally
    complete(taskSets(1), Seq(
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 1)),
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostC", 1))))
    // fail the third stage because hostA went down
    complete(taskSets(2), Seq(
        (FetchFailed(makeBlockManagerId("hostA"), shuffleDepTwo.shuffleId, 0, 0, "ignored"), null)))
    // TODO assert this:
    // blockManagerMaster.removeExecutor("exec-hostA")
    // have DAGScheduler try again
    complete(taskSets(3), Seq((Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 2))))
    complete(taskSets(4), Seq((Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 1))))
    complete(taskSets(5), Seq((Success, 42)))
    assert(results === Map(0 -> 42))

  test("cached post-shuffle") {
    val shuffleOneRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, Nil)
    val shuffleDepOne = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleOneRdd, null)
    val shuffleTwoRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 2, List(shuffleDepOne))
    val shuffleDepTwo = new ShuffleDependency(shuffleTwoRdd, null)
    val finalRdd = new MyRDD(sc, 1, List(shuffleDepTwo))
    submit(finalRdd, Array(0))
    cacheLocations(shuffleTwoRdd.id -> 0) = Seq(makeBlockManagerId("hostD"))
    cacheLocations(shuffleTwoRdd.id -> 1) = Seq(makeBlockManagerId("hostC"))
    // complete stage 2
    complete(taskSets(0), Seq(
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 2)),
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostB", 2))))
    // complete stage 1
    complete(taskSets(1), Seq(
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostA", 1)),
        (Success, makeMapStatus("hostB", 1))))
    // pretend stage 0 failed because hostA went down
    complete(taskSets(2), Seq(
        (FetchFailed(makeBlockManagerId("hostA"), shuffleDepTwo.shuffleId, 0, 0, "ignored"), null)))
    // TODO assert this:
    // blockManagerMaster.removeExecutor("exec-hostA")
    // DAGScheduler should notice the cached copy of the second shuffle and try to get it rerun.
    assertLocations(taskSets(3), Seq(Seq("hostD")))
    // allow hostD to recover
    complete(taskSets(3), Seq((Success, makeMapStatus("hostD", 1))))
    complete(taskSets(4), Seq((Success, 42)))
    assert(results === Map(0 -> 42))

  test("misbehaved accumulator should not crash DAGScheduler and SparkContext") {
    val acc = new Accumulator[Int](0, new AccumulatorParam[Int] {
      override def addAccumulator(t1: Int, t2: Int): Int = t1 + t2
      override def zero(initialValue: Int): Int = 0
      override def addInPlace(r1: Int, r2: Int): Int = {
        throw new DAGSchedulerSuiteDummyException

    // Run this on executors
    sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 2).foreach { item => acc.add(1) }

    // Run this within a local thread
    sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 2).map { item => acc.add(1) }.take(1)

    // Make sure we can still run local commands as well as cluster commands.
    assert(sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 2).count() === 10)
    assert(sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 2).first() === 1)

  test("misbehaved resultHandler should not crash DAGScheduler and SparkContext") {
    val e1 = intercept[SparkDriverExecutionException] {
      val rdd = sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 2)
      sc.runJob[Int, Int](
        (context: TaskContext, iter: Iterator[Int]) => iter.size,
        allowLocal = true,
        (part: Int, result: Int) => throw new DAGSchedulerSuiteDummyException)

    val e2 = intercept[SparkDriverExecutionException] {
      val rdd = sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 2)
      sc.runJob[Int, Int](
        (context: TaskContext, iter: Iterator[Int]) => iter.size,
        Seq(0, 1),
        allowLocal = false,
        (part: Int, result: Int) => throw new DAGSchedulerSuiteDummyException)

    // Make sure we can still run local commands as well as cluster commands.
    assert(sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 2).count() === 10)
    assert(sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 2).first() === 1)

  test("DAGSchedulerActorSupervisor closes the SparkContext when EventProcessActor crashes") {
    val actorSystem = ActorSystem("test")
    val supervisor = actorSystem.actorOf(
      Props(classOf[DAGSchedulerActorSupervisor], scheduler), "dagSupervisor")
    supervisor ! Props[BuggyDAGEventProcessActor]
    val child = expectMsgType[ActorRef]
    child ! "hi"
    expectMsgPF(){ case Terminated(child) => () }
    assert(scheduler.sc.dagScheduler === null)

   * Assert that the supplied TaskSet has exactly the given hosts as its preferred locations.
   * Note that this checks only the host and not the executor ID.
  private def assertLocations(taskSet: TaskSet, hosts: Seq[Seq[String]]) {
    assert(hosts.size === taskSet.tasks.size)
    for ((taskLocs, expectedLocs) <- taskSet.tasks.map(_.preferredLocations).zip(hosts)) {
      assert(taskLocs.map(_.host) === expectedLocs)

  private def makeMapStatus(host: String, reduces: Int): MapStatus =
    MapStatus(makeBlockManagerId(host), Array.fill[Long](reduces)(2))

  private def makeBlockManagerId(host: String): BlockManagerId =
    BlockManagerId("exec-" + host, host, 12345)

  private def assertDataStructuresEmpty = {