path: root/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/rest/RestSubmissionServer.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/rest/RestSubmissionServer.scala')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/rest/RestSubmissionServer.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/rest/RestSubmissionServer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e78d03e5c
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+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/rest/RestSubmissionServer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.deploy.rest
+import java.net.InetSocketAddress
+import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServlet, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse}
+import scala.io.Source
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server
+import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.{ServletHolder, ServletContextHandler}
+import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool
+import org.json4s._
+import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
+import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SPARK_VERSION => sparkVersion}
+import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
+ * A server that responds to requests submitted by the [[RestSubmissionClient]].
+ *
+ * This server responds with different HTTP codes depending on the situation:
+ * 200 OK - Request was processed successfully
+ * 400 BAD REQUEST - Request was malformed, not successfully validated, or of unexpected type
+ * 468 UNKNOWN PROTOCOL VERSION - Request specified a protocol this server does not understand
+ * 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - Server throws an exception internally while processing the request
+ *
+ * The server always includes a JSON representation of the relevant [[SubmitRestProtocolResponse]]
+ * in the HTTP body. If an error occurs, however, the server will include an [[ErrorResponse]]
+ * instead of the one expected by the client. If the construction of this error response itself
+ * fails, the response will consist of an empty body with a response code that indicates internal
+ * server error.
+ */
+private[spark] abstract class RestSubmissionServer(
+ val host: String,
+ val requestedPort: Int,
+ val masterConf: SparkConf) extends Logging {
+ protected val submitRequestServlet: SubmitRequestServlet
+ protected val killRequestServlet: KillRequestServlet
+ protected val statusRequestServlet: StatusRequestServlet
+ private var _server: Option[Server] = None
+ // A mapping from URL prefixes to servlets that serve them. Exposed for testing.
+ protected val baseContext = s"/${RestSubmissionServer.PROTOCOL_VERSION}/submissions"
+ protected lazy val contextToServlet = Map[String, RestServlet](
+ s"$baseContext/create/*" -> submitRequestServlet,
+ s"$baseContext/kill/*" -> killRequestServlet,
+ s"$baseContext/status/*" -> statusRequestServlet,
+ "/*" -> new ErrorServlet // default handler
+ )
+ /** Start the server and return the bound port. */
+ def start(): Int = {
+ val (server, boundPort) = Utils.startServiceOnPort[Server](requestedPort, doStart, masterConf)
+ _server = Some(server)
+ logInfo(s"Started REST server for submitting applications on port $boundPort")
+ boundPort
+ }
+ /**
+ * Map the servlets to their corresponding contexts and attach them to a server.
+ * Return a 2-tuple of the started server and the bound port.
+ */
+ private def doStart(startPort: Int): (Server, Int) = {
+ val server = new Server(new InetSocketAddress(host, startPort))
+ val threadPool = new QueuedThreadPool
+ threadPool.setDaemon(true)
+ server.setThreadPool(threadPool)
+ val mainHandler = new ServletContextHandler
+ mainHandler.setContextPath("/")
+ contextToServlet.foreach { case (prefix, servlet) =>
+ mainHandler.addServlet(new ServletHolder(servlet), prefix)
+ }
+ server.setHandler(mainHandler)
+ server.start()
+ val boundPort = server.getConnectors()(0).getLocalPort
+ (server, boundPort)
+ }
+ def stop(): Unit = {
+ _server.foreach(_.stop())
+ }
+private[rest] object RestSubmissionServer {
+ * An abstract servlet for handling requests passed to the [[RestSubmissionServer]].
+ */
+private[rest] abstract class RestServlet extends HttpServlet with Logging {
+ /**
+ * Serialize the given response message to JSON and send it through the response servlet.
+ * This validates the response before sending it to ensure it is properly constructed.
+ */
+ protected def sendResponse(
+ responseMessage: SubmitRestProtocolResponse,
+ responseServlet: HttpServletResponse): Unit = {
+ val message = validateResponse(responseMessage, responseServlet)
+ responseServlet.setContentType("application/json")
+ responseServlet.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8")
+ responseServlet.getWriter.write(message.toJson)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return any fields in the client request message that the server does not know about.
+ *
+ * The mechanism for this is to reconstruct the JSON on the server side and compare the
+ * diff between this JSON and the one generated on the client side. Any fields that are
+ * only in the client JSON are treated as unexpected.
+ */
+ protected def findUnknownFields(
+ requestJson: String,
+ requestMessage: SubmitRestProtocolMessage): Array[String] = {
+ val clientSideJson = parse(requestJson)
+ val serverSideJson = parse(requestMessage.toJson)
+ val Diff(_, _, unknown) = clientSideJson.diff(serverSideJson)
+ unknown match {
+ case j: JObject => j.obj.map { case (k, _) => k }.toArray
+ case _ => Array.empty[String] // No difference
+ }
+ }
+ /** Return a human readable String representation of the exception. */
+ protected def formatException(e: Throwable): String = {
+ val stackTraceString = e.getStackTrace.map { "\t" + _ }.mkString("\n")
+ s"$e\n$stackTraceString"
+ }
+ /** Construct an error message to signal the fact that an exception has been thrown. */
+ protected def handleError(message: String): ErrorResponse = {
+ val e = new ErrorResponse
+ e.serverSparkVersion = sparkVersion
+ e.message = message
+ e
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse a submission ID from the relative path, assuming it is the first part of the path.
+ * For instance, we expect the path to take the form /[submission ID]/maybe/something/else.
+ * The returned submission ID cannot be empty. If the path is unexpected, return None.
+ */
+ protected def parseSubmissionId(path: String): Option[String] = {
+ if (path == null || path.isEmpty) {
+ None
+ } else {
+ path.stripPrefix("/").split("/").headOption.filter(_.nonEmpty)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validate the response to ensure that it is correctly constructed.
+ *
+ * If it is, simply return the message as is. Otherwise, return an error response instead
+ * to propagate the exception back to the client and set the appropriate error code.
+ */
+ private def validateResponse(
+ responseMessage: SubmitRestProtocolResponse,
+ responseServlet: HttpServletResponse): SubmitRestProtocolResponse = {
+ try {
+ responseMessage.validate()
+ responseMessage
+ } catch {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ responseServlet.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ handleError("Internal server error: " + formatException(e))
+ }
+ }
+ * A servlet for handling kill requests passed to the [[RestSubmissionServer]].
+ */
+private[rest] abstract class KillRequestServlet extends RestServlet {
+ /**
+ * If a submission ID is specified in the URL, have the Master kill the corresponding
+ * driver and return an appropriate response to the client. Otherwise, return error.
+ */
+ protected override def doPost(
+ request: HttpServletRequest,
+ response: HttpServletResponse): Unit = {
+ val submissionId = parseSubmissionId(request.getPathInfo)
+ val responseMessage = submissionId.map(handleKill).getOrElse {
+ response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST)
+ handleError("Submission ID is missing in kill request.")
+ }
+ sendResponse(responseMessage, response)
+ }
+ protected def handleKill(submissionId: String): KillSubmissionResponse
+ * A servlet for handling status requests passed to the [[RestSubmissionServer]].
+ */
+private[rest] abstract class StatusRequestServlet extends RestServlet {
+ /**
+ * If a submission ID is specified in the URL, request the status of the corresponding
+ * driver from the Master and include it in the response. Otherwise, return error.
+ */
+ protected override def doGet(
+ request: HttpServletRequest,
+ response: HttpServletResponse): Unit = {
+ val submissionId = parseSubmissionId(request.getPathInfo)
+ val responseMessage = submissionId.map(handleStatus).getOrElse {
+ response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST)
+ handleError("Submission ID is missing in status request.")
+ }
+ sendResponse(responseMessage, response)
+ }
+ protected def handleStatus(submissionId: String): SubmissionStatusResponse
+ * A servlet for handling submit requests passed to the [[RestSubmissionServer]].
+ */
+private[rest] abstract class SubmitRequestServlet extends RestServlet {
+ /**
+ * Submit an application to the Master with parameters specified in the request.
+ *
+ * The request is assumed to be a [[SubmitRestProtocolRequest]] in the form of JSON.
+ * If the request is successfully processed, return an appropriate response to the
+ * client indicating so. Otherwise, return error instead.
+ */
+ protected override def doPost(
+ requestServlet: HttpServletRequest,
+ responseServlet: HttpServletResponse): Unit = {
+ val responseMessage =
+ try {
+ val requestMessageJson = Source.fromInputStream(requestServlet.getInputStream).mkString
+ val requestMessage = SubmitRestProtocolMessage.fromJson(requestMessageJson)
+ // The response should have already been validated on the client.
+ // In case this is not true, validate it ourselves to avoid potential NPEs.
+ requestMessage.validate()
+ handleSubmit(requestMessageJson, requestMessage, responseServlet)
+ } catch {
+ // The client failed to provide a valid JSON, so this is not our fault
+ case e @ (_: JsonProcessingException | _: SubmitRestProtocolException) =>
+ responseServlet.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST)
+ handleError("Malformed request: " + formatException(e))
+ }
+ sendResponse(responseMessage, responseServlet)
+ }
+ protected def handleSubmit(
+ requestMessageJson: String,
+ requestMessage: SubmitRestProtocolMessage,
+ responseServlet: HttpServletResponse): SubmitRestProtocolResponse
+ * A default servlet that handles error cases that are not captured by other servlets.
+ */
+private class ErrorServlet extends RestServlet {
+ private val serverVersion = RestSubmissionServer.PROTOCOL_VERSION
+ /** Service a faulty request by returning an appropriate error message to the client. */
+ protected override def service(
+ request: HttpServletRequest,
+ response: HttpServletResponse): Unit = {
+ val path = request.getPathInfo
+ val parts = path.stripPrefix("/").split("/").filter(_.nonEmpty).toList
+ var versionMismatch = false
+ var msg =
+ parts match {
+ case Nil =>
+ // http://host:port/
+ "Missing protocol version."
+ case `serverVersion` :: Nil =>
+ // http://host:port/correct-version
+ "Missing the /submissions prefix."
+ case `serverVersion` :: "submissions" :: tail =>
+ // http://host:port/correct-version/submissions/*
+ "Missing an action: please specify one of /create, /kill, or /status."
+ case unknownVersion :: tail =>
+ // http://host:port/unknown-version/*
+ versionMismatch = true
+ s"Unknown protocol version '$unknownVersion'."
+ case _ =>
+ // never reached
+ s"Malformed path $path."
+ }
+ msg += s" Please submit requests through http://[host]:[port]/$serverVersion/submissions/..."
+ val error = handleError(msg)
+ // If there is a version mismatch, include the highest protocol version that
+ // this server supports in case the client wants to retry with our version
+ if (versionMismatch) {
+ error.highestProtocolVersion = serverVersion
+ response.setStatus(RestSubmissionServer.SC_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL_VERSION)
+ } else {
+ response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST)
+ }
+ sendResponse(error, response)
+ }