path: root/src
diff options
authorMatei Zaharia <matei@eecs.berkeley.edu>2010-11-03 21:27:24 -0700
committerMatei Zaharia <matei@eecs.berkeley.edu>2010-11-03 21:27:24 -0700
commit820dac5afebc4fd604c02ba74d0bef7d948287c5 (patch)
treea47ed95e38c0898abd9cbfe024725bb110c163a6 /src
parent648f42933af9158a6109c168064caa977da76cb2 (diff)
Initial work towards a simple HDFS-based shuffle.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 155 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/scala/spark/DfsShuffle.scala b/src/scala/spark/DfsShuffle.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc26afde33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scala/spark/DfsShuffle.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+package spark
+import java.io.{EOFException, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream}
+import java.net.URI
+import java.util.UUID
+import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path, RawLocalFileSystem}
+import mesos.SlaveOffer
+ * An RDD that captures the splits of a parent RDD and gives them unique indexes.
+ * This is useful for a variety of shuffle implementations.
+ */
+class NumberedSplitRDD[T: ClassManifest](prev: RDD[T])
+extends RDD[(Int, Iterator[T])](prev.sparkContext) {
+ @transient val splits_ = {
+ prev.splits.zipWithIndex.map {
+ case (s, i) => new NumberedSplitRDDSplit(s, i): Split
+ }.toArray
+ }
+ override def splits = splits_
+ override def preferredLocations(split: Split) = {
+ val nsplit = split.asInstanceOf[NumberedSplitRDDSplit]
+ prev.preferredLocations(nsplit.prev)
+ }
+ override def iterator(split: Split) = {
+ val nsplit = split.asInstanceOf[NumberedSplitRDDSplit]
+ Iterator((nsplit.index, prev.iterator(nsplit.prev)))
+ }
+ override def taskStarted(split: Split, slot: SlaveOffer) = {
+ val nsplit = split.asInstanceOf[NumberedSplitRDDSplit]
+ prev.taskStarted(nsplit.prev, slot)
+ }
+class NumberedSplitRDDSplit(val prev: Split, val index: Int) extends Split {
+ override def getId() = "NumberedSplitRDDSplit(%d)".format(index)
+ * A simple implementation of shuffle using a distributed file system.
+ */
+class DfsShuffle[K, V, C](
+ rdd: RDD[(K, V)],
+ numOutputSplits: Int,
+ createCombiner: () => C,
+ mergeValue: (C, V) => C,
+ mergeCombiners: (C, C) => C)
+extends Logging
+ def compute(): RDD[(K, C)] = {
+ val sc = rdd.sparkContext
+ val dir = DfsShuffle.newTempDirectory()
+ logInfo("Intermediate data directory: " + dir)
+ val numberedSplitRdd = new NumberedSplitRDD(rdd)
+ val numInputSplits = numberedSplitRdd.splits.size
+ // Run a parallel foreach to write the intermediate data files
+ numberedSplitRdd.foreach((pair: (Int, Iterator[(K, V)])) => {
+ val myIndex = pair._1
+ val myIterator = pair._2
+ val combiners = new HashMap[K, C] {
+ override def default(key: K) = createCombiner()
+ }
+ for ((k, v) <- myIterator) {
+ combiners(k) = mergeValue(combiners(k), v)
+ }
+ val fs = DfsShuffle.getFileSystem()
+ val outputStreams = (0 until numOutputSplits).map(i => {
+ val path = new Path(dir, "intermediate-%d-%d".format(myIndex, i))
+ new ObjectOutputStream(fs.create(path, 1.toShort))
+ }).toArray
+ for ((k, c) <- combiners) {
+ val bucket = k.hashCode % numOutputSplits
+ outputStreams(bucket).writeObject((k, c))
+ }
+ outputStreams.foreach(_.close())
+ })
+ // Return an RDD that does each of the merges for a given partition
+ return sc.parallelize(0 until numOutputSplits).flatMap((myIndex: Int) => {
+ val combiners = new HashMap[K, C] {
+ override def default(key: K) = createCombiner()
+ }
+ val fs = DfsShuffle.getFileSystem()
+ for (i <- 0 until numInputSplits) {
+ val path = new Path(dir, "intermediate-%d-%d".format(i, myIndex))
+ val inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(fs.open(path))
+ try {
+ while (true) {
+ val pair = inputStream.readObject().asInstanceOf[(K, C)]
+ combiners(pair._1) = mergeCombiners(combiners(pair._1), pair._2)
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case e: EOFException => {}
+ }
+ }
+ combiners
+ })
+ }
+object DfsShuffle {
+ var initialized = false
+ var fileSystem: FileSystem = null
+ private def initializeIfNeeded() = synchronized {
+ if (!initialized) {
+ val bufferSize = System.getProperty("spark.buffer.size", "65536").toInt
+ val dfs = System.getProperty("spark.dfs", "file:///")
+ val conf = new Configuration()
+ conf.setInt("io.file.buffer.size", bufferSize)
+ conf.setInt("dfs.replication", 1)
+ fileSystem = FileSystem.get(new URI(dfs), conf)
+ }
+ initialized = true
+ }
+ def getFileSystem(): FileSystem = {
+ initializeIfNeeded()
+ return fileSystem
+ }
+ def newTempDirectory(): String = {
+ val fs = getFileSystem()
+ val workDir = System.getProperty("spark.dfs.workdir", "/tmp")
+ val uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
+ val path = workDir + "/shuffle-" + uuid
+ fs.mkdirs(new Path(path))
+ return path
+ }
diff --git a/src/scala/spark/RDD.scala b/src/scala/spark/RDD.scala
index 3519114306..e48bb82ec3 100644
--- a/src/scala/spark/RDD.scala
+++ b/src/scala/spark/RDD.scala
@@ -343,4 +343,12 @@ extends RDD[Pair[T, U]](sc) {
rdd.map(pair => HashMap(pair)).reduce(mergeMaps)
+ def combineByKey[C](numSplits: Int,
+ createCombiner: () => C,
+ mergeValue: (C, V) => C,
+ mergeCombiners: (C, C) => C)
+ : RDD[(K, C)] = {
+ new DfsShuffle(rdd, numSplits, createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners).compute()
+ }
diff --git a/src/scala/spark/Split.scala b/src/scala/spark/Split.scala
index 0f7a21354d..116cd16370 100644
--- a/src/scala/spark/Split.scala
+++ b/src/scala/spark/Split.scala
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package spark
* A partition of an RDD.
-trait Split {
+@serializable trait Split {
* Get a unique ID for this split which can be used, for example, to
* set up caches based on it. The ID should stay the same if we serialize