path: root/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerSuite.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerSuite.scala')
1 files changed, 666 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerSuite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88ba10f2f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.storage
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import akka.actor._
+import org.scalatest.FunSuite
+import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter
+import org.scalatest.PrivateMethodTester
+import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._
+import org.scalatest.concurrent.Timeouts._
+import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers._
+import org.scalatest.time.SpanSugar._
+import org.apache.spark.JavaSerializer
+import org.apache.spark.KryoSerializer
+import org.apache.spark.SizeEstimator
+import org.apache.spark.Utils
+import org.apache.spark.util.AkkaUtils
+import org.apache.spark.util.ByteBufferInputStream
+class BlockManagerSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfter with PrivateMethodTester {
+ var store: BlockManager = null
+ var store2: BlockManager = null
+ var actorSystem: ActorSystem = null
+ var master: BlockManagerMaster = null
+ var oldArch: String = null
+ var oldOops: String = null
+ var oldHeartBeat: String = null
+ // Reuse a serializer across tests to avoid creating a new thread-local buffer on each test
+ System.setProperty("spark.kryoserializer.buffer.mb", "1")
+ val serializer = new KryoSerializer
+ before {
+ val (actorSystem, boundPort) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("test", "localhost", 0)
+ this.actorSystem = actorSystem
+ System.setProperty("spark.driver.port", boundPort.toString)
+ System.setProperty("spark.hostPort", "localhost:" + boundPort)
+ master = new BlockManagerMaster(
+ actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new BlockManagerMasterActor(true))))
+ // Set the arch to 64-bit and compressedOops to true to get a deterministic test-case
+ oldArch = System.setProperty("os.arch", "amd64")
+ oldOops = System.setProperty("spark.test.useCompressedOops", "true")
+ oldHeartBeat = System.setProperty("spark.storage.disableBlockManagerHeartBeat", "true")
+ val initialize = PrivateMethod[Unit]('initialize)
+ SizeEstimator invokePrivate initialize()
+ // Set some value ...
+ System.setProperty("spark.hostPort", Utils.localHostName() + ":" + 1111)
+ }
+ after {
+ System.clearProperty("spark.driver.port")
+ System.clearProperty("spark.hostPort")
+ if (store != null) {
+ store.stop()
+ store = null
+ }
+ if (store2 != null) {
+ store2.stop()
+ store2 = null
+ }
+ actorSystem.shutdown()
+ actorSystem.awaitTermination()
+ actorSystem = null
+ master = null
+ if (oldArch != null) {
+ System.setProperty("os.arch", oldArch)
+ } else {
+ System.clearProperty("os.arch")
+ }
+ if (oldOops != null) {
+ System.setProperty("spark.test.useCompressedOops", oldOops)
+ } else {
+ System.clearProperty("spark.test.useCompressedOops")
+ }
+ }
+ test("StorageLevel object caching") {
+ val level1 = StorageLevel(false, false, false, 3)
+ val level2 = StorageLevel(false, false, false, 3) // this should return the same object as level1
+ val level3 = StorageLevel(false, false, false, 2) // this should return a different object
+ assert(level2 === level1, "level2 is not same as level1")
+ assert(level2.eq(level1), "level2 is not the same object as level1")
+ assert(level3 != level1, "level3 is same as level1")
+ val bytes1 = Utils.serialize(level1)
+ val level1_ = Utils.deserialize[StorageLevel](bytes1)
+ val bytes2 = Utils.serialize(level2)
+ val level2_ = Utils.deserialize[StorageLevel](bytes2)
+ assert(level1_ === level1, "Deserialized level1 not same as original level1")
+ assert(level1_.eq(level1), "Deserialized level1 not the same object as original level2")
+ assert(level2_ === level2, "Deserialized level2 not same as original level2")
+ assert(level2_.eq(level1), "Deserialized level2 not the same object as original level1")
+ }
+ test("BlockManagerId object caching") {
+ val id1 = BlockManagerId("e1", "XXX", 1, 0)
+ val id2 = BlockManagerId("e1", "XXX", 1, 0) // this should return the same object as id1
+ val id3 = BlockManagerId("e1", "XXX", 2, 0) // this should return a different object
+ assert(id2 === id1, "id2 is not same as id1")
+ assert(id2.eq(id1), "id2 is not the same object as id1")
+ assert(id3 != id1, "id3 is same as id1")
+ val bytes1 = Utils.serialize(id1)
+ val id1_ = Utils.deserialize[BlockManagerId](bytes1)
+ val bytes2 = Utils.serialize(id2)
+ val id2_ = Utils.deserialize[BlockManagerId](bytes2)
+ assert(id1_ === id1, "Deserialized id1 is not same as original id1")
+ assert(id1_.eq(id1), "Deserialized id1 is not the same object as original id1")
+ assert(id2_ === id2, "Deserialized id2 is not same as original id2")
+ assert(id2_.eq(id1), "Deserialized id2 is not the same object as original id1")
+ }
+ test("master + 1 manager interaction") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ // Putting a1, a2 and a3 in memory and telling master only about a1 and a2
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("a2", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("a3", a3, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, tellMaster = false)
+ // Checking whether blocks are in memory
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") != None, "a1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3") != None, "a3 was not in store")
+ // Checking whether master knows about the blocks or not
+ assert(master.getLocations("a1").size > 0, "master was not told about a1")
+ assert(master.getLocations("a2").size > 0, "master was not told about a2")
+ assert(master.getLocations("a3").size === 0, "master was told about a3")
+ // Drop a1 and a2 from memory; this should be reported back to the master
+ store.dropFromMemory("a1", null)
+ store.dropFromMemory("a2", null)
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") === None, "a1 not removed from store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") === None, "a2 not removed from store")
+ assert(master.getLocations("a1").size === 0, "master did not remove a1")
+ assert(master.getLocations("a2").size === 0, "master did not remove a2")
+ }
+ test("master + 2 managers interaction") {
+ store = new BlockManager("exec1", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ store2 = new BlockManager("exec2", actorSystem, master, new KryoSerializer, 2000)
+ val peers = master.getPeers(store.blockManagerId, 1)
+ assert(peers.size === 1, "master did not return the other manager as a peer")
+ assert(peers.head === store2.blockManagerId, "peer returned by master is not the other manager")
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_2)
+ store2.putSingle("a2", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_2)
+ assert(master.getLocations("a1").size === 2, "master did not report 2 locations for a1")
+ assert(master.getLocations("a2").size === 2, "master did not report 2 locations for a2")
+ }
+ test("removing block") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ // Putting a1, a2 and a3 in memory and telling master only about a1 and a2
+ store.putSingle("a1-to-remove", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("a2-to-remove", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("a3-to-remove", a3, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, tellMaster = false)
+ // Checking whether blocks are in memory and memory size
+ val memStatus = master.getMemoryStatus.head._2
+ assert(memStatus._1 == 2000L, "total memory " + memStatus._1 + " should equal 2000")
+ assert(memStatus._2 <= 1200L, "remaining memory " + memStatus._2 + " should <= 1200")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1-to-remove") != None, "a1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2-to-remove") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3-to-remove") != None, "a3 was not in store")
+ // Checking whether master knows about the blocks or not
+ assert(master.getLocations("a1-to-remove").size > 0, "master was not told about a1")
+ assert(master.getLocations("a2-to-remove").size > 0, "master was not told about a2")
+ assert(master.getLocations("a3-to-remove").size === 0, "master was told about a3")
+ // Remove a1 and a2 and a3. Should be no-op for a3.
+ master.removeBlock("a1-to-remove")
+ master.removeBlock("a2-to-remove")
+ master.removeBlock("a3-to-remove")
+ eventually(timeout(1000 milliseconds), interval(10 milliseconds)) {
+ store.getSingle("a1-to-remove") should be (None)
+ master.getLocations("a1-to-remove") should have size 0
+ }
+ eventually(timeout(1000 milliseconds), interval(10 milliseconds)) {
+ store.getSingle("a2-to-remove") should be (None)
+ master.getLocations("a2-to-remove") should have size 0
+ }
+ eventually(timeout(1000 milliseconds), interval(10 milliseconds)) {
+ store.getSingle("a3-to-remove") should not be (None)
+ master.getLocations("a3-to-remove") should have size 0
+ }
+ eventually(timeout(1000 milliseconds), interval(10 milliseconds)) {
+ val memStatus = master.getMemoryStatus.head._2
+ memStatus._1 should equal (2000L)
+ memStatus._2 should equal (2000L)
+ }
+ }
+ test("removing rdd") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ // Putting a1, a2 and a3 in memory.
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_0", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_1", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("nonrddblock", a3, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ master.removeRdd(0, blocking = false)
+ eventually(timeout(1000 milliseconds), interval(10 milliseconds)) {
+ store.getSingle("rdd_0_0") should be (None)
+ master.getLocations("rdd_0_0") should have size 0
+ }
+ eventually(timeout(1000 milliseconds), interval(10 milliseconds)) {
+ store.getSingle("rdd_0_1") should be (None)
+ master.getLocations("rdd_0_1") should have size 0
+ }
+ eventually(timeout(1000 milliseconds), interval(10 milliseconds)) {
+ store.getSingle("nonrddblock") should not be (None)
+ master.getLocations("nonrddblock") should have size (1)
+ }
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_0", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_1", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ master.removeRdd(0, blocking = true)
+ store.getSingle("rdd_0_0") should be (None)
+ master.getLocations("rdd_0_0") should have size 0
+ store.getSingle("rdd_0_1") should be (None)
+ master.getLocations("rdd_0_1") should have size 0
+ }
+ test("reregistration on heart beat") {
+ val heartBeat = PrivateMethod[Unit]('heartBeat)
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") != None, "a1 was not in store")
+ assert(master.getLocations("a1").size > 0, "master was not told about a1")
+ master.removeExecutor(store.blockManagerId.executorId)
+ assert(master.getLocations("a1").size == 0, "a1 was not removed from master")
+ store invokePrivate heartBeat()
+ assert(master.getLocations("a1").size > 0, "a1 was not reregistered with master")
+ }
+ test("reregistration on block update") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ assert(master.getLocations("a1").size > 0, "master was not told about a1")
+ master.removeExecutor(store.blockManagerId.executorId)
+ assert(master.getLocations("a1").size == 0, "a1 was not removed from master")
+ store.putSingle("a2", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.waitForAsyncReregister()
+ assert(master.getLocations("a1").size > 0, "a1 was not reregistered with master")
+ assert(master.getLocations("a2").size > 0, "master was not told about a2")
+ }
+ test("reregistration doesn't dead lock") {
+ val heartBeat = PrivateMethod[Unit]('heartBeat)
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = List(new Array[Byte](400))
+ // try many times to trigger any deadlocks
+ for (i <- 1 to 100) {
+ master.removeExecutor(store.blockManagerId.executorId)
+ val t1 = new Thread {
+ override def run() {
+ store.put("a2", a2.iterator, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, tellMaster = true)
+ }
+ }
+ val t2 = new Thread {
+ override def run() {
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ }
+ }
+ val t3 = new Thread {
+ override def run() {
+ store invokePrivate heartBeat()
+ }
+ }
+ t1.start()
+ t2.start()
+ t3.start()
+ t1.join()
+ t2.join()
+ t3.join()
+ store.dropFromMemory("a1", null)
+ store.dropFromMemory("a2", null)
+ store.waitForAsyncReregister()
+ }
+ }
+ test("in-memory LRU storage") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("a2", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("a3", a3, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3") != None, "a3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") === None, "a1 was in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ // At this point a2 was gotten last, so LRU will getSingle rid of a3
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") != None, "a1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3") === None, "a3 was in store")
+ }
+ test("in-memory LRU storage with serialization") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ store.putSingle("a2", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ store.putSingle("a3", a3, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3") != None, "a3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") === None, "a1 was in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ // At this point a2 was gotten last, so LRU will getSingle rid of a3
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") != None, "a1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3") === None, "a3 was in store")
+ }
+ test("in-memory LRU for partitions of same RDD") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_2", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_3", a3, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ // Even though we accessed rdd_0_3 last, it should not have replaced partitions 1 and 2
+ // from the same RDD
+ assert(store.getSingle("rdd_0_3") === None, "rdd_0_3 was in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("rdd_0_2") != None, "rdd_0_2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("rdd_0_1") != None, "rdd_0_1 was not in store")
+ // Check that rdd_0_3 doesn't replace them even after further accesses
+ assert(store.getSingle("rdd_0_3") === None, "rdd_0_3 was in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("rdd_0_3") === None, "rdd_0_3 was in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("rdd_0_3") === None, "rdd_0_3 was in store")
+ }
+ test("in-memory LRU for partitions of multiple RDDs") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_1", new Array[Byte](400), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_2", new Array[Byte](400), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("rdd_1_1", new Array[Byte](400), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ // At this point rdd_1_1 should've replaced rdd_0_1
+ assert(store.memoryStore.contains("rdd_1_1"), "rdd_1_1 was not in store")
+ assert(!store.memoryStore.contains("rdd_0_1"), "rdd_0_1 was in store")
+ assert(store.memoryStore.contains("rdd_0_2"), "rdd_0_2 was not in store")
+ // Do a get() on rdd_0_2 so that it is the most recently used item
+ assert(store.getSingle("rdd_0_2") != None, "rdd_0_2 was not in store")
+ // Put in more partitions from RDD 0; they should replace rdd_1_1
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_3", new Array[Byte](400), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_4", new Array[Byte](400), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ // Now rdd_1_1 should be dropped to add rdd_0_3, but then rdd_0_2 should *not* be dropped
+ // when we try to add rdd_0_4.
+ assert(!store.memoryStore.contains("rdd_1_1"), "rdd_1_1 was in store")
+ assert(!store.memoryStore.contains("rdd_0_1"), "rdd_0_1 was in store")
+ assert(!store.memoryStore.contains("rdd_0_4"), "rdd_0_4 was in store")
+ assert(store.memoryStore.contains("rdd_0_2"), "rdd_0_2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.memoryStore.contains("rdd_0_3"), "rdd_0_3 was not in store")
+ }
+ test("on-disk storage") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("a2", a2, StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY)
+ store.putSingle("a3", a3, StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY)
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3") != None, "a3 was in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") != None, "a1 was in store")
+ }
+ test("disk and memory storage") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
+ store.putSingle("a2", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
+ store.putSingle("a3", a3, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3") != None, "a3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getValues("a1") == None, "a1 was in memory store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") != None, "a1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getValues("a1") != None, "a1 was not in memory store")
+ }
+ test("disk and memory storage with getLocalBytes") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
+ store.putSingle("a2", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
+ store.putSingle("a3", a3, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
+ assert(store.getLocalBytes("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getLocalBytes("a3") != None, "a3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getValues("a1") == None, "a1 was in memory store")
+ assert(store.getLocalBytes("a1") != None, "a1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getValues("a1") != None, "a1 was not in memory store")
+ }
+ test("disk and memory storage with serialization") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
+ store.putSingle("a2", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
+ store.putSingle("a3", a3, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3") != None, "a3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getValues("a1") == None, "a1 was in memory store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") != None, "a1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getValues("a1") != None, "a1 was not in memory store")
+ }
+ test("disk and memory storage with serialization and getLocalBytes") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
+ store.putSingle("a2", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
+ store.putSingle("a3", a3, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
+ assert(store.getLocalBytes("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getLocalBytes("a3") != None, "a3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getValues("a1") == None, "a1 was in memory store")
+ assert(store.getLocalBytes("a1") != None, "a1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getValues("a1") != None, "a1 was not in memory store")
+ }
+ test("LRU with mixed storage levels") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ val a4 = new Array[Byte](400)
+ // First store a1 and a2, both in memory, and a3, on disk only
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ store.putSingle("a2", a2, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ store.putSingle("a3", a3, StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY)
+ // At this point LRU should not kick in because a3 is only on disk
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3") != None, "a1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3") != None, "a1 was not in store")
+ // Now let's add in a4, which uses both disk and memory; a1 should drop out
+ store.putSingle("a4", a4, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") == None, "a1 was in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a3") != None, "a3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a4") != None, "a4 was not in store")
+ }
+ test("in-memory LRU with streams") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ val list1 = List(new Array[Byte](200), new Array[Byte](200))
+ val list2 = List(new Array[Byte](200), new Array[Byte](200))
+ val list3 = List(new Array[Byte](200), new Array[Byte](200))
+ store.put("list1", list1.iterator, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, tellMaster = true)
+ store.put("list2", list2.iterator, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, tellMaster = true)
+ store.put("list3", list3.iterator, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, tellMaster = true)
+ assert(store.get("list2") != None, "list2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list2").get.size == 2)
+ assert(store.get("list3") != None, "list3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list3").get.size == 2)
+ assert(store.get("list1") === None, "list1 was in store")
+ assert(store.get("list2") != None, "list2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list2").get.size == 2)
+ // At this point list2 was gotten last, so LRU will getSingle rid of list3
+ store.put("list1", list1.iterator, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, tellMaster = true)
+ assert(store.get("list1") != None, "list1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list1").get.size == 2)
+ assert(store.get("list2") != None, "list2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list2").get.size == 2)
+ assert(store.get("list3") === None, "list1 was in store")
+ }
+ test("LRU with mixed storage levels and streams") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 1200)
+ val list1 = List(new Array[Byte](200), new Array[Byte](200))
+ val list2 = List(new Array[Byte](200), new Array[Byte](200))
+ val list3 = List(new Array[Byte](200), new Array[Byte](200))
+ val list4 = List(new Array[Byte](200), new Array[Byte](200))
+ // First store list1 and list2, both in memory, and list3, on disk only
+ store.put("list1", list1.iterator, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER, tellMaster = true)
+ store.put("list2", list2.iterator, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER, tellMaster = true)
+ store.put("list3", list3.iterator, StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY, tellMaster = true)
+ // At this point LRU should not kick in because list3 is only on disk
+ assert(store.get("list1") != None, "list2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list1").get.size === 2)
+ assert(store.get("list2") != None, "list3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list2").get.size === 2)
+ assert(store.get("list3") != None, "list1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list3").get.size === 2)
+ assert(store.get("list1") != None, "list2 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list1").get.size === 2)
+ assert(store.get("list2") != None, "list3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list2").get.size === 2)
+ assert(store.get("list3") != None, "list1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list3").get.size === 2)
+ // Now let's add in list4, which uses both disk and memory; list1 should drop out
+ store.put("list4", list4.iterator, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER, tellMaster = true)
+ assert(store.get("list1") === None, "list1 was in store")
+ assert(store.get("list2") != None, "list3 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list2").get.size === 2)
+ assert(store.get("list3") != None, "list1 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list3").get.size === 2)
+ assert(store.get("list4") != None, "list4 was not in store")
+ assert(store.get("list4").get.size === 2)
+ }
+ test("negative byte values in ByteBufferInputStream") {
+ val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(Array[Int](254, 255, 0, 1, 2).map(_.toByte).toArray)
+ val stream = new ByteBufferInputStream(buffer)
+ val temp = new Array[Byte](10)
+ assert(stream.read() === 254, "unexpected byte read")
+ assert(stream.read() === 255, "unexpected byte read")
+ assert(stream.read() === 0, "unexpected byte read")
+ assert(stream.read(temp, 0, temp.length) === 2, "unexpected number of bytes read")
+ assert(stream.read() === -1, "end of stream not signalled")
+ assert(stream.read(temp, 0, temp.length) === -1, "end of stream not signalled")
+ }
+ test("overly large block") {
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, serializer, 500)
+ store.putSingle("a1", new Array[Byte](1000), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") === None, "a1 was in store")
+ store.putSingle("a2", new Array[Byte](1000), StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getValues("a2") === None, "a2 was in memory store")
+ assert(store.getSingle("a2") != None, "a2 was not in store")
+ }
+ test("block compression") {
+ try {
+ System.setProperty("spark.shuffle.compress", "true")
+ store = new BlockManager("exec1", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ store.putSingle("shuffle_0_0_0", new Array[Byte](1000), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getSize("shuffle_0_0_0") <= 100, "shuffle_0_0_0 was not compressed")
+ store.stop()
+ store = null
+ System.setProperty("spark.shuffle.compress", "false")
+ store = new BlockManager("exec2", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ store.putSingle("shuffle_0_0_0", new Array[Byte](1000), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getSize("shuffle_0_0_0") >= 1000, "shuffle_0_0_0 was compressed")
+ store.stop()
+ store = null
+ System.setProperty("spark.broadcast.compress", "true")
+ store = new BlockManager("exec3", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ store.putSingle("broadcast_0", new Array[Byte](1000), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getSize("broadcast_0") <= 100, "broadcast_0 was not compressed")
+ store.stop()
+ store = null
+ System.setProperty("spark.broadcast.compress", "false")
+ store = new BlockManager("exec4", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ store.putSingle("broadcast_0", new Array[Byte](1000), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getSize("broadcast_0") >= 1000, "broadcast_0 was compressed")
+ store.stop()
+ store = null
+ System.setProperty("spark.rdd.compress", "true")
+ store = new BlockManager("exec5", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_0", new Array[Byte](1000), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getSize("rdd_0_0") <= 100, "rdd_0_0 was not compressed")
+ store.stop()
+ store = null
+ System.setProperty("spark.rdd.compress", "false")
+ store = new BlockManager("exec6", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ store.putSingle("rdd_0_0", new Array[Byte](1000), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getSize("rdd_0_0") >= 1000, "rdd_0_0 was compressed")
+ store.stop()
+ store = null
+ // Check that any other block types are also kept uncompressed
+ store = new BlockManager("exec7", actorSystem, master, serializer, 2000)
+ store.putSingle("other_block", new Array[Byte](1000), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
+ assert(store.memoryStore.getSize("other_block") >= 1000, "other_block was compressed")
+ store.stop()
+ store = null
+ } finally {
+ System.clearProperty("spark.shuffle.compress")
+ System.clearProperty("spark.broadcast.compress")
+ System.clearProperty("spark.rdd.compress")
+ }
+ }
+ test("block store put failure") {
+ // Use Java serializer so we can create an unserializable error.
+ store = new BlockManager("<driver>", actorSystem, master, new JavaSerializer, 1200)
+ // The put should fail since a1 is not serializable.
+ class UnserializableClass
+ val a1 = new UnserializableClass
+ intercept[java.io.NotSerializableException] {
+ store.putSingle("a1", a1, StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY)
+ }
+ // Make sure get a1 doesn't hang and returns None.
+ failAfter(1 second) {
+ assert(store.getSingle("a1") == None, "a1 should not be in store")
+ }
+ }