path: root/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterTaskSetManagerSuite.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterTaskSetManagerSuite.scala')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterTaskSetManagerSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterTaskSetManagerSuite.scala
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/cluster/ClusterTaskSetManagerSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import org.scalatest.FunSuite
+import org.apache.spark._
+import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
+import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import org.apache.spark.util.FakeClock
+ * A mock ClusterScheduler implementation that just remembers information about tasks started and
+ * feedback received from the TaskSetManagers. Note that it's important to initialize this with
+ * a list of "live" executors and their hostnames for isExecutorAlive and hasExecutorsAliveOnHost
+ * to work, and these are required for locality in ClusterTaskSetManager.
+ */
+class FakeClusterScheduler(sc: SparkContext, liveExecutors: (String, String)* /* execId, host */)
+ extends ClusterScheduler(sc)
+ val startedTasks = new ArrayBuffer[Long]
+ val endedTasks = new mutable.HashMap[Long, TaskEndReason]
+ val finishedManagers = new ArrayBuffer[TaskSetManager]
+ val executors = new mutable.HashMap[String, String] ++ liveExecutors
+ listener = new TaskSchedulerListener {
+ def taskStarted(task: Task[_], taskInfo: TaskInfo) {
+ startedTasks += taskInfo.index
+ }
+ def taskEnded(
+ task: Task[_],
+ reason: TaskEndReason,
+ result: Any,
+ accumUpdates: mutable.Map[Long, Any],
+ taskInfo: TaskInfo,
+ taskMetrics: TaskMetrics)
+ {
+ endedTasks(taskInfo.index) = reason
+ }
+ def executorGained(execId: String, host: String) {}
+ def executorLost(execId: String) {}
+ def taskSetFailed(taskSet: TaskSet, reason: String) {}
+ }
+ def removeExecutor(execId: String): Unit = executors -= execId
+ override def taskSetFinished(manager: TaskSetManager): Unit = finishedManagers += manager
+ override def isExecutorAlive(execId: String): Boolean = executors.contains(execId)
+ override def hasExecutorsAliveOnHost(host: String): Boolean = executors.values.exists(_ == host)
+class ClusterTaskSetManagerSuite extends FunSuite with LocalSparkContext with Logging {
+ val LOCALITY_WAIT = System.getProperty("spark.locality.wait", "3000").toLong
+ test("TaskSet with no preferences") {
+ sc = new SparkContext("local", "test")
+ val sched = new FakeClusterScheduler(sc, ("exec1", "host1"))
+ val taskSet = createTaskSet(1)
+ val manager = new ClusterTaskSetManager(sched, taskSet)
+ // Offer a host with no CPUs
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 0, ANY) === None)
+ // Offer a host with process-local as the constraint; this should work because the TaskSet
+ // above won't have any locality preferences
+ val taskOption = manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 2, TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL)
+ assert(taskOption.isDefined)
+ val task = taskOption.get
+ assert(task.executorId === "exec1")
+ assert(sched.startedTasks.contains(0))
+ // Re-offer the host -- now we should get no more tasks
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 2, PROCESS_LOCAL) === None)
+ // Tell it the task has finished
+ manager.statusUpdate(0, TaskState.FINISHED, createTaskResult(0))
+ assert(sched.endedTasks(0) === Success)
+ assert(sched.finishedManagers.contains(manager))
+ }
+ test("multiple offers with no preferences") {
+ sc = new SparkContext("local", "test")
+ val sched = new FakeClusterScheduler(sc, ("exec1", "host1"))
+ val taskSet = createTaskSet(3)
+ val manager = new ClusterTaskSetManager(sched, taskSet)
+ // First three offers should all find tasks
+ for (i <- 0 until 3) {
+ val taskOption = manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, PROCESS_LOCAL)
+ assert(taskOption.isDefined)
+ val task = taskOption.get
+ assert(task.executorId === "exec1")
+ }
+ assert(sched.startedTasks.toSet === Set(0, 1, 2))
+ // Re-offer the host -- now we should get no more tasks
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, PROCESS_LOCAL) === None)
+ // Finish the first two tasks
+ manager.statusUpdate(0, TaskState.FINISHED, createTaskResult(0))
+ manager.statusUpdate(1, TaskState.FINISHED, createTaskResult(1))
+ assert(sched.endedTasks(0) === Success)
+ assert(sched.endedTasks(1) === Success)
+ assert(!sched.finishedManagers.contains(manager))
+ // Finish the last task
+ manager.statusUpdate(2, TaskState.FINISHED, createTaskResult(2))
+ assert(sched.endedTasks(2) === Success)
+ assert(sched.finishedManagers.contains(manager))
+ }
+ test("basic delay scheduling") {
+ sc = new SparkContext("local", "test")
+ val sched = new FakeClusterScheduler(sc, ("exec1", "host1"), ("exec2", "host2"))
+ val taskSet = createTaskSet(4,
+ Seq(TaskLocation("host1", "exec1")),
+ Seq(TaskLocation("host2", "exec2")),
+ Seq(TaskLocation("host1"), TaskLocation("host2", "exec2")),
+ Seq() // Last task has no locality prefs
+ )
+ val clock = new FakeClock
+ val manager = new ClusterTaskSetManager(sched, taskSet, clock)
+ // First offer host1, exec1: first task should be chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY).get.index === 0)
+ // Offer host1, exec1 again: the last task, which has no prefs, should be chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY).get.index === 3)
+ // Offer host1, exec1 again, at PROCESS_LOCAL level: nothing should get chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, PROCESS_LOCAL) === None)
+ clock.advance(LOCALITY_WAIT)
+ // Offer host1, exec1 again, at PROCESS_LOCAL level: nothing should get chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, PROCESS_LOCAL) === None)
+ // Offer host1, exec1 again, at NODE_LOCAL level: we should choose task 2
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, NODE_LOCAL).get.index == 2)
+ // Offer host1, exec1 again, at NODE_LOCAL level: nothing should get chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, NODE_LOCAL) === None)
+ // Offer host1, exec1 again, at ANY level: nothing should get chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY) === None)
+ clock.advance(LOCALITY_WAIT)
+ // Offer host1, exec1 again, at ANY level: task 1 should get chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY).get.index === 1)
+ // Offer host1, exec1 again, at ANY level: nothing should be chosen as we've launched all tasks
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY) === None)
+ }
+ test("delay scheduling with fallback") {
+ sc = new SparkContext("local", "test")
+ val sched = new FakeClusterScheduler(sc,
+ ("exec1", "host1"), ("exec2", "host2"), ("exec3", "host3"))
+ val taskSet = createTaskSet(5,
+ Seq(TaskLocation("host1")),
+ Seq(TaskLocation("host2")),
+ Seq(TaskLocation("host2")),
+ Seq(TaskLocation("host3")),
+ Seq(TaskLocation("host2"))
+ )
+ val clock = new FakeClock
+ val manager = new ClusterTaskSetManager(sched, taskSet, clock)
+ // First offer host1: first task should be chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY).get.index === 0)
+ // Offer host1 again: nothing should get chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY) === None)
+ clock.advance(LOCALITY_WAIT)
+ // Offer host1 again: second task (on host2) should get chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY).get.index === 1)
+ // Offer host1 again: third task (on host2) should get chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY).get.index === 2)
+ // Offer host2: fifth task (also on host2) should get chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec2", "host2", 1, ANY).get.index === 4)
+ // Now that we've launched a local task, we should no longer launch the task for host3
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec2", "host2", 1, ANY) === None)
+ clock.advance(LOCALITY_WAIT)
+ // After another delay, we can go ahead and launch that task non-locally
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec2", "host2", 1, ANY).get.index === 3)
+ }
+ test("delay scheduling with failed hosts") {
+ sc = new SparkContext("local", "test")
+ val sched = new FakeClusterScheduler(sc, ("exec1", "host1"), ("exec2", "host2"))
+ val taskSet = createTaskSet(3,
+ Seq(TaskLocation("host1")),
+ Seq(TaskLocation("host2")),
+ Seq(TaskLocation("host3"))
+ )
+ val clock = new FakeClock
+ val manager = new ClusterTaskSetManager(sched, taskSet, clock)
+ // First offer host1: first task should be chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY).get.index === 0)
+ // Offer host1 again: third task should be chosen immediately because host3 is not up
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY).get.index === 2)
+ // After this, nothing should get chosen
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY) === None)
+ // Now mark host2 as dead
+ sched.removeExecutor("exec2")
+ manager.executorLost("exec2", "host2")
+ // Task 1 should immediately be launched on host1 because its original host is gone
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY).get.index === 1)
+ // Now that all tasks have launched, nothing new should be launched anywhere else
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec1", "host1", 1, ANY) === None)
+ assert(manager.resourceOffer("exec2", "host2", 1, ANY) === None)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility method to create a TaskSet, potentially setting a particular sequence of preferred
+ * locations for each task (given as varargs) if this sequence is not empty.
+ */
+ def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
+ if (prefLocs.size != 0 && prefLocs.size != numTasks) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of task locations")
+ }
+ val tasks = Array.tabulate[Task[_]](numTasks) { i =>
+ new FakeTask(i, if (prefLocs.size != 0) prefLocs(i) else Nil)
+ }
+ new TaskSet(tasks, 0, 0, 0, null)
+ }
+ def createTaskResult(id: Int): ByteBuffer = {
+ ByteBuffer.wrap(Utils.serialize(new TaskResult[Int](id, mutable.Map.empty, new TaskMetrics)))
+ }