path: root/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerMasterActor.scala
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diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerMasterActor.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerMasterActor.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..baa4a1da50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerMasterActor.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.storage
+import java.util.{HashMap => JHashMap}
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
+import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, Cancellable}
+import akka.dispatch.Future
+import akka.pattern.ask
+import akka.util.Duration
+import akka.util.duration._
+import org.apache.spark.{Logging, Utils, SparkException}
+import org.apache.spark.storage.BlockManagerMessages._
+ * BlockManagerMasterActor is an actor on the master node to track statuses of
+ * all slaves' block managers.
+ */
+class BlockManagerMasterActor(val isLocal: Boolean) extends Actor with Logging {
+ // Mapping from block manager id to the block manager's information.
+ private val blockManagerInfo =
+ new mutable.HashMap[BlockManagerId, BlockManagerMasterActor.BlockManagerInfo]
+ // Mapping from executor ID to block manager ID.
+ private val blockManagerIdByExecutor = new mutable.HashMap[String, BlockManagerId]
+ // Mapping from block id to the set of block managers that have the block.
+ private val blockLocations = new JHashMap[String, mutable.HashSet[BlockManagerId]]
+ val akkaTimeout = Duration.create(
+ System.getProperty("spark.akka.askTimeout", "10").toLong, "seconds")
+ initLogging()
+ val slaveTimeout = System.getProperty("spark.storage.blockManagerSlaveTimeoutMs",
+ "" + (BlockManager.getHeartBeatFrequencyFromSystemProperties * 3)).toLong
+ val checkTimeoutInterval = System.getProperty("spark.storage.blockManagerTimeoutIntervalMs",
+ "60000").toLong
+ var timeoutCheckingTask: Cancellable = null
+ override def preStart() {
+ if (!BlockManager.getDisableHeartBeatsForTesting) {
+ timeoutCheckingTask = context.system.scheduler.schedule(
+ 0.seconds, checkTimeoutInterval.milliseconds, self, ExpireDeadHosts)
+ }
+ super.preStart()
+ }
+ def receive = {
+ case RegisterBlockManager(blockManagerId, maxMemSize, slaveActor) =>
+ register(blockManagerId, maxMemSize, slaveActor)
+ sender ! true
+ case UpdateBlockInfo(blockManagerId, blockId, storageLevel, deserializedSize, size) =>
+ // TODO: Ideally we want to handle all the message replies in receive instead of in the
+ // individual private methods.
+ updateBlockInfo(blockManagerId, blockId, storageLevel, deserializedSize, size)
+ case GetLocations(blockId) =>
+ sender ! getLocations(blockId)
+ case GetLocationsMultipleBlockIds(blockIds) =>
+ sender ! getLocationsMultipleBlockIds(blockIds)
+ case GetPeers(blockManagerId, size) =>
+ sender ! getPeers(blockManagerId, size)
+ case GetMemoryStatus =>
+ sender ! memoryStatus
+ case GetStorageStatus =>
+ sender ! storageStatus
+ case RemoveRdd(rddId) =>
+ sender ! removeRdd(rddId)
+ case RemoveBlock(blockId) =>
+ removeBlockFromWorkers(blockId)
+ sender ! true
+ case RemoveExecutor(execId) =>
+ removeExecutor(execId)
+ sender ! true
+ case StopBlockManagerMaster =>
+ logInfo("Stopping BlockManagerMaster")
+ sender ! true
+ if (timeoutCheckingTask != null) {
+ timeoutCheckingTask.cancel()
+ }
+ context.stop(self)
+ case ExpireDeadHosts =>
+ expireDeadHosts()
+ case HeartBeat(blockManagerId) =>
+ sender ! heartBeat(blockManagerId)
+ case other =>
+ logWarning("Got unknown message: " + other)
+ }
+ private def removeRdd(rddId: Int): Future[Seq[Int]] = {
+ // First remove the metadata for the given RDD, and then asynchronously remove the blocks
+ // from the slaves.
+ val prefix = "rdd_" + rddId + "_"
+ // Find all blocks for the given RDD, remove the block from both blockLocations and
+ // the blockManagerInfo that is tracking the blocks.
+ val blocks = blockLocations.keySet().filter(_.startsWith(prefix))
+ blocks.foreach { blockId =>
+ val bms: mutable.HashSet[BlockManagerId] = blockLocations.get(blockId)
+ bms.foreach(bm => blockManagerInfo.get(bm).foreach(_.removeBlock(blockId)))
+ blockLocations.remove(blockId)
+ }
+ // Ask the slaves to remove the RDD, and put the result in a sequence of Futures.
+ // The dispatcher is used as an implicit argument into the Future sequence construction.
+ import context.dispatcher
+ val removeMsg = RemoveRdd(rddId)
+ Future.sequence(blockManagerInfo.values.map { bm =>
+ bm.slaveActor.ask(removeMsg)(akkaTimeout).mapTo[Int]
+ }.toSeq)
+ }
+ private def removeBlockManager(blockManagerId: BlockManagerId) {
+ val info = blockManagerInfo(blockManagerId)
+ // Remove the block manager from blockManagerIdByExecutor.
+ blockManagerIdByExecutor -= blockManagerId.executorId
+ // Remove it from blockManagerInfo and remove all the blocks.
+ blockManagerInfo.remove(blockManagerId)
+ val iterator = info.blocks.keySet.iterator
+ while (iterator.hasNext) {
+ val blockId = iterator.next
+ val locations = blockLocations.get(blockId)
+ locations -= blockManagerId
+ if (locations.size == 0) {
+ blockLocations.remove(locations)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private def expireDeadHosts() {
+ logTrace("Checking for hosts with no recent heart beats in BlockManagerMaster.")
+ val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ val minSeenTime = now - slaveTimeout
+ val toRemove = new mutable.HashSet[BlockManagerId]
+ for (info <- blockManagerInfo.values) {
+ if (info.lastSeenMs < minSeenTime) {
+ logWarning("Removing BlockManager " + info.blockManagerId + " with no recent heart beats: " +
+ (now - info.lastSeenMs) + "ms exceeds " + slaveTimeout + "ms")
+ toRemove += info.blockManagerId
+ }
+ }
+ toRemove.foreach(removeBlockManager)
+ }
+ private def removeExecutor(execId: String) {
+ logInfo("Trying to remove executor " + execId + " from BlockManagerMaster.")
+ blockManagerIdByExecutor.get(execId).foreach(removeBlockManager)
+ }
+ private def heartBeat(blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean = {
+ if (!blockManagerInfo.contains(blockManagerId)) {
+ blockManagerId.executorId == "<driver>" && !isLocal
+ } else {
+ blockManagerInfo(blockManagerId).updateLastSeenMs()
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove a block from the slaves that have it. This can only be used to remove
+ // blocks that the master knows about.
+ private def removeBlockFromWorkers(blockId: String) {
+ val locations = blockLocations.get(blockId)
+ if (locations != null) {
+ locations.foreach { blockManagerId: BlockManagerId =>
+ val blockManager = blockManagerInfo.get(blockManagerId)
+ if (blockManager.isDefined) {
+ // Remove the block from the slave's BlockManager.
+ // Doesn't actually wait for a confirmation and the message might get lost.
+ // If message loss becomes frequent, we should add retry logic here.
+ blockManager.get.slaveActor ! RemoveBlock(blockId)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Return a map from the block manager id to max memory and remaining memory.
+ private def memoryStatus: Map[BlockManagerId, (Long, Long)] = {
+ blockManagerInfo.map { case(blockManagerId, info) =>
+ (blockManagerId, (info.maxMem, info.remainingMem))
+ }.toMap
+ }
+ private def storageStatus: Array[StorageStatus] = {
+ blockManagerInfo.map { case(blockManagerId, info) =>
+ import collection.JavaConverters._
+ StorageStatus(blockManagerId, info.maxMem, info.blocks.asScala.toMap)
+ }.toArray
+ }
+ private def register(id: BlockManagerId, maxMemSize: Long, slaveActor: ActorRef) {
+ if (id.executorId == "<driver>" && !isLocal) {
+ // Got a register message from the master node; don't register it
+ } else if (!blockManagerInfo.contains(id)) {
+ blockManagerIdByExecutor.get(id.executorId) match {
+ case Some(manager) =>
+ // A block manager of the same executor already exists.
+ // This should never happen. Let's just quit.
+ logError("Got two different block manager registrations on " + id.executorId)
+ System.exit(1)
+ case None =>
+ blockManagerIdByExecutor(id.executorId) = id
+ }
+ blockManagerInfo(id) = new BlockManagerMasterActor.BlockManagerInfo(
+ id, System.currentTimeMillis(), maxMemSize, slaveActor)
+ }
+ }
+ private def updateBlockInfo(
+ blockManagerId: BlockManagerId,
+ blockId: String,
+ storageLevel: StorageLevel,
+ memSize: Long,
+ diskSize: Long) {
+ if (!blockManagerInfo.contains(blockManagerId)) {
+ if (blockManagerId.executorId == "<driver>" && !isLocal) {
+ // We intentionally do not register the master (except in local mode),
+ // so we should not indicate failure.
+ sender ! true
+ } else {
+ sender ! false
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if (blockId == null) {
+ blockManagerInfo(blockManagerId).updateLastSeenMs()
+ sender ! true
+ return
+ }
+ blockManagerInfo(blockManagerId).updateBlockInfo(blockId, storageLevel, memSize, diskSize)
+ var locations: mutable.HashSet[BlockManagerId] = null
+ if (blockLocations.containsKey(blockId)) {
+ locations = blockLocations.get(blockId)
+ } else {
+ locations = new mutable.HashSet[BlockManagerId]
+ blockLocations.put(blockId, locations)
+ }
+ if (storageLevel.isValid) {
+ locations.add(blockManagerId)
+ } else {
+ locations.remove(blockManagerId)
+ }
+ // Remove the block from master tracking if it has been removed on all slaves.
+ if (locations.size == 0) {
+ blockLocations.remove(blockId)
+ }
+ sender ! true
+ }
+ private def getLocations(blockId: String): Seq[BlockManagerId] = {
+ if (blockLocations.containsKey(blockId)) blockLocations.get(blockId).toSeq else Seq.empty
+ }
+ private def getLocationsMultipleBlockIds(blockIds: Array[String]): Seq[Seq[BlockManagerId]] = {
+ blockIds.map(blockId => getLocations(blockId))
+ }
+ private def getPeers(blockManagerId: BlockManagerId, size: Int): Seq[BlockManagerId] = {
+ val peers: Array[BlockManagerId] = blockManagerInfo.keySet.toArray
+ val selfIndex = peers.indexOf(blockManagerId)
+ if (selfIndex == -1) {
+ throw new SparkException("Self index for " + blockManagerId + " not found")
+ }
+ // Note that this logic will select the same node multiple times if there aren't enough peers
+ Array.tabulate[BlockManagerId](size) { i => peers((selfIndex + i + 1) % peers.length) }.toSeq
+ }
+object BlockManagerMasterActor {
+ case class BlockStatus(storageLevel: StorageLevel, memSize: Long, diskSize: Long)
+ class BlockManagerInfo(
+ val blockManagerId: BlockManagerId,
+ timeMs: Long,
+ val maxMem: Long,
+ val slaveActor: ActorRef)
+ extends Logging {
+ private var _lastSeenMs: Long = timeMs
+ private var _remainingMem: Long = maxMem
+ // Mapping from block id to its status.
+ private val _blocks = new JHashMap[String, BlockStatus]
+ logInfo("Registering block manager %s with %s RAM".format(
+ blockManagerId.hostPort, Utils.bytesToString(maxMem)))
+ def updateLastSeenMs() {
+ _lastSeenMs = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ }
+ def updateBlockInfo(blockId: String, storageLevel: StorageLevel, memSize: Long,
+ diskSize: Long) {
+ updateLastSeenMs()
+ if (_blocks.containsKey(blockId)) {
+ // The block exists on the slave already.
+ val originalLevel: StorageLevel = _blocks.get(blockId).storageLevel
+ if (originalLevel.useMemory) {
+ _remainingMem += memSize
+ }
+ }
+ if (storageLevel.isValid) {
+ // isValid means it is either stored in-memory or on-disk.
+ _blocks.put(blockId, BlockStatus(storageLevel, memSize, diskSize))
+ if (storageLevel.useMemory) {
+ _remainingMem -= memSize
+ logInfo("Added %s in memory on %s (size: %s, free: %s)".format(
+ blockId, blockManagerId.hostPort, Utils.bytesToString(memSize),
+ Utils.bytesToString(_remainingMem)))
+ }
+ if (storageLevel.useDisk) {
+ logInfo("Added %s on disk on %s (size: %s)".format(
+ blockId, blockManagerId.hostPort, Utils.bytesToString(diskSize)))
+ }
+ } else if (_blocks.containsKey(blockId)) {
+ // If isValid is not true, drop the block.
+ val blockStatus: BlockStatus = _blocks.get(blockId)
+ _blocks.remove(blockId)
+ if (blockStatus.storageLevel.useMemory) {
+ _remainingMem += blockStatus.memSize
+ logInfo("Removed %s on %s in memory (size: %s, free: %s)".format(
+ blockId, blockManagerId.hostPort, Utils.bytesToString(blockStatus.memSize),
+ Utils.bytesToString(_remainingMem)))
+ }
+ if (blockStatus.storageLevel.useDisk) {
+ logInfo("Removed %s on %s on disk (size: %s)".format(
+ blockId, blockManagerId.hostPort, Utils.bytesToString(blockStatus.diskSize)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def removeBlock(blockId: String) {
+ if (_blocks.containsKey(blockId)) {
+ _remainingMem += _blocks.get(blockId).memSize
+ _blocks.remove(blockId)
+ }
+ }
+ def remainingMem: Long = _remainingMem
+ def lastSeenMs: Long = _lastSeenMs
+ def blocks: JHashMap[String, BlockStatus] = _blocks
+ override def toString: String = "BlockManagerInfo " + timeMs + " " + _remainingMem
+ def clear() {
+ _blocks.clear()
+ }
+ }