path: root/dev/run-tests-jenkins
diff options
authorBrennon York <brennon.york@capitalone.com>2015-03-19 11:18:24 -0400
committerSean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com>2015-03-19 11:18:24 -0400
commit8cb23a1f9a3ed08e57865bcb6cc1cc7902881073 (patch)
tree0ef9b45b5935a51322716625de1091c9c30ee03f /dev/run-tests-jenkins
parentdda4dedca0459fc7c00eb1d9cb07e14af1621e0f (diff)
[SPARK-5313][Project Infra]: Create simple framework for highlighting changes introduced in a PR
Built a simple framework with a `dev/tests` directory to house all pull request related tests. I've moved the two original tests (`pr_merge_ability` and `pr_public_classes`) into the new `dev/tests` directory and tested to the best of my ability. At this point I need to test against Jenkins actually running the new `run-tests-jenkins` script to ensure things aren't broken down the path. Author: Brennon York <brennon.york@capitalone.com> Closes #5072 from brennonyork/SPARK-5313 and squashes the following commits: 8ae990c [Brennon York] added dev/run-tests back, removed echo 5db4ed4 [Brennon York] removed the git checkout 1b50050 [Brennon York] adding echos to see what jenkins is seeing b823959 [Brennon York] removed run-tests to further test the public_classes pr test 2b9ce12 [Brennon York] added the dev/run-tests call back in ffd49c0 [Brennon York] remove -c from bash as that was removing the trailing args 735d615 [Brennon York] removed the actual dev/run-tests command to further test jenkins d579662 [Brennon York] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into SPARK-5313 aa48029 [Brennon York] removed echo lines for testing jenkins 24cd965 [Brennon York] added test output to check within jenkins to verify 3a38e73 [Brennon York] removed the temporary read 9c881ff [Brennon York] updated test suite 183b7ee [Brennon York] added documentation on how to create tests 0bc2efe [Brennon York] ensure each test starts on the current pr branch 1743378 [Brennon York] added tests in test suite abd7430 [Brennon York] updated to include test suite
Diffstat (limited to 'dev/run-tests-jenkins')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/dev/run-tests-jenkins b/dev/run-tests-jenkins
index 6a849e4f77..5f4000e839 100755
--- a/dev/run-tests-jenkins
+++ b/dev/run-tests-jenkins
@@ -49,6 +49,21 @@ SHORT_COMMIT_HASH="${ghprbActualCommit:0:7}"
TESTS_TIMEOUT="120m" # format: http://linux.die.net/man/1/timeout
+# Array to capture all tests to run on the pull request. These tests are held under the
+#+ dev/tests/ directory.
+# To write a PR test:
+#+ * the file must reside within the dev/tests directory
+#+ * be an executable bash script
+#+ * accept two arguments on the command line, the first being the Github PR long commit
+#+ hash and the second the Github SHA1 hash
+#+ * and, lastly, return string output to be included in the pr message output that will
+#+ be posted to Github
+ "pr_merge_ability"
+ "pr_public_classes"
function post_message () {
local message=$1
local data="{\"body\": \"$message\"}"
@@ -131,48 +146,22 @@ function send_archived_logs () {
-# We diff master...$ghprbActualCommit because that gets us changes introduced in the PR
-#+ and not anything else added to master since the PR was branched.
-# check PR merge-ability and check for new public classes
- if [ "$sha1" == "$ghprbActualCommit" ]; then
- merge_note=" * This patch **does not merge cleanly**."
- else
- merge_note=" * This patch merges cleanly."
+# Environment variable to capture PR test output
+# Run pull request tests
+for t in "${PR_TESTS[@]}"; do
+ this_test="${FWDIR}/dev/tests/${t}.sh"
+ # Ensure the test is a file and is executable
+ if [ -x "$this_test" ]; then
+ echo "ghprb: $ghprbActualCommit sha1: $sha1"
+ this_mssg="`bash \"${this_test}\" \"${ghprbActualCommit}\" \"${sha1}\" 2>/dev/null`"
+ # Check if this is the merge test as we submit that note *before* and *after*
+ # the tests run
+ [ "$t" == "pr_merge_ability" ] && merge_note="${this_mssg}"
+ pr_message="${pr_message}\n${this_mssg}"
- source_files=$(
- git diff master...$ghprbActualCommit --name-only `# diff patch against master from branch point` \
- | grep -v -e "\/test" `# ignore files in test directories` \
- | grep -e "\.py$" -e "\.java$" -e "\.scala$" `# include only code files` \
- | tr "\n" " "
- )
- new_public_classes=$(
- git diff master...$ghprbActualCommit ${source_files} `# diff patch against master from branch point` \
- | grep "^\+" `# filter in only added lines` \
- | sed -r -e "s/^\+//g" `# remove the leading +` \
- | grep -e "trait " -e "class " `# filter in lines with these key words` \
- | grep -e "{" -e "(" `# filter in lines with these key words, too` \
- | grep -v -e "\@\@" -e "private" `# exclude lines with these words` \
- | grep -v -e "^// " -e "^/\*" -e "^ \* " `# exclude comment lines` \
- | sed -r -e "s/\{.*//g" `# remove from the { onwards` \
- | sed -r -e "s/\}//g" `# just in case, remove }; they mess the JSON` \
- | sed -r -e "s/\"/\\\\\"/g" `# escape double quotes; they mess the JSON` \
- | sed -r -e "s/^(.*)$/\`\1\`/g" `# surround with backticks for style` \
- | sed -r -e "s/^/ \* /g" `# prepend ' *' to start of line` \
- | sed -r -e "s/$/\\\n/g" `# append newline to end of line` \
- | tr -d "\n" `# remove actual LF characters`
- )
- if [ -z "$new_public_classes" ]; then
- public_classes_note=" * This patch adds no public classes."
- else
- public_classes_note=" * This patch adds the following public classes _(experimental)_:"
- public_classes_note="${public_classes_note}\n${new_public_classes}"
- fi
# post start message
@@ -181,7 +170,6 @@ function send_archived_logs () {
PR $ghprbPullId at commit [\`${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}\`](${COMMIT_URL})."
- # start_message="${start_message}\n${public_classes_note}"
post_message "$start_message"
@@ -234,8 +222,7 @@ function send_archived_logs () {
PR $ghprbPullId at commit [\`${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}\`](${COMMIT_URL})."
- result_message="${result_message}\n${merge_note}"
- result_message="${result_message}\n${public_classes_note}"
+ result_message="${result_message}\n${pr_message}"
post_message "$result_message"