diff options
authorAndrew xia <junluan.xia@intel.com>2013-05-30 10:43:01 +0800
committerAndrew xia <junluan.xia@intel.com>2013-05-30 10:43:01 +0800
commitecceb101d3019ef511c42a8a8a3bb0e46520ffef (patch)
parentecd6d75c6a88232c40070baed3dd67bdf77f0c69 (diff)
implement FIFO and fair scheduler for spark local mode
5 files changed, 1057 insertions, 800 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterScheduler.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterScheduler.scala
index 053d4b8e4a..3a0c29b27f 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterScheduler.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterScheduler.scala
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ private[spark] class ClusterScheduler(val sc: SparkContext)
val tasks = taskSet.tasks
logInfo("Adding task set " + taskSet.id + " with " + tasks.length + " tasks")
this.synchronized {
- val manager = new TaskSetManager(this, taskSet)
+ val manager = new ClusterTaskSetManager(this, taskSet)
activeTaskSets(taskSet.id) = manager
schedulableBuilder.addTaskSetManager(manager, manager.taskSet.properties)
taskSetTaskIds(taskSet.id) = new HashSet[Long]()
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterTaskSetManager.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterTaskSetManager.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec4041ab86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterTaskSetManager.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+package spark.scheduler.cluster
+import java.util.{HashMap => JHashMap, NoSuchElementException, Arrays}
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
+import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
+import scala.math.max
+import scala.math.min
+import spark._
+import spark.scheduler._
+import spark.TaskState.TaskState
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+private[spark] object TaskLocality extends Enumeration("PROCESS_LOCAL", "NODE_LOCAL", "RACK_LOCAL", "ANY") with Logging {
+ // process local is expected to be used ONLY within tasksetmanager for now.
+ type TaskLocality = Value
+ def isAllowed(constraint: TaskLocality, condition: TaskLocality): Boolean = {
+ // Must not be the constraint.
+ assert (constraint != TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL)
+ constraint match {
+ case TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL => condition == TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL
+ case TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL => condition == TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL || condition == TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL
+ // For anything else, allow
+ case _ => true
+ }
+ }
+ def parse(str: String): TaskLocality = {
+ // better way to do this ?
+ try {
+ val retval = TaskLocality.withName(str)
+ // Must not specify PROCESS_LOCAL !
+ assert (retval != TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL)
+ retval
+ } catch {
+ case nEx: NoSuchElementException => {
+ logWarning("Invalid task locality specified '" + str + "', defaulting to NODE_LOCAL");
+ // default to preserve earlier behavior
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Schedules the tasks within a single TaskSet in the ClusterScheduler.
+ */
+private[spark] class ClusterTaskSetManager(
+ sched: ClusterScheduler,
+ val taskSet: TaskSet)
+ extends TaskSetManager
+ with Logging {
+ // Maximum time to wait to run a task in a preferred location (in ms)
+ val LOCALITY_WAIT = System.getProperty("spark.locality.wait", "3000").toLong
+ // CPUs to request per task
+ val CPUS_PER_TASK = System.getProperty("spark.task.cpus", "1").toDouble
+ // Maximum times a task is allowed to fail before failing the job
+ // Quantile of tasks at which to start speculation
+ val SPECULATION_QUANTILE = System.getProperty("spark.speculation.quantile", "0.75").toDouble
+ val SPECULATION_MULTIPLIER = System.getProperty("spark.speculation.multiplier", "1.5").toDouble
+ // Serializer for closures and tasks.
+ val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance()
+ val tasks = taskSet.tasks
+ val numTasks = tasks.length
+ val copiesRunning = new Array[Int](numTasks)
+ val finished = new Array[Boolean](numTasks)
+ val numFailures = new Array[Int](numTasks)
+ val taskAttempts = Array.fill[List[TaskInfo]](numTasks)(Nil)
+ var tasksFinished = 0
+ var weight = 1
+ var minShare = 0
+ var runningTasks = 0
+ var priority = taskSet.priority
+ var stageId = taskSet.stageId
+ var name = "TaskSet_"+taskSet.stageId.toString
+ var parent:Schedulable = null
+ // Last time when we launched a preferred task (for delay scheduling)
+ var lastPreferredLaunchTime = System.currentTimeMillis
+ // List of pending tasks for each node (process local to container). These collections are actually
+ // treated as stacks, in which new tasks are added to the end of the
+ // ArrayBuffer and removed from the end. This makes it faster to detect
+ // tasks that repeatedly fail because whenever a task failed, it is put
+ // back at the head of the stack. They are also only cleaned up lazily;
+ // when a task is launched, it remains in all the pending lists except
+ // the one that it was launched from, but gets removed from them later.
+ private val pendingTasksForHostPort = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
+ // List of pending tasks for each node.
+ // Essentially, similar to pendingTasksForHostPort, except at host level
+ private val pendingTasksForHost = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
+ // List of pending tasks for each node based on rack locality.
+ // Essentially, similar to pendingTasksForHost, except at rack level
+ private val pendingRackLocalTasksForHost = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
+ // List containing pending tasks with no locality preferences
+ val pendingTasksWithNoPrefs = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
+ // List containing all pending tasks (also used as a stack, as above)
+ val allPendingTasks = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
+ // Tasks that can be speculated. Since these will be a small fraction of total
+ // tasks, we'll just hold them in a HashSet.
+ val speculatableTasks = new HashSet[Int]
+ // Task index, start and finish time for each task attempt (indexed by task ID)
+ val taskInfos = new HashMap[Long, TaskInfo]
+ // Did the job fail?
+ var failed = false
+ var causeOfFailure = ""
+ // How frequently to reprint duplicate exceptions in full, in milliseconds
+ System.getProperty("spark.logging.exceptionPrintInterval", "10000").toLong
+ // Map of recent exceptions (identified by string representation and
+ // top stack frame) to duplicate count (how many times the same
+ // exception has appeared) and time the full exception was
+ // printed. This should ideally be an LRU map that can drop old
+ // exceptions automatically.
+ val recentExceptions = HashMap[String, (Int, Long)]()
+ // Figure out the current map output tracker generation and set it on all tasks
+ val generation = sched.mapOutputTracker.getGeneration
+ logDebug("Generation for " + taskSet.id + ": " + generation)
+ for (t <- tasks) {
+ t.generation = generation
+ }
+ // Add all our tasks to the pending lists. We do this in reverse order
+ // of task index so that tasks with low indices get launched first.
+ for (i <- (0 until numTasks).reverse) {
+ addPendingTask(i)
+ }
+ // Note that it follows the hierarchy.
+ // if we search for NODE_LOCAL, the output will include PROCESS_LOCAL and
+ // if we search for RACK_LOCAL, it will include PROCESS_LOCAL & NODE_LOCAL
+ private def findPreferredLocations(_taskPreferredLocations: Seq[String], scheduler: ClusterScheduler,
+ taskLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality): HashSet[String] = {
+ if (TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL == taskLocality) {
+ // straight forward comparison ! Special case it.
+ val retval = new HashSet[String]()
+ scheduler.synchronized {
+ for (location <- _taskPreferredLocations) {
+ if (scheduler.isExecutorAliveOnHostPort(location)) {
+ retval += location
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return retval
+ }
+ val taskPreferredLocations =
+ if (TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL == taskLocality) {
+ _taskPreferredLocations
+ } else {
+ assert (TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL == taskLocality)
+ // Expand set to include all 'seen' rack local hosts.
+ // This works since container allocation/management happens within master - so any rack locality information is updated in msater.
+ // Best case effort, and maybe sort of kludge for now ... rework it later ?
+ val hosts = new HashSet[String]
+ _taskPreferredLocations.foreach(h => {
+ val rackOpt = scheduler.getRackForHost(h)
+ if (rackOpt.isDefined) {
+ val hostsOpt = scheduler.getCachedHostsForRack(rackOpt.get)
+ if (hostsOpt.isDefined) {
+ hosts ++= hostsOpt.get
+ }
+ }
+ // Ensure that irrespective of what scheduler says, host is always added !
+ hosts += h
+ })
+ hosts
+ }
+ val retval = new HashSet[String]
+ scheduler.synchronized {
+ for (prefLocation <- taskPreferredLocations) {
+ val aliveLocationsOpt = scheduler.getExecutorsAliveOnHost(Utils.parseHostPort(prefLocation)._1)
+ if (aliveLocationsOpt.isDefined) {
+ retval ++= aliveLocationsOpt.get
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ retval
+ }
+ // Add a task to all the pending-task lists that it should be on.
+ private def addPendingTask(index: Int) {
+ // We can infer hostLocalLocations from rackLocalLocations by joining it against tasks(index).preferredLocations (with appropriate
+ // hostPort <-> host conversion). But not doing it for simplicity sake. If this becomes a performance issue, modify it.
+ val processLocalLocations = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL)
+ val hostLocalLocations = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)
+ val rackLocalLocations = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)
+ if (rackLocalLocations.size == 0) {
+ // Current impl ensures this.
+ assert (processLocalLocations.size == 0)
+ assert (hostLocalLocations.size == 0)
+ pendingTasksWithNoPrefs += index
+ } else {
+ // process local locality
+ for (hostPort <- processLocalLocations) {
+ // DEBUG Code
+ Utils.checkHostPort(hostPort)
+ val hostPortList = pendingTasksForHostPort.getOrElseUpdate(hostPort, ArrayBuffer())
+ hostPortList += index
+ }
+ // host locality (includes process local)
+ for (hostPort <- hostLocalLocations) {
+ // DEBUG Code
+ Utils.checkHostPort(hostPort)
+ val host = Utils.parseHostPort(hostPort)._1
+ val hostList = pendingTasksForHost.getOrElseUpdate(host, ArrayBuffer())
+ hostList += index
+ }
+ // rack locality (includes process local and host local)
+ for (rackLocalHostPort <- rackLocalLocations) {
+ // DEBUG Code
+ Utils.checkHostPort(rackLocalHostPort)
+ val rackLocalHost = Utils.parseHostPort(rackLocalHostPort)._1
+ val list = pendingRackLocalTasksForHost.getOrElseUpdate(rackLocalHost, ArrayBuffer())
+ list += index
+ }
+ }
+ allPendingTasks += index
+ }
+ // Return the pending tasks list for a given host port (process local), or an empty list if
+ // there is no map entry for that host
+ private def getPendingTasksForHostPort(hostPort: String): ArrayBuffer[Int] = {
+ // DEBUG Code
+ Utils.checkHostPort(hostPort)
+ pendingTasksForHostPort.getOrElse(hostPort, ArrayBuffer())
+ }
+ // Return the pending tasks list for a given host, or an empty list if
+ // there is no map entry for that host
+ private def getPendingTasksForHost(hostPort: String): ArrayBuffer[Int] = {
+ val host = Utils.parseHostPort(hostPort)._1
+ pendingTasksForHost.getOrElse(host, ArrayBuffer())
+ }
+ // Return the pending tasks (rack level) list for a given host, or an empty list if
+ // there is no map entry for that host
+ private def getRackLocalPendingTasksForHost(hostPort: String): ArrayBuffer[Int] = {
+ val host = Utils.parseHostPort(hostPort)._1
+ pendingRackLocalTasksForHost.getOrElse(host, ArrayBuffer())
+ }
+ // Number of pending tasks for a given host Port (which would be process local)
+ def numPendingTasksForHostPort(hostPort: String): Int = {
+ getPendingTasksForHostPort(hostPort).count( index => copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !finished(index) )
+ }
+ // Number of pending tasks for a given host (which would be data local)
+ def numPendingTasksForHost(hostPort: String): Int = {
+ getPendingTasksForHost(hostPort).count( index => copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !finished(index) )
+ }
+ // Number of pending rack local tasks for a given host
+ def numRackLocalPendingTasksForHost(hostPort: String): Int = {
+ getRackLocalPendingTasksForHost(hostPort).count( index => copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !finished(index) )
+ }
+ // Dequeue a pending task from the given list and return its index.
+ // Return None if the list is empty.
+ // This method also cleans up any tasks in the list that have already
+ // been launched, since we want that to happen lazily.
+ private def findTaskFromList(list: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Option[Int] = {
+ while (!list.isEmpty) {
+ val index = list.last
+ list.trimEnd(1)
+ if (copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !finished(index)) {
+ return Some(index)
+ }
+ }
+ return None
+ }
+ // Return a speculative task for a given host if any are available. The task should not have an
+ // attempt running on this host, in case the host is slow. In addition, if locality is set, the
+ // task must have a preference for this host/rack/no preferred locations at all.
+ private def findSpeculativeTask(hostPort: String, locality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality): Option[Int] = {
+ assert (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL))
+ speculatableTasks.retain(index => !finished(index)) // Remove finished tasks from set
+ if (speculatableTasks.size > 0) {
+ val localTask = speculatableTasks.find {
+ index =>
+ val locations = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)
+ val attemptLocs = taskAttempts(index).map(_.hostPort)
+ (locations.size == 0 || locations.contains(hostPort)) && !attemptLocs.contains(hostPort)
+ }
+ if (localTask != None) {
+ speculatableTasks -= localTask.get
+ return localTask
+ }
+ // check for rack locality
+ if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)) {
+ val rackTask = speculatableTasks.find {
+ index =>
+ val locations = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)
+ val attemptLocs = taskAttempts(index).map(_.hostPort)
+ locations.contains(hostPort) && !attemptLocs.contains(hostPort)
+ }
+ if (rackTask != None) {
+ speculatableTasks -= rackTask.get
+ return rackTask
+ }
+ }
+ // Any task ...
+ if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.ANY)) {
+ // Check for attemptLocs also ?
+ val nonLocalTask = speculatableTasks.find(i => !taskAttempts(i).map(_.hostPort).contains(hostPort))
+ if (nonLocalTask != None) {
+ speculatableTasks -= nonLocalTask.get
+ return nonLocalTask
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return None
+ }
+ // Dequeue a pending task for a given node and return its index.
+ // If localOnly is set to false, allow non-local tasks as well.
+ private def findTask(hostPort: String, locality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality): Option[Int] = {
+ val processLocalTask = findTaskFromList(getPendingTasksForHostPort(hostPort))
+ if (processLocalTask != None) {
+ return processLocalTask
+ }
+ val localTask = findTaskFromList(getPendingTasksForHost(hostPort))
+ if (localTask != None) {
+ return localTask
+ }
+ if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)) {
+ val rackLocalTask = findTaskFromList(getRackLocalPendingTasksForHost(hostPort))
+ if (rackLocalTask != None) {
+ return rackLocalTask
+ }
+ }
+ // Look for no pref tasks AFTER rack local tasks - this has side effect that we will get to failed tasks later rather than sooner.
+ // TODO: That code path needs to be revisited (adding to no prefs list when host:port goes down).
+ val noPrefTask = findTaskFromList(pendingTasksWithNoPrefs)
+ if (noPrefTask != None) {
+ return noPrefTask
+ }
+ if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.ANY)) {
+ val nonLocalTask = findTaskFromList(allPendingTasks)
+ if (nonLocalTask != None) {
+ return nonLocalTask
+ }
+ }
+ // Finally, if all else has failed, find a speculative task
+ return findSpeculativeTask(hostPort, locality)
+ }
+ private def isProcessLocalLocation(task: Task[_], hostPort: String): Boolean = {
+ Utils.checkHostPort(hostPort)
+ val locs = task.preferredLocations
+ locs.contains(hostPort)
+ }
+ private def isHostLocalLocation(task: Task[_], hostPort: String): Boolean = {
+ val locs = task.preferredLocations
+ // If no preference, consider it as host local
+ if (locs.isEmpty) return true
+ val host = Utils.parseHostPort(hostPort)._1
+ locs.find(h => Utils.parseHostPort(h)._1 == host).isDefined
+ }
+ // Does a host count as a rack local preferred location for a task? (assumes host is NOT preferred location).
+ // This is true if either the task has preferred locations and this host is one, or it has
+ // no preferred locations (in which we still count the launch as preferred).
+ private def isRackLocalLocation(task: Task[_], hostPort: String): Boolean = {
+ val locs = task.preferredLocations
+ val preferredRacks = new HashSet[String]()
+ for (preferredHost <- locs) {
+ val rack = sched.getRackForHost(preferredHost)
+ if (None != rack) preferredRacks += rack.get
+ }
+ if (preferredRacks.isEmpty) return false
+ val hostRack = sched.getRackForHost(hostPort)
+ return None != hostRack && preferredRacks.contains(hostRack.get)
+ }
+ // Respond to an offer of a single slave from the scheduler by finding a task
+ def slaveOffer(execId: String, hostPort: String, availableCpus: Double, overrideLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality = null): Option[TaskDescription] = {
+ if (tasksFinished < numTasks && availableCpus >= CPUS_PER_TASK) {
+ // If explicitly specified, use that
+ val locality = if (overrideLocality != null) overrideLocality else {
+ // expand only if we have waited for more than LOCALITY_WAIT for a host local task ...
+ val time = System.currentTimeMillis
+ if (time - lastPreferredLaunchTime < LOCALITY_WAIT) TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL else TaskLocality.ANY
+ }
+ findTask(hostPort, locality) match {
+ case Some(index) => {
+ // Found a task; do some bookkeeping and return a Mesos task for it
+ val task = tasks(index)
+ val taskId = sched.newTaskId()
+ // Figure out whether this should count as a preferred launch
+ val taskLocality =
+ if (isProcessLocalLocation(task, hostPort)) TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL else
+ if (isHostLocalLocation(task, hostPort)) TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL else
+ if (isRackLocalLocation(task, hostPort)) TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL else
+ TaskLocality.ANY
+ val prefStr = taskLocality.toString
+ logInfo("Starting task %s:%d as TID %s on slave %s: %s (%s)".format(
+ taskSet.id, index, taskId, execId, hostPort, prefStr))
+ // Do various bookkeeping
+ copiesRunning(index) += 1
+ val time = System.currentTimeMillis
+ val info = new TaskInfo(taskId, index, time, execId, hostPort, taskLocality)
+ taskInfos(taskId) = info
+ taskAttempts(index) = info :: taskAttempts(index)
+ if (TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL == taskLocality) {
+ lastPreferredLaunchTime = time
+ }
+ // Serialize and return the task
+ val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
+ val serializedTask = Task.serializeWithDependencies(
+ task, sched.sc.addedFiles, sched.sc.addedJars, ser)
+ val timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime
+ increaseRunningTasks(1)
+ logInfo("Serialized task %s:%d as %d bytes in %d ms".format(
+ taskSet.id, index, serializedTask.limit, timeTaken))
+ val taskName = "task %s:%d".format(taskSet.id, index)
+ return Some(new TaskDescription(taskId, execId, taskName, serializedTask))
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ return None
+ }
+ def statusUpdate(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
+ state match {
+ case TaskState.FINISHED =>
+ taskFinished(tid, state, serializedData)
+ case TaskState.LOST =>
+ taskLost(tid, state, serializedData)
+ case TaskState.FAILED =>
+ taskLost(tid, state, serializedData)
+ case TaskState.KILLED =>
+ taskLost(tid, state, serializedData)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ def taskFinished(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
+ val info = taskInfos(tid)
+ if (info.failed) {
+ // We might get two task-lost messages for the same task in coarse-grained Mesos mode,
+ // or even from Mesos itself when acks get delayed.
+ return
+ }
+ val index = info.index
+ info.markSuccessful()
+ decreaseRunningTasks(1)
+ if (!finished(index)) {
+ tasksFinished += 1
+ logInfo("Finished TID %s in %d ms (progress: %d/%d)".format(
+ tid, info.duration, tasksFinished, numTasks))
+ // Deserialize task result and pass it to the scheduler
+ val result = ser.deserialize[TaskResult[_]](serializedData, getClass.getClassLoader)
+ result.metrics.resultSize = serializedData.limit()
+ sched.listener.taskEnded(tasks(index), Success, result.value, result.accumUpdates, info, result.metrics)
+ // Mark finished and stop if we've finished all the tasks
+ finished(index) = true
+ if (tasksFinished == numTasks) {
+ sched.taskSetFinished(this)
+ }
+ } else {
+ logInfo("Ignoring task-finished event for TID " + tid +
+ " because task " + index + " is already finished")
+ }
+ }
+ def taskLost(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
+ val info = taskInfos(tid)
+ if (info.failed) {
+ // We might get two task-lost messages for the same task in coarse-grained Mesos mode,
+ // or even from Mesos itself when acks get delayed.
+ return
+ }
+ val index = info.index
+ info.markFailed()
+ decreaseRunningTasks(1)
+ if (!finished(index)) {
+ logInfo("Lost TID %s (task %s:%d)".format(tid, taskSet.id, index))
+ copiesRunning(index) -= 1
+ // Check if the problem is a map output fetch failure. In that case, this
+ // task will never succeed on any node, so tell the scheduler about it.
+ if (serializedData != null && serializedData.limit() > 0) {
+ val reason = ser.deserialize[TaskEndReason](serializedData, getClass.getClassLoader)
+ reason match {
+ case fetchFailed: FetchFailed =>
+ logInfo("Loss was due to fetch failure from " + fetchFailed.bmAddress)
+ sched.listener.taskEnded(tasks(index), fetchFailed, null, null, info, null)
+ finished(index) = true
+ tasksFinished += 1
+ sched.taskSetFinished(this)
+ decreaseRunningTasks(runningTasks)
+ return
+ case ef: ExceptionFailure =>
+ val key = ef.description
+ val now = System.currentTimeMillis
+ val (printFull, dupCount) = {
+ if (recentExceptions.contains(key)) {
+ val (dupCount, printTime) = recentExceptions(key)
+ if (now - printTime > EXCEPTION_PRINT_INTERVAL) {
+ recentExceptions(key) = (0, now)
+ (true, 0)
+ } else {
+ recentExceptions(key) = (dupCount + 1, printTime)
+ (false, dupCount + 1)
+ }
+ } else {
+ recentExceptions(key) = (0, now)
+ (true, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ if (printFull) {
+ val locs = ef.stackTrace.map(loc => "\tat %s".format(loc.toString))
+ logInfo("Loss was due to %s\n%s\n%s".format(
+ ef.className, ef.description, locs.mkString("\n")))
+ } else {
+ logInfo("Loss was due to %s [duplicate %d]".format(ef.description, dupCount))
+ }
+ case _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ // On non-fetch failures, re-enqueue the task as pending for a max number of retries
+ addPendingTask(index)
+ // Count failed attempts only on FAILED and LOST state (not on KILLED)
+ if (state == TaskState.FAILED || state == TaskState.LOST) {
+ numFailures(index) += 1
+ if (numFailures(index) > MAX_TASK_FAILURES) {
+ logError("Task %s:%d failed more than %d times; aborting job".format(
+ taskSet.id, index, MAX_TASK_FAILURES))
+ abort("Task %s:%d failed more than %d times".format(taskSet.id, index, MAX_TASK_FAILURES))
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ logInfo("Ignoring task-lost event for TID " + tid +
+ " because task " + index + " is already finished")
+ }
+ }
+ def error(message: String) {
+ // Save the error message
+ abort("Error: " + message)
+ }
+ def abort(message: String) {
+ failed = true
+ causeOfFailure = message
+ // TODO: Kill running tasks if we were not terminated due to a Mesos error
+ sched.listener.taskSetFailed(taskSet, message)
+ decreaseRunningTasks(runningTasks)
+ sched.taskSetFinished(this)
+ }
+ override def increaseRunningTasks(taskNum: Int) {
+ runningTasks += taskNum
+ if (parent != null) {
+ parent.increaseRunningTasks(taskNum)
+ }
+ }
+ override def decreaseRunningTasks(taskNum: Int) {
+ runningTasks -= taskNum
+ if (parent != null) {
+ parent.decreaseRunningTasks(taskNum)
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO: for now we just find Pool not TaskSetManager, we can extend this function in future if needed
+ override def getSchedulableByName(name: String): Schedulable = {
+ return null
+ }
+ override def addSchedulable(schedulable:Schedulable) {
+ //nothing
+ }
+ override def removeSchedulable(schedulable:Schedulable) {
+ //nothing
+ }
+ override def getSortedTaskSetQueue(): ArrayBuffer[TaskSetManager] = {
+ var sortedTaskSetQueue = new ArrayBuffer[TaskSetManager]
+ sortedTaskSetQueue += this
+ return sortedTaskSetQueue
+ }
+ override def executorLost(execId: String, hostPort: String) {
+ logInfo("Re-queueing tasks for " + execId + " from TaskSet " + taskSet.id)
+ // If some task has preferred locations only on hostname, and there are no more executors there,
+ // put it in the no-prefs list to avoid the wait from delay scheduling
+ // host local tasks - should we push this to rack local or no pref list ? For now, preserving behavior and moving to
+ // no prefs list. Note, this was done due to impliations related to 'waiting' for data local tasks, etc.
+ // Note: NOT checking process local list - since host local list is super set of that. We need to ad to no prefs only if
+ // there is no host local node for the task (not if there is no process local node for the task)
+ for (index <- getPendingTasksForHost(Utils.parseHostPort(hostPort)._1)) {
+ // val newLocs = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)
+ val newLocs = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)
+ if (newLocs.isEmpty) {
+ pendingTasksWithNoPrefs += index
+ }
+ }
+ // Re-enqueue any tasks that ran on the failed executor if this is a shuffle map stage
+ if (tasks(0).isInstanceOf[ShuffleMapTask]) {
+ for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if info.executorId == execId) {
+ val index = taskInfos(tid).index
+ if (finished(index)) {
+ finished(index) = false
+ copiesRunning(index) -= 1
+ tasksFinished -= 1
+ addPendingTask(index)
+ // Tell the DAGScheduler that this task was resubmitted so that it doesn't think our
+ // stage finishes when a total of tasks.size tasks finish.
+ sched.listener.taskEnded(tasks(index), Resubmitted, null, null, info, null)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Also re-enqueue any tasks that were running on the node
+ for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if info.running && info.executorId == execId) {
+ taskLost(tid, TaskState.KILLED, null)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check for tasks to be speculated and return true if there are any. This is called periodically
+ * by the ClusterScheduler.
+ *
+ * TODO: To make this scale to large jobs, we need to maintain a list of running tasks, so that
+ * we don't scan the whole task set. It might also help to make this sorted by launch time.
+ */
+ override def checkSpeculatableTasks(): Boolean = {
+ // Can't speculate if we only have one task, or if all tasks have finished.
+ if (numTasks == 1 || tasksFinished == numTasks) {
+ return false
+ }
+ var foundTasks = false
+ val minFinishedForSpeculation = (SPECULATION_QUANTILE * numTasks).floor.toInt
+ logDebug("Checking for speculative tasks: minFinished = " + minFinishedForSpeculation)
+ if (tasksFinished >= minFinishedForSpeculation) {
+ val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ val durations = taskInfos.values.filter(_.successful).map(_.duration).toArray
+ Arrays.sort(durations)
+ val medianDuration = durations(min((0.5 * numTasks).round.toInt, durations.size - 1))
+ val threshold = max(SPECULATION_MULTIPLIER * medianDuration, 100)
+ // TODO: Threshold should also look at standard deviation of task durations and have a lower
+ // bound based on that.
+ logDebug("Task length threshold for speculation: " + threshold)
+ for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos) {
+ val index = info.index
+ if (!finished(index) && copiesRunning(index) == 1 && info.timeRunning(time) > threshold &&
+ !speculatableTasks.contains(index)) {
+ logInfo(
+ "Marking task %s:%d (on %s) as speculatable because it ran more than %.0f ms".format(
+ taskSet.id, index, info.hostPort, threshold))
+ speculatableTasks += index
+ foundTasks = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return foundTasks
+ }
+ override def hasPendingTasks(): Boolean = {
+ numTasks > 0 && tasksFinished < numTasks
+ }
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/cluster/TaskSetManager.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/cluster/TaskSetManager.scala
index 1c403ef323..2b5a74d4e5 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/cluster/TaskSetManager.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/cluster/TaskSetManager.scala
@@ -1,734 +1,17 @@
package spark.scheduler.cluster
-import java.util.{HashMap => JHashMap, NoSuchElementException, Arrays}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
-import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
-import scala.math.max
-import scala.math.min
-import spark._
import spark.scheduler._
import spark.TaskState.TaskState
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
-private[spark] object TaskLocality extends Enumeration("PROCESS_LOCAL", "NODE_LOCAL", "RACK_LOCAL", "ANY") with Logging {
- // process local is expected to be used ONLY within tasksetmanager for now.
- type TaskLocality = Value
- def isAllowed(constraint: TaskLocality, condition: TaskLocality): Boolean = {
- // Must not be the constraint.
- assert (constraint != TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL)
- constraint match {
- case TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL => condition == TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL
- case TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL => condition == TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL || condition == TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL
- // For anything else, allow
- case _ => true
- }
- }
- def parse(str: String): TaskLocality = {
- // better way to do this ?
- try {
- val retval = TaskLocality.withName(str)
- // Must not specify PROCESS_LOCAL !
- assert (retval != TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL)
- retval
- } catch {
- case nEx: NoSuchElementException => {
- logWarning("Invalid task locality specified '" + str + "', defaulting to NODE_LOCAL");
- // default to preserve earlier behavior
- }
- }
- }
- * Schedules the tasks within a single TaskSet in the ClusterScheduler.
-private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
- sched: ClusterScheduler,
- val taskSet: TaskSet)
- extends Schedulable
- with Logging {
- // Maximum time to wait to run a task in a preferred location (in ms)
- val LOCALITY_WAIT = System.getProperty("spark.locality.wait", "3000").toLong
- // CPUs to request per task
- val CPUS_PER_TASK = System.getProperty("spark.task.cpus", "1").toDouble
- // Maximum times a task is allowed to fail before failing the job
- // Quantile of tasks at which to start speculation
- val SPECULATION_QUANTILE = System.getProperty("spark.speculation.quantile", "0.75").toDouble
- val SPECULATION_MULTIPLIER = System.getProperty("spark.speculation.multiplier", "1.5").toDouble
- // Serializer for closures and tasks.
- val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance()
- val tasks = taskSet.tasks
- val numTasks = tasks.length
- val copiesRunning = new Array[Int](numTasks)
- val finished = new Array[Boolean](numTasks)
- val numFailures = new Array[Int](numTasks)
- val taskAttempts = Array.fill[List[TaskInfo]](numTasks)(Nil)
- var tasksFinished = 0
- var weight = 1
- var minShare = 0
- var runningTasks = 0
- var priority = taskSet.priority
- var stageId = taskSet.stageId
- var name = "TaskSet_"+taskSet.stageId.toString
- var parent:Schedulable = null
- // Last time when we launched a preferred task (for delay scheduling)
- var lastPreferredLaunchTime = System.currentTimeMillis
- // List of pending tasks for each node (process local to container). These collections are actually
- // treated as stacks, in which new tasks are added to the end of the
- // ArrayBuffer and removed from the end. This makes it faster to detect
- // tasks that repeatedly fail because whenever a task failed, it is put
- // back at the head of the stack. They are also only cleaned up lazily;
- // when a task is launched, it remains in all the pending lists except
- // the one that it was launched from, but gets removed from them later.
- private val pendingTasksForHostPort = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
- // List of pending tasks for each node.
- // Essentially, similar to pendingTasksForHostPort, except at host level
- private val pendingTasksForHost = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
- // List of pending tasks for each node based on rack locality.
- // Essentially, similar to pendingTasksForHost, except at rack level
- private val pendingRackLocalTasksForHost = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
- // List containing pending tasks with no locality preferences
- val pendingTasksWithNoPrefs = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
- // List containing all pending tasks (also used as a stack, as above)
- val allPendingTasks = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
- // Tasks that can be speculated. Since these will be a small fraction of total
- // tasks, we'll just hold them in a HashSet.
- val speculatableTasks = new HashSet[Int]
- // Task index, start and finish time for each task attempt (indexed by task ID)
- val taskInfos = new HashMap[Long, TaskInfo]
- // Did the job fail?
- var failed = false
- var causeOfFailure = ""
- // How frequently to reprint duplicate exceptions in full, in milliseconds
- System.getProperty("spark.logging.exceptionPrintInterval", "10000").toLong
- // Map of recent exceptions (identified by string representation and
- // top stack frame) to duplicate count (how many times the same
- // exception has appeared) and time the full exception was
- // printed. This should ideally be an LRU map that can drop old
- // exceptions automatically.
- val recentExceptions = HashMap[String, (Int, Long)]()
- // Figure out the current map output tracker generation and set it on all tasks
- val generation = sched.mapOutputTracker.getGeneration
- logDebug("Generation for " + taskSet.id + ": " + generation)
- for (t <- tasks) {
- t.generation = generation
- }
- // Add all our tasks to the pending lists. We do this in reverse order
- // of task index so that tasks with low indices get launched first.
- for (i <- (0 until numTasks).reverse) {
- addPendingTask(i)
- }
- // Note that it follows the hierarchy.
- // if we search for NODE_LOCAL, the output will include PROCESS_LOCAL and
- // if we search for RACK_LOCAL, it will include PROCESS_LOCAL & NODE_LOCAL
- private def findPreferredLocations(_taskPreferredLocations: Seq[String], scheduler: ClusterScheduler,
- taskLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality): HashSet[String] = {
- if (TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL == taskLocality) {
- // straight forward comparison ! Special case it.
- val retval = new HashSet[String]()
- scheduler.synchronized {
- for (location <- _taskPreferredLocations) {
- if (scheduler.isExecutorAliveOnHostPort(location)) {
- retval += location
- }
- }
- }
- return retval
- }
- val taskPreferredLocations =
- if (TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL == taskLocality) {
- _taskPreferredLocations
- } else {
- assert (TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL == taskLocality)
- // Expand set to include all 'seen' rack local hosts.
- // This works since container allocation/management happens within master - so any rack locality information is updated in msater.
- // Best case effort, and maybe sort of kludge for now ... rework it later ?
- val hosts = new HashSet[String]
- _taskPreferredLocations.foreach(h => {
- val rackOpt = scheduler.getRackForHost(h)
- if (rackOpt.isDefined) {
- val hostsOpt = scheduler.getCachedHostsForRack(rackOpt.get)
- if (hostsOpt.isDefined) {
- hosts ++= hostsOpt.get
- }
- }
- // Ensure that irrespective of what scheduler says, host is always added !
- hosts += h
- })
- hosts
- }
- val retval = new HashSet[String]
- scheduler.synchronized {
- for (prefLocation <- taskPreferredLocations) {
- val aliveLocationsOpt = scheduler.getExecutorsAliveOnHost(Utils.parseHostPort(prefLocation)._1)
- if (aliveLocationsOpt.isDefined) {
- retval ++= aliveLocationsOpt.get
- }
- }
- }
- retval
- }
- // Add a task to all the pending-task lists that it should be on.
- private def addPendingTask(index: Int) {
- // We can infer hostLocalLocations from rackLocalLocations by joining it against tasks(index).preferredLocations (with appropriate
- // hostPort <-> host conversion). But not doing it for simplicity sake. If this becomes a performance issue, modify it.
- val processLocalLocations = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL)
- val hostLocalLocations = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)
- val rackLocalLocations = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)
- if (rackLocalLocations.size == 0) {
- // Current impl ensures this.
- assert (processLocalLocations.size == 0)
- assert (hostLocalLocations.size == 0)
- pendingTasksWithNoPrefs += index
- } else {
- // process local locality
- for (hostPort <- processLocalLocations) {
- // DEBUG Code
- Utils.checkHostPort(hostPort)
- val hostPortList = pendingTasksForHostPort.getOrElseUpdate(hostPort, ArrayBuffer())
- hostPortList += index
- }
- // host locality (includes process local)
- for (hostPort <- hostLocalLocations) {
- // DEBUG Code
- Utils.checkHostPort(hostPort)
- val host = Utils.parseHostPort(hostPort)._1
- val hostList = pendingTasksForHost.getOrElseUpdate(host, ArrayBuffer())
- hostList += index
- }
- // rack locality (includes process local and host local)
- for (rackLocalHostPort <- rackLocalLocations) {
- // DEBUG Code
- Utils.checkHostPort(rackLocalHostPort)
- val rackLocalHost = Utils.parseHostPort(rackLocalHostPort)._1
- val list = pendingRackLocalTasksForHost.getOrElseUpdate(rackLocalHost, ArrayBuffer())
- list += index
- }
- }
- allPendingTasks += index
- }
- // Return the pending tasks list for a given host port (process local), or an empty list if
- // there is no map entry for that host
- private def getPendingTasksForHostPort(hostPort: String): ArrayBuffer[Int] = {
- // DEBUG Code
- Utils.checkHostPort(hostPort)
- pendingTasksForHostPort.getOrElse(hostPort, ArrayBuffer())
- }
- // Return the pending tasks list for a given host, or an empty list if
- // there is no map entry for that host
- private def getPendingTasksForHost(hostPort: String): ArrayBuffer[Int] = {
- val host = Utils.parseHostPort(hostPort)._1
- pendingTasksForHost.getOrElse(host, ArrayBuffer())
- }
- // Return the pending tasks (rack level) list for a given host, or an empty list if
- // there is no map entry for that host
- private def getRackLocalPendingTasksForHost(hostPort: String): ArrayBuffer[Int] = {
- val host = Utils.parseHostPort(hostPort)._1
- pendingRackLocalTasksForHost.getOrElse(host, ArrayBuffer())
- }
- // Number of pending tasks for a given host Port (which would be process local)
- def numPendingTasksForHostPort(hostPort: String): Int = {
- getPendingTasksForHostPort(hostPort).count( index => copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !finished(index) )
- }
- // Number of pending tasks for a given host (which would be data local)
- def numPendingTasksForHost(hostPort: String): Int = {
- getPendingTasksForHost(hostPort).count( index => copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !finished(index) )
- }
- // Number of pending rack local tasks for a given host
- def numRackLocalPendingTasksForHost(hostPort: String): Int = {
- getRackLocalPendingTasksForHost(hostPort).count( index => copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !finished(index) )
- }
- // Dequeue a pending task from the given list and return its index.
- // Return None if the list is empty.
- // This method also cleans up any tasks in the list that have already
- // been launched, since we want that to happen lazily.
- private def findTaskFromList(list: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Option[Int] = {
- while (!list.isEmpty) {
- val index = list.last
- list.trimEnd(1)
- if (copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !finished(index)) {
- return Some(index)
- }
- }
- return None
- }
- // Return a speculative task for a given host if any are available. The task should not have an
- // attempt running on this host, in case the host is slow. In addition, if locality is set, the
- // task must have a preference for this host/rack/no preferred locations at all.
- private def findSpeculativeTask(hostPort: String, locality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality): Option[Int] = {
- assert (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL))
- speculatableTasks.retain(index => !finished(index)) // Remove finished tasks from set
- if (speculatableTasks.size > 0) {
- val localTask = speculatableTasks.find {
- index =>
- val locations = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)
- val attemptLocs = taskAttempts(index).map(_.hostPort)
- (locations.size == 0 || locations.contains(hostPort)) && !attemptLocs.contains(hostPort)
- }
- if (localTask != None) {
- speculatableTasks -= localTask.get
- return localTask
- }
- // check for rack locality
- if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)) {
- val rackTask = speculatableTasks.find {
- index =>
- val locations = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)
- val attemptLocs = taskAttempts(index).map(_.hostPort)
- locations.contains(hostPort) && !attemptLocs.contains(hostPort)
- }
- if (rackTask != None) {
- speculatableTasks -= rackTask.get
- return rackTask
- }
- }
- // Any task ...
- if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.ANY)) {
- // Check for attemptLocs also ?
- val nonLocalTask = speculatableTasks.find(i => !taskAttempts(i).map(_.hostPort).contains(hostPort))
- if (nonLocalTask != None) {
- speculatableTasks -= nonLocalTask.get
- return nonLocalTask
- }
- }
- }
- return None
- }
- // Dequeue a pending task for a given node and return its index.
- // If localOnly is set to false, allow non-local tasks as well.
- private def findTask(hostPort: String, locality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality): Option[Int] = {
- val processLocalTask = findTaskFromList(getPendingTasksForHostPort(hostPort))
- if (processLocalTask != None) {
- return processLocalTask
- }
- val localTask = findTaskFromList(getPendingTasksForHost(hostPort))
- if (localTask != None) {
- return localTask
- }
- if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)) {
- val rackLocalTask = findTaskFromList(getRackLocalPendingTasksForHost(hostPort))
- if (rackLocalTask != None) {
- return rackLocalTask
- }
- }
- // Look for no pref tasks AFTER rack local tasks - this has side effect that we will get to failed tasks later rather than sooner.
- // TODO: That code path needs to be revisited (adding to no prefs list when host:port goes down).
- val noPrefTask = findTaskFromList(pendingTasksWithNoPrefs)
- if (noPrefTask != None) {
- return noPrefTask
- }
- if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.ANY)) {
- val nonLocalTask = findTaskFromList(allPendingTasks)
- if (nonLocalTask != None) {
- return nonLocalTask
- }
- }
- // Finally, if all else has failed, find a speculative task
- return findSpeculativeTask(hostPort, locality)
- }
- private def isProcessLocalLocation(task: Task[_], hostPort: String): Boolean = {
- Utils.checkHostPort(hostPort)
- val locs = task.preferredLocations
- locs.contains(hostPort)
- }
- private def isHostLocalLocation(task: Task[_], hostPort: String): Boolean = {
- val locs = task.preferredLocations
- // If no preference, consider it as host local
- if (locs.isEmpty) return true
- val host = Utils.parseHostPort(hostPort)._1
- locs.find(h => Utils.parseHostPort(h)._1 == host).isDefined
- }
- // Does a host count as a rack local preferred location for a task? (assumes host is NOT preferred location).
- // This is true if either the task has preferred locations and this host is one, or it has
- // no preferred locations (in which we still count the launch as preferred).
- private def isRackLocalLocation(task: Task[_], hostPort: String): Boolean = {
- val locs = task.preferredLocations
- val preferredRacks = new HashSet[String]()
- for (preferredHost <- locs) {
- val rack = sched.getRackForHost(preferredHost)
- if (None != rack) preferredRacks += rack.get
- }
- if (preferredRacks.isEmpty) return false
- val hostRack = sched.getRackForHost(hostPort)
- return None != hostRack && preferredRacks.contains(hostRack.get)
- }
- // Respond to an offer of a single slave from the scheduler by finding a task
- def slaveOffer(execId: String, hostPort: String, availableCpus: Double, overrideLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality = null): Option[TaskDescription] = {
- if (tasksFinished < numTasks && availableCpus >= CPUS_PER_TASK) {
- // If explicitly specified, use that
- val locality = if (overrideLocality != null) overrideLocality else {
- // expand only if we have waited for more than LOCALITY_WAIT for a host local task ...
- val time = System.currentTimeMillis
- if (time - lastPreferredLaunchTime < LOCALITY_WAIT) TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL else TaskLocality.ANY
- }
- findTask(hostPort, locality) match {
- case Some(index) => {
- // Found a task; do some bookkeeping and return a Mesos task for it
- val task = tasks(index)
- val taskId = sched.newTaskId()
- // Figure out whether this should count as a preferred launch
- val taskLocality =
- if (isProcessLocalLocation(task, hostPort)) TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL else
- if (isHostLocalLocation(task, hostPort)) TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL else
- if (isRackLocalLocation(task, hostPort)) TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL else
- TaskLocality.ANY
- val prefStr = taskLocality.toString
- logInfo("Starting task %s:%d as TID %s on slave %s: %s (%s)".format(
- taskSet.id, index, taskId, execId, hostPort, prefStr))
- // Do various bookkeeping
- copiesRunning(index) += 1
- val time = System.currentTimeMillis
- val info = new TaskInfo(taskId, index, time, execId, hostPort, taskLocality)
- taskInfos(taskId) = info
- taskAttempts(index) = info :: taskAttempts(index)
- if (TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL == taskLocality) {
- lastPreferredLaunchTime = time
- }
- // Serialize and return the task
- val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
- val serializedTask = Task.serializeWithDependencies(
- task, sched.sc.addedFiles, sched.sc.addedJars, ser)
- val timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime
- increaseRunningTasks(1)
- logInfo("Serialized task %s:%d as %d bytes in %d ms".format(
- taskSet.id, index, serializedTask.limit, timeTaken))
- val taskName = "task %s:%d".format(taskSet.id, index)
- return Some(new TaskDescription(taskId, execId, taskName, serializedTask))
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- return None
- }
- def statusUpdate(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
- state match {
- case TaskState.FINISHED =>
- taskFinished(tid, state, serializedData)
- case TaskState.LOST =>
- taskLost(tid, state, serializedData)
- case TaskState.FAILED =>
- taskLost(tid, state, serializedData)
- case TaskState.KILLED =>
- taskLost(tid, state, serializedData)
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- def taskFinished(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
- val info = taskInfos(tid)
- if (info.failed) {
- // We might get two task-lost messages for the same task in coarse-grained Mesos mode,
- // or even from Mesos itself when acks get delayed.
- return
- }
- val index = info.index
- info.markSuccessful()
- decreaseRunningTasks(1)
- if (!finished(index)) {
- tasksFinished += 1
- logInfo("Finished TID %s in %d ms (progress: %d/%d)".format(
- tid, info.duration, tasksFinished, numTasks))
- // Deserialize task result and pass it to the scheduler
- val result = ser.deserialize[TaskResult[_]](serializedData, getClass.getClassLoader)
- result.metrics.resultSize = serializedData.limit()
- sched.listener.taskEnded(tasks(index), Success, result.value, result.accumUpdates, info, result.metrics)
- // Mark finished and stop if we've finished all the tasks
- finished(index) = true
- if (tasksFinished == numTasks) {
- sched.taskSetFinished(this)
- }
- } else {
- logInfo("Ignoring task-finished event for TID " + tid +
- " because task " + index + " is already finished")
- }
- }
- def taskLost(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
- val info = taskInfos(tid)
- if (info.failed) {
- // We might get two task-lost messages for the same task in coarse-grained Mesos mode,
- // or even from Mesos itself when acks get delayed.
- return
- }
- val index = info.index
- info.markFailed()
- decreaseRunningTasks(1)
- if (!finished(index)) {
- logInfo("Lost TID %s (task %s:%d)".format(tid, taskSet.id, index))
- copiesRunning(index) -= 1
- // Check if the problem is a map output fetch failure. In that case, this
- // task will never succeed on any node, so tell the scheduler about it.
- if (serializedData != null && serializedData.limit() > 0) {
- val reason = ser.deserialize[TaskEndReason](serializedData, getClass.getClassLoader)
- reason match {
- case fetchFailed: FetchFailed =>
- logInfo("Loss was due to fetch failure from " + fetchFailed.bmAddress)
- sched.listener.taskEnded(tasks(index), fetchFailed, null, null, info, null)
- finished(index) = true
- tasksFinished += 1
- sched.taskSetFinished(this)
- decreaseRunningTasks(runningTasks)
- return
- case ef: ExceptionFailure =>
- val key = ef.description
- val now = System.currentTimeMillis
- val (printFull, dupCount) = {
- if (recentExceptions.contains(key)) {
- val (dupCount, printTime) = recentExceptions(key)
- if (now - printTime > EXCEPTION_PRINT_INTERVAL) {
- recentExceptions(key) = (0, now)
- (true, 0)
- } else {
- recentExceptions(key) = (dupCount + 1, printTime)
- (false, dupCount + 1)
- }
- } else {
- recentExceptions(key) = (0, now)
- (true, 0)
- }
- }
- if (printFull) {
- val locs = ef.stackTrace.map(loc => "\tat %s".format(loc.toString))
- logInfo("Loss was due to %s\n%s\n%s".format(
- ef.className, ef.description, locs.mkString("\n")))
- } else {
- logInfo("Loss was due to %s [duplicate %d]".format(ef.description, dupCount))
- }
- case _ => {}
- }
- }
- // On non-fetch failures, re-enqueue the task as pending for a max number of retries
- addPendingTask(index)
- // Count failed attempts only on FAILED and LOST state (not on KILLED)
- if (state == TaskState.FAILED || state == TaskState.LOST) {
- numFailures(index) += 1
- if (numFailures(index) > MAX_TASK_FAILURES) {
- logError("Task %s:%d failed more than %d times; aborting job".format(
- taskSet.id, index, MAX_TASK_FAILURES))
- abort("Task %s:%d failed more than %d times".format(taskSet.id, index, MAX_TASK_FAILURES))
- }
- }
- } else {
- logInfo("Ignoring task-lost event for TID " + tid +
- " because task " + index + " is already finished")
- }
- }
- def error(message: String) {
- // Save the error message
- abort("Error: " + message)
- }
- def abort(message: String) {
- failed = true
- causeOfFailure = message
- // TODO: Kill running tasks if we were not terminated due to a Mesos error
- sched.listener.taskSetFailed(taskSet, message)
- decreaseRunningTasks(runningTasks)
- sched.taskSetFinished(this)
- }
- override def increaseRunningTasks(taskNum: Int) {
- runningTasks += taskNum
- if (parent != null) {
- parent.increaseRunningTasks(taskNum)
- }
- }
- override def decreaseRunningTasks(taskNum: Int) {
- runningTasks -= taskNum
- if (parent != null) {
- parent.decreaseRunningTasks(taskNum)
- }
- }
- //TODO: for now we just find Pool not TaskSetManager, we can extend this function in future if needed
- override def getSchedulableByName(name: String): Schedulable = {
- return null
- }
- override def addSchedulable(schedulable:Schedulable) {
- //nothing
- }
- override def removeSchedulable(schedulable:Schedulable) {
- //nothing
- }
- override def getSortedTaskSetQueue(): ArrayBuffer[TaskSetManager] = {
- var sortedTaskSetQueue = new ArrayBuffer[TaskSetManager]
- sortedTaskSetQueue += this
- return sortedTaskSetQueue
- }
- override def executorLost(execId: String, hostPort: String) {
- logInfo("Re-queueing tasks for " + execId + " from TaskSet " + taskSet.id)
- // If some task has preferred locations only on hostname, and there are no more executors there,
- // put it in the no-prefs list to avoid the wait from delay scheduling
- // host local tasks - should we push this to rack local or no pref list ? For now, preserving behavior and moving to
- // no prefs list. Note, this was done due to impliations related to 'waiting' for data local tasks, etc.
- // Note: NOT checking process local list - since host local list is super set of that. We need to ad to no prefs only if
- // there is no host local node for the task (not if there is no process local node for the task)
- for (index <- getPendingTasksForHost(Utils.parseHostPort(hostPort)._1)) {
- // val newLocs = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)
- val newLocs = findPreferredLocations(tasks(index).preferredLocations, sched, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)
- if (newLocs.isEmpty) {
- pendingTasksWithNoPrefs += index
- }
- }
- // Re-enqueue any tasks that ran on the failed executor if this is a shuffle map stage
- if (tasks(0).isInstanceOf[ShuffleMapTask]) {
- for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if info.executorId == execId) {
- val index = taskInfos(tid).index
- if (finished(index)) {
- finished(index) = false
- copiesRunning(index) -= 1
- tasksFinished -= 1
- addPendingTask(index)
- // Tell the DAGScheduler that this task was resubmitted so that it doesn't think our
- // stage finishes when a total of tasks.size tasks finish.
- sched.listener.taskEnded(tasks(index), Resubmitted, null, null, info, null)
- }
- }
- }
- // Also re-enqueue any tasks that were running on the node
- for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if info.running && info.executorId == execId) {
- taskLost(tid, TaskState.KILLED, null)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check for tasks to be speculated and return true if there are any. This is called periodically
- * by the ClusterScheduler.
- *
- * TODO: To make this scale to large jobs, we need to maintain a list of running tasks, so that
- * we don't scan the whole task set. It might also help to make this sorted by launch time.
- */
- override def checkSpeculatableTasks(): Boolean = {
- // Can't speculate if we only have one task, or if all tasks have finished.
- if (numTasks == 1 || tasksFinished == numTasks) {
- return false
- }
- var foundTasks = false
- val minFinishedForSpeculation = (SPECULATION_QUANTILE * numTasks).floor.toInt
- logDebug("Checking for speculative tasks: minFinished = " + minFinishedForSpeculation)
- if (tasksFinished >= minFinishedForSpeculation) {
- val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
- val durations = taskInfos.values.filter(_.successful).map(_.duration).toArray
- Arrays.sort(durations)
- val medianDuration = durations(min((0.5 * numTasks).round.toInt, durations.size - 1))
- val threshold = max(SPECULATION_MULTIPLIER * medianDuration, 100)
- // TODO: Threshold should also look at standard deviation of task durations and have a lower
- // bound based on that.
- logDebug("Task length threshold for speculation: " + threshold)
- for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos) {
- val index = info.index
- if (!finished(index) && copiesRunning(index) == 1 && info.timeRunning(time) > threshold &&
- !speculatableTasks.contains(index)) {
- logInfo(
- "Marking task %s:%d (on %s) as speculatable because it ran more than %.0f ms".format(
- taskSet.id, index, info.hostPort, threshold))
- speculatableTasks += index
- foundTasks = true
- }
- }
- }
- return foundTasks
- }
- override def hasPendingTasks(): Boolean = {
- numTasks > 0 && tasksFinished < numTasks
- }
+private[spark] trait TaskSetManager extends Schedulable {
+ def taskSet: TaskSet
+ def slaveOffer(execId: String, hostPort: String, availableCpus: Double, overrideLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality = null): Option[TaskDescription]
+ def numPendingTasksForHostPort(hostPort: String): Int
+ def numRackLocalPendingTasksForHost(hostPort :String): Int
+ def numPendingTasksForHost(hostPort: String): Int
+ def statusUpdate(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer)
+ def error(message: String)
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/local/LocalScheduler.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/local/LocalScheduler.scala
index 37a67f9b1b..664dc9e886 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/local/LocalScheduler.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/spark/scheduler/local/LocalScheduler.scala
@@ -2,19 +2,215 @@ package spark.scheduler.local
import java.io.File
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
+import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import spark._
+import spark.TaskState.TaskState
import spark.executor.ExecutorURLClassLoader
import spark.scheduler._
-import spark.scheduler.cluster.{TaskLocality, TaskInfo}
+import spark.scheduler.cluster._
+import akka.actor._
* A simple TaskScheduler implementation that runs tasks locally in a thread pool. Optionally
* the scheduler also allows each task to fail up to maxFailures times, which is useful for
* testing fault recovery.
-private[spark] class LocalScheduler(threads: Int, maxFailures: Int, sc: SparkContext)
+private[spark] case class LocalReviveOffers()
+private[spark] case class LocalStatusUpdate(taskId: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer)
+private[spark] class LocalActor(localScheduler: LocalScheduler, var freeCores: Int) extends Actor with Logging {
+ def receive = {
+ case LocalReviveOffers =>
+ logInfo("LocalReviveOffers")
+ launchTask(localScheduler.resourceOffer(freeCores))
+ case LocalStatusUpdate(taskId, state, serializeData) =>
+ logInfo("LocalStatusUpdate")
+ freeCores += 1
+ localScheduler.statusUpdate(taskId, state, serializeData)
+ launchTask(localScheduler.resourceOffer(freeCores))
+ }
+ def launchTask(tasks : Seq[TaskDescription]) {
+ for (task <- tasks)
+ {
+ freeCores -= 1
+ localScheduler.threadPool.submit(new Runnable {
+ def run() {
+ localScheduler.runTask(task.taskId,task.serializedTask)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+private[spark] class LocalTaskSetManager(sched: LocalScheduler, val taskSet: TaskSet) extends TaskSetManager with Logging {
+ var parent: Schedulable = null
+ var weight: Int = 1
+ var minShare: Int = 0
+ var runningTasks: Int = 0
+ var priority: Int = taskSet.priority
+ var stageId: Int = taskSet.stageId
+ var name: String = "TaskSet_"+taskSet.stageId.toString
+ var failCount = new Array[Int](taskSet.tasks.size)
+ val taskInfos = new HashMap[Long, TaskInfo]
+ val numTasks = taskSet.tasks.size
+ var numFinished = 0
+ val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance()
+ val copiesRunning = new Array[Int](numTasks)
+ val finished = new Array[Boolean](numTasks)
+ val numFailures = new Array[Int](numTasks)
+ def increaseRunningTasks(taskNum: Int): Unit = {
+ runningTasks += taskNum
+ if (parent != null) {
+ parent.increaseRunningTasks(taskNum)
+ }
+ }
+ def decreaseRunningTasks(taskNum: Int): Unit = {
+ runningTasks -= taskNum
+ if (parent != null) {
+ parent.decreaseRunningTasks(taskNum)
+ }
+ }
+ def addSchedulable(schedulable: Schedulable): Unit = {
+ //nothing
+ }
+ def removeSchedulable(schedulable: Schedulable): Unit = {
+ //nothing
+ }
+ def getSchedulableByName(name: String): Schedulable = {
+ return null
+ }
+ def executorLost(executorId: String, host: String): Unit = {
+ //nothing
+ }
+ def checkSpeculatableTasks(): Boolean = {
+ return true
+ }
+ def getSortedTaskSetQueue(): ArrayBuffer[TaskSetManager] = {
+ var sortedTaskSetQueue = new ArrayBuffer[TaskSetManager]
+ sortedTaskSetQueue += this
+ return sortedTaskSetQueue
+ }
+ def hasPendingTasks(): Boolean = {
+ return true
+ }
+ def findTask(): Option[Int] = {
+ for (i <- 0 to numTasks-1) {
+ if (copiesRunning(i) == 0 && !finished(i)) {
+ return Some(i)
+ }
+ }
+ return None
+ }
+ def slaveOffer(execId: String, hostPort: String, availableCpus: Double, overrideLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality = null): Option[TaskDescription] = {
+ Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(sched.classLoader)
+ SparkEnv.set(sched.env)
+ logInfo("availableCpus:%d,numFinished:%d,numTasks:%d".format(availableCpus.toInt, numFinished, numTasks))
+ if (availableCpus > 0 && numFinished < numTasks) {
+ findTask() match {
+ case Some(index) =>
+ logInfo(taskSet.tasks(index).toString)
+ val taskId = sched.attemptId.getAndIncrement()
+ val task = taskSet.tasks(index)
+ logInfo("taskId:%d,task:%s".format(index,task))
+ val info = new TaskInfo(taskId, index, System.currentTimeMillis(), "local", "local:1", TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)
+ taskInfos(taskId) = info
+ val bytes = Task.serializeWithDependencies(task, sched.sc.addedFiles, sched.sc.addedJars, ser)
+ logInfo("Size of task " + taskId + " is " + bytes.limit + " bytes")
+ val taskName = "task %s:%d".format(taskSet.id, index)
+ copiesRunning(index) += 1
+ increaseRunningTasks(1)
+ return Some(new TaskDescription(taskId, null, taskName, bytes))
+ case None => {}
+ }
+ }
+ return None
+ }
+ def numPendingTasksForHostPort(hostPort: String): Int = {
+ return 0
+ }
+ def numRackLocalPendingTasksForHost(hostPort :String): Int = {
+ return 0
+ }
+ def numPendingTasksForHost(hostPort: String): Int = {
+ return 0
+ }
+ def statusUpdate(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
+ state match {
+ case TaskState.FINISHED =>
+ taskEnded(tid, state, serializedData)
+ case TaskState.FAILED =>
+ taskFailed(tid, state, serializedData)
+ case _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ def taskEnded(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
+ val info = taskInfos(tid)
+ val index = info.index
+ val task = taskSet.tasks(index)
+ info.markSuccessful()
+ val result = ser.deserialize[TaskResult[_]](serializedData, getClass.getClassLoader)
+ result.metrics.resultSize = serializedData.limit()
+ sched.listener.taskEnded(task, Success, result.value, result.accumUpdates, info, result.metrics)
+ numFinished += 1
+ decreaseRunningTasks(1)
+ finished(index) = true
+ if (numFinished == numTasks) {
+ sched.taskSetFinished(this)
+ }
+ }
+ def taskFailed(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
+ val info = taskInfos(tid)
+ val index = info.index
+ val task = taskSet.tasks(index)
+ info.markFailed()
+ decreaseRunningTasks(1)
+ val reason: ExceptionFailure = ser.deserialize[ExceptionFailure](serializedData, getClass.getClassLoader)
+ if (!finished(index)) {
+ copiesRunning(index) -= 1
+ numFailures(index) += 1
+ val locs = reason.stackTrace.map(loc => "\tat %s".format(loc.toString))
+ logInfo("Loss was due to %s\n%s\n%s".format(reason.className, reason.description, locs.mkString("\n")))
+ if (numFailures(index) > 4) {
+ val errorMessage = "Task %s:%d failed more than %d times; aborting job %s".format(taskSet.id, index, 4, reason.description)
+ //logError(errorMessage)
+ //sched.listener.taskEnded(task, reason, null, null, info, null)
+ sched.listener.taskSetFailed(taskSet, errorMessage)
+ sched.taskSetFinished(this)
+ decreaseRunningTasks(runningTasks)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def error(message: String) {
+ }
+private[spark] class LocalScheduler(threads: Int, val maxFailures: Int, val sc: SparkContext)
extends TaskScheduler
with Logging {
@@ -30,90 +226,126 @@ private[spark] class LocalScheduler(threads: Int, maxFailures: Int, sc: SparkCon
val classLoader = new ExecutorURLClassLoader(Array(), Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader)
+ var schedulableBuilder: SchedulableBuilder = null
+ var rootPool: Pool = null
+ val activeTaskSets = new HashMap[String, TaskSetManager]
+ val taskIdToTaskSetId = new HashMap[Long, String]
+ val taskSetTaskIds = new HashMap[String, HashSet[Long]]
+ var localActor: ActorRef = null
// TODO: Need to take into account stage priority in scheduling
- override def start() { }
+ override def start() {
+ //default scheduler is FIFO
+ val schedulingMode = System.getProperty("spark.cluster.schedulingmode", "FIFO")
+ //temporarily set rootPool name to empty
+ rootPool = new Pool("", SchedulingMode.withName(schedulingMode), 0, 0)
+ schedulableBuilder = {
+ schedulingMode match {
+ case "FIFO" =>
+ new FIFOSchedulableBuilder(rootPool)
+ case "FAIR" =>
+ new FairSchedulableBuilder(rootPool)
+ }
+ }
+ schedulableBuilder.buildPools()
+ //val properties = new ArrayBuffer[(String, String)]
+ localActor = env.actorSystem.actorOf(
+ Props(new LocalActor(this, threads)), "Test")
+ }
override def setListener(listener: TaskSchedulerListener) {
this.listener = listener
override def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet) {
- val tasks = taskSet.tasks
- val failCount = new Array[Int](tasks.size)
+ var manager = new LocalTaskSetManager(this, taskSet)
+ schedulableBuilder.addTaskSetManager(manager, manager.taskSet.properties)
+ activeTaskSets(taskSet.id) = manager
+ taskSetTaskIds(taskSet.id) = new HashSet[Long]()
+ localActor ! LocalReviveOffers
+ }
- def submitTask(task: Task[_], idInJob: Int) {
- val myAttemptId = attemptId.getAndIncrement()
- threadPool.submit(new Runnable {
- def run() {
- runTask(task, idInJob, myAttemptId)
- }
- })
+ def resourceOffer(freeCores: Int): Seq[TaskDescription] = {
+ var freeCpuCores = freeCores
+ val tasks = new ArrayBuffer[TaskDescription](freeCores)
+ val sortedTaskSetQueue = rootPool.getSortedTaskSetQueue()
+ for (manager <- sortedTaskSetQueue) {
+ logInfo("parentName:%s,name:%s,runningTasks:%s".format(manager.parent.name, manager.name, manager.runningTasks))
- def runTask(task: Task[_], idInJob: Int, attemptId: Int) {
- logInfo("Running " + task)
- val info = new TaskInfo(attemptId, idInJob, System.currentTimeMillis(), "local", "local:1", TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)
- // Set the Spark execution environment for the worker thread
- SparkEnv.set(env)
- try {
- Accumulators.clear()
- Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classLoader)
- // Serialize and deserialize the task so that accumulators are changed to thread-local ones;
- // this adds a bit of unnecessary overhead but matches how the Mesos Executor works.
- val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance()
- val bytes = Task.serializeWithDependencies(task, sc.addedFiles, sc.addedJars, ser)
- logInfo("Size of task " + idInJob + " is " + bytes.limit + " bytes")
- val (taskFiles, taskJars, taskBytes) = Task.deserializeWithDependencies(bytes)
- updateDependencies(taskFiles, taskJars) // Download any files added with addFile
- val deserStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
- val deserializedTask = ser.deserialize[Task[_]](
- taskBytes, Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader)
- val deserTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - deserStart
- // Run it
- val result: Any = deserializedTask.run(attemptId)
- // Serialize and deserialize the result to emulate what the Mesos
- // executor does. This is useful to catch serialization errors early
- // on in development (so when users move their local Spark programs
- // to the cluster, they don't get surprised by serialization errors).
- val serResult = ser.serialize(result)
- deserializedTask.metrics.get.resultSize = serResult.limit()
- val resultToReturn = ser.deserialize[Any](serResult)
- val accumUpdates = ser.deserialize[collection.mutable.Map[Long, Any]](
- ser.serialize(Accumulators.values))
- logInfo("Finished " + task)
- info.markSuccessful()
- deserializedTask.metrics.get.executorRunTime = info.duration.toInt //close enough
- deserializedTask.metrics.get.executorDeserializeTime = deserTime.toInt
- // If the threadpool has not already been shutdown, notify DAGScheduler
- if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted)
- listener.taskEnded(task, Success, resultToReturn, accumUpdates, info, deserializedTask.metrics.getOrElse(null))
- } catch {
- case t: Throwable => {
- logError("Exception in task " + idInJob, t)
- failCount.synchronized {
- failCount(idInJob) += 1
- if (failCount(idInJob) <= maxFailures) {
- submitTask(task, idInJob)
- } else {
- // TODO: Do something nicer here to return all the way to the user
- if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted) {
- val failure = new ExceptionFailure(t.getClass.getName, t.toString, t.getStackTrace)
- listener.taskEnded(task, failure, null, null, info, null)
- }
- }
+ var launchTask = false
+ for (manager <- sortedTaskSetQueue) {
+ do {
+ launchTask = false
+ logInfo("freeCores is" + freeCpuCores)
+ manager.slaveOffer(null,null,freeCpuCores) match {
+ case Some(task) =>
+ tasks += task
+ taskIdToTaskSetId(task.taskId) = manager.taskSet.id
+ taskSetTaskIds(manager.taskSet.id) += task.taskId
+ freeCpuCores -= 1
+ launchTask = true
+ case None => {}
- }
- }
+ } while(launchTask)
+ return tasks
+ }
- for ((task, i) <- tasks.zipWithIndex) {
- submitTask(task, i)
- }
+ def taskSetFinished(manager: TaskSetManager) {
+ activeTaskSets -= manager.taskSet.id
+ manager.parent.removeSchedulable(manager)
+ logInfo("Remove TaskSet %s from pool %s".format(manager.taskSet.id, manager.parent.name))
+ taskIdToTaskSetId --= taskSetTaskIds(manager.taskSet.id)
+ taskSetTaskIds -= manager.taskSet.id
+ }
+ def runTask(taskId: Long, bytes: ByteBuffer) {
+ logInfo("Running " + taskId)
+ val info = new TaskInfo(taskId, 0 , System.currentTimeMillis(), "local", "local:1", TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)
+ // Set the Spark execution environment for the worker thread
+ SparkEnv.set(env)
+ val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance()
+ try {
+ Accumulators.clear()
+ Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classLoader)
+ // Serialize and deserialize the task so that accumulators are changed to thread-local ones;
+ // this adds a bit of unnecessary overhead but matches how the Mesos Executor works.
+ val (taskFiles, taskJars, taskBytes) = Task.deserializeWithDependencies(bytes)
+ updateDependencies(taskFiles, taskJars) // Download any files added with addFile
+ val deserStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ val deserializedTask = ser.deserialize[Task[_]](
+ taskBytes, Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader)
+ val deserTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - deserStart
+ // Run it
+ val result: Any = deserializedTask.run(taskId)
+ // Serialize and deserialize the result to emulate what the Mesos
+ // executor does. This is useful to catch serialization errors early
+ // on in development (so when users move their local Spark programs
+ // to the cluster, they don't get surprised by serialization errors).
+ val serResult = ser.serialize(result)
+ deserializedTask.metrics.get.resultSize = serResult.limit()
+ val resultToReturn = ser.deserialize[Any](serResult)
+ val accumUpdates = ser.deserialize[collection.mutable.Map[Long, Any]](
+ ser.serialize(Accumulators.values))
+ logInfo("Finished " + taskId)
+ deserializedTask.metrics.get.executorRunTime = deserTime.toInt//info.duration.toInt //close enough
+ deserializedTask.metrics.get.executorDeserializeTime = deserTime.toInt
+ val taskResult = new TaskResult(result, accumUpdates, deserializedTask.metrics.getOrElse(null))
+ val serializedResult = ser.serialize(taskResult)
+ localActor ! LocalStatusUpdate(taskId, TaskState.FINISHED, serializedResult)
+ } catch {
+ case t: Throwable => {
+ val failure = new ExceptionFailure(t.getClass.getName, t.toString, t.getStackTrace)
+ localActor ! LocalStatusUpdate(taskId, TaskState.FAILED, ser.serialize(failure))
+ }
+ }
@@ -128,6 +360,7 @@ private[spark] class LocalScheduler(threads: Int, maxFailures: Int, sc: SparkCon
Utils.fetchFile(name, new File(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory))
currentFiles(name) = timestamp
for ((name, timestamp) <- newJars if currentJars.getOrElse(name, -1L) < timestamp) {
logInfo("Fetching " + name + " with timestamp " + timestamp)
Utils.fetchFile(name, new File(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory))
@@ -143,7 +376,14 @@ private[spark] class LocalScheduler(threads: Int, maxFailures: Int, sc: SparkCon
- override def stop() {
+ def statusUpdate(taskId :Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer)
+ {
+ val taskSetId = taskIdToTaskSetId(taskId)
+ val taskSetManager = activeTaskSets(taskSetId)
+ taskSetManager.statusUpdate(taskId, state, serializedData)
+ }
+ override def stop() {
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/spark/scheduler/ClusterSchedulerSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/spark/scheduler/ClusterSchedulerSuite.scala
index a39418b716..e6ad90192e 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/spark/scheduler/ClusterSchedulerSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/spark/scheduler/ClusterSchedulerSuite.scala
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class DummyTaskSetManager(
initNumTasks: Int,
clusterScheduler: ClusterScheduler,
taskSet: TaskSet)
- extends TaskSetManager(clusterScheduler,taskSet) {
+ extends ClusterTaskSetManager(clusterScheduler,taskSet) {
parent = null
weight = 1