path: root/core/src/hadoop2-yarn/scala/spark/deploy/yarn/YarnAllocationHandler.scala
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1 files changed, 547 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/hadoop2-yarn/scala/spark/deploy/yarn/YarnAllocationHandler.scala b/core/src/hadoop2-yarn/scala/spark/deploy/yarn/YarnAllocationHandler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61dd72a651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/hadoop2-yarn/scala/spark/deploy/yarn/YarnAllocationHandler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+package spark.deploy.yarn
+import spark.{Logging, Utils}
+import spark.scheduler.SplitInfo
+import scala.collection
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.{AMResponse, ApplicationAttemptId, ContainerId, Priority, Resource, ResourceRequest, ContainerStatus, Container}
+import spark.scheduler.cluster.{ClusterScheduler, StandaloneSchedulerBackend}
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.{AllocateRequest, AllocateResponse}
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.{RackResolver, Records}
+import java.util.concurrent.{CopyOnWriteArrayList, ConcurrentHashMap}
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.AMRMProtocol
+import collection.JavaConversions._
+import collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap, HashSet}
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
+import java.util.{Collections, Set => JSet}
+import java.lang.{Boolean => JBoolean}
+object AllocationType extends Enumeration ("HOST", "RACK", "ANY") {
+ type AllocationType = Value
+ val HOST, RACK, ANY = Value
+// too many params ? refactor it 'somehow' ?
+// needs to be mt-safe
+// Need to refactor this to make it 'cleaner' ... right now, all computation is reactive : should make it
+// more proactive and decoupled.
+// Note that right now, we assume all node asks as uniform in terms of capabilities and priority
+// Refer to http://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/hadoop/posts/2011/03/mapreduce-nextgen-scheduler/ for more info
+// on how we are requesting for containers.
+private[yarn] class YarnAllocationHandler(val conf: Configuration, val resourceManager: AMRMProtocol,
+ val appAttemptId: ApplicationAttemptId,
+ val maxWorkers: Int, val workerMemory: Int, val workerCores: Int,
+ val preferredHostToCount: Map[String, Int],
+ val preferredRackToCount: Map[String, Int])
+ extends Logging {
+ // These three are locked on allocatedHostToContainersMap. Complementary data structures
+ // allocatedHostToContainersMap : containers which are running : host, Set<containerid>
+ // allocatedContainerToHostMap: container to host mapping
+ private val allocatedHostToContainersMap = new HashMap[String, collection.mutable.Set[ContainerId]]()
+ private val allocatedContainerToHostMap = new HashMap[ContainerId, String]()
+ // allocatedRackCount is populated ONLY if allocation happens (or decremented if this is an allocated node)
+ // As with the two data structures above, tightly coupled with them, and to be locked on allocatedHostToContainersMap
+ private val allocatedRackCount = new HashMap[String, Int]()
+ // containers which have been released.
+ private val releasedContainerList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList[ContainerId]()
+ // containers to be released in next request to RM
+ private val pendingReleaseContainers = new ConcurrentHashMap[ContainerId, Boolean]
+ private val numWorkersRunning = new AtomicInteger()
+ // Used to generate a unique id per worker
+ private val workerIdCounter = new AtomicInteger()
+ private val lastResponseId = new AtomicInteger()
+ def getNumWorkersRunning: Int = numWorkersRunning.intValue
+ def isResourceConstraintSatisfied(container: Container): Boolean = {
+ container.getResource.getMemory >= (workerMemory + YarnAllocationHandler.MEMORY_OVERHEAD)
+ }
+ def allocateContainers(workersToRequest: Int) {
+ // We need to send the request only once from what I understand ... but for now, not modifying this much.
+ // Keep polling the Resource Manager for containers
+ val amResp = allocateWorkerResources(workersToRequest).getAMResponse
+ val _allocatedContainers = amResp.getAllocatedContainers()
+ if (_allocatedContainers.size > 0) {
+ logDebug("Allocated " + _allocatedContainers.size + " containers, current count " +
+ numWorkersRunning.get() + ", to-be-released " + releasedContainerList +
+ ", pendingReleaseContainers : " + pendingReleaseContainers)
+ logDebug("Cluster Resources: " + amResp.getAvailableResources)
+ val hostToContainers = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Container]]()
+ // ignore if not satisfying constraints {
+ for (container <- _allocatedContainers) {
+ if (isResourceConstraintSatisfied(container)) {
+ // allocatedContainers += container
+ val host = container.getNodeId.getHost
+ val containers = hostToContainers.getOrElseUpdate(host, new ArrayBuffer[Container]())
+ containers += container
+ }
+ // Add all ignored containers to released list
+ else releasedContainerList.add(container.getId())
+ }
+ // Find the appropriate containers to use
+ // Slightly non trivial groupBy I guess ...
+ val dataLocalContainers = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Container]]()
+ val rackLocalContainers = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Container]]()
+ val offRackContainers = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Container]]()
+ for (candidateHost <- hostToContainers.keySet)
+ {
+ val maxExpectedHostCount = preferredHostToCount.getOrElse(candidateHost, 0)
+ val requiredHostCount = maxExpectedHostCount - allocatedContainersOnHost(candidateHost)
+ var remainingContainers = hostToContainers.get(candidateHost).getOrElse(null)
+ assert(remainingContainers != null)
+ if (requiredHostCount >= remainingContainers.size){
+ // Since we got <= required containers, add all to dataLocalContainers
+ dataLocalContainers.put(candidateHost, remainingContainers)
+ // all consumed
+ remainingContainers = null
+ }
+ else if (requiredHostCount > 0) {
+ // container list has more containers than we need for data locality.
+ // Split into two : data local container count of (remainingContainers.size - requiredHostCount)
+ // and rest as remainingContainer
+ val (dataLocal, remaining) = remainingContainers.splitAt(remainingContainers.size - requiredHostCount)
+ dataLocalContainers.put(candidateHost, dataLocal)
+ // remainingContainers = remaining
+ // yarn has nasty habit of allocating a tonne of containers on a host - discourage this :
+ // add remaining to release list. If we have insufficient containers, next allocation cycle
+ // will reallocate (but wont treat it as data local)
+ for (container <- remaining) releasedContainerList.add(container.getId())
+ remainingContainers = null
+ }
+ // now rack local
+ if (remainingContainers != null){
+ val rack = YarnAllocationHandler.lookupRack(conf, candidateHost)
+ if (rack != null){
+ val maxExpectedRackCount = preferredRackToCount.getOrElse(rack, 0)
+ val requiredRackCount = maxExpectedRackCount - allocatedContainersOnRack(rack) -
+ rackLocalContainers.get(rack).getOrElse(List()).size
+ if (requiredRackCount >= remainingContainers.size){
+ // Add all to dataLocalContainers
+ dataLocalContainers.put(rack, remainingContainers)
+ // all consumed
+ remainingContainers = null
+ }
+ else if (requiredRackCount > 0) {
+ // container list has more containers than we need for data locality.
+ // Split into two : data local container count of (remainingContainers.size - requiredRackCount)
+ // and rest as remainingContainer
+ val (rackLocal, remaining) = remainingContainers.splitAt(remainingContainers.size - requiredRackCount)
+ val existingRackLocal = rackLocalContainers.getOrElseUpdate(rack, new ArrayBuffer[Container]())
+ existingRackLocal ++= rackLocal
+ remainingContainers = remaining
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If still not consumed, then it is off rack host - add to that list.
+ if (remainingContainers != null){
+ offRackContainers.put(candidateHost, remainingContainers)
+ }
+ }
+ // Now that we have split the containers into various groups, go through them in order :
+ // first host local, then rack local and then off rack (everything else).
+ // Note that the list we create below tries to ensure that not all containers end up within a host
+ // if there are sufficiently large number of hosts/containers.
+ val allocatedContainers = new ArrayBuffer[Container](_allocatedContainers.size)
+ allocatedContainers ++= ClusterScheduler.prioritizeContainers(dataLocalContainers)
+ allocatedContainers ++= ClusterScheduler.prioritizeContainers(rackLocalContainers)
+ allocatedContainers ++= ClusterScheduler.prioritizeContainers(offRackContainers)
+ // Run each of the allocated containers
+ for (container <- allocatedContainers) {
+ val numWorkersRunningNow = numWorkersRunning.incrementAndGet()
+ val workerHostname = container.getNodeId.getHost
+ val containerId = container.getId
+ assert (container.getResource.getMemory >= (workerMemory + YarnAllocationHandler.MEMORY_OVERHEAD))
+ if (numWorkersRunningNow > maxWorkers) {
+ logInfo("Ignoring container " + containerId + " at host " + workerHostname +
+ " .. we already have required number of containers")
+ releasedContainerList.add(containerId)
+ // reset counter back to old value.
+ numWorkersRunning.decrementAndGet()
+ }
+ else {
+ // deallocate + allocate can result in reusing id's wrongly - so use a different counter (workerIdCounter)
+ val workerId = workerIdCounter.incrementAndGet().toString
+ val driverUrl = "akka://spark@%s:%s/user/%s".format(
+ System.getProperty("spark.driver.host"), System.getProperty("spark.driver.port"),
+ StandaloneSchedulerBackend.ACTOR_NAME)
+ logInfo("launching container on " + containerId + " host " + workerHostname)
+ // just to be safe, simply remove it from pendingReleaseContainers. Should not be there, but ..
+ pendingReleaseContainers.remove(containerId)
+ val rack = YarnAllocationHandler.lookupRack(conf, workerHostname)
+ allocatedHostToContainersMap.synchronized {
+ val containerSet = allocatedHostToContainersMap.getOrElseUpdate(workerHostname, new HashSet[ContainerId]())
+ containerSet += containerId
+ allocatedContainerToHostMap.put(containerId, workerHostname)
+ if (rack != null) allocatedRackCount.put(rack, allocatedRackCount.getOrElse(rack, 0) + 1)
+ }
+ new Thread(
+ new WorkerRunnable(container, conf, driverUrl, workerId,
+ workerHostname, workerMemory, workerCores)
+ ).start()
+ }
+ }
+ logDebug("After allocated " + allocatedContainers.size + " containers (orig : " +
+ _allocatedContainers.size + "), current count " + numWorkersRunning.get() +
+ ", to-be-released " + releasedContainerList + ", pendingReleaseContainers : " + pendingReleaseContainers)
+ }
+ val completedContainers = amResp.getCompletedContainersStatuses()
+ if (completedContainers.size > 0){
+ logDebug("Completed " + completedContainers.size + " containers, current count " + numWorkersRunning.get() +
+ ", to-be-released " + releasedContainerList + ", pendingReleaseContainers : " + pendingReleaseContainers)
+ for (completedContainer <- completedContainers){
+ val containerId = completedContainer.getContainerId
+ // Was this released by us ? If yes, then simply remove from containerSet and move on.
+ if (pendingReleaseContainers.containsKey(containerId)) {
+ pendingReleaseContainers.remove(containerId)
+ }
+ else {
+ // simply decrement count - next iteration of ReporterThread will take care of allocating !
+ numWorkersRunning.decrementAndGet()
+ logInfo("Container completed ? nodeId: " + containerId + ", state " + completedContainer.getState +
+ " httpaddress: " + completedContainer.getDiagnostics)
+ }
+ allocatedHostToContainersMap.synchronized {
+ if (allocatedContainerToHostMap.containsKey(containerId)) {
+ val host = allocatedContainerToHostMap.get(containerId).getOrElse(null)
+ assert (host != null)
+ val containerSet = allocatedHostToContainersMap.get(host).getOrElse(null)
+ assert (containerSet != null)
+ containerSet -= containerId
+ if (containerSet.isEmpty) allocatedHostToContainersMap.remove(host)
+ else allocatedHostToContainersMap.update(host, containerSet)
+ allocatedContainerToHostMap -= containerId
+ // doing this within locked context, sigh ... move to outside ?
+ val rack = YarnAllocationHandler.lookupRack(conf, host)
+ if (rack != null) {
+ val rackCount = allocatedRackCount.getOrElse(rack, 0) - 1
+ if (rackCount > 0) allocatedRackCount.put(rack, rackCount)
+ else allocatedRackCount.remove(rack)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ logDebug("After completed " + completedContainers.size + " containers, current count " +
+ numWorkersRunning.get() + ", to-be-released " + releasedContainerList +
+ ", pendingReleaseContainers : " + pendingReleaseContainers)
+ }
+ }
+ def createRackResourceRequests(hostContainers: List[ResourceRequest]): List[ResourceRequest] = {
+ // First generate modified racks and new set of hosts under it : then issue requests
+ val rackToCounts = new HashMap[String, Int]()
+ // Within this lock - used to read/write to the rack related maps too.
+ for (container <- hostContainers) {
+ val candidateHost = container.getHostName
+ val candidateNumContainers = container.getNumContainers
+ assert(YarnAllocationHandler.ANY_HOST != candidateHost)
+ val rack = YarnAllocationHandler.lookupRack(conf, candidateHost)
+ if (rack != null) {
+ var count = rackToCounts.getOrElse(rack, 0)
+ count += candidateNumContainers
+ rackToCounts.put(rack, count)
+ }
+ }
+ val requestedContainers: ArrayBuffer[ResourceRequest] =
+ new ArrayBuffer[ResourceRequest](rackToCounts.size)
+ for ((rack, count) <- rackToCounts){
+ requestedContainers +=
+ createResourceRequest(AllocationType.RACK, rack, count, YarnAllocationHandler.PRIORITY)
+ }
+ requestedContainers.toList
+ }
+ def allocatedContainersOnHost(host: String): Int = {
+ var retval = 0
+ allocatedHostToContainersMap.synchronized {
+ retval = allocatedHostToContainersMap.getOrElse(host, Set()).size
+ }
+ retval
+ }
+ def allocatedContainersOnRack(rack: String): Int = {
+ var retval = 0
+ allocatedHostToContainersMap.synchronized {
+ retval = allocatedRackCount.getOrElse(rack, 0)
+ }
+ retval
+ }
+ private def allocateWorkerResources(numWorkers: Int): AllocateResponse = {
+ var resourceRequests: List[ResourceRequest] = null
+ // default.
+ if (numWorkers <= 0 || preferredHostToCount.isEmpty) {
+ logDebug("numWorkers: " + numWorkers + ", host preferences ? " + preferredHostToCount.isEmpty)
+ resourceRequests = List(
+ createResourceRequest(AllocationType.ANY, null, numWorkers, YarnAllocationHandler.PRIORITY))
+ }
+ else {
+ // request for all hosts in preferred nodes and for numWorkers -
+ // candidates.size, request by default allocation policy.
+ val hostContainerRequests: ArrayBuffer[ResourceRequest] =
+ new ArrayBuffer[ResourceRequest](preferredHostToCount.size)
+ for ((candidateHost, candidateCount) <- preferredHostToCount) {
+ val requiredCount = candidateCount - allocatedContainersOnHost(candidateHost)
+ if (requiredCount > 0) {
+ hostContainerRequests +=
+ createResourceRequest(AllocationType.HOST, candidateHost, requiredCount, YarnAllocationHandler.PRIORITY)
+ }
+ }
+ val rackContainerRequests: List[ResourceRequest] = createRackResourceRequests(hostContainerRequests.toList)
+ val anyContainerRequests: ResourceRequest =
+ createResourceRequest(AllocationType.ANY, null, numWorkers, YarnAllocationHandler.PRIORITY)
+ val containerRequests: ArrayBuffer[ResourceRequest] =
+ new ArrayBuffer[ResourceRequest](hostContainerRequests.size() + rackContainerRequests.size() + 1)
+ containerRequests ++= hostContainerRequests
+ containerRequests ++= rackContainerRequests
+ containerRequests += anyContainerRequests
+ resourceRequests = containerRequests.toList
+ }
+ val req = Records.newRecord(classOf[AllocateRequest])
+ req.setResponseId(lastResponseId.incrementAndGet)
+ req.setApplicationAttemptId(appAttemptId)
+ req.addAllAsks(resourceRequests)
+ val releasedContainerList = createReleasedContainerList()
+ req.addAllReleases(releasedContainerList)
+ if (numWorkers > 0) {
+ logInfo("Allocating " + numWorkers + " worker containers with " + (workerMemory + YarnAllocationHandler.MEMORY_OVERHEAD) + " of memory each.")
+ }
+ else {
+ logDebug("Empty allocation req .. release : " + releasedContainerList)
+ }
+ for (req <- resourceRequests) {
+ logInfo("rsrcRequest ... host : " + req.getHostName + ", numContainers : " + req.getNumContainers +
+ ", p = " + req.getPriority().getPriority + ", capability: " + req.getCapability)
+ }
+ resourceManager.allocate(req)
+ }
+ private def createResourceRequest(requestType: AllocationType.AllocationType,
+ resource:String, numWorkers: Int, priority: Int): ResourceRequest = {
+ // If hostname specified, we need atleast two requests - node local and rack local.
+ // There must be a third request - which is ANY : that will be specially handled.
+ requestType match {
+ case AllocationType.HOST => {
+ assert (YarnAllocationHandler.ANY_HOST != resource)
+ val hostname = resource
+ val nodeLocal = createResourceRequestImpl(hostname, numWorkers, priority)
+ // add to host->rack mapping
+ YarnAllocationHandler.populateRackInfo(conf, hostname)
+ nodeLocal
+ }
+ case AllocationType.RACK => {
+ val rack = resource
+ createResourceRequestImpl(rack, numWorkers, priority)
+ }
+ case AllocationType.ANY => {
+ createResourceRequestImpl(YarnAllocationHandler.ANY_HOST, numWorkers, priority)
+ }
+ case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected/unsupported request type .. " + requestType)
+ }
+ }
+ private def createResourceRequestImpl(hostname:String, numWorkers: Int, priority: Int): ResourceRequest = {
+ val rsrcRequest = Records.newRecord(classOf[ResourceRequest])
+ val memCapability = Records.newRecord(classOf[Resource])
+ // There probably is some overhead here, let's reserve a bit more memory.
+ memCapability.setMemory(workerMemory + YarnAllocationHandler.MEMORY_OVERHEAD)
+ rsrcRequest.setCapability(memCapability)
+ val pri = Records.newRecord(classOf[Priority])
+ pri.setPriority(priority)
+ rsrcRequest.setPriority(pri)
+ rsrcRequest.setHostName(hostname)
+ rsrcRequest.setNumContainers(java.lang.Math.max(numWorkers, 0))
+ rsrcRequest
+ }
+ def createReleasedContainerList(): ArrayBuffer[ContainerId] = {
+ val retval = new ArrayBuffer[ContainerId](1)
+ // iterator on COW list ...
+ for (container <- releasedContainerList.iterator()){
+ retval += container
+ }
+ // remove from the original list.
+ if (! retval.isEmpty) {
+ releasedContainerList.removeAll(retval)
+ for (v <- retval) pendingReleaseContainers.put(v, true)
+ logInfo("Releasing " + retval.size + " containers. pendingReleaseContainers : " +
+ pendingReleaseContainers)
+ }
+ retval
+ }
+object YarnAllocationHandler {
+ val ANY_HOST = "*"
+ // all requests are issued with same priority : we do not (yet) have any distinction between
+ // request types (like map/reduce in hadoop for example)
+ val PRIORITY = 1
+ // Additional memory overhead - in mb
+ // host to rack map - saved from allocation requests
+ // We are expecting this not to change.
+ // Note that it is possible for this to change : and RM will indicate that to us via update
+ // response to allocate. But we are punting on handling that for now.
+ private val hostToRack = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]()
+ private val rackToHostSet = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, JSet[String]]()
+ def newAllocator(conf: Configuration,
+ resourceManager: AMRMProtocol, appAttemptId: ApplicationAttemptId,
+ args: ApplicationMasterArguments,
+ map: collection.Map[String, collection.Set[SplitInfo]]): YarnAllocationHandler = {
+ val (hostToCount, rackToCount) = generateNodeToWeight(conf, map)
+ new YarnAllocationHandler(conf, resourceManager, appAttemptId, args.numWorkers,
+ args.workerMemory, args.workerCores, hostToCount, rackToCount)
+ }
+ def newAllocator(conf: Configuration,
+ resourceManager: AMRMProtocol, appAttemptId: ApplicationAttemptId,
+ maxWorkers: Int, workerMemory: Int, workerCores: Int,
+ map: collection.Map[String, collection.Set[SplitInfo]]): YarnAllocationHandler = {
+ val (hostToCount, rackToCount) = generateNodeToWeight(conf, map)
+ new YarnAllocationHandler(conf, resourceManager, appAttemptId, maxWorkers,
+ workerMemory, workerCores, hostToCount, rackToCount)
+ }
+ // A simple method to copy the split info map.
+ private def generateNodeToWeight(conf: Configuration, input: collection.Map[String, collection.Set[SplitInfo]]) :
+ // host to count, rack to count
+ (Map[String, Int], Map[String, Int]) = {
+ if (input == null) return (Map[String, Int](), Map[String, Int]())
+ val hostToCount = new HashMap[String, Int]
+ val rackToCount = new HashMap[String, Int]
+ for ((host, splits) <- input) {
+ val hostCount = hostToCount.getOrElse(host, 0)
+ hostToCount.put(host, hostCount + splits.size)
+ val rack = lookupRack(conf, host)
+ if (rack != null){
+ val rackCount = rackToCount.getOrElse(host, 0)
+ rackToCount.put(host, rackCount + splits.size)
+ }
+ }
+ (hostToCount.toMap, rackToCount.toMap)
+ }
+ def lookupRack(conf: Configuration, host: String): String = {
+ if (! hostToRack.contains(host)) populateRackInfo(conf, host)
+ hostToRack.get(host)
+ }
+ def fetchCachedHostsForRack(rack: String): Option[Set[String]] = {
+ val set = rackToHostSet.get(rack)
+ if (set == null) return None
+ // No better way to get a Set[String] from JSet ?
+ val convertedSet: collection.mutable.Set[String] = set
+ Some(convertedSet.toSet)
+ }
+ def populateRackInfo(conf: Configuration, hostname: String) {
+ Utils.checkHost(hostname)
+ if (!hostToRack.containsKey(hostname)) {
+ // If there are repeated failures to resolve, all to an ignore list ?
+ val rackInfo = RackResolver.resolve(conf, hostname)
+ if (rackInfo != null && rackInfo.getNetworkLocation != null) {
+ val rack = rackInfo.getNetworkLocation
+ hostToRack.put(hostname, rack)
+ if (! rackToHostSet.containsKey(rack)) {
+ rackToHostSet.putIfAbsent(rack, Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap[String, JBoolean]()))
+ }
+ rackToHostSet.get(rack).add(hostname)
+ // Since RackResolver caches, we are disabling this for now ...
+ } /* else {
+ // right ? Else we will keep calling rack resolver in case we cant resolve rack info ...
+ hostToRack.put(hostname, null)
+ } */
+ }
+ }