diff options
authorDavies Liu <davies.liu@gmail.com>2014-07-29 12:31:39 -0700
committerMichael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com>2014-07-29 12:31:39 -0700
commitf0d880e288eba97c86dceb1b5edab4f3a935943b (patch)
parente3643485de8fdaf5c52b266fead1b13214f29d5e (diff)
[SPARK-2674] [SQL] [PySpark] support datetime type for SchemaRDD
Datetime and time in Python will be converted into java.util.Calendar after serialization, it will be converted into java.sql.Timestamp during inferSchema(). In javaToPython(), Timestamp will be converted into Calendar, then be converted into datetime in Python after pickling. Author: Davies Liu <davies.liu@gmail.com> Closes #1601 from davies/date and squashes the following commits: f0599b0 [Davies Liu] remove tests for sets and tuple in sql, fix list of list c9d607a [Davies Liu] convert datetype for runtime 709d40d [Davies Liu] remove brackets 96db384 [Davies Liu] support datetime type for SchemaRDD
4 files changed, 68 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/api/python/PythonRDD.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/api/python/PythonRDD.scala
index d87783efd2..0d8453fb18 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/api/python/PythonRDD.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/api/python/PythonRDD.scala
@@ -550,11 +550,11 @@ private[spark] object PythonRDD extends Logging {
def pythonToJavaMap(pyRDD: JavaRDD[Array[Byte]]): JavaRDD[Map[String, _]] = {
pyRDD.rdd.mapPartitions { iter =>
val unpickle = new Unpickler
- // TODO: Figure out why flatMap is necessay for pyspark
iter.flatMap { row =>
unpickle.loads(row) match {
+ // in case of objects are pickled in batch mode
case objs: java.util.ArrayList[JMap[String, _] @unchecked] => objs.map(_.toMap)
- // Incase the partition doesn't have a collection
+ // not in batch mode
case obj: JMap[String @unchecked, _] => Seq(obj.toMap)
diff --git a/python/pyspark/sql.py b/python/pyspark/sql.py
index cb83e89176..a6b3277db3 100644
--- a/python/pyspark/sql.py
+++ b/python/pyspark/sql.py
@@ -47,12 +47,14 @@ class SQLContext:
- >>> allTypes = sc.parallelize([{"int" : 1, "string" : "string", "double" : 1.0, "long": 1L,
- ... "boolean" : True}])
+ >>> from datetime import datetime
+ >>> allTypes = sc.parallelize([{"int": 1, "string": "string", "double": 1.0, "long": 1L,
+ ... "boolean": True, "time": datetime(2010, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), "dict": {"a": 1},
+ ... "list": [1, 2, 3]}])
>>> srdd = sqlCtx.inferSchema(allTypes).map(lambda x: (x.int, x.string, x.double, x.long,
- ... x.boolean))
+ ... x.boolean, x.time, x.dict["a"], x.list))
>>> srdd.collect()[0]
- (1, u'string', 1.0, 1, True)
+ (1, u'string', 1.0, 1, True, datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 1, [1, 2, 3])
self._sc = sparkContext
self._jsc = self._sc._jsc
@@ -88,13 +90,13 @@ class SQLContext:
>>> from array import array
>>> srdd = sqlCtx.inferSchema(nestedRdd1)
- >>> srdd.collect() == [{"f1" : array('i', [1, 2]), "f2" : {"row1" : 1.0}},
- ... {"f1" : array('i', [2, 3]), "f2" : {"row2" : 2.0}}]
+ >>> srdd.collect() == [{"f1" : [1, 2], "f2" : {"row1" : 1.0}},
+ ... {"f1" : [2, 3], "f2" : {"row2" : 2.0}}]
>>> srdd = sqlCtx.inferSchema(nestedRdd2)
- >>> srdd.collect() == [{"f1" : [[1, 2], [2, 3]], "f2" : set([1, 2]), "f3" : (1, 2)},
- ... {"f1" : [[2, 3], [3, 4]], "f2" : set([2, 3]), "f3" : (2, 3)}]
+ >>> srdd.collect() == [{"f1" : [[1, 2], [2, 3]], "f2" : [1, 2]},
+ ... {"f1" : [[2, 3], [3, 4]], "f2" : [2, 3]}]
if (rdd.__class__ is SchemaRDD):
@@ -509,8 +511,8 @@ def _test():
{"f1": array('i', [1, 2]), "f2": {"row1": 1.0}},
{"f1": array('i', [2, 3]), "f2": {"row2": 2.0}}])
globs['nestedRdd2'] = sc.parallelize([
- {"f1": [[1, 2], [2, 3]], "f2": set([1, 2]), "f3": (1, 2)},
- {"f1": [[2, 3], [3, 4]], "f2": set([2, 3]), "f3": (2, 3)}])
+ {"f1": [[1, 2], [2, 3]], "f2": [1, 2]},
+ {"f1": [[2, 3], [3, 4]], "f2": [2, 3]}])
(failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod(globs=globs, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS)
if failure_count:
diff --git a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLContext.scala b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLContext.scala
index 4abd89955b..c178dad662 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLContext.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLContext.scala
@@ -352,8 +352,10 @@ class SQLContext(@transient val sparkContext: SparkContext)
case c: java.lang.Long => LongType
case c: java.lang.Double => DoubleType
case c: java.lang.Boolean => BooleanType
+ case c: java.math.BigDecimal => DecimalType
+ case c: java.sql.Timestamp => TimestampType
+ case c: java.util.Calendar => TimestampType
case c: java.util.List[_] => ArrayType(typeFor(c.head))
- case c: java.util.Set[_] => ArrayType(typeFor(c.head))
case c: java.util.Map[_, _] =>
val (key, value) = c.head
MapType(typeFor(key), typeFor(value))
@@ -362,11 +364,43 @@ class SQLContext(@transient val sparkContext: SparkContext)
case c => throw new Exception(s"Object of type $c cannot be used")
- val schema = rdd.first().map { case (fieldName, obj) =>
+ val firstRow = rdd.first()
+ val schema = firstRow.map { case (fieldName, obj) =>
AttributeReference(fieldName, typeFor(obj), true)()
- val rowRdd = rdd.mapPartitions { iter =>
+ def needTransform(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
+ case c: java.util.List[_] => true
+ case c: java.util.Map[_, _] => true
+ case c if c.getClass.isArray => true
+ case c: java.util.Calendar => true
+ case c => false
+ }
+ // convert JList, JArray into Seq, convert JMap into Map
+ // convert Calendar into Timestamp
+ def transform(obj: Any): Any = obj match {
+ case c: java.util.List[_] => c.map(transform).toSeq
+ case c: java.util.Map[_, _] => c.map {
+ case (key, value) => (key, transform(value))
+ }.toMap
+ case c if c.getClass.isArray =>
+ c.asInstanceOf[Array[_]].map(transform).toSeq
+ case c: java.util.Calendar =>
+ new java.sql.Timestamp(c.getTime().getTime())
+ case c => c
+ }
+ val need = firstRow.exists {case (key, value) => needTransform(value)}
+ val transformed = if (need) {
+ rdd.mapPartitions { iter =>
+ iter.map {
+ m => m.map {case (key, value) => (key, transform(value))}
+ }
+ }
+ } else rdd
+ val rowRdd = transformed.mapPartitions { iter =>
iter.map { map =>
new GenericRow(map.values.toArray.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]]): Row
diff --git a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SchemaRDD.scala b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SchemaRDD.scala
index 31d27bb4f0..019ff9d300 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SchemaRDD.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SchemaRDD.scala
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.{Inner, JoinType}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.types.{ArrayType, BooleanType, StructType}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.types.{DataType, ArrayType, BooleanType, StructType, MapType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{ExistingRdd, SparkLogicalPlan}
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD
@@ -376,39 +376,27 @@ class SchemaRDD(
* Converts a JavaRDD to a PythonRDD. It is used by pyspark.
private[sql] def javaToPython: JavaRDD[Array[Byte]] = {
+ def toJava(obj: Any, dataType: DataType): Any = dataType match {
+ case struct: StructType => rowToMap(obj.asInstanceOf[Row], struct)
+ case array: ArrayType => obj match {
+ case seq: Seq[Any] => seq.map(x => toJava(x, array.elementType)).asJava
+ case list: JList[_] => list.map(x => toJava(x, array.elementType)).asJava
+ case arr if arr != null && arr.getClass.isArray =>
+ arr.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]].map(x => toJava(x, array.elementType))
+ case other => other
+ }
+ case mt: MapType => obj.asInstanceOf[Map[_, _]].map {
+ case (k, v) => (k, toJava(v, mt.valueType)) // key should be primitive type
+ }.asJava
+ // Pyrolite can handle Timestamp
+ case other => obj
+ }
def rowToMap(row: Row, structType: StructType): JMap[String, Any] = {
val fields = structType.fields.map(field => (field.name, field.dataType))
val map: JMap[String, Any] = new java.util.HashMap
row.zip(fields).foreach {
- case (obj, (attrName, dataType)) =>
- dataType match {
- case struct: StructType => map.put(attrName, rowToMap(obj.asInstanceOf[Row], struct))
- case array @ ArrayType(struct: StructType) =>
- val arrayValues = obj match {
- case seq: Seq[Any] =>
- seq.map(element => rowToMap(element.asInstanceOf[Row], struct)).asJava
- case list: JList[_] =>
- list.map(element => rowToMap(element.asInstanceOf[Row], struct))
- case set: JSet[_] =>
- set.map(element => rowToMap(element.asInstanceOf[Row], struct))
- case arr if arr != null && arr.getClass.isArray =>
- arr.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]].map {
- element => rowToMap(element.asInstanceOf[Row], struct)
- }
- case other => other
- }
- map.put(attrName, arrayValues)
- case array: ArrayType => {
- val arrayValues = obj match {
- case seq: Seq[Any] => seq.asJava
- case other => other
- }
- map.put(attrName, arrayValues)
- }
- case other => map.put(attrName, obj)
- }
+ case (obj, (attrName, dataType)) => map.put(attrName, toJava(obj, dataType))