path: root/python/pyspark/streaming/context.py
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1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/pyspark/streaming/context.py b/python/pyspark/streaming/context.py
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index 0000000000..dc9dc41121
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+++ b/python/pyspark/streaming/context.py
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+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import sys
+from py4j.java_collections import ListConverter
+from py4j.java_gateway import java_import, JavaObject
+from pyspark import RDD, SparkConf
+from pyspark.serializers import UTF8Deserializer, CloudPickleSerializer
+from pyspark.context import SparkContext
+from pyspark.storagelevel import StorageLevel
+from pyspark.streaming.dstream import DStream
+from pyspark.streaming.util import TransformFunction, TransformFunctionSerializer
+__all__ = ["StreamingContext"]
+def _daemonize_callback_server():
+ """
+ Hack Py4J to daemonize callback server
+ The thread of callback server has daemon=False, it will block the driver
+ from exiting if it's not shutdown. The following code replace `start()`
+ of CallbackServer with a new version, which set daemon=True for this
+ thread.
+ Also, it will update the port number (0) with real port
+ """
+ # TODO: create a patch for Py4J
+ import socket
+ import py4j.java_gateway
+ logger = py4j.java_gateway.logger
+ from py4j.java_gateway import Py4JNetworkError
+ from threading import Thread
+ def start(self):
+ """Starts the CallbackServer. This method should be called by the
+ client instead of run()."""
+ self.server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR,
+ 1)
+ try:
+ self.server_socket.bind((self.address, self.port))
+ if not self.port:
+ # update port with real port
+ self.port = self.server_socket.getsockname()[1]
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg = 'An error occurred while trying to start the callback server: %s' % e
+ logger.exception(msg)
+ raise Py4JNetworkError(msg)
+ # Maybe thread needs to be cleanup up?
+ self.thread = Thread(target=self.run)
+ self.thread.daemon = True
+ self.thread.start()
+ py4j.java_gateway.CallbackServer.start = start
+class StreamingContext(object):
+ """
+ Main entry point for Spark Streaming functionality. A StreamingContext
+ represents the connection to a Spark cluster, and can be used to create
+ L{DStream} various input sources. It can be from an existing L{SparkContext}.
+ After creating and transforming DStreams, the streaming computation can
+ be started and stopped using `context.start()` and `context.stop()`,
+ respectively. `context.awaitTransformation()` allows the current thread
+ to wait for the termination of the context by `stop()` or by an exception.
+ """
+ _transformerSerializer = None
+ def __init__(self, sparkContext, batchDuration=None, jssc=None):
+ """
+ Create a new StreamingContext.
+ @param sparkContext: L{SparkContext} object.
+ @param batchDuration: the time interval (in seconds) at which streaming
+ data will be divided into batches
+ """
+ self._sc = sparkContext
+ self._jvm = self._sc._jvm
+ self._jssc = jssc or self._initialize_context(self._sc, batchDuration)
+ def _initialize_context(self, sc, duration):
+ self._ensure_initialized()
+ return self._jvm.JavaStreamingContext(sc._jsc, self._jduration(duration))
+ def _jduration(self, seconds):
+ """
+ Create Duration object given number of seconds
+ """
+ return self._jvm.Duration(int(seconds * 1000))
+ @classmethod
+ def _ensure_initialized(cls):
+ SparkContext._ensure_initialized()
+ gw = SparkContext._gateway
+ java_import(gw.jvm, "org.apache.spark.streaming.*")
+ java_import(gw.jvm, "org.apache.spark.streaming.api.java.*")
+ java_import(gw.jvm, "org.apache.spark.streaming.api.python.*")
+ # start callback server
+ # getattr will fallback to JVM, so we cannot test by hasattr()
+ if "_callback_server" not in gw.__dict__:
+ _daemonize_callback_server()
+ # use random port
+ gw._start_callback_server(0)
+ # gateway with real port
+ gw._python_proxy_port = gw._callback_server.port
+ # get the GatewayServer object in JVM by ID
+ jgws = JavaObject("GATEWAY_SERVER", gw._gateway_client)
+ # update the port of CallbackClient with real port
+ gw.jvm.PythonDStream.updatePythonGatewayPort(jgws, gw._python_proxy_port)
+ # register serializer for TransformFunction
+ # it happens before creating SparkContext when loading from checkpointing
+ cls._transformerSerializer = TransformFunctionSerializer(
+ SparkContext._active_spark_context, CloudPickleSerializer(), gw)
+ @classmethod
+ def getOrCreate(cls, checkpointPath, setupFunc):
+ """
+ Either recreate a StreamingContext from checkpoint data or create a new StreamingContext.
+ If checkpoint data exists in the provided `checkpointPath`, then StreamingContext will be
+ recreated from the checkpoint data. If the data does not exist, then the provided setupFunc
+ will be used to create a JavaStreamingContext.
+ @param checkpointPath Checkpoint directory used in an earlier JavaStreamingContext program
+ @param setupFunc Function to create a new JavaStreamingContext and setup DStreams
+ """
+ # TODO: support checkpoint in HDFS
+ if not os.path.exists(checkpointPath) or not os.listdir(checkpointPath):
+ ssc = setupFunc()
+ ssc.checkpoint(checkpointPath)
+ return ssc
+ cls._ensure_initialized()
+ gw = SparkContext._gateway
+ try:
+ jssc = gw.jvm.JavaStreamingContext(checkpointPath)
+ except Exception:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "failed to load StreamingContext from checkpoint"
+ raise
+ jsc = jssc.sparkContext()
+ conf = SparkConf(_jconf=jsc.getConf())
+ sc = SparkContext(conf=conf, gateway=gw, jsc=jsc)
+ # update ctx in serializer
+ SparkContext._active_spark_context = sc
+ cls._transformerSerializer.ctx = sc
+ return StreamingContext(sc, None, jssc)
+ @property
+ def sparkContext(self):
+ """
+ Return SparkContext which is associated with this StreamingContext.
+ """
+ return self._sc
+ def start(self):
+ """
+ Start the execution of the streams.
+ """
+ self._jssc.start()
+ def awaitTermination(self, timeout=None):
+ """
+ Wait for the execution to stop.
+ @param timeout: time to wait in seconds
+ """
+ if timeout is None:
+ self._jssc.awaitTermination()
+ else:
+ self._jssc.awaitTermination(int(timeout * 1000))
+ def stop(self, stopSparkContext=True, stopGraceFully=False):
+ """
+ Stop the execution of the streams, with option of ensuring all
+ received data has been processed.
+ @param stopSparkContext: Stop the associated SparkContext or not
+ @param stopGracefully: Stop gracefully by waiting for the processing
+ of all received data to be completed
+ """
+ self._jssc.stop(stopSparkContext, stopGraceFully)
+ if stopSparkContext:
+ self._sc.stop()
+ def remember(self, duration):
+ """
+ Set each DStreams in this context to remember RDDs it generated
+ in the last given duration. DStreams remember RDDs only for a
+ limited duration of time and releases them for garbage collection.
+ This method allows the developer to specify how to long to remember
+ the RDDs (if the developer wishes to query old data outside the
+ DStream computation).
+ @param duration: Minimum duration (in seconds) that each DStream
+ should remember its RDDs
+ """
+ self._jssc.remember(self._jduration(duration))
+ def checkpoint(self, directory):
+ """
+ Sets the context to periodically checkpoint the DStream operations for master
+ fault-tolerance. The graph will be checkpointed every batch interval.
+ @param directory: HDFS-compatible directory where the checkpoint data
+ will be reliably stored
+ """
+ self._jssc.checkpoint(directory)
+ def socketTextStream(self, hostname, port, storageLevel=StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2):
+ """
+ Create an input from TCP source hostname:port. Data is received using
+ a TCP socket and receive byte is interpreted as UTF8 encoded ``\\n`` delimited
+ lines.
+ @param hostname: Hostname to connect to for receiving data
+ @param port: Port to connect to for receiving data
+ @param storageLevel: Storage level to use for storing the received objects
+ """
+ jlevel = self._sc._getJavaStorageLevel(storageLevel)
+ return DStream(self._jssc.socketTextStream(hostname, port, jlevel), self,
+ UTF8Deserializer())
+ def textFileStream(self, directory):
+ """
+ Create an input stream that monitors a Hadoop-compatible file system
+ for new files and reads them as text files. Files must be wrriten to the
+ monitored directory by "moving" them from another location within the same
+ file system. File names starting with . are ignored.
+ """
+ return DStream(self._jssc.textFileStream(directory), self, UTF8Deserializer())
+ def _check_serializers(self, rdds):
+ # make sure they have same serializer
+ if len(set(rdd._jrdd_deserializer for rdd in rdds)) > 1:
+ for i in range(len(rdds)):
+ # reset them to sc.serializer
+ rdds[i] = rdds[i]._reserialize()
+ def queueStream(self, rdds, oneAtATime=True, default=None):
+ """
+ Create an input stream from an queue of RDDs or list. In each batch,
+ it will process either one or all of the RDDs returned by the queue.
+ NOTE: changes to the queue after the stream is created will not be recognized.
+ @param rdds: Queue of RDDs
+ @param oneAtATime: pick one rdd each time or pick all of them once.
+ @param default: The default rdd if no more in rdds
+ """
+ if default and not isinstance(default, RDD):
+ default = self._sc.parallelize(default)
+ if not rdds and default:
+ rdds = [rdds]
+ if rdds and not isinstance(rdds[0], RDD):
+ rdds = [self._sc.parallelize(input) for input in rdds]
+ self._check_serializers(rdds)
+ jrdds = ListConverter().convert([r._jrdd for r in rdds],
+ SparkContext._gateway._gateway_client)
+ queue = self._jvm.PythonDStream.toRDDQueue(jrdds)
+ if default:
+ default = default._reserialize(rdds[0]._jrdd_deserializer)
+ jdstream = self._jssc.queueStream(queue, oneAtATime, default._jrdd)
+ else:
+ jdstream = self._jssc.queueStream(queue, oneAtATime)
+ return DStream(jdstream, self, rdds[0]._jrdd_deserializer)
+ def transform(self, dstreams, transformFunc):
+ """
+ Create a new DStream in which each RDD is generated by applying
+ a function on RDDs of the DStreams. The order of the JavaRDDs in
+ the transform function parameter will be the same as the order
+ of corresponding DStreams in the list.
+ """
+ jdstreams = ListConverter().convert([d._jdstream for d in dstreams],
+ SparkContext._gateway._gateway_client)
+ # change the final serializer to sc.serializer
+ func = TransformFunction(self._sc,
+ lambda t, *rdds: transformFunc(rdds).map(lambda x: x),
+ *[d._jrdd_deserializer for d in dstreams])
+ jfunc = self._jvm.TransformFunction(func)
+ jdstream = self._jssc.transform(jdstreams, jfunc)
+ return DStream(jdstream, self, self._sc.serializer)
+ def union(self, *dstreams):
+ """
+ Create a unified DStream from multiple DStreams of the same
+ type and same slide duration.
+ """
+ if not dstreams:
+ raise ValueError("should have at least one DStream to union")
+ if len(dstreams) == 1:
+ return dstreams[0]
+ if len(set(s._jrdd_deserializer for s in dstreams)) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("All DStreams should have same serializer")
+ if len(set(s._slideDuration for s in dstreams)) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("All DStreams should have same slide duration")
+ first = dstreams[0]
+ jrest = ListConverter().convert([d._jdstream for d in dstreams[1:]],
+ SparkContext._gateway._gateway_client)
+ return DStream(self._jssc.union(first._jdstream, jrest), self, first._jrdd_deserializer)