path: root/external/flume-sink/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/flume/sink/TransactionProcessor.scala
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 252 deletions
diff --git a/external/flume-sink/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/flume/sink/TransactionProcessor.scala b/external/flume-sink/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/flume/sink/TransactionProcessor.scala
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--- a/external/flume-sink/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/flume/sink/TransactionProcessor.scala
+++ /dev/null
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.streaming.flume.sink
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer
-import java.util
-import java.util.concurrent.{Callable, CountDownLatch, TimeUnit}
-import scala.util.control.Breaks
-import org.apache.flume.{Channel, Transaction}
-// Flume forces transactions to be thread-local (horrible, I know!)
-// So the sink basically spawns a new thread to pull the events out within a transaction.
-// The thread fills in the event batch object that is set before the thread is scheduled.
-// After filling it in, the thread waits on a condition - which is released only
-// when the success message comes back for the specific sequence number for that event batch.
- * This class represents a transaction on the Flume channel. This class runs a separate thread
- * which owns the transaction. The thread is blocked until the success call for that transaction
- * comes back with an ACK or NACK.
- * @param channel The channel from which to pull events
- * @param seqNum The sequence number to use for the transaction. Must be unique
- * @param maxBatchSize The maximum number of events to process per batch
- * @param transactionTimeout Time in seconds after which a transaction must be rolled back
- * without waiting for an ACK from Spark
- * @param parent The parent [[SparkAvroCallbackHandler]] instance, for reporting timeouts
- */
-private class TransactionProcessor(val channel: Channel, val seqNum: String,
- var maxBatchSize: Int, val transactionTimeout: Int, val backOffInterval: Int,
- val parent: SparkAvroCallbackHandler) extends Callable[Void] with Logging {
- // If a real batch is not returned, we always have to return an error batch.
- @volatile private var eventBatch: EventBatch = new EventBatch("Unknown Error", "",
- util.Collections.emptyList())
- // Synchronization primitives
- val batchGeneratedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1)
- val batchAckLatch = new CountDownLatch(1)
- // Sanity check to ensure we don't loop like crazy
- val totalAttemptsToRemoveFromChannel = Int.MaxValue / 2
- // OK to use volatile, since the change would only make this true (otherwise it will be
- // changed to false - we never apply a negation operation to this) - which means the transaction
- // succeeded.
- @volatile private var batchSuccess = false
- @volatile private var stopped = false
- @volatile private var isTest = false
- private var testLatch: CountDownLatch = null
- // The transaction that this processor would handle
- var txOpt: Option[Transaction] = None
- /**
- * Get an event batch from the channel. This method will block until a batch of events is
- * available from the channel. If no events are available after a large number of attempts of
- * polling the channel, this method will return an [[EventBatch]] with a non-empty error message
- *
- * @return An [[EventBatch]] instance with sequence number set to seqNum, filled with a
- * maximum of maxBatchSize events
- */
- def getEventBatch: EventBatch = {
- batchGeneratedLatch.await()
- eventBatch
- }
- /**
- * This method is to be called by the sink when it receives an ACK or NACK from Spark. This
- * method is a no-op if it is called after transactionTimeout has expired since
- * getEventBatch returned a batch of events.
- * @param success True if an ACK was received and the transaction should be committed, else false.
- */
- def batchProcessed(success: Boolean) {
- logDebug("Batch processed for sequence number: " + seqNum)
- batchSuccess = success
- batchAckLatch.countDown()
- }
- private[flume] def shutdown(): Unit = {
- logDebug("Shutting down transaction processor")
- stopped = true
- }
- /**
- * Populates events into the event batch. If the batch cannot be populated,
- * this method will not set the events into the event batch, but it sets an error message.
- */
- private def populateEvents() {
- try {
- txOpt = Option(channel.getTransaction)
- if(txOpt.isEmpty) {
- eventBatch.setErrorMsg("Something went wrong. Channel was " +
- "unable to create a transaction!")
- }
- txOpt.foreach(tx => {
- tx.begin()
- val events = new util.ArrayList[SparkSinkEvent](maxBatchSize)
- val loop = new Breaks
- var gotEventsInThisTxn = false
- var loopCounter: Int = 0
- loop.breakable {
- while (!stopped && events.size() < maxBatchSize
- && loopCounter < totalAttemptsToRemoveFromChannel) {
- loopCounter += 1
- Option(channel.take()) match {
- case Some(event) =>
- events.add(new SparkSinkEvent(toCharSequenceMap(event.getHeaders),
- ByteBuffer.wrap(event.getBody)))
- gotEventsInThisTxn = true
- case None =>
- if (!gotEventsInThisTxn && !stopped) {
- logDebug("Sleeping for " + backOffInterval + " millis as no events were read in" +
- " the current transaction")
- TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(backOffInterval)
- } else {
- loop.break()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!gotEventsInThisTxn && !stopped) {
- val msg = "Tried several times, " +
- "but did not get any events from the channel!"
- logWarning(msg)
- eventBatch.setErrorMsg(msg)
- } else {
- // At this point, the events are available, so fill them into the event batch
- eventBatch = new EventBatch("", seqNum, events)
- }
- })
- } catch {
- case interrupted: InterruptedException =>
- // Don't pollute logs if the InterruptedException came from this being stopped
- if (!stopped) {
- logWarning("Error while processing transaction.", interrupted)
- }
- case e: Exception =>
- logWarning("Error while processing transaction.", e)
- eventBatch.setErrorMsg(e.getMessage)
- try {
- txOpt.foreach(tx => {
- rollbackAndClose(tx, close = true)
- })
- } finally {
- txOpt = None
- }
- } finally {
- batchGeneratedLatch.countDown()
- }
- }
- /**
- * Waits for upto transactionTimeout seconds for an ACK. If an ACK comes in
- * this method commits the transaction with the channel. If the ACK does not come in within
- * that time or a NACK comes in, this method rolls back the transaction.
- */
- private def processAckOrNack() {
- batchAckLatch.await(transactionTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
- txOpt.foreach(tx => {
- if (batchSuccess) {
- try {
- logDebug("Committing transaction")
- tx.commit()
- } catch {
- case e: Exception =>
- logWarning("Error while attempting to commit transaction. Transaction will be rolled " +
- "back", e)
- rollbackAndClose(tx, close = false) // tx will be closed later anyway
- } finally {
- tx.close()
- if (isTest) {
- testLatch.countDown()
- }
- }
- } else {
- logWarning("Spark could not commit transaction, NACK received. Rolling back transaction.")
- rollbackAndClose(tx, close = true)
- // This might have been due to timeout or a NACK. Either way the following call does not
- // cause issues. This is required to ensure the TransactionProcessor instance is not leaked
- parent.removeAndGetProcessor(seqNum)
- }
- })
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to rollback and optionally close a transaction
- * @param tx The transaction to rollback
- * @param close Whether the transaction should be closed or not after rolling back
- */
- private def rollbackAndClose(tx: Transaction, close: Boolean) {
- try {
- logWarning("Spark was unable to successfully process the events. Transaction is being " +
- "rolled back.")
- tx.rollback()
- } catch {
- case e: Exception =>
- logError("Error rolling back transaction. Rollback may have failed!", e)
- } finally {
- if (close) {
- tx.close()
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to convert a Map[String, String] to Map[CharSequence, CharSequence]
- * @param inMap The map to be converted
- * @return The converted map
- */
- private def toCharSequenceMap(inMap: java.util.Map[String, String]): java.util.Map[CharSequence,
- CharSequence] = {
- val charSeqMap = new util.HashMap[CharSequence, CharSequence](inMap.size())
- charSeqMap.putAll(inMap)
- charSeqMap
- }
- /**
- * When the thread is started it sets as many events as the batch size or less (if enough
- * events aren't available) into the eventBatch and object and lets any threads waiting on the
- * [[getEventBatch]] method to proceed. Then this thread waits for acks or nacks to come in,
- * or for a specified timeout and commits or rolls back the transaction.
- * @return
- */
- override def call(): Void = {
- populateEvents()
- processAckOrNack()
- null
- }
- private[sink] def countDownWhenBatchAcked(latch: CountDownLatch) {
- testLatch = latch
- isTest = true
- }