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4 files changed, 527 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/Uri.scala b/core/src/main/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/Uri.scala
index 1ee4337..f66793a 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/Uri.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/Uri.scala
@@ -2,40 +2,40 @@ package com.softwaremill.sttp
import java.net.URLEncoder
-import com.softwaremill.sttp.QueryFragment.{KeyValue, Plain}
+import Uri.{QueryFragment, UserInfo}
+import Uri.QueryFragment.{KeyValue, Value, Plain}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
- * @param queryFragments Either key-value pairs, or plain query fragments.
- * Key value pairs will be serialized as `k=v`, and blocks of key-value
- * pairs will be combined using `&`. Note that no `&` or other separators
- * are added around plain query fragments - if required, they need to be
- * added manually as part of the plain query fragment.
+ * A [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier URI]].
+ * All components (scheme, host, query, ...) are stored unencoded, and
+ * become encoded upon serialization (using [[toString]]).
+ *
+ * @param queryFragments Either key-value pairs, single values, or plain
+ * query fragments. Key value pairs will be serialized as `k=v`, and blocks
+ * of key-value pairs/single values will be combined using `&`. Note that no
+ * `&` or other separators are added around plain query fragments - if
+ * required, they need to be added manually as part of the plain query
+ * fragment.
case class Uri(scheme: String,
+ userInfo: Option[UserInfo],
host: String,
port: Option[Int],
path: Seq[String],
queryFragments: Seq[QueryFragment],
fragment: Option[String]) {
- def this(host: String) =
- this("http", host, None, Vector.empty, Vector.empty, None)
- def this(host: String, port: Int) =
- this("http", host, Some(port), Vector.empty, Vector.empty, None)
- def this(host: String, port: Int, path: Seq[String]) =
- this("http", host, Some(port), path, Vector.empty, None)
- def this(scheme: String, host: String) =
- this(scheme, host, None, Vector.empty, Vector.empty, None)
- def this(scheme: String, host: String, port: Int) =
- this(scheme, host, Some(port), Vector.empty, Vector.empty, None)
- def this(scheme: String, host: String, port: Int, path: Seq[String]) =
- this(scheme, host, Some(port), path, Vector.empty, None)
def scheme(s: String): Uri = this.copy(scheme = s)
+ def userInfo(username: String): Uri =
+ this.copy(userInfo = Some(UserInfo(username, None)))
+ def userInfo(username: String, password: String): Uri =
+ this.copy(userInfo = Some(UserInfo(username, Some(password))))
def host(h: String): Uri = this.copy(host = h)
def port(p: Int): Uri = this.copy(port = Some(p))
@@ -87,35 +87,44 @@ case class Uri(scheme: String,
def fragment(f: Option[String]): Uri = this.copy(fragment = f)
override def toString: String = {
- val schemeS = encode(scheme)
- val hostS = encode(host)
- val portS = port.fold("")(":" + _)
- val pathPrefixS = if (path.isEmpty) "" else "/"
- val pathS = path.map(encode).mkString("/")
- val queryPrefixS = if (queryFragments.isEmpty) "" else "?"
+ def encodeUserInfo(ui: UserInfo): String =
+ encode(ui.username) + ui.password.fold("")(":" + encode(_))
def encodeQueryFragments(qfs: List[QueryFragment],
- previousWasKV: Boolean,
+ previousWasPlain: Boolean,
sb: StringBuilder): String = qfs match {
case Nil => sb.toString()
case Plain(v, re) :: t =>
- previousWasKV = false,
+ previousWasPlain = true,
sb.append(encodeQuery(v, re)))
+ case Value(v, re) :: t =>
+ if (!previousWasPlain) sb.append("&")
+ sb.append(encodeQuery(v, re))
+ encodeQueryFragments(t, previousWasPlain = false, sb)
case KeyValue(k, v, reK, reV) :: t =>
- if (previousWasKV) sb.append("&")
+ if (!previousWasPlain) sb.append("&")
sb.append(encodeQuery(k, reK)).append("=").append(encodeQuery(v, reV))
- encodeQueryFragments(t, previousWasKV = true, sb)
+ encodeQueryFragments(t, previousWasPlain = false, sb)
+ val schemeS = encode(scheme)
+ val userInfoS = userInfo.fold("")(encodeUserInfo(_) + "@")
+ val hostS = encode(host)
+ val portS = port.fold("")(":" + _)
+ val pathPrefixS = if (path.isEmpty) "" else "/"
+ val pathS = path.map(encode).mkString("/")
+ val queryPrefixS = if (queryFragments.isEmpty) "" else "?"
val queryS = encodeQueryFragments(queryFragments.toList,
- previousWasKV = false,
+ previousWasPlain = true,
new StringBuilder())
val fragS = fragment.fold("")("#" + _)
- s"$schemeS://$hostS$portS$pathPrefixS$pathS$queryPrefixS$queryS$fragS"
+ s"$schemeS://$userInfoS$hostS$portS$pathPrefixS$pathS$queryPrefixS$queryS$fragS"
private def encode(s: Any): String = {
@@ -154,31 +163,55 @@ case class Uri(scheme: String,
-sealed trait QueryFragment
-object QueryFragment {
- /**
- * @param keyRelaxedEncoding See [[Plain.relaxedEncoding]]
- * @param valueRelaxedEncoding See [[Plain.relaxedEncoding]]
- */
- case class KeyValue(k: String,
- v: String,
- keyRelaxedEncoding: Boolean = false,
- valueRelaxedEncoding: Boolean = false)
- extends QueryFragment
+object Uri {
+ def apply(host: String): Uri =
+ Uri("http", None, host, None, Vector.empty, Vector.empty, None)
+ def apply(host: String, port: Int): Uri =
+ Uri("http", None, host, Some(port), Vector.empty, Vector.empty, None)
+ def apply(host: String, port: Int, path: Seq[String]): Uri =
+ Uri("http", None, host, Some(port), path, Vector.empty, None)
+ def apply(scheme: String, host: String): Uri =
+ Uri(scheme, None, host, None, Vector.empty, Vector.empty, None)
+ def apply(scheme: String, host: String, port: Int): Uri =
+ Uri(scheme, None, host, Some(port), Vector.empty, Vector.empty, None)
+ def apply(scheme: String, host: String, port: Int, path: Seq[String]): Uri =
+ Uri(scheme, None, host, Some(port), path, Vector.empty, None)
+ sealed trait QueryFragment
+ object QueryFragment {
+ /**
+ * @param keyRelaxedEncoding See [[Plain.relaxedEncoding]]
+ * @param valueRelaxedEncoding See [[Plain.relaxedEncoding]]
+ */
+ case class KeyValue(k: String,
+ v: String,
+ keyRelaxedEncoding: Boolean = false,
+ valueRelaxedEncoding: Boolean = false)
+ extends QueryFragment
+ /**
+ * A query fragment which contains only the value, without a key.
+ */
+ case class Value(v: String, relaxedEncoding: Boolean = false)
+ extends QueryFragment
+ /**
+ * A query fragment which will be inserted into the query, without and
+ * preceding or following separators. Allows constructing query strings
+ * which are not (only) &-separated key-value pairs.
+ *
+ * @param relaxedEncoding Should characters, which are allowed in the
+ * query string, but normally escaped be left unchanged. These characters
+ * are:
+ * {{{
+ * /?:@-._~!$&()*+,;=
+ * }}}
+ * See: [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2322764/what-characters-must-be-escaped-in-an-http-query-string]]
+ */
+ case class Plain(v: String, relaxedEncoding: Boolean = false)
+ extends QueryFragment
+ }
- /**
- * A query fragment which will be inserted into the query, without and
- * preceding or following separators. Allows constructing query strings
- * which are not (only) &-separated key-value pairs.
- *
- * @param relaxedEncoding Should characters, which are allowed in the query
- * string, but normally escaped be left unchanged. These characters are:
- * {{{
- * /?:@-._~!$&()*+,;=
- * }}}
- * See: [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2322764/what-characters-must-be-escaped-in-an-http-query-string]]
- */
- case class Plain(v: String, relaxedEncoding: Boolean = false)
- extends QueryFragment
+ case class UserInfo(username: String, password: Option[String])
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriInterpolator.scala b/core/src/main/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriInterpolator.scala
index 26b9827..0472828 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriInterpolator.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriInterpolator.scala
@@ -1,346 +1,494 @@
package com.softwaremill.sttp
+import java.net.URLDecoder
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object UriInterpolator {
def interpolate(sc: StringContext, args: Any*): Uri = {
+ val tokens = tokenize(sc, args: _*)
+ val builders = List(
+ UriBuilder.Scheme,
+ UriBuilder.UserInfo,
+ UriBuilder.HostPort,
+ UriBuilder.Path,
+ UriBuilder.Query,
+ UriBuilder.Fragment
+ )
+ val startingUri = Uri("")
+ val (uri, leftTokens) =
+ builders.foldLeft((startingUri, tokens)) {
+ case ((u, t), builder) =>
+ builder.fromTokens(u, t)
+ }
+ if (leftTokens.nonEmpty) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(
+ s"Tokens left after building the whole uri: $leftTokens, result so far: $uri")
+ }
+ uri
+ }
+ private def tokenize(sc: StringContext, args: Any*): Vector[Token] = {
val strings = sc.parts.iterator
val expressions = args.iterator
- var ub = UriBuilderStart.parseS(strings.next())
+ var (tokenizer, tokens) = Tokenizer.Scheme.tokenize(strings.next())
while (strings.hasNext) {
- ub = ub.parseE(expressions.next())
- ub = ub.parseS(strings.next())
+ val nextExpression = expressions.next()
+ // special case: the interpolation starts with an expression, which
+ // contains a whole URI. In this case, parsing the expression as if
+ // its string value was embedded in the interpolated string. This
+ // way it's possible to extend existing URIs. Without special-casing
+ // the embedded URI would be escaped and become part of the host
+ // as a whole.
+ if (tokens == Vector(StringToken("")) && nextExpression.toString.contains("://")) {
+ def tokenizeExpressionAsString(): Unit = {
+ val (nextTokenizer, nextTokens) = tokenizer.tokenize(nextExpression.toString)
+ tokenizer = nextTokenizer
+ tokens = tokens ++ nextTokens
+ }
+ def tokenizeStringRemoveEmptyPrefix(): Unit = {
+ val (nextTokenizer, nextTokens) = tokenizer.tokenize(strings.next())
+ tokenizer = nextTokenizer
+ // we need to remove empty tokens around exp as well - however here
+ // by hand, as the expression token is unwrapped, so removeEmptyTokensAroundExp
+ // won't handle this.
+ val nextTokensWithoutEmptyPrefix = nextTokens match {
+ case StringToken("") +: tail => tail
+ case x => x
+ }
+ tokens = tokens ++ nextTokensWithoutEmptyPrefix
+ }
+ tokenizeExpressionAsString()
+ tokenizeStringRemoveEmptyPrefix()
+ } else {
+ tokens = tokens :+ ExpressionToken(nextExpression)
+ val (nextTokenizer, nextTokens) = tokenizer.tokenize(strings.next())
+ tokenizer = nextTokenizer
+ tokens = tokens ++ nextTokens
+ }
- ub.build
+ removeEmptyTokensAroundExp(tokens)
- sealed trait UriBuilder {
- def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder
- def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder
- def build: Uri
- protected def parseE_skipNone(e: Any): UriBuilder = e match {
- case s: String => parseS(s)
- case None => this
- case null => this
- case Some(x) => parseE(x)
- case x => parseS(x.toString)
- }
+ sealed trait Token
+ case class StringToken(s: String) extends Token
+ case class ExpressionToken(e: Any) extends Token
+ case object SchemeEnd extends Token
+ case object ColonInAuthority extends Token
+ case object AtInAuthority extends Token
+ case object DotInAuthority extends Token
+ case object PathStart extends Token
+ case object SlashInPath extends Token
+ case object QueryStart extends Token
+ case object AmpInQuery extends Token
+ case object EqInQuery extends Token
+ case object FragmentStart extends Token
+ trait Tokenizer {
+ def tokenize(s: String): (Tokenizer, Vector[Token])
- val UriBuilderStart = Scheme("")
- case class Scheme(v: String) extends UriBuilder {
- override def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder = {
- val splitAtSchemeEnd = s.split("://", 2)
- splitAtSchemeEnd match {
- case Array(schemeFragment, rest) =>
- Authority(append(schemeFragment))
- .parseS(rest)
- case Array(x) =>
- if (!x.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9+\\.\\-]*")) {
- // anything else than the allowed characters in scheme suggest that
- // there is no scheme assuming whatever we parsed so far is part of
- // authority, and parsing the rest; see
- // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3641722/valid-characters-for-uri-schemes
- Authority(Scheme("http"), v).parseS(x)
- } else append(x)
+ object Tokenizer {
+ object Scheme extends Tokenizer {
+ override def tokenize(s: String): (Tokenizer, Vector[Token]) = {
+ s.split("://", 2) match {
+ case Array(scheme, rest) =>
+ val (next, authorityTokens) = Authority.tokenize(rest)
+ (next, Vector(StringToken(scheme), SchemeEnd) ++ authorityTokens)
+ case Array(x) =>
+ if (!x.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9+\\.\\-]*")) {
+ // anything else than the allowed characters in scheme suggest that
+ // there is no scheme; tokenizing using the next tokenizer in chain
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3641722/valid-characters-for-uri-schemes
+ Authority.tokenize(x)
+ } else {
+ (this, Vector(StringToken(x)))
+ }
+ }
- override def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder = parseE_skipNone(e)
+ object Authority extends Tokenizer {
+ override def tokenize(s: String): (Tokenizer, Vector[Token]) =
+ tokenizeTerminatedFragment(
+ s,
+ this,
+ Set('/', '?', '#'),
+ Map(':' -> ColonInAuthority,
+ '@' -> AtInAuthority,
+ '.' -> DotInAuthority)
+ )
+ }
- private def append(x: String): Scheme = Scheme(v + x)
+ object Path extends Tokenizer {
+ override def tokenize(s: String): (Tokenizer, Vector[Token]) =
+ tokenizeTerminatedFragment(
+ s,
+ this,
+ Set('?', '#'),
+ Map('/' -> SlashInPath)
+ )
+ }
- override def build: Uri = Uri(v, "", None, Nil, Nil, None)
- }
+ object Query extends Tokenizer {
+ override def tokenize(s: String): (Tokenizer, Vector[Token]) =
+ tokenizeTerminatedFragment(
+ s,
+ this,
+ Set('#'),
+ Map('&' -> AmpInQuery, '=' -> EqInQuery)
+ )
+ }
- case class Authority(s: Scheme, v: String = "") extends UriBuilder {
- override def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder = {
- // authority is terminated by /, ?, # or end of string (there might be
- // other /, ?, # later on e.g. in the query)
- // see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2
- s.split("[/\\?#]", 2) match {
- case Array(authorityFragment, rest) =>
- val splitOn = charAfterPrefix(authorityFragment, s)
- append(authorityFragment).next(splitOn, rest)
- case Array(x) => append(x)
- }
+ object Fragment extends Tokenizer {
+ override def tokenize(s: String): (Tokenizer, Vector[Token]) =
+ (this, Vector(StringToken(s)))
- private def next(splitOn: Char, rest: String): UriBuilder =
- splitOn match {
- case '/' =>
- // prepending the leading slash as we want it preserved in the
- // output, if present
- Path(this).parseS("/" + rest)
- case '?' => Query(Path(this)).parseS(rest)
- case '#' => Fragment(Query(Path(this))).parseS(rest)
+ /**
+ * Tokenize the given string up to any of the given terminator characters
+ * by splitting it using the given separators and translating each
+ * separator to a token.
+ *
+ * The rest of the string, after the terminators, is tokenized using
+ * a tokenizer determined by the type of the terminator.
+ */
+ private def tokenizeTerminatedFragment(
+ s: String,
+ current: Tokenizer,
+ terminators: Set[Char],
+ separatorsToTokens: Map[Char, Token]): (Tokenizer, Vector[Token]) = {
+ def tokenizeFragment(f: String): Vector[Token] = {
+ splitPreserveSeparators(f, separatorsToTokens.keySet).map { t =>
+ t.headOption.flatMap(separatorsToTokens.get) match {
+ case Some(token) => token
+ case None => StringToken(t)
+ }
+ }
- override def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder = e match {
- case s: Seq[_] =>
- val newAuthority = s.map(_.toString).mkString(".")
- copy(v = v + newAuthority)
- case x => parseE_skipNone(x)
- }
+ // first checking if the fragment doesn't end; e.g. the authority is
+ // terminated by /, ?, # or end of string (there might be other /, ?,
+ // # later on e.g. in the query).
+ // See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2
+ split(s, terminators) match {
+ case Right((fragment, separator, rest)) =>
+ tokenizeAfterSeparator(tokenizeFragment(fragment), separator, rest)
- override def build: Uri = {
- var vv = v
- // remove dangling "." which might occur due to optional authority
- // fragments
- while (vv.startsWith(".")) vv = vv.substring(1)
- val builtS = s.build
- vv.split(":", 2) match {
- case Array(host, port) if port.matches("\\d+") =>
- builtS.copy(host = host, port = Some(port.toInt))
- case Array(x) => builtS.copy(host = x)
+ case Left(fragment) =>
+ (current, tokenizeFragment(fragment))
- private def append(x: String): Authority =
- copy(v = v + x)
- }
+ private def tokenizeAfterSeparator(
+ beforeSeparatorTokens: Vector[Token],
+ separator: Char,
+ s: String): (Tokenizer, Vector[Token]) = {
- case class Path(a: Authority, fs: Vector[String] = Vector.empty)
- extends UriBuilder {
- override def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder = {
- // path is terminated by ?, # or end of string (there might be other
- // ?, # later on e.g. in the query)
- // see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3
- s.split("[\\?#]", 2) match {
- case Array(pathFragments, rest) =>
- val splitOn = charAfterPrefix(pathFragments, s)
- appendS(pathFragments).next(splitOn, rest)
- case Array(x) => appendS(x)
- }
+ val (next, separatorToken) = separatorTokenizerAndToken(separator)
+ val (nextNext, nextTokens) = next.tokenize(s)
+ (nextNext, beforeSeparatorTokens ++ Vector(separatorToken) ++ nextTokens)
- private def next(splitOn: Char, rest: String): UriBuilder =
- splitOn match {
- case '?' => Query(this).parseS(rest)
- case '#' => Fragment(Query(this)).parseS(rest)
+ private def separatorTokenizerAndToken(
+ separator: Char): (Tokenizer, Token) =
+ separator match {
+ case '/' => (Path, PathStart)
+ case '?' => (Query, QueryStart)
+ case '#' => (Fragment, FragmentStart)
- override def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder = e match {
- case s: Seq[_] =>
- val newFragments = s.map(_.toString).map(Some(_))
- newFragments.foldLeft(this)(_.appendE(_))
- case s: String => appendE(Some(s))
- case None => appendE(None)
- case null => appendE(None)
- case Some(x) => parseE(x)
- case x => appendE(Some(x.toString))
- }
- override def build: Uri = a.build.copy(path = fs)
+ private def splitPreserveSeparators(s: String,
+ sep: Set[Char]): Vector[String] = {
+ @tailrec
+ def doSplit(s: String, acc: Vector[String]): Vector[String] = {
+ split(s, sep) match {
+ case Left(x) => acc :+ x
+ case Right((before, separator, after)) =>
+ doSplit(after, acc ++ Vector(before, separator.toString))
+ }
+ }
- private def appendS(fragments: String): Path = {
- if (fragments.isEmpty) this
- else if (fragments.startsWith("/"))
- // avoiding an initial empty path fragment which would cause
- // initial // the build output
- copy(fs = fs ++ fragments.substring(1).split("/", -1))
- else
- copy(fs = fs ++ fragments.split("/", -1))
+ doSplit(s, Vector.empty)
- private def appendE(fragment: Option[String]): Path = fs.lastOption match {
- case Some("") =>
- // if the currently last path fragment is empty, replacing with the
- // expression value: corresponds to an interpolation of [anything]/$v
- copy(fs = fs.init ++ fragment)
- case _ => copy(fs = fs ++ fragment)
+ private def split(
+ s: String,
+ sep: Set[Char]): Either[String, (String, Char, String)] = {
+ val i = s.indexWhere(sep.contains)
+ if (i == -1) Left(s)
+ else Right((s.substring(0, i), s.charAt(i), s.substring(i + 1)))
- sealed trait QueryFragment
- object QueryFragment {
- case object Empty extends QueryFragment
- case class K_Eq_V(k: String, v: String) extends QueryFragment
- case class K_Eq(k: String) extends QueryFragment
- case class K(k: String) extends QueryFragment
- case object Eq extends QueryFragment
- case class Eq_V(v: String) extends QueryFragment
+ sealed trait UriBuilder {
+ def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: Vector[Token]): (Uri, Vector[Token])
- case class Query(p: Path, fs: Vector[QueryFragment] = Vector.empty)
- extends UriBuilder {
- import QueryFragment._
- override def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder = {
- s.split("#", 2) match {
- case Array(queryFragment, rest) =>
- Fragment(appendS(queryFragment)).parseS(rest)
+ object UriBuilder {
- case Array(x) => appendS(x)
+ case object Scheme extends UriBuilder {
+ override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: Vector[Token]): (Uri, Vector[Token]) = {
+ split(t, Set[Token](SchemeEnd)) match {
+ case Left(tt) => (u.scheme("http"), tt)
+ case Right((schemeTokens, _, otherTokens)) =>
+ val scheme = tokensToString(schemeTokens)
+ (u.scheme(scheme), otherTokens)
+ }
- override def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder = e match {
- case m: Map[_, _] => parseSeqE(m.toSeq)
- case s: Seq[_] => parseSeqE(s)
- case s: String => appendE(Some(s))
- case None => appendE(None)
- case null => appendE(None)
- case Some(x) => parseE(x)
- case x => appendE(Some(x.toString))
- }
+ case object UserInfo extends UriBuilder {
+ override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: Vector[Token]): (Uri, Vector[Token]) = {
+ split(t, Set[Token](AtInAuthority)) match {
+ case Left(tt) => (u, tt)
+ case Right((uiTokens, _, otherTokens)) =>
+ (uiFromTokens(u, uiTokens), otherTokens)
+ }
+ }
- private def parseSeqE(s: Seq[_]): UriBuilder = {
- val flattenedS = s.flatMap {
- case (_, None) => None
- case (k, Some(v)) => Some((k, v))
- case None => None
- case Some(k) => Some(k)
- case x => Some(x)
+ private def uiFromTokens(u: Uri, uiTokens: Vector[Token]): Uri = {
+ val uiTokensWithDots = uiTokens.map {
+ case DotInAuthority => StringToken(".")
+ case x => x
+ }
+ split(uiTokensWithDots, Set[Token](ColonInAuthority)) match {
+ case Left(tt) => uiFromTokens(u, tt, Vector.empty)
+ case Right((usernameTokens, _, passwordTokens)) =>
+ uiFromTokens(u, usernameTokens, passwordTokens)
+ }
- val newFragments = flattenedS.map {
- case ("", "") => Eq
- case (k, "") => K_Eq(k.toString)
- case ("", v) => Eq_V(v.toString)
- case (k, v) => K_Eq_V(k.toString, v.toString)
- case x => K(x.toString)
+ private def uiFromTokens(u: Uri,
+ usernameTokens: Vector[Token],
+ passwordTokens: Vector[Token]): Uri = {
+ (tokensToStringOpt(usernameTokens), tokensToStringOpt(passwordTokens)) match {
+ case (Some(un), Some(p)) => u.userInfo(un, p)
+ case (Some(un), None) => u.userInfo(un)
+ case (None, Some(p)) => u.userInfo("", p)
+ case (None, None) => u
+ }
- copy(fs = fs ++ newFragments)
- override def build: Uri = {
- import com.softwaremill.sttp.{QueryFragment => QF}
- val plainSeparator = QF.Plain("&", relaxedEncoding = true)
- var fragments: Vector[QF] = fs.flatMap {
- case Empty => None
- case K_Eq_V(k, v) => Some(QF.KeyValue(k, v))
- case K_Eq(k) => Some(QF.KeyValue(k, ""))
- case K(k) =>
- // if we have a key-only entry, we encode it as a plain query
- // fragment
- Some(QF.Plain(k))
- case Eq => Some(QF.KeyValue("", ""))
- case Eq_V(v) => Some(QF.KeyValue("", v))
+ case object HostPort extends UriBuilder {
+ override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: Vector[Token]): (Uri, Vector[Token]) = {
+ split(t, Set[Token](PathStart, QueryStart, FragmentStart)) match {
+ case Left(tt) =>
+ (hostPortFromTokens(u, tt), Vector.empty)
+ case Right((hpTokens, sep, otherTokens)) =>
+ (hostPortFromTokens(u, hpTokens), sep +: otherTokens)
+ }
- // when serialized, plain query fragments don't have & separators
- // prepended/appended - hence, if we have parsed them here, they
- // need to be added by hand. Adding an & separator between each pair
- // of fragments where one of them is plain. For example:
- // KV P P KV KV P KV
- // becomes:
- // KV S P S P S KV KV S P S KV
- @tailrec
- def addPlainSeparators(qfs: Vector[QF],
- previousWasPlain: Boolean,
- acc: Vector[QF],
- isFirst: Boolean = false): Vector[QF] = qfs match {
- case Vector() => acc
- case (p: QF.Plain) +: tail if !isFirst =>
- addPlainSeparators(tail,
- previousWasPlain = true,
- acc :+ plainSeparator :+ p)
- case (p: QF.Plain) +: tail =>
- addPlainSeparators(tail, previousWasPlain = true, acc :+ p)
- case (kv: QF.KeyValue) +: tail if previousWasPlain =>
- addPlainSeparators(tail,
- previousWasPlain = false,
- acc :+ plainSeparator :+ kv)
- case (kv: QF.KeyValue) +: tail =>
- addPlainSeparators(tail, previousWasPlain = false, acc :+ kv)
+ private def hostPortFromTokens(u: Uri, hpTokens: Vector[Token]): Uri = {
+ split(hpTokens, Set[Token](ColonInAuthority)) match {
+ case Left(tt) => hostFromTokens(u, tt)
+ case Right((hostTokens, _, portTokens)) =>
+ portFromTokens(hostFromTokens(u, hostTokens), portTokens)
+ }
- fragments = addPlainSeparators(fragments,
- previousWasPlain = false,
- Vector(),
- isFirst = true)
+ private def hostFromTokens(u: Uri, tokens: Vector[Token]): Uri = {
+ val hostFragments = tokensToStringSeq(tokens)
+ u.host(hostFragments.mkString("."))
+ }
- p.build.copy(queryFragments = fragments)
+ private def portFromTokens(u: Uri, tokens: Vector[Token]): Uri = {
+ u.port(tokensToStringOpt(tokens).map(_.toInt))
+ }
- private def appendS(queryFragment: String): Query = {
- val newVs = queryFragment.split("&", -1).map { nv =>
- if (nv.isEmpty) Empty
- else if (nv == "=") Eq
- else if (nv.startsWith("=")) Eq_V(nv.substring(1))
- else
- nv.split("=", 2) match {
- case Array(n, "") => K_Eq(n)
- case Array(n, v) => K_Eq_V(n, v)
- case Array(n) => K(n)
- }
- }
+ case object Path extends UriBuilder {
+ override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: Vector[Token]): (Uri, Vector[Token]) =
+ fromStartingToken(u,
+ t,
+ PathStart,
+ Set[Token](QueryStart, FragmentStart),
+ pathFromTokens)
- // it's possible that the current-last and new-first query fragments
- // are indeed two parts of a single fragment. Attempting to merge,
- // if possible
- val (currentInit, currentLastV) = fs.splitAt(fs.length - 1)
- val (newHeadV, newTail) = newVs.splitAt(1)
- val mergedOpt = for {
- currentLast <- currentLastV.headOption
- newHead <- newHeadV.headOption
- } yield {
- currentInit ++ merge(currentLast, newHead) ++ newTail
+ private def pathFromTokens(u: Uri, tokens: Vector[Token]): Uri = {
+ u.path(tokensToStringSeq(tokens))
+ }
+ case object Query extends UriBuilder {
+ import com.softwaremill.sttp.Uri.{QueryFragment => QF}
- val combinedVs = mergedOpt match {
- case None => fs ++ newVs // either current or new fragments are empty
- case Some(merged) => merged
+ override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: Vector[Token]): (Uri, Vector[Token]) =
+ fromStartingToken(u, t, QueryStart, Set[Token](FragmentStart), queryFromTokens)
+ private def queryFromTokens(u: Uri, tokens: Vector[Token]): Uri = {
+ val qfs =
+ splitToGroups(tokens, AmpInQuery)
+ .flatMap(queryMappingsFromTokens)
+ u.copy(queryFragments = qfs)
- copy(fs = combinedVs)
+ private def queryMappingsFromTokens(tokens: Vector[Token]): Vector[QF] = {
+ def expressionPairToQueryFragment(ke: Any,
+ ve: Any): Option[QF.KeyValue] =
+ for {
+ k <- anyToStringOpt(ke)
+ v <- anyToStringOpt(ve)
+ } yield QF.KeyValue(k, v)
+ def seqToQueryFragments(s: Seq[_]): Vector[QF] = {
+ s.flatMap {
+ case (ke, ve) => expressionPairToQueryFragment(ke, ve)
+ case ve => anyToStringOpt(ve).map(QF.Value(_))
+ }.toVector
+ }
+ split(tokens, Set[Token](EqInQuery)) match {
+ case Left(Vector(ExpressionToken(e: Map[_, _]))) =>
+ seqToQueryFragments(e.toSeq)
+ case Left(Vector(ExpressionToken(e: Seq[_]))) =>
+ seqToQueryFragments(e)
+ case Left(t) => tokensToStringOpt(t).map(QF.Value(_)).toVector
+ case Right((leftEq, _, rightEq)) =>
+ tokensToStringOpt(leftEq) match {
+ case Some(k) =>
+ tokensToStringSeq(rightEq).map(QF.KeyValue(k, _)).toVector
+ case None =>
+ Vector.empty
+ }
+ }
+ }
- private def merge(last: QueryFragment,
- first: QueryFragment): Vector[QueryFragment] = {
- /*
- Only some combinations of fragments are possible. Part of them are
- already handled in `appendE` (specifically, any expressions of
- the form k=$v). Here we have to handle: $k=$v and $k=v.
- */
- (last, first) match {
- case (K(k), Eq) => Vector(K_Eq(k)) // k + = => k=
- case (K(k), Eq_V(v)) =>
- Vector(K_Eq_V(k, v)) // k + =v => k=v
- case (x, y) => Vector(x, y)
+ case object Fragment extends UriBuilder {
+ override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: Vector[Token]): (Uri, Vector[Token]) = {
+ t match {
+ case FragmentStart +: tt =>
+ (u.fragment(tokensToStringOpt(tt)), Vector.empty)
+ case _ => (u, t)
+ }
- private def appendE(vo: Option[String]): Query = {
- fs.lastOption match {
- case Some(K_Eq(k)) =>
- // k= + None -> remove parameter; k= + Some(v) -> k=v
- vo match {
- case None => copy(fs = fs.init)
- case Some("") => this
- case Some(v) => copy(fs = fs.init :+ K_Eq_V(k, v))
+ /**
+ * Parse a prefix of tokens `t` into a component of a URI. The component
+ * is only present in the tokens if there's a `startingToken`; otherwise
+ * the component is skipped.
+ *
+ * The component is terminated by any of `nextComponentTokens`.
+ */
+ private def fromStartingToken(
+ u: Uri,
+ t: Vector[Token],
+ startingToken: Token,
+ nextComponentTokens: Set[Token],
+ componentFromTokens: (Uri, Vector[Token]) => Uri)
+ : (Uri, Vector[Token]) = {
+ t match {
+ case `startingToken` +: tt =>
+ split(tt, nextComponentTokens) match {
+ case Left(ttt) =>
+ (componentFromTokens(u, ttt), Vector.empty)
+ case Right((componentTokens, sep, otherTokens)) =>
+ (componentFromTokens(u, componentTokens), sep +: otherTokens)
- case _ =>
- copy(fs = fs :+ vo.fold[QueryFragment](Empty)(K))
+ case _ => (u, t)
- }
- case class Fragment(q: Query, v: String = "") extends UriBuilder {
- override def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder =
- copy(v = v + s)
+ private def anyToString(a: Any): String = anyToStringOpt(a).getOrElse("")
+ private def anyToStringOpt(a: Any): Option[String] = a match {
+ case None => None
+ case null => None
+ case Some(x) => Some(x.toString)
+ case x => Some(x.toString)
+ }
+ private def tokensToStringSeq(t: Vector[Token]): Seq[String] = t.flatMap {
+ case ExpressionToken(s: Seq[_]) => s.flatMap(anyToStringOpt).toVector
+ case ExpressionToken(e) => anyToStringOpt(e).toVector
+ case StringToken(s) => Vector(decode(s))
+ case _ => Vector.empty
+ }
- override def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder = parseE_skipNone(e)
+ private def tokensToStringOpt(t: Vector[Token]): Option[String] = t match {
+ case Vector() => None
+ case Vector(ExpressionToken(e)) => anyToStringOpt(e)
+ case _ => Some(tokensToString(t))
+ }
- override def build: Uri =
- q.build.copy(fragment = if (v.isEmpty) None else Some(v))
+ private def tokensToString(t: Vector[Token]): String =
+ t.collect {
+ case StringToken(s) => decode(s)
+ case ExpressionToken(e) => anyToString(e)
+ }
+ .mkString("")
+ private def split[T](
+ v: Vector[T],
+ sep: Set[T]): Either[Vector[T], (Vector[T], T, Vector[T])] = {
+ val i = v.indexWhere(sep.contains)
+ if (i == -1) Left(v) else Right((v.take(i), v(i), v.drop(i + 1)))
+ }
+ private def splitToGroups[T](v: Vector[T], sep: T): Vector[Vector[T]] = {
+ def doSplit(vv: Vector[T], acc: Vector[Vector[T]]): Vector[Vector[T]] = {
+ vv.indexOf(sep) match {
+ case -1 => acc :+ vv
+ case i => doSplit(vv.drop(i + 1), acc :+ vv.take(i))
+ }
+ }
+ doSplit(v, Vector.empty)
+ }
+ private def decode(s: String): String = URLDecoder.decode(s, Utf8)
- private def charAfterPrefix(prefix: String, whole: String): Char = {
- val pl = prefix.length
- whole.substring(pl, pl + 1).charAt(0)
+ /**
+ * After tokenizing, there might be extra empty string tokens
+ * (`StringToken("")`) before and after expressions. For example,
+ * `key=$value` will tokenize to:
+ *
+ * `Vector(StringToken("key"), EqInQuery, StringToken(""), ExpressionToken(value))`
+ *
+ * These empty string tokens need to be removed so that e.g. extra key-value
+ * mappings are not generated.
+ */
+ private def removeEmptyTokensAroundExp(tokens: Vector[Token]): Vector[Token] = {
+ def doRemove(t: Vector[Token], acc: Vector[Token]): Vector[Token] =
+ t match {
+ case StringToken("") +: (e: ExpressionToken) +: tail =>
+ doRemove(e +: tail, acc)
+ case (e: ExpressionToken) +: StringToken("") +: tail =>
+ doRemove(tail, acc :+ e)
+ case v +: tail => doRemove(tail, acc :+ v)
+ case Vector() => acc
+ }
+ doRemove(tokens, Vector.empty)
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriInterpolatorTests.scala b/core/src/test/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriInterpolatorTests.scala
index 9f0f081..4424d70 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriInterpolatorTests.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriInterpolatorTests.scala
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ class UriInterpolatorTests extends FunSuite with Matchers {
val v3encoded = "a%3F%3D%26c"
val v4 = "f/g"
val v4encoded = "f%2Fg"
+ val v5 = "a:b"
+ val v5encoded = "a%3Ab"
val secure = true
val testData: List[(String, List[(Uri, String)])] = List(
@@ -30,6 +32,12 @@ class UriInterpolatorTests extends FunSuite with Matchers {
(uri"example.com?a=$v2", s"http://example.com?a=$v2queryEncoded")
+ "user info" -> List(
+ (uri"http://user:pass@example.com", s"http://user:pass@example.com"),
+ (uri"http://$v2@example.com", s"http://$v2encoded@example.com"),
+ (uri"http://$v5@example.com", s"http://$v5encoded@example.com"),
+ (uri"http://$v1:$v2@example.com", s"http://$v1:$v2encoded@example.com")
+ ),
"authority" -> List(
(uri"http://$v1.com", s"http://$v1.com"),
(uri"http://$v2.com", s"http://$v2encoded.com"),
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriTests.scala b/core/src/test/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriTests.scala
index 933afff..628df6d 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriTests.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/UriTests.scala
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.softwaremill.sttp
+import com.softwaremill.sttp.Uri.{QueryFragment, UserInfo}
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
class UriTests extends FunSuite with Matchers {
@@ -7,8 +8,9 @@ class UriTests extends FunSuite with Matchers {
val QF = QueryFragment
val wholeUriTestData = List(
- Uri("http", "example.com", None, Nil, Nil, None) -> "http://example.com",
+ Uri("http", None, "example.com", None, Nil, Nil, None) -> "http://example.com",
+ None,
List("a", "b", "xyz"),
@@ -16,18 +18,28 @@ class UriTests extends FunSuite with Matchers {
Some("f")) ->
+ None,
List(QF.KeyValue("p", "v"), QF.KeyValue("p", "v")),
None) -> "http://example.com/?p=v&p=v",
+ None,
"exa mple.com",
List("a b", "z", "ą:ę"),
List(QF.KeyValue("p:1", "v&v"), QF.KeyValue("p2", "v v")),
None) ->
- "http://exa%20mple.com/a%20b/z/%C4%85%3A%C4%99?p%3A1=v%26v&p2=v+v"
+ "http://exa%20mple.com/a%20b/z/%C4%85%3A%C4%99?p%3A1=v%26v&p2=v+v",
+ Uri("http",
+ Some(UserInfo("us&er", Some("pa ss"))),
+ "example.com",
+ None,
+ Nil,
+ Nil,
+ None) ->
+ "http://us%26er:pa%20ss@example.com",
for {
@@ -38,7 +50,7 @@ class UriTests extends FunSuite with Matchers {
- val testUri = Uri("http", "example.com", None, Nil, Nil, None)
+ val testUri = Uri("http", None, "example.com", None, Nil, Nil, None)
val pathTestData = List(
"a/b/c" -> List("a", "b", "c"),