path: root/lib/hadoop-0.20.0/ivy.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hadoop-0.20.0/ivy.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hadoop-0.20.0/ivy.xml b/lib/hadoop-0.20.0/ivy.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 051ac6efb0..0000000000
--- a/lib/hadoop-0.20.0/ivy.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<ivy-module version="1.0">
- <info organisation="org.apache.hadoop" module="${ant.project.name}">
- <license name="Apache 2.0"/>
- <ivyauthor name="Apache Hadoop Team" url="http://hadoop.apache.org"/>
- <description>
- Hadoop Core
- </description>
- </info>
- <configurations defaultconfmapping="default">
- <!--these match the Maven configurations-->
- <conf name="default" extends="master,runtime"/>
- <conf name="master" description="contains the artifact but no dependencies"/>
- <conf name="runtime" description="runtime but not the artifact"
- extends="client,server,s3-server,kfs"/>
- <conf name="mandatory" description="contains the critical dependencies"
- extends="commons-logging,log4j"/>
- <!--
- These public configurations contain the core dependencies for running hadoop client or server.
- The server is effectively a superset of the client.
- -->
- <conf name="client" description="client-side dependencies"
- extends="mandatory,httpclient"/>
- <conf name="server" description="server-side dependencies"
- extends="client"/>
- <conf name="s3-client" description="dependencies for working with S3/EC2 infrastructure"
- extends="client"/>
- <conf name="s3-server" description="dependencies for running on S3/EC2 infrastructure"
- extends="s3-client,server"/>
- <conf name="kfs" description="dependencies for KFS file system support"/>
- <conf name="ftp" description="dependencies for workign with FTP filesytems"
- extends="mandatory"/>
- <conf name="jetty" description="Jetty provides the in-VM HTTP daemon" extends="commons-logging"/>
- <!--Private configurations. -->
- <conf name="common" visibility="private" extends="runtime,mandatory,httpclient,ftp,jetty"
- description="common artifacts"/>
- <conf name="javadoc" visibility="private" description="artiracts required while performing doc generation"
- extends="common,mandatory,jetty,lucene"/>
- <!--Testing pulls in everything-->
- <conf name="test" extends="common,default,s3-server,kfs" visibility="private"
- description="the classpath needed to run tests"/>
- <conf name="releaseaudit" visibility="private"
- description="Artifacts required for releaseaudit target"/>
- <conf name="commons-logging" visibility="private"/>
- <conf name="httpclient" visibility="private" extends="commons-logging"/>
- <conf name="log4j" visibility="private"/>
- <conf name="lucene" visibility="private"/>
- <conf name="jdiff" visibility="private" extends="log4j,s3-client,jetty,server"/>
- <conf name="checkstyle" visibility="private"/>
- </configurations>
- <publications>
- <!--get the artifact from our module name-->
- <artifact conf="master"/>
- </publications>
- <dependencies>
- <!--used client side-->
-<!-- <dependency org="commons-cli"
- name="commons-cli"
- rev="${commons-cli.version}"
- conf="client->default"/> -->
- <dependency org="checkstyle"
- name="checkstyle"
- rev="${checkstyle.version}"
- conf="checkstyle->default"/>
- <dependency org="jdiff"
- name="jdiff"
- rev="${jdiff.version}"
- conf="jdiff->default"/>
- <dependency org="xerces"
- name="xerces"
- rev="${xerces.version}"
- conf="jdiff->default">
- </dependency>
- <dependency org="xmlenc"
- name="xmlenc"
- rev="${xmlenc.version}"
- conf="server->default"/>
- <!--Configuration: httpclient-->
- <!--
- commons-httpclient asks for too many files.
- All it needs is commons-codec and commons-logging JARs
- -->
- <dependency org="commons-httpclient"
- name="commons-httpclient"
- rev="${commons-httpclient.version}"
- conf="httpclient->master">
- </dependency>
- <dependency org="commons-codec"
- name="commons-codec"
- rev="${commons-codec.version}"
- conf="httpclient->default"/>
- <dependency org="commons-net"
- name="commons-net"
- rev="${commons-net.version}"
- conf="ftp->default"/>
- <!--Configuration: Jetty -->
-<!-- <dependency org="javax.servlet"
- name="servlet-api"
- rev="${servlet-api.version}"
- conf="jetty->master"/> -->
- <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty"
- name="jetty"
- rev="${jetty.version}"
- conf="jetty->master"/>
- <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty"
- name="jetty-util"
- rev="${jetty-util.version}"
- conf="jetty->master"/>
- <dependency org="tomcat"
- name="jasper-runtime"
- rev="${jasper.version}"
- conf="jetty->master"/>
- <dependency org="tomcat"
- name="jasper-compiler"
- rev="${jasper.version}"
- conf="jetty->master"/>
-<!-- this is resolved locally from the lib folder
- <dependency org="tomcat"
- name="jsp-api"
- rev="${jsp-api.version}"
- conf="jetty->master"/> -->
- <dependency org="commons-el"
- name="commons-el"
- rev="${commons-el.version}"
- conf="jetty->master"/>
- <!--Configuration: commons-logging -->
- <!--it is essential that only the master JAR of commons logging
- is pulled in, as its dependencies are usually a mess, including things
- like out of date servlet APIs, bits of Avalon, etc.
- -->
- <dependency org="commons-logging"
- name="commons-logging"
- rev="${commons-logging.version}"
- conf="commons-logging->master"/>
- <!--Configuration: commons-logging -->
- <!--log4J is not optional until commons-logging.properties is stripped out of the JAR -->
- <dependency org="log4j"
- name="log4j"
- rev="${log4j.version}"
- conf="log4j->master"/>
- <!--Configuration: s3-client -->
- <!--there are two jets3t projects in the repository; this one goes up to 0.6 and
- is assumed to be the live one-->
- <dependency org="net.java.dev.jets3t"
- name="jets3t"
- rev="${jets3t.version}"
- conf="s3-client->master"/>
- <dependency org="commons-net"
- name="commons-net"
- rev="${commons-net.version}"
- conf="s3-client->master"/>
- <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty"
- name="servlet-api-2.5"
- rev="${servlet-api-2.5.version}"
- conf="s3-client->master"/>
- <!--Configuration: kfs -->
- <!-- This is not in the repository
- <dependency org="org.kosmix"
- name="kfs"
- rev="${kfs.version}"
- conf="kfs->default"/>-->
- <!--Configuration: test -->
- <!--artifacts needed for testing -->
- <dependency org="junit"
- name="junit"
- rev="${junit.version}"
- conf="common->default"/>
- <dependency org="com.google.code.p.arat"
- name="rat-lib"
- rev="${rats-lib.version}"
- conf="releaseaudit->default"/>
- <dependency org="commons-lang"
- name="commons-lang"
- rev="${commons-lang.version}"
- conf="releaseaudit->default"/>
- <dependency org="commons-collections"
- name="commons-collections"
- rev="${commons-collections.version}"
- conf="releaseaudit->default"/>
-<!--<dependency org="hsqldb"
- name="hsqldb"
- rev="${hsqldb.version}"
- conf="common->default"/>
- <dependency org="lucene"
- name="lucene"
- rev="${lucene.version}"
- conf="javadoc->default"/> -->
- <dependency org="org.apache.lucene"
- name="lucene-core"
- rev="${lucene-core.version}"
- conf="javadoc->default"/>
- <dependency org="commons-logging"
- name="commons-logging-api"
- rev="${commons-logging-api.version}"
- conf="common->default"/>
- <dependency org="org.slf4j"
- name="slf4j-api"
- rev="${slf4j-api.version}"
- conf="common->master"/>
- <dependency org="org.eclipse.jdt"
- name="core"
- rev="${core.version}"
- conf="common->master"/>
- <dependency org="oro"
- name="oro"
- rev="${oro.version}"
- conf="common->default"/>
- <dependency org="org.slf4j"
- name="slf4j-log4j12"
- rev="${slf4j-log4j12.version}"
- conf="common->master">
- </dependency>
- </dependencies>