path: root/core/src/test/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/testing/SttpBackendStubTests.scala
blob: 22ceff3b2730aa67612e869c7cd927d0cae01ea3 (plain) (tree)























package com.softwaremill.sttp.testing

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import com.softwaremill.sttp._
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.Future

class SttpBackendStubTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures {
  private val testingStub = SttpBackendStub(HttpURLConnectionBackend())
    .whenRequestMatches(_.uri.path.startsWith(List("a", "b")))
    .whenRequestMatches(_.method == Method.GET)
      case r
          if r.method == Method.POST && r.uri.path.endsWith(
            List("partial10")) =>
        Response(Right(10), 200, "OK", Nil, Nil)
      case r
          if r.method == Method.POST && r.uri.path.endsWith(
            List("partialAda")) =>
        Response(Right("Ada"), 200, "OK", Nil, Nil)

  "backend stub" should "use the first rule if it matches" in {
    implicit val b = testingStub
    val r = sttp.get(uri"http://example.org/a/b/c").send()
    r.is200 should be(true)
    r.body should be('right)

  it should "use subsequent rules if the first doesn't match" in {
    implicit val b = testingStub
    val r = sttp
    r.body should be(Right(10))

  it should "use the first specified rule if multiple match" in {
    implicit val b = testingStub
    val r = sttp.get(uri"http://example.org/a/b/c?p=v").send()
    r.is200 should be(true)
    r.body should be('right)

  it should "use the default response if no rule matches" in {
    implicit val b = testingStub
    val r = sttp.put(uri"http://example.org/d").send()
    r.code should be(404)

  it should "wrap responses in the desired monad" in {
    import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
    implicit val b = SttpBackendStub(new FutureMonad())
    val r = sttp.post(uri"http://example.org").send()
    r.futureValue.code should be(404)

  it should "use rules in partial function" in {
    implicit val s = testingStub
    val r = sttp.post(uri"http://example.org/partial10").send()
    r.is200 should be(true)
    r.body should be(Right(10))

    val ada = sttp.post(uri"http://example.org/partialAda").send()
    ada.is200 should be(true)
    ada.body should be(Right("Ada"))

  it should "handle exceptions thrown instead of a response (synchronous)" in {
    implicit val s = SttpBackendStub(HttpURLConnectionBackend())
      .whenRequestMatches(_ => true)
      .thenRespondWithMonad(throw new TimeoutException())

    a[TimeoutException] should be thrownBy {

  it should "handle exceptions thrown instead of a response (asynchronous)" in {
    implicit val s = SttpBackendStub(new FutureMonad())
      .whenRequestMatches(_ => true)
      .thenRespondWithMonad(throw new TimeoutException())

    val result = sttp.get(uri"http://example.org").send()
    result.failed.futureValue shouldBe a[TimeoutException]

  it should "try to convert a basic response to a mapped one" in {
    implicit val s = SttpBackendStub(HttpURLConnectionBackend())
      .whenRequestMatches(_ => true)

    val result = sttp
      .mapResponse(_ * 2)

    result.body should be(Right(20))

  it should "handle a 201 as a success" in {
    implicit val s = SttpBackendStub(HttpURLConnectionBackend()).whenAnyRequest

    val result = sttp

    result.body should be(Right(""))


  it should "handle a 300 as a failure" in {
    implicit val s = SttpBackendStub(HttpURLConnectionBackend()).whenAnyRequest

    val result = sttp

    result.body should be(Left(""))


  it should "handle a 400 as a failure" in {
    implicit val s = SttpBackendStub(HttpURLConnectionBackend()).whenAnyRequest

    val result = sttp

    result.body should be(Left(""))


  it should "handle a 500 as a failure" in {
    implicit val s = SttpBackendStub(HttpURLConnectionBackend()).whenAnyRequest

    val result = sttp

    result.body should be(Left(""))


  it should "not hold the calling thread when passed a future monad" in {
    val LongTimeMillis = 10000L

    val fm = new FutureMonad()
    val f = Future {
      Response(Right("OK"), 200, "", Nil, Nil)

    val before = System.currentTimeMillis()
    implicit val s = SttpBackendStub(fm).whenAnyRequest

    val result = sttp

    val after = System.currentTimeMillis()

    (after - before) should be < LongTimeMillis

  private val testingStubWithFallback = SttpBackendStub

  "backend stub with fallback" should "use the stub when response for a request is defined" in {
    implicit val b = testingStubWithFallback

    val r = sttp.post(uri"http://example.org/c").send()
    r.body should be(Right("ok"))

  it should "delegate to the fallback for unhandled requests" in {
    implicit val b = testingStubWithFallback

    val r = sttp.post(uri"http://example.org/a/b").send()
    r.is200 should be(true)

  private val s = "Hello, world!"
  private val adjustTestData = List[(Any, ResponseAs[_, _], Any)](
    (s, IgnoreResponse, Some(())),
    (s, ResponseAsString(Utf8), Some(s)),
    (s.getBytes(Utf8), ResponseAsString(Utf8), Some(s)),
    (new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes(Utf8)),
    (10, ResponseAsString(Utf8), None),
     MappedResponseAs(ResponseAsString(Utf8), (_: String).toInt),
    (10, MappedResponseAs(ResponseAsString(Utf8), (_: String).toInt), None)

  behavior of "tryAdjustResponseBody"

  for {
    (body, responseAs, expectedResult) <- adjustTestData
  } {
    it should s"adjust $body to $expectedResult when specified as $responseAs" in {
      SttpBackendStub.tryAdjustResponseBody(responseAs, body) should be(