path: root/docs
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authorReynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com>2015-12-19 22:40:35 -0800
committerReynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com>2015-12-19 22:40:35 -0800
commit284e29a870bbb62f59988a5d88cd12f1b0b6f9d3 (patch)
treedc1f029020716e90950c9208b81b821c11dda164 /docs
parent0c4d6ad87389286280209b3f84a7fdc4d4be1441 (diff)
[SPARK-11808] Remove Bagel.
Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #10395 from rxin/SPARK-11808.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 160 deletions
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<li><a href="sql-programming-guide.html">DataFrames, Datasets and SQL</a></li>
<li><a href="mllib-guide.html">MLlib (Machine Learning)</a></li>
<li><a href="graphx-programming-guide.html">GraphX (Graph Processing)</a></li>
- <li><a href="bagel-programming-guide.html">Bagel (Pregel on Spark)</a></li>
<li><a href="sparkr.html">SparkR (R on Spark)</a></li>
diff --git a/docs/bagel-programming-guide.md b/docs/bagel-programming-guide.md
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-layout: global
-displayTitle: Bagel Programming Guide
-title: Bagel
-**Bagel is deprecated, and superseded by [GraphX](graphx-programming-guide.html).**
-Bagel is a Spark implementation of Google's [Pregel](http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1807184) graph processing framework. Bagel currently supports basic graph computation, combiners, and aggregators.
-In the Pregel programming model, jobs run as a sequence of iterations called _supersteps_. In each superstep, each vertex in the graph runs a user-specified function that can update state associated with the vertex and send messages to other vertices for use in the *next* iteration.
-This guide shows the programming model and features of Bagel by walking through an example implementation of PageRank on Bagel.
-# Linking with Bagel
-To use Bagel in your program, add the following SBT or Maven dependency:
- groupId = org.apache.spark
- artifactId = spark-bagel_{{site.SCALA_BINARY_VERSION}}
- version = {{site.SPARK_VERSION}}
-# Programming Model
-Bagel operates on a graph represented as a [distributed dataset](programming-guide.html) of (K, V) pairs, where keys are vertex IDs and values are vertices plus their associated state. In each superstep, Bagel runs a user-specified compute function on each vertex that takes as input the current vertex state and a list of messages sent to that vertex during the previous superstep, and returns the new vertex state and a list of outgoing messages.
-For example, we can use Bagel to implement PageRank. Here, vertices represent pages, edges represent links between pages, and messages represent shares of PageRank sent to the pages that a particular page links to.
-We first extend the default `Vertex` class to store a `Double`
-representing the current PageRank of the vertex, and similarly extend
-the `Message` and `Edge` classes. Note that these need to be marked `@serializable` to allow Spark to transfer them across machines. We also import the Bagel types and implicit conversions.
-{% highlight scala %}
-import org.apache.spark.bagel._
-import org.apache.spark.bagel.Bagel._
-@serializable class PREdge(val targetId: String) extends Edge
-@serializable class PRVertex(
- val id: String, val rank: Double, val outEdges: Seq[Edge],
- val active: Boolean) extends Vertex
-@serializable class PRMessage(
- val targetId: String, val rankShare: Double) extends Message
-{% endhighlight %}
-Next, we load a sample graph from a text file as a distributed dataset and package it into `PRVertex` objects. We also cache the distributed dataset because Bagel will use it multiple times and we'd like to avoid recomputing it.
-{% highlight scala %}
-val input = sc.textFile("data/mllib/pagerank_data.txt")
-val numVerts = input.count()
-val verts = input.map(line => {
- val fields = line.split('\t')
- val (id, linksStr) = (fields(0), fields(1))
- val links = linksStr.split(',').map(new PREdge(_))
- (id, new PRVertex(id, 1.0 / numVerts, links, true))
-{% endhighlight %}
-We run the Bagel job, passing in `verts`, an empty distributed dataset of messages, and a custom compute function that runs PageRank for 10 iterations.
-{% highlight scala %}
-val emptyMsgs = sc.parallelize(List[(String, PRMessage)]())
-def compute(self: PRVertex, msgs: Option[Seq[PRMessage]], superstep: Int)
-: (PRVertex, Iterable[PRMessage]) = {
- val msgSum = msgs.getOrElse(List()).map(_.rankShare).sum
- val newRank =
- if (msgSum != 0)
- 0.15 / numVerts + 0.85 * msgSum
- else
- self.rank
- val halt = superstep >= 10
- val msgsOut =
- if (!halt)
- self.outEdges.map(edge =>
- new PRMessage(edge.targetId, newRank / self.outEdges.size))
- else
- List()
- (new PRVertex(self.id, newRank, self.outEdges, !halt), msgsOut)
-{% endhighlight %}
-val result = Bagel.run(sc, verts, emptyMsgs)()(compute)
-Finally, we print the results.
-{% highlight scala %}
-println(result.map(v => "%s\t%s\n".format(v.id, v.rank)).collect.mkString)
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Combiners
-Sending a message to another vertex generally involves expensive communication over the network. For certain algorithms, it's possible to reduce the amount of communication using _combiners_. For example, if the compute function receives integer messages and only uses their sum, it's possible for Bagel to combine multiple messages to the same vertex by summing them.
-For combiner support, Bagel can optionally take a set of combiner functions that convert messages to their combined form.
-_Example: PageRank with combiners_
-## Aggregators
-Aggregators perform a reduce across all vertices after each superstep, and provide the result to each vertex in the next superstep.
-For aggregator support, Bagel can optionally take an aggregator function that reduces across each vertex.
-## Operations
-Here are the actions and types in the Bagel API. See [Bagel.scala](https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/bagel/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/bagel/Bagel.scala) for details.
-### Actions
-{% highlight scala %}
-/*** Full form ***/
-Bagel.run(sc, vertices, messages, combiner, aggregator, partitioner, numSplits)(compute)
-// where compute takes (vertex: V, combinedMessages: Option[C], aggregated: Option[A], superstep: Int)
-// and returns (newVertex: V, outMessages: Array[M])
-/*** Abbreviated forms ***/
-Bagel.run(sc, vertices, messages, combiner, partitioner, numSplits)(compute)
-// where compute takes (vertex: V, combinedMessages: Option[C], superstep: Int)
-// and returns (newVertex: V, outMessages: Array[M])
-Bagel.run(sc, vertices, messages, combiner, numSplits)(compute)
-// where compute takes (vertex: V, combinedMessages: Option[C], superstep: Int)
-// and returns (newVertex: V, outMessages: Array[M])
-Bagel.run(sc, vertices, messages, numSplits)(compute)
-// where compute takes (vertex: V, messages: Option[Array[M]], superstep: Int)
-// and returns (newVertex: V, outMessages: Array[M])
-{% endhighlight %}
-### Types
-{% highlight scala %}
-trait Combiner[M, C] {
- def createCombiner(msg: M): C
- def mergeMsg(combiner: C, msg: M): C
- def mergeCombiners(a: C, b: C): C
-trait Aggregator[V, A] {
- def createAggregator(vert: V): A
- def mergeAggregators(a: A, b: A): A
-trait Vertex {
- def active: Boolean
-trait Message[K] {
- def targetId: K
-{% endhighlight %}