path: root/sql/hive/src
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/SQLWindowFunctionSuite.scala b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/SQLWindowFunctionSuite.scala
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index 77e97dff8c..0000000000
--- a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/SQLWindowFunctionSuite.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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- *
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- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution
-import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, QueryTest, Row}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.test.TestHiveSingleton
-import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SQLTestUtils
-case class WindowData(month: Int, area: String, product: Int)
- * Test suite for SQL window functions.
- */
-class SQLWindowFunctionSuite extends QueryTest with SQLTestUtils with TestHiveSingleton {
- import spark.implicits._
- test("window function: udaf with aggregate expression") {
- val data = Seq(
- WindowData(1, "a", 5),
- WindowData(2, "a", 6),
- WindowData(3, "b", 7),
- WindowData(4, "b", 8),
- WindowData(5, "c", 9),
- WindowData(6, "c", 10)
- )
- sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("windowData")
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select area, sum(product), sum(sum(product)) over (partition by area)
- |from windowData group by month, area
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- ("a", 5, 11),
- ("a", 6, 11),
- ("b", 7, 15),
- ("b", 8, 15),
- ("c", 9, 19),
- ("c", 10, 19)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2, i._3)))
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select area, sum(product) - 1, sum(sum(product)) over (partition by area)
- |from windowData group by month, area
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- ("a", 4, 11),
- ("a", 5, 11),
- ("b", 6, 15),
- ("b", 7, 15),
- ("c", 8, 19),
- ("c", 9, 19)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2, i._3)))
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select area, sum(product), sum(product) / sum(sum(product)) over (partition by area)
- |from windowData group by month, area
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- ("a", 5, 5d/11),
- ("a", 6, 6d/11),
- ("b", 7, 7d/15),
- ("b", 8, 8d/15),
- ("c", 10, 10d/19),
- ("c", 9, 9d/19)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2, i._3)))
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select area, sum(product), sum(product) / sum(sum(product) - 1) over (partition by area)
- |from windowData group by month, area
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- ("a", 5, 5d/9),
- ("a", 6, 6d/9),
- ("b", 7, 7d/13),
- ("b", 8, 8d/13),
- ("c", 10, 10d/17),
- ("c", 9, 9d/17)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2, i._3)))
- }
- test("window function: refer column in inner select block") {
- val data = Seq(
- WindowData(1, "a", 5),
- WindowData(2, "a", 6),
- WindowData(3, "b", 7),
- WindowData(4, "b", 8),
- WindowData(5, "c", 9),
- WindowData(6, "c", 10)
- )
- sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("windowData")
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select area, rank() over (partition by area order by tmp.month) + tmp.tmp1 as c1
- |from (select month, area, product, 1 as tmp1 from windowData) tmp
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- ("a", 2),
- ("a", 3),
- ("b", 2),
- ("b", 3),
- ("c", 2),
- ("c", 3)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2)))
- }
- test("window function: partition and order expressions") {
- val data = Seq(
- WindowData(1, "a", 5),
- WindowData(2, "a", 6),
- WindowData(3, "b", 7),
- WindowData(4, "b", 8),
- WindowData(5, "c", 9),
- WindowData(6, "c", 10)
- )
- sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("windowData")
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select month, area, product, sum(product + 1) over (partition by 1 order by 2)
- |from windowData
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- (1, "a", 5, 51),
- (2, "a", 6, 51),
- (3, "b", 7, 51),
- (4, "b", 8, 51),
- (5, "c", 9, 51),
- (6, "c", 10, 51)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2, i._3, i._4)))
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select month, area, product, sum(product)
- |over (partition by month % 2 order by 10 - product)
- |from windowData
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- (1, "a", 5, 21),
- (2, "a", 6, 24),
- (3, "b", 7, 16),
- (4, "b", 8, 18),
- (5, "c", 9, 9),
- (6, "c", 10, 10)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2, i._3, i._4)))
- }
- test("window function: distinct should not be silently ignored") {
- val data = Seq(
- WindowData(1, "a", 5),
- WindowData(2, "a", 6),
- WindowData(3, "b", 7),
- WindowData(4, "b", 8),
- WindowData(5, "c", 9),
- WindowData(6, "c", 10)
- )
- sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("windowData")
- val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {
- sql(
- """
- |select month, area, product, sum(distinct product + 1) over (partition by 1 order by 2)
- |from windowData
- """.stripMargin)
- }
- assert(e.getMessage.contains("Distinct window functions are not supported"))
- }
- test("window function: expressions in arguments of a window functions") {
- val data = Seq(
- WindowData(1, "a", 5),
- WindowData(2, "a", 6),
- WindowData(3, "b", 7),
- WindowData(4, "b", 8),
- WindowData(5, "c", 9),
- WindowData(6, "c", 10)
- )
- sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("windowData")
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select month, area, month % 2,
- |lag(product, 1 + 1, product) over (partition by month % 2 order by area)
- |from windowData
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- (1, "a", 1, 5),
- (2, "a", 0, 6),
- (3, "b", 1, 7),
- (4, "b", 0, 8),
- (5, "c", 1, 5),
- (6, "c", 0, 6)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2, i._3, i._4)))
- }
- test("window function: Sorting columns are not in Project") {
- val data = Seq(
- WindowData(1, "d", 10),
- WindowData(2, "a", 6),
- WindowData(3, "b", 7),
- WindowData(4, "b", 8),
- WindowData(5, "c", 9),
- WindowData(6, "c", 11)
- )
- sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("windowData")
- checkAnswer(
- sql("select month, product, sum(product + 1) over() from windowData order by area"),
- Seq(
- (2, 6, 57),
- (3, 7, 57),
- (4, 8, 57),
- (5, 9, 57),
- (6, 11, 57),
- (1, 10, 57)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2, i._3)))
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select area, rank() over (partition by area order by tmp.month) + tmp.tmp1 as c1
- |from (select month, area, product as p, 1 as tmp1 from windowData) tmp order by p
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- ("a", 2),
- ("b", 2),
- ("b", 3),
- ("c", 2),
- ("d", 2),
- ("c", 3)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2)))
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select area, rank() over (partition by area order by month) as c1
- |from windowData group by product, area, month order by product, area
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- ("a", 1),
- ("b", 1),
- ("b", 2),
- ("c", 1),
- ("d", 1),
- ("c", 2)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2)))
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select area, sum(product) / sum(sum(product)) over (partition by area) as c1
- |from windowData group by area, month order by month, c1
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- ("d", 1.0),
- ("a", 1.0),
- ("b", 0.4666666666666667),
- ("b", 0.5333333333333333),
- ("c", 0.45),
- ("c", 0.55)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2)))
- }
- // todo: fix this test case by reimplementing the function ResolveAggregateFunctions
- ignore("window function: Pushing aggregate Expressions in Sort to Aggregate") {
- val data = Seq(
- WindowData(1, "d", 10),
- WindowData(2, "a", 6),
- WindowData(3, "b", 7),
- WindowData(4, "b", 8),
- WindowData(5, "c", 9),
- WindowData(6, "c", 11)
- )
- sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("windowData")
- checkAnswer(
- sql(
- """
- |select area, sum(product) over () as c from windowData
- |where product > 3 group by area, product
- |having avg(month) > 0 order by avg(month), product
- """.stripMargin),
- Seq(
- ("a", 51),
- ("b", 51),
- ("b", 51),
- ("c", 51),
- ("c", 51),
- ("d", 51)
- ).map(i => Row(i._1, i._2)))
- }
- test("window function: multiple window expressions in a single expression") {
- val nums = sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => (x, x % 2)).toDF("x", "y")
- nums.createOrReplaceTempView("nums")
- val expected =
- Row(1, 1, 1, 55, 1, 57) ::
- Row(0, 2, 3, 55, 2, 60) ::
- Row(1, 3, 6, 55, 4, 65) ::
- Row(0, 4, 10, 55, 6, 71) ::
- Row(1, 5, 15, 55, 9, 79) ::
- Row(0, 6, 21, 55, 12, 88) ::
- Row(1, 7, 28, 55, 16, 99) ::
- Row(0, 8, 36, 55, 20, 111) ::
- Row(1, 9, 45, 55, 25, 125) ::
- Row(0, 10, 55, 55, 30, 140) :: Nil
- val actual = sql(
- """
- | y,
- | x,
- | sum(x) OVER w1 AS running_sum,
- | sum(x) OVER w2 AS total_sum,
- | sum(x) OVER w3 AS running_sum_per_y,
- | ((sum(x) OVER w1) + (sum(x) OVER w2) + (sum(x) OVER w3)) as combined2
- |FROM nums
- """.stripMargin)
- checkAnswer(actual, expected)
- spark.catalog.dropTempView("nums")
- }
- test("SPARK-7595: Window will cause resolve failed with self join") {
- sql("SELECT * FROM src") // Force loading of src table.
- checkAnswer(sql(
- """
- |with
- | v1 as (select key, count(value) over (partition by key) cnt_val from src),
- | v2 as (select v1.key, v1_lag.cnt_val from v1, v1 v1_lag where v1.key = v1_lag.key)
- | select * from v2 order by key limit 1
- """.stripMargin), Row(0, 3))
- }