path: root/src/main/scala/cc
diff options
authorJohannes Rudolph <>2012-05-30 18:08:55 +0200
committerJohannes Rudolph <>2012-05-30 18:08:55 +0200
commita2f75d6dac9616ab6c6d7af9a8e841c65773b84a (patch)
treee168265069ca37fa1179c015282dd305421119bf /src/main/scala/cc
parentab8c6910df69e87041299d7c4426c05059a2b448 (diff)
cleanup, documentation and syntax changes
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/scala/cc')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/cc/spray/json/JsonLenses.scala b/src/main/scala/cc/spray/json/JsonLenses.scala
index c1765a3..cc12e85 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/cc/spray/json/JsonLenses.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/cc/spray/json/JsonLenses.scala
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ object JsonLenses {
type Validated[T] = Either[Exception, T]
type SafeJsValue = Validated[JsValue]
+ type Operation = SafeJsValue => SafeJsValue
+ type ScalarProjection = Projection[Id]
+ type OptProjection = Projection[Option]
+ type SeqProjection = Projection[Seq]
implicit def rightBiasEither[A, B](e: Either[A, B]): Either.RightProjection[A, B] = e.right
case class GetOrThrow[B](e: Either[Throwable, B]) {
@@ -41,7 +47,7 @@ object JsonLenses {
implicit def validateOption[T](o: Option[T]): ValidateOption[T] = ValidateOption(o)
- trait Update { outer =>
+ trait Update extends (JsValue => JsValue) { outer =>
def apply(value: JsValue): JsValue
def &&(next: Update): Update = new Update {
@@ -50,19 +56,20 @@ object JsonLenses {
implicit def strToField(name: String): ScalarProjection = field(name)
- trait Extractor[T] {
- def apply[M[_]](p: Projection[M]): M[T]
- }
+ implicit def symbolToField(sym: Symbol): ScalarProjection = field(
case class RichJsValue(value: JsValue) {
def update(updater: Update): JsValue = updater(value)
- def update[T: JsonWriter, M[_]](proj: Projection[M], pValue: T): JsValue = proj ! set(pValue) apply value
- def extract[T](f: JsValue => T): T = f(value)
- def extract[T: MonadicReader]: Extractor[T] = new Extractor[T] {
- def apply[M[_]](p: Projection[M]): M[T] = p.get[T] apply value
- }
- def apply[T: MonadicReader](p: Projection[Id]): T = p.get[T] apply value
+ def update[T: JsonWriter, M[_]](lens: UpdateLens, pValue: T): JsValue = lens ! set(pValue) apply value
+ // This can't be simplified because we don't want the type constructor
+ // of projection to appear in the type paramater list.
+ def extract[T: MonadicReader](p: Projection[Id]): T =
+ p.get[T](value)
+ def extract[T: MonadicReader](p: Projection[Option]): Option[T] =
+ p.get[T](value)
+ def extract[T: MonadicReader](p: Projection[Seq]): Seq[T] =
+ p.get[T](value)
def as[T: MonadicReader]: Validated[T] =
@@ -70,32 +77,71 @@ object JsonLenses {
implicit def updatable(value: JsValue): RichJsValue = RichJsValue(value)
- trait Operation {
- def apply(value: SafeJsValue): SafeJsValue
+ /**
+ * The UpdateLens is the central interface for updating a child element somewhere
+ * deep down a hierarchy of a JsValue.
+ */
+ trait UpdateLens {
+ /**
+ * Applies function `f` on the child of the `parent` denoted by this UpdateLens
+ * and returns a `Right` of the parent with the child element updated.
+ *
+ * The value passed to `f` may be `Left(e)` if the child could not be found
+ * in which case particular operations may still succeed. Function `f` may return
+ * `Left(error)` in case the operation fails.
+ *
+ * `updated` returns `Left(error)` if the update operation or any of any intermediate
+ * projections fail.
+ */
+ def updated(f: Operation)(parent: JsValue): SafeJsValue
+ def !(op: Operation): Update
- trait Updateable {
- def updated(f: SafeJsValue => SafeJsValue)(parent: JsValue): SafeJsValue
- }
- trait Projection[M[_]] extends Updateable {
+ /**
+ * The read lens can extract child values out of a JsValue hierarchy. A read lens
+ * is parameterized with a type constructor. This allows to extracts not only scalar
+ * values but also sequences or optional values.
+ * @tparam M
+ */
+ trait ReadLens[M[_]] {
+ /**
+ * Given a parent JsValue, tries to extract the child value.
+ * @return `Right(value)` if the projection succeeds. `Left(error)` if the projection
+ * fails.
+ */
def retr: JsValue => Validated[M[JsValue]]
- def mapValue[T](value: M[JsValue])(f: JsValue => Validated[T]): Validated[M[T]]
- def getSecure[T: MonadicReader]: JsValue => Validated[M[T]]
- def get[T: MonadicReader]: JsValue => M[T]
- def ![U](op: Operation): Update
+ /**
+ * Given a parent JsValue extracts and tries to convert the JsValue into
+ * a value of type `T`
+ */
+ def tryGet[T: MonadicReader](value: JsValue): Validated[M[T]]
+ /**
+ * Given a parent JsValue extracts and converts a JsValue into a value of
+ * type `T` or throws an exception.
+ */
+ def get[T: MonadicReader](value: JsValue): M[T]
+ /**
+ * Lifts a predicate for a converted value for this lens up to the
+ * parent level.
+ */
def is[U: MonadicReader](f: U => Boolean): JsPred
+ }
+ /**
+ * A projection combines read and update functions of UpdateLens and ReadLens into
+ * combinable chunks.
+ * @tparam M
+ */
+ trait Projection[M[_]] extends UpdateLens with ReadLens[M] {
def /[M2[_], R[_]](next: Projection[M2])(implicit ev: Join[M2, M, R]): Projection[R]
def ops: Ops[M]
- type ScalarProjection = Projection[Id]
- type OptProjection = Projection[Option]
- type SeqProjection = Projection[Seq]
trait Join[M1[_], M2[_], R[_]] {
def get(outer: Ops[M1], inner: Ops[M2]): Ops[R]
@@ -167,36 +213,34 @@ object JsonLenses {
trait ProjectionImpl[M[_]] extends Projection[M] { outer =>
- def getSecure[T: MonadicReader]: JsValue => Validated[M[T]] =
- p => retr(p).flatMap(mapValue(_)([T]))
+ def tryGet[T: MonadicReader](p: JsValue): Validated[M[T]] =
+ retr(p).flatMap(mapValue(_)([T]))
- def get[T: MonadicReader]: JsValue => M[T] =
- p => getSecure[T].apply(p).getOrThrow
+ def get[T: MonadicReader](p: JsValue): M[T] =
+ tryGet[T](p).getOrThrow
- def ![U](op: Operation): Update = new Update {
+ def !(op: Operation): Update = new Update {
def apply(parent: JsValue): JsValue =
- updated(op(_))(parent).getOrThrow
+ updated(op)(parent).getOrThrow
- abstract class Joined(next: Updateable) extends Updateable {
- def updated(f: SafeJsValue => SafeJsValue)(parent: JsValue): SafeJsValue =
- outer.updated(_.flatMap(next.updated(f)))(parent)
- }
- def mapValue[T](value: M[JsValue])(f: JsValue => Validated[T]): Validated[M[T]] =
- ops.allRight(
- def is[U: MonadicReader](f: U => Boolean): JsPred =
- value => getSecure[U] apply value exists (x =>
+ def is[U: MonadicReader](f: U => Boolean): JsPred = value =>
+ tryGet[U](value) exists (x =>
- def /[M2[_], R[_]](next: Projection[M2])(implicit ev: Join[M2, M, R]): Projection[R] = new Joined(next) with ProjectionImpl[R] {
+ def /[M2[_], R[_]](next: Projection[M2])(implicit ev: Join[M2, M, R]): Projection[R] = new ProjectionImpl[R] {
val ops: Ops[R] = ev.get(next.ops, outer.ops)
def retr: JsValue => Validated[R[JsValue]] = parent =>
for {
outerV <- outer.retr(parent)
innerV <- ops.allRight(outer.ops.flatMap(outerV)(x => next.ops.toSeq(next.retr(x))))
} yield innerV
+ def updated(f: SafeJsValue => SafeJsValue)(parent: JsValue): SafeJsValue =
+ outer.updated(_.flatMap(next.updated(f)))(parent)
+ private[this] def mapValue[T](value: M[JsValue])(f: JsValue => Validated[T]): Validated[M[T]] =
+ ops.allRight(
abstract class Proj[M[_]](implicit val ops: Ops[M]) extends ProjectionImpl[M]
@@ -271,10 +315,10 @@ object JsonLenses {
def filter(pred: JsPred): SeqProjection = new Proj[Seq] {
def updated(f: SafeJsValue => SafeJsValue)(parent: JsValue): SafeJsValue = parent match {
- //case JsArray(elements) =>
+ case JsArray(elements) =>
+ ops.allRight( => if (pred(x)) f(Right(x)) else Right(x))).map(JsArray(_: _*))
- case e@_ => unexpected("Not a json array: "+e)
+ case e@_ =>unexpected("Not a json array: "+e)
def retr: JsValue => Validated[Seq[JsValue]] = {
@@ -305,6 +349,7 @@ object JsonLenses {
def set[T: JsonWriter](t: T): Operation = new Operation {
def apply(value: SafeJsValue): SafeJsValue =
+ // ignore existence of old value