diff options
authorMarcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com>2016-03-15 09:44:48 -0700
committerMarcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com>2016-03-15 09:44:51 -0700
commit48978abfa4d8f2cf79a4b053cc8bc7254cc2d61b (patch)
parentbd5365bbe9ff6518cde9402ee8843ec1002fff5b (diff)
[SPARK-13576][BUILD] Don't create assembly for examples.
As part of the goal to stop creating assemblies in Spark, this change modifies the mvn and sbt builds to not create an assembly for examples. Instead, dependencies are copied to the build directory (under target/scala-xx/jars), and in the final archive, into the "examples/jars" directory. To avoid having to deal too much with Windows batch files, I made examples run through the launcher library; the spark-submit launcher now has a special mode to run examples, which adds all the necessary jars to the spark-submit command line, and replaces the bash and batch scripts that were used to run examples. The scripts are now just a thin wrapper around spark-submit; another advantage is that now all spark-submit options are supported. There are a few glitches; in the mvn build, a lot of duplicated dependencies get copied, because they are promoted to "compile" scope due to extra dependencies in the examples module (such as HBase). In the sbt build, all dependencies are copied, because there doesn't seem to be an easy way to filter things. I plan to clean some of this up when the rest of the tasks are finished. When the main assembly is replaced with jars, we can remove duplicate jars from the examples directory during packaging. Tested by running SparkPi in: maven build, sbt build, dist created by make-distribution.sh. Finally: note that running the "assembly" target in sbt doesn't build the examples anymore. You need to run "package" for that. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #11452 from vanzin/SPARK-13576.
9 files changed, 157 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/bin/run-example b/bin/run-example
index e1b0d5789b..dd0e3c4120 100755
--- a/bin/run-example
+++ b/bin/run-example
@@ -21,56 +21,5 @@ if [ -z "${SPARK_HOME}" ]; then
export SPARK_HOME="$(cd "`dirname "$0"`"/..; pwd)"
-. "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/load-spark-env.sh
-if [ -n "$1" ]; then
- shift
- echo "Usage: ./bin/run-example <example-class> [example-args]" 1>&2
- echo " - set MASTER=XX to use a specific master" 1>&2
- echo " - can use abbreviated example class name relative to com.apache.spark.examples" 1>&2
- echo " (e.g. SparkPi, mllib.LinearRegression, streaming.KinesisWordCountASL)" 1>&2
- exit 1
-if [ -f "${SPARK_HOME}/RELEASE" ]; then
-for f in "${JAR_PATH}"/spark-examples-*hadoop*.jar; do
- if [[ ! -e "$f" ]]; then
- echo "Failed to find Spark examples assembly in ${SPARK_HOME}/lib or ${SPARK_HOME}/examples/target" 1>&2
- echo "You need to build Spark before running this program" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
-if [ "$JAR_COUNT" -gt "1" ]; then
- echo "Found multiple Spark examples assembly jars in ${JAR_PATH}" 1>&2
- ls "${JAR_PATH}"/spark-examples-*hadoop*.jar 1>&2
- echo "Please remove all but one jar." 1>&2
- exit 1
-if [[ ! $EXAMPLE_CLASS == org.apache.spark.examples* ]]; then
- EXAMPLE_CLASS="org.apache.spark.examples.$EXAMPLE_CLASS"
-exec "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit \
- --master $EXAMPLE_MASTER \
- --class $EXAMPLE_CLASS \
- "$@"
+export _SPARK_CMD_USAGE="Usage: ./bin/run-example [options] example-class [example args]"
+exec "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit run-example "$@"
diff --git a/bin/run-example.cmd b/bin/run-example.cmd
index 64f6bc3728..f9b786e92b 100644
--- a/bin/run-example.cmd
+++ b/bin/run-example.cmd
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
rem limitations under the License.
-rem This is the entry point for running a Spark example. To avoid polluting
-rem the environment, it just launches a new cmd to do the real work.
-cmd /V /E /C "%~dp0run-example2.cmd" %*
+set SPARK_HOME=%~dp0..
+set _SPARK_CMD_USAGE=Usage: ./bin/run-example [options] example-class [example args]
+cmd /V /E /C "%~dp0spark-submit.cmd" run-example %*
diff --git a/bin/run-example2.cmd b/bin/run-example2.cmd
deleted file mode 100644
index fada43581d..0000000000
--- a/bin/run-example2.cmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-rem Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-rem contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-rem this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-rem The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-rem (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-rem the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-rem http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-rem limitations under the License.
-rem Figure out where the Spark framework is installed
-set SPARK_HOME=%~dp0..
-call "%SPARK_HOME%\bin\load-spark-env.cmd"
-rem Test that an argument was given
-if not "x%1"=="x" goto arg_given
- echo Usage: run-example ^<example-class^> [example-args]
- echo - set MASTER=XX to use a specific master
- echo - can use abbreviated example class name relative to com.apache.spark.examples
- echo (e.g. SparkPi, mllib.LinearRegression, streaming.KinesisWordCountASL)
- goto exit
-rem Figure out the JAR file that our examples were packaged into.
-if exist "%SPARK_HOME%\RELEASE" (
- for %%d in ("%SPARK_HOME%\lib\spark-examples*.jar") do (
- )
-) else (
- for %%d in ("%EXAMPLES_DIR%\target\scala-%SCALA_VERSION%\spark-examples*.jar") do (
- )
-if "x%SPARK_EXAMPLES_JAR%"=="x" (
- echo Failed to find Spark examples assembly JAR.
- echo You need to build Spark before running this program.
- goto exit
-rem Set master from MASTER environment variable if given
-if "x%MASTER%"=="x" (
- set EXAMPLE_MASTER=local[*]
-) else (
-rem If the EXAMPLE_CLASS does not start with org.apache.spark.examples, add that
-if not %PREFIX%==org.apache.spark.examples (
- set EXAMPLE_CLASS=org.apache.spark.examples.%EXAMPLE_CLASS%
-rem Get the tail of the argument list, to skip the first one. This is surprisingly
-rem complicated on Windows.
-set "ARGS="
-if "%~1" neq "" (
- set ARGS=%ARGS% "%~1"
- goto :top
-if defined ARGS set ARGS=%ARGS:~1%
-call "%SPARK_HOME%\bin\spark-submit.cmd" ^
- --master %EXAMPLE_MASTER% ^
- --class %EXAMPLE_CLASS% ^
diff --git a/dev/make-distribution.sh b/dev/make-distribution.sh
index ac4e9b90f0..dbdd42ff9e 100755
--- a/dev/make-distribution.sh
+++ b/dev/make-distribution.sh
@@ -166,11 +166,14 @@ echo "Build flags: $@" >> "$DISTDIR/RELEASE"
# Copy jars
cp "$SPARK_HOME"/assembly/target/scala*/*assembly*hadoop*.jar "$DISTDIR/lib/"
-cp "$SPARK_HOME"/examples/target/scala*/spark-examples*.jar "$DISTDIR/lib/"
# This will fail if the -Pyarn profile is not provided
# In this case, silence the error and ignore the return code of this command
cp "$SPARK_HOME"/common/network-yarn/target/scala*/spark-*-yarn-shuffle.jar "$DISTDIR/lib/" &> /dev/null || :
+# Copy examples and dependencies
+mkdir -p "$DISTDIR/examples/jars"
+cp "$SPARK_HOME"/examples/target/scala*/jars/* "$DISTDIR/examples/jars"
# Copy example sources (needed for python and SQL)
mkdir -p "$DISTDIR/examples/src/main"
cp -r "$SPARK_HOME"/examples/src/main "$DISTDIR/examples/src/"
diff --git a/examples/pom.xml b/examples/pom.xml
index 92bb373c73..1aa730c0dc 100644
--- a/examples/pom.xml
+++ b/examples/pom.xml
@@ -322,36 +322,36 @@
- <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
+ <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
+ <executions>
+ <execution>
+ <id>prepare-test-jar</id>
+ <phase>none</phase>
+ <goals>
+ <goal>test-jar</goal>
+ </goals>
+ </execution>
+ </executions>
- <shadedArtifactAttached>false</shadedArtifactAttached>
- <outputFile>${project.build.directory}/scala-${scala.binary.version}/spark-examples-${project.version}-hadoop${hadoop.version}.jar</outputFile>
- <artifactSet>
- <includes>
- <include>*:*</include>
- </includes>
- </artifactSet>
- <filters>
- <filter>
- <artifact>*:*</artifact>
- <excludes>
- <exclude>META-INF/*.SF</exclude>
- <exclude>META-INF/*.DSA</exclude>
- <exclude>META-INF/*.RSA</exclude>
- </excludes>
- </filter>
- </filters>
- <transformers>
- <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />
- <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">
- <resource>reference.conf</resource>
- </transformer>
- <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.DontIncludeResourceTransformer">
- <resource>log4j.properties</resource>
- </transformer>
- </transformers>
+ <outputDirectory>${jars.target.dir}</outputDirectory>
+ <plugin>
+ <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
+ <executions>
+ <execution>
+ <phase>package</phase>
+ <goals>
+ <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>
+ </goals>
+ <configuration>
+ <includeScope>runtime</includeScope>
+ <outputDirectory>${jars.target.dir}</outputDirectory>
+ </configuration>
+ </execution>
+ </executions>
+ </plugin>
diff --git a/launcher/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/SparkSubmitCommandBuilder.java b/launcher/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/SparkSubmitCommandBuilder.java
index b2dd6ac4c3..56e4107c5a 100644
--- a/launcher/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/SparkSubmitCommandBuilder.java
+++ b/launcher/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/SparkSubmitCommandBuilder.java
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ import static org.apache.spark.launcher.CommandBuilderUtils.*;
* driver-side options and special parsing behavior needed for the special-casing certain internal
* Spark applications.
* <p>
- * This class has also some special features to aid launching pyspark.
+ * This class has also some special features to aid launching shells (pyspark and sparkR) and also
+ * examples.
class SparkSubmitCommandBuilder extends AbstractCommandBuilder {
@@ -63,6 +64,17 @@ class SparkSubmitCommandBuilder extends AbstractCommandBuilder {
static final String SPARKR_SHELL_RESOURCE = "sparkr-shell";
+ * Name of app resource used to identify examples. When running examples, args[0] should be
+ * this name. The app resource will identify the example class to run.
+ */
+ static final String RUN_EXAMPLE = "run-example";
+ /**
+ * Prefix for example class names.
+ */
+ static final String EXAMPLE_CLASS_PREFIX = "org.apache.spark.examples.";
+ /**
* This map must match the class names for available special classes, since this modifies the way
* command line parsing works. This maps the class name to the resource to use when calling
* spark-submit.
@@ -78,6 +90,7 @@ class SparkSubmitCommandBuilder extends AbstractCommandBuilder {
final List<String> sparkArgs;
private final boolean printInfo;
+ private final boolean isExample;
* Controls whether mixing spark-submit arguments with app arguments is allowed. This is needed
@@ -89,10 +102,13 @@ class SparkSubmitCommandBuilder extends AbstractCommandBuilder {
SparkSubmitCommandBuilder() {
this.sparkArgs = new ArrayList<>();
this.printInfo = false;
+ this.isExample = false;
SparkSubmitCommandBuilder(List<String> args) {
- this.sparkArgs = new ArrayList<>();
+ this.allowsMixedArguments = false;
+ boolean isExample = false;
List<String> submitArgs = args;
if (args.size() > 0 && args.get(0).equals(PYSPARK_SHELL)) {
this.allowsMixedArguments = true;
@@ -102,10 +118,14 @@ class SparkSubmitCommandBuilder extends AbstractCommandBuilder {
this.allowsMixedArguments = true;
submitArgs = args.subList(1, args.size());
- } else {
- this.allowsMixedArguments = false;
+ } else if (args.size() > 0 && args.get(0).equals(RUN_EXAMPLE)) {
+ isExample = true;
+ submitArgs = args.subList(1, args.size());
+ this.sparkArgs = new ArrayList<>();
+ this.isExample = isExample;
OptionParser parser = new OptionParser();
this.printInfo = parser.infoRequested;
@@ -155,6 +175,10 @@ class SparkSubmitCommandBuilder extends AbstractCommandBuilder {
+ if (isExample) {
+ jars.addAll(findExamplesJars());
+ }
if (!jars.isEmpty()) {
args.add(join(",", jars));
@@ -170,6 +194,9 @@ class SparkSubmitCommandBuilder extends AbstractCommandBuilder {
args.add(join(",", pyFiles));
+ if (!printInfo) {
+ checkArgument(!isExample || mainClass != null, "Missing example class name.");
+ }
if (mainClass != null) {
@@ -308,6 +335,25 @@ class SparkSubmitCommandBuilder extends AbstractCommandBuilder {
+ private List<String> findExamplesJars() {
+ List<String> examplesJars = new ArrayList<>();
+ String sparkHome = getSparkHome();
+ File jarsDir;
+ if (new File(sparkHome, "RELEASE").isFile()) {
+ jarsDir = new File(sparkHome, "examples/jars");
+ } else {
+ jarsDir = new File(sparkHome,
+ String.format("examples/target/scala-%s/jars", getScalaVersion()));
+ }
+ checkState(jarsDir.isDirectory(), "Examples jars directory '%s' does not exist.",
+ jarsDir.getAbsolutePath());
+ for (File f: jarsDir.listFiles()) {
+ examplesJars.add(f.getAbsolutePath());
+ }
+ return examplesJars;
+ }
private class OptionParser extends SparkSubmitOptionParser {
@@ -367,6 +413,14 @@ class SparkSubmitCommandBuilder extends AbstractCommandBuilder {
if (allowsMixedArguments) {
return true;
+ } else if (isExample) {
+ String className = opt;
+ if (!className.startsWith(EXAMPLE_CLASS_PREFIX)) {
+ className = EXAMPLE_CLASS_PREFIX + className;
+ }
+ mainClass = className;
+ appResource = "spark-internal";
+ return false;
} else {
checkArgument(!opt.startsWith("-"), "Unrecognized option: %s", opt);
@@ -376,8 +430,10 @@ class SparkSubmitCommandBuilder extends AbstractCommandBuilder {
protected void handleExtraArgs(List<String> extra) {
- for (String arg : extra) {
- sparkArgs.add(arg);
+ if (isExample) {
+ appArgs.addAll(extra);
+ } else {
+ sparkArgs.addAll(extra);
diff --git a/launcher/src/test/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/SparkSubmitCommandBuilderSuite.java b/launcher/src/test/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/SparkSubmitCommandBuilderSuite.java
index 00f967122b..b7f4f2efc5 100644
--- a/launcher/src/test/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/SparkSubmitCommandBuilderSuite.java
+++ b/launcher/src/test/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/SparkSubmitCommandBuilderSuite.java
@@ -151,6 +151,24 @@ public class SparkSubmitCommandBuilderSuite extends BaseSuite {
assertEquals("arg1", cmd.get(cmd.size() - 1));
+ @Test
+ public void testExamplesRunner() throws Exception {
+ List<String> sparkSubmitArgs = Arrays.asList(
+ SparkSubmitCommandBuilder.RUN_EXAMPLE,
+ parser.MASTER + "=foo",
+ parser.DEPLOY_MODE + "=bar",
+ "SparkPi",
+ "42");
+ Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ List<String> cmd = buildCommand(sparkSubmitArgs, env);
+ assertEquals("foo", findArgValue(cmd, parser.MASTER));
+ assertEquals("bar", findArgValue(cmd, parser.DEPLOY_MODE));
+ assertEquals(SparkSubmitCommandBuilder.EXAMPLE_CLASS_PREFIX + "SparkPi",
+ findArgValue(cmd, parser.CLASS));
+ assertEquals("42", cmd.get(cmd.size() - 1));
+ }
private void testCmdBuilder(boolean isDriver, boolean useDefaultPropertyFile) throws Exception {
String deployMode = isDriver ? "client" : "cluster";
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 0faa691c5e..92a32e7797 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -178,6 +178,9 @@
+ <!-- Modules that copy jars to the build directory should do so under this location. -->
+ <jars.target.dir>${project.build.directory}/scala-${scala.binary.version}/jars</jars.target.dir>
Dependency scopes that can be overridden by enabling certain profiles. These profiles are
declared in the projects that build assemblies.
diff --git a/project/SparkBuild.scala b/project/SparkBuild.scala
index d7519e82b8..f76cda08ec 100644
--- a/project/SparkBuild.scala
+++ b/project/SparkBuild.scala
@@ -55,10 +55,12 @@ object BuildCommons {
Seq("yarn", "java8-tests", "ganglia-lgpl", "streaming-kinesis-asl",
"docker-integration-tests").map(ProjectRef(buildLocation, _))
- val assemblyProjects@Seq(assembly, examples, networkYarn, streamingKafkaAssembly, streamingKinesisAslAssembly) =
- Seq("assembly", "examples", "network-yarn", "streaming-kafka-assembly", "streaming-kinesis-asl-assembly")
+ val assemblyProjects@Seq(assembly, networkYarn, streamingKafkaAssembly, streamingKinesisAslAssembly) =
+ Seq("assembly", "network-yarn", "streaming-kafka-assembly", "streaming-kinesis-asl-assembly")
.map(ProjectRef(buildLocation, _))
+ val copyJarsProjects@Seq(examples) = Seq("examples").map(ProjectRef(buildLocation, _))
val tools = ProjectRef(buildLocation, "tools")
// Root project.
val spark = ProjectRef(buildLocation, "spark")
@@ -142,6 +144,8 @@ object SparkBuild extends PomBuild {
scalacOptions <+= target.map(t => "-P:genjavadoc:out=" + (t / "java")))
lazy val sharedSettings = sparkGenjavadocSettings ++ Seq (
+ exportJars in Compile := true,
+ exportJars in Test := false,
javaHome := sys.env.get("JAVA_HOME")
.orElse(sys.props.get("java.home").map { p => new File(p).getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() })
@@ -236,7 +240,7 @@ object SparkBuild extends PomBuild {
// Note ordering of these settings matter.
/* Enable shared settings on all projects */
- (allProjects ++ optionallyEnabledProjects ++ assemblyProjects ++ Seq(spark, tools))
+ (allProjects ++ optionallyEnabledProjects ++ assemblyProjects ++ copyJarsProjects ++ Seq(spark, tools))
.foreach(enable(sharedSettings ++ DependencyOverrides.settings ++
@@ -255,6 +259,9 @@ object SparkBuild extends PomBuild {
/* Unsafe settings */
+ /* Set up tasks to copy dependencies during packaging. */
+ copyJarsProjects.foreach(enable(CopyDependencies.settings))
/* Enable Assembly for all assembly projects */
@@ -686,6 +693,34 @@ object Unidoc {
+object CopyDependencies {
+ val copyDeps = TaskKey[Unit]("copyDeps", "Copies needed dependencies to the build directory.")
+ val destPath = (crossTarget in Compile) / "jars"
+ lazy val settings = Seq(
+ copyDeps := {
+ val dest = destPath.value
+ if (!dest.isDirectory() && !dest.mkdirs()) {
+ throw new IOException("Failed to create jars directory.")
+ }
+ (dependencyClasspath in Compile).value.map(_.data)
+ .filter { jar => jar.isFile() }
+ .foreach { jar =>
+ val destJar = new File(dest, jar.getName())
+ if (destJar.isFile()) {
+ destJar.delete()
+ }
+ Files.copy(jar.toPath(), destJar.toPath())
+ }
+ },
+ crossTarget in (Compile, packageBin) := destPath.value,
+ packageBin in Compile <<= (packageBin in Compile).dependsOn(copyDeps)
+ )
object Java8TestSettings {
import BuildCommons._