path: root/src/test/scala/spray
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/scala/spray')
4 files changed, 83 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/scala/spray/json/JsonParserSpec.scala b/src/test/scala/spray/json/JsonParserSpec.scala
index c6c1589..4968eee 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/spray/json/JsonParserSpec.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/spray/json/JsonParserSpec.scala
@@ -17,56 +17,78 @@
package spray.json
import org.specs2.mutable._
-import org.parboiled.common.FileUtils
class JsonParserSpec extends Specification {
"The JsonParser" should {
"parse 'null' to JsNull" in {
- JsonParser("null") mustEqual JsNull
+ JsonParser("null") === JsNull
"parse 'true' to JsTrue" in {
- JsonParser("true") mustEqual JsTrue
+ JsonParser("true") === JsTrue
"parse 'false' to JsFalse" in {
- JsonParser("false") mustEqual JsFalse
+ JsonParser("false") === JsFalse
"parse '0' to JsNumber" in {
- JsonParser("0") mustEqual JsNumber(0)
+ JsonParser("0") === JsNumber(0)
"parse '1.23' to JsNumber" in {
- JsonParser("1.23") mustEqual JsNumber(1.23)
+ JsonParser("1.23") === JsNumber(1.23)
"parse '-1E10' to JsNumber" in {
- JsonParser("-1E10") mustEqual JsNumber("-1E+10")
+ JsonParser("-1E10") === JsNumber("-1E+10")
"parse '12.34e-10' to JsNumber" in {
- JsonParser("12.34e-10") mustEqual JsNumber("1.234E-9")
+ JsonParser("12.34e-10") === JsNumber("1.234E-9")
"parse \"xyz\" to JsString" in {
- JsonParser("\"xyz\"") mustEqual JsString("xyz")
+ JsonParser("\"xyz\"") === JsString("xyz")
"parse escapes in a JsString" in {
- JsonParser(""""\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t"""") mustEqual JsString("\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t")
- JsonParser("\"L\\" + "u00e4nder\"") mustEqual JsString("Länder")
+ JsonParser(""""\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t"""") === JsString("\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t")
+ JsonParser("\"L\\" + "u00e4nder\"") === JsString("Länder")
"parse all representations of the slash (SOLIDUS) character in a JsString" in {
- JsonParser( "\"" + "/\\/\\u002f" + "\"") mustEqual JsString("///")
+ JsonParser( "\"" + "/\\/\\u002f" + "\"") === JsString("///")
- "properly parse a simple JsObject" in (
- JsonParser(""" { "key" :42, "key2": "value" }""") mustEqual
+ "parse a simple JsObject" in (
+ JsonParser(""" { "key" :42, "key2": "value" }""") ===
JsObject("key" -> JsNumber(42), "key2" -> JsString("value"))
- "properly parse a simple JsArray" in (
- JsonParser("""[null, 1.23 ,{"key":true } ] """) mustEqual
- JsArray(JsNull, JsNumber(1.23), JsObject("key" -> JsBoolean(true)))
+ "parse a simple JsArray" in (
+ JsonParser("""[null, 1.23 ,{"key":true } ] """) ===
+ JsArray(JsNull, JsNumber(1.23), JsObject("key" -> JsTrue))
+ "parse directly from UTF-8 encoded bytes" in {
+ val json = JsObject(
+ "7-bit" -> JsString("This is regular 7-bit ASCII text."),
+ "2-bytes" -> JsString("2-byte UTF-8 chars like £, æ or Ö"),
+ "3-bytes" -> JsString("3-byte UTF-8 chars like ヨ, ᄅ or ᐁ."))
+ JsonParser(json.prettyPrint.getBytes("UTF-8")) === json
+ }
"be reentrant" in {
- val largeJsonSource = FileUtils.readAllCharsFromResource("test.json")
+ val largeJsonSource ="/test.json")).mkString
List.fill(20)(largeJsonSource) {
- } mustEqual List.fill(20)(100)
+ } === List.fill(20)(100)
- }
+ "produce proper error messages" in {
+ def errorMessage(input: String) =
+ try JsonParser(input) catch { case e: JsonParser.ParsingException => e.getMessage }
+ errorMessage("""[null, 1.23 {"key":true } ]""") ===
+ """Unexpected character '{' at input index 12 (line 1, position 13), expected ']':
+ |[null, 1.23 {"key":true } ]
+ | ^
+ |""".stripMargin
+ errorMessage("""[null, 1.23, { key":true } ]""") ===
+ """Unexpected character 'k' at input index 16 (line 1, position 17), expected '"':
+ |[null, 1.23, { key":true } ]
+ | ^
+ |""".stripMargin
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/scala/spray/json/PrettyPrinterSpec.scala b/src/test/scala/spray/json/PrettyPrinterSpec.scala
index 27137a8..6354ef0 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/spray/json/PrettyPrinterSpec.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/spray/json/PrettyPrinterSpec.scala
@@ -16,49 +16,49 @@
package spray.json
+import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import org.specs2.mutable._
class PrettyPrinterSpec extends Specification {
"The PrettyPrinter" should {
"print a more complicated JsObject nicely aligned" in {
- PrettyPrinter {
- JsonParser {
- """|{
- | "simpleKey" : "some value",
- | "key with spaces": null,
- | "zero": 0,
- | "number": -1.2323424E-5,
- | "Boolean yes":true,
- | "Boolean no": false,
- | "Unic\u00f8de" : "Long string with newline\nescape",
- | "key with \"quotes\"" : "string",
- | "sub object" : {
- | "sub key": 26.5,
- | "a": "b",
- | "array": [1, 2, { "yes":1, "no":0 }, ["a", "b", null], false]
- | }
- |}""".stripMargin
- }
- } mustEqual {
- """|{
- | "simpleKey": "some value",
- | "key with spaces": null,
- | "zero": 0,
- | "number": -0.000012323424,
- | "Boolean yes": true,
- | "Boolean no": false,
- | "Unic\u00f8de": "Long string with newline\nescape",
- | "key with \"quotes\"": "string",
- | "sub object": {
- | "sub key": 26.5,
- | "a": "b",
- | "array": [1, 2, {
- | "yes": 1,
- | "no": 0
- | }, ["a", "b", null], false]
- | }
- |}""".stripMargin
+ val JsObject(fields) = JsonParser {
+ """{
+ | "Boolean no": false,
+ | "Boolean yes":true,
+ | "Unic\u00f8de" : "Long string with newline\nescape",
+ | "key with \"quotes\"" : "string",
+ | "key with spaces": null,
+ | "number": -1.2323424E-5,
+ | "simpleKey" : "some value",
+ | "sub object" : {
+ | "sub key": 26.5,
+ | "a": "b",
+ | "array": [1, 2, { "yes":1, "no":0 }, ["a", "b", null], false]
+ | },
+ | "zero": 0
+ |}""".stripMargin
+ }
+ PrettyPrinter(JsObject(ListMap(fields.toSeq.sortBy(_._1):_*))) mustEqual {
+ """{
+ | "Boolean no": false,
+ | "Boolean yes": true,
+ | "Unic\u00f8de": "Long string with newline\nescape",
+ | "key with \"quotes\"": "string",
+ | "key with spaces": null,
+ | "number": -0.000012323424,
+ | "simpleKey": "some value",
+ | "sub object": {
+ | "sub key": 26.5,
+ | "a": "b",
+ | "array": [1, 2, {
+ | "yes": 1,
+ | "no": 0
+ | }, ["a", "b", null], false]
+ | },
+ | "zero": 0
+ |}""".stripMargin
diff --git a/src/test/scala/spray/json/ReadmeSpec.scala b/src/test/scala/spray/json/ReadmeSpec.scala
index 51a1ec5..306b656 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/spray/json/ReadmeSpec.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/spray/json/ReadmeSpec.scala
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class ReadmeSpec extends Specification {
JsArray(JsString(, JsNumber(, JsNumber(, JsNumber(
def read(value: JsValue) = value match {
- case JsArray(JsString(name) :: JsNumber(red) :: JsNumber(green) :: JsNumber(blue) :: Nil) =>
+ case JsArray(Seq(JsString(name), JsNumber(red), JsNumber(green), JsNumber(blue))) =>
new Color(name, red.toInt, green.toInt, blue.toInt)
case _ => deserializationError("Color expected")
diff --git a/src/test/scala/spray/json/RoundTripSpecs.scala b/src/test/scala/spray/json/RoundTripSpecs.scala
index 51df48d..7609a53 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/spray/json/RoundTripSpecs.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/spray/json/RoundTripSpecs.scala
@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ object JsValueGenerators {
import Gen._
import Arbitrary.arbitrary
- // some characters have special meaning in parboiled
- // see, we have to exclude those
- val parseableString: Gen[String] = arbitrary[String].map(_.filterNot(_ > 0xfd00))
+ val parseableString: Gen[String] = arbitrary[String]
val genString: Gen[JsString] =
val genBoolean: Gen[JsBoolean] = oneOf(JsFalse, JsTrue)
val genLongNumber: Gen[JsNumber] = arbitrary[Long].map(JsNumber(_))
@@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ object JsValueGenerators {
for {
n <- choose(0, 15)
els <- Gen.containerOfN[List, JsValue](n, genValue(depth - 1))
- } yield JsArray(els)
+ } yield JsArray(els.toVector)
def genField(depth: Int): Gen[(String, JsValue)] =
for {
key <- parseableString
@@ -34,7 +32,7 @@ object JsValueGenerators {
for {
n <- choose(0, 15)
fields <- Gen.containerOfN[List, (String, JsValue)](n, genField(depth - 1))
- } yield JsObject(fields)
+ } yield JsObject(fields: _*)
def genValue(depth: Int): Gen[JsValue] =