path: root/docs
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5 files changed, 74 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/docs/configuration.md b/docs/configuration.md
index 1d6c3d1633..40a57c4bc6 100644
--- a/docs/configuration.md
+++ b/docs/configuration.md
@@ -104,14 +104,25 @@ Apart from these, the following properties are also available, and may be useful
- <td>0.66</td>
+ <td>0.6</td>
Fraction of Java heap to use for Spark's memory cache. This should not be larger than the "old"
- generation of objects in the JVM, which by default is given 2/3 of the heap, but you can increase
+ generation of objects in the JVM, which by default is given 0.6 of the heap, but you can increase
it if you configure your own old generation size.
+ <td>spark.shuffle.memoryFraction</td>
+ <td>0.3</td>
+ <td>
+ Fraction of Java heap to use for aggregation and cogroups during shuffles, if
+ <code>spark.shuffle.externalSorting</code> is enabled. At any given time, the collective size of
+ all in-memory maps used for shuffles is bounded by this limit, beyond which the contents will
+ begin to spill to disk. If spills are often, consider increasing this value at the expense of
+ <code>spark.storage.memoryFraction</code>.
+ </td>
@@ -130,7 +141,7 @@ Apart from these, the following properties are also available, and may be useful
- <td>spark.ui.retained_stages</td>
+ <td>spark.ui.retainedStages</td>
How many stages the Spark UI remembers before garbage collecting.
@@ -377,6 +388,14 @@ Apart from these, the following properties are also available, and may be useful
+ <td>spark.shuffle.externalSorting</td>
+ <td>true</td>
+ <td>
+ If set to "true", limits the amount of memory used during reduces by spilling data out to disk. This spilling
+ threshold is specified by <code>spark.shuffle.memoryFraction</code>.
+ </td>
diff --git a/docs/python-programming-guide.md b/docs/python-programming-guide.md
index dc187b3efe..c4236f8312 100644
--- a/docs/python-programming-guide.md
+++ b/docs/python-programming-guide.md
@@ -99,8 +99,9 @@ $ MASTER=local[4] ./bin/pyspark
## IPython
-It is also possible to launch PySpark in [IPython](http://ipython.org), the enhanced Python interpreter.
-To do this, set the `IPYTHON` variable to `1` when running `bin/pyspark`:
+It is also possible to launch PySpark in [IPython](http://ipython.org), the
+enhanced Python interpreter. PySpark works with IPython 1.0.0 and later. To
+use IPython, set the `IPYTHON` variable to `1` when running `bin/pyspark`:
{% highlight bash %}
$ IPYTHON=1 ./bin/pyspark
diff --git a/docs/running-on-yarn.md b/docs/running-on-yarn.md
index b206270107..3bd62646ba 100644
--- a/docs/running-on-yarn.md
+++ b/docs/running-on-yarn.md
@@ -101,7 +101,19 @@ With this mode, your application is actually run on the remote machine where the
With yarn-client mode, the application will be launched locally. Just like running application or spark-shell on Local / Mesos / Standalone mode. The launch method is also the similar with them, just make sure that when you need to specify a master url, use "yarn-client" instead. And you also need to export the env value for SPARK_JAR and SPARK_YARN_APP_JAR
-In order to tune worker core/number/memory etc. You need to export SPARK_WORKER_CORES, SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY, SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES e.g. by ./conf/spark-env.sh
+Configuration in yarn-client mode:
+In order to tune worker core/number/memory etc. You need to export environment variables or add them to the spark configuration file (./conf/spark_env.sh). The following are the list of options.
+* `SPARK_YARN_APP_JAR`, Path to your application's JAR file (required)
+* `SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES`, Number of workers to start (Default: 2)
+* `SPARK_WORKER_CORES`, Number of cores for the workers (Default: 1).
+* `SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY`, Memory per Worker (e.g. 1000M, 2G) (Default: 1G)
+* `SPARK_MASTER_MEMORY`, Memory for Master (e.g. 1000M, 2G) (Default: 512 Mb)
+* `SPARK_YARN_APP_NAME`, The name of your application (Default: Spark)
+* `SPARK_YARN_QUEUE`, The hadoop queue to use for allocation requests (Default: 'default')
+* `SPARK_YARN_DIST_FILES`, Comma separated list of files to be distributed with the job.
+* `SPARK_YARN_DIST_ARCHIVES`, Comma separated list of archives to be distributed with the job.
For example:
@@ -114,7 +126,6 @@ For example:
SPARK_YARN_APP_JAR=examples/target/scala-{{site.SCALA_VERSION}}/spark-examples-assembly-{{site.SPARK_VERSION}}.jar \
MASTER=yarn-client ./bin/spark-shell
-You can also send extra files to yarn cluster for worker to use by exporting SPARK_YARN_DIST_FILES=file1,file2... etc.
# Building Spark for Hadoop/YARN 2.2.x
diff --git a/docs/spark-standalone.md b/docs/spark-standalone.md
index f47d41f966..2a186261b7 100644
--- a/docs/spark-standalone.md
+++ b/docs/spark-standalone.md
@@ -10,11 +10,7 @@ In addition to running on the Mesos or YARN cluster managers, Spark also provide
# Installing Spark Standalone to a Cluster
-The easiest way to deploy Spark is by running the `./make-distribution.sh` script to create a binary distribution.
-This distribution can be deployed to any machine with the Java runtime installed; there is no need to install Scala.
-The recommended procedure is to deploy and start the master on one node first, get the master spark URL,
-then modify `conf/spark-env.sh` in the `dist/` directory before deploying to all the other nodes.
+To install Spark Standlone mode, you simply place a compiled version of Spark on each node on the cluster. You can obtain pre-built versions of Spark with each release or [build it yourself](index.html#building).
# Starting a Cluster Manually
@@ -150,6 +146,38 @@ automatically set MASTER from the `SPARK_MASTER_IP` and `SPARK_MASTER_PORT` vari
You can also pass an option `-c <numCores>` to control the number of cores that spark-shell uses on the cluster.
+# Launching Applications Inside the Cluster
+You may also run your application entirely inside of the cluster by submitting your application driver using the submission client. The syntax for submitting applications is as follows:
+ ./spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.Client launch
+ [client-options] \
+ <cluster-url> <application-jar-url> <main-class> \
+ [application-options]
+ cluster-url: The URL of the master node.
+ application-jar-url: Path to a bundled jar including your application and all dependencies. Currently, the URL must be globally visible inside of your cluster, for instance, an `hdfs://` path or a `file://` path that is present on all nodes.
+ main-class: The entry point for your application.
+ Client Options:
+ --memory <count> (amount of memory, in MB, allocated for your driver program)
+ --cores <count> (number of cores allocated for your driver program)
+ --supervise (whether to automatically restart your driver on application or node failure)
+ --verbose (prints increased logging output)
+Keep in mind that your driver program will be executed on a remote worker machine. You can control the execution environment in the following ways:
+ * _Environment variables_: These will be captured from the environment in which you launch the client and applied when launching the driver program.
+ * _Java options_: You can add java options by setting `SPARK_JAVA_OPTS` in the environment in which you launch the submission client.
+ * _Dependencies_: You'll still need to call `sc.addJar` inside of your program to make your bundled application jar visible on all worker nodes.
+Once you submit a driver program, it will appear in the cluster management UI at port 8080 and
+be assigned an identifier. If you'd like to prematurely terminate the program, you can do so using
+the same client:
+ ./spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.client.DriverClient kill <driverId>
# Resource Scheduling
The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple FIFO scheduler across applications.
diff --git a/docs/streaming-programming-guide.md b/docs/streaming-programming-guide.md
index 1c9ece6270..4e8a680a75 100644
--- a/docs/streaming-programming-guide.md
+++ b/docs/streaming-programming-guide.md
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Spark Streaming features windowed computations, which allow you to apply transfo
-A complete list of DStream operations is available in the API documentation of [DStream](api/streaming/index.html#org.apache.spark.streaming.DStream) and [PairDStreamFunctions](api/streaming/index.html#org.apache.spark.streaming.PairDStreamFunctions).
+A complete list of DStream operations is available in the API documentation of [DStream](api/streaming/index.html#org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream) and [PairDStreamFunctions](api/streaming/index.html#org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.PairDStreamFunctions).
## Output Operations
When an output operator is called, it triggers the computation of a stream. Currently the following output operators are defined:
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ When an output operator is called, it triggers the computation of a stream. Curr
<table class="table">
<tr><th style="width:30%">Operator</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
- <td> <b>foreach</b>(<i>func</i>) </td>
+ <td> <b>foreachRDD</b>(<i>func</i>) </td>
<td> The fundamental output operator. Applies a function, <i>func</i>, to each RDD generated from the stream. This function should have side effects, such as printing output, saving the RDD to external files, or writing it over the network to an external system. </td>
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ There are two failure behaviors based on which input sources are used.
1. _Using HDFS files as input source_ - Since the data is reliably stored on HDFS, all data can re-computed and therefore no data will be lost due to any failure.
1. _Using any input source that receives data through a network_ - For network-based data sources like Kafka and Flume, the received input data is replicated in memory between nodes of the cluster (default replication factor is 2). So if a worker node fails, then the system can recompute the lost from the the left over copy of the input data. However, if the worker node where a network receiver was running fails, then a tiny bit of data may be lost, that is, the data received by the system but not yet replicated to other node(s). The receiver will be started on a different node and it will continue to receive data.
-Since all data is modeled as RDDs with their lineage of deterministic operations, any recomputation always leads to the same result. As a result, all DStream transformations are guaranteed to have _exactly-once_ semantics. That is, the final transformed result will be same even if there were was a worker node failure. However, output operations (like `foreach`) have _at-least once_ semantics, that is, the transformed data may get written to an external entity more than once in the event of a worker failure. While this is acceptable for saving to HDFS using the `saveAs*Files` operations (as the file will simply get over-written by the same data), additional transactions-like mechanisms may be necessary to achieve exactly-once semantics for output operations.
+Since all data is modeled as RDDs with their lineage of deterministic operations, any recomputation always leads to the same result. As a result, all DStream transformations are guaranteed to have _exactly-once_ semantics. That is, the final transformed result will be same even if there were was a worker node failure. However, output operations (like `foreachRDD`) have _at-least once_ semantics, that is, the transformed data may get written to an external entity more than once in the event of a worker failure. While this is acceptable for saving to HDFS using the `saveAs*Files` operations (as the file will simply get over-written by the same data), additional transactions-like mechanisms may be necessary to achieve exactly-once semantics for output operations.
## Failure of the Driver Node
A system that is required to operate 24/7 needs to be able tolerate the failure of the driver node as well. Spark Streaming does this by saving the state of the DStream computation periodically to a HDFS file, that can be used to restart the streaming computation in the event of a failure of the driver node. This checkpointing is enabled by setting a HDFS directory for checkpointing using `ssc.checkpoint(<checkpoint directory>)` as described [earlier](#rdd-checkpointing-within-dstreams). To elaborate, the following state is periodically saved to a file.