path: root/mavigator-uav/src
diff options
authorJakob Odersky <jodersky@gmail.com>2015-12-28 11:54:00 +0100
committerJakob Odersky <jakob@odersky.com>2016-01-29 13:50:37 -0800
commit4f4c799a6d9ccf333a3e609a2464e2f317875af7 (patch)
tree599232dd8c97fa9eb8f3426ea4375216ecadb386 /mavigator-uav/src
parentc77bf21e7f4c197d34d23b2aebe5953a75d099e2 (diff)
Rename project and update dependencies
Diffstat (limited to 'mavigator-uav/src')
5 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/Connection.scala b/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/Connection.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7399657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/Connection.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package mavigator.uav
+import akka.actor.ActorLogging
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import akka.actor.Actor
+import akka.actor.ActorRef
+import akka.actor.Terminated
+import akka.actor.actorRef2Scala
+import akka.util.ByteString
+/** Protocol definition. */
+object Connection {
+ /** Any messages received and transmitted by actors implementing this protocol. */
+ sealed trait Message
+ /** Messages emitted by actors implementing this protocol. */
+ trait Event extends Message
+ /** Received data from the uav (or any other systems on the link) */
+ case class Received(bstr: ByteString) extends Event
+ /** The connection closed or could not be opened */
+ case class Closed(message: String) extends Event
+ /** Messages that can be received by actors implementing this protocol. */
+ trait Command extends Message
+ /** Register the sender to be notified on events */
+ case object Register extends Command
+ case class Unregister(client: ActorRef) extends Command
+ /** Send given bytes out to the uav (or any other systems on the link) */
+ case class Send(bstr: ByteString) extends Command
+/** Common behavior of connection actors. */
+trait Connection { myself: Actor with ActorLogging =>
+ private val _clients = new ArrayBuffer[ActorRef]
+ /** Current clients that should be notified on incoming messages. */
+ def clients = _clients.toSeq
+ /** Adds a client to the client list and acquires a deathwatch. */
+ protected def register(client: ActorRef): Unit = {
+ _clients += client
+ myself.context.watch(client)
+ myself.log.info("Client registered {}", client)
+ }
+ /** Remove client and release deathwatch. */
+ protected def unregister(client: ActorRef): Unit = if (clients contains client) {
+ _clients -= client
+ myself.context.unwatch(client)
+ myself.log.info("Client unregistered {}", client)
+ }
+ /** Sends a message to all registered clients. */
+ protected def sendAll(msg: Any): Unit = clients foreach (_ ! msg)
+ /** Common registration behavior. Manages the messages `Register` and `Terminated` by
+ * registering and unregistering clients. */
+ protected def handleRegistration: Receive = {
+ case Connection.Register => register(sender)
+ case Terminated(client) => unregister(client)
+ case other => myself.log.warning("Unknown message: {}", other)
+ }
diff --git a/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/MavlinkUtil.scala b/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/MavlinkUtil.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3756dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/MavlinkUtil.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package mavigator.uav
+import org.mavlink.Assembler
+import org.mavlink.Packet
+import org.mavlink.Parser
+import org.mavlink.messages.Message
+import akka.actor.Actor
+import akka.actor.ActorLogging
+import akka.util.ByteString
+/** Provides utilities for actors representing a mavlink connection. */
+trait MavlinkUtil { myself: Actor with ActorLogging =>
+ /** Mavlink system ID of this connection. */
+ val systemId: Byte
+ /** Mavlink component ID of this connection. */
+ val componentId: Byte
+ /** Assembler for creating packets originating from this connection. */
+ private lazy val assembler = new Assembler(systemId, componentId)
+ /** Assembles a message into a bytestring representing a packet sent from this connection. */
+ protected def assemble(message: Message): ByteString = {
+ val (messageId, payload) = Message.pack(message)
+ val packet: Packet = assembler.assemble(messageId, payload)
+ ByteString(packet.toArray)
+ }
+ /** Parser for messages being sent to the uav. */
+ protected val outgoing: Parser = new Parser(packet => Message.unpack(packet.messageId, packet.payload) match {
+ //TODO handle ping
+ /*
+ case Ping(`systemId`, `componentId`) =>
+ val message = Ack(packet.systemId, packet.componentId)
+ val data = assemble(message)
+ self ! Connection.Received(data)*/
+ case _ => ()
+ })
+ /** Parser for messages coming from the uav. */
+ protected val incoming: Parser = new Parser(pckt =>
+ log.debug("incoming message: " + Message.unpack(pckt.messageId, pckt.payload)))
diff --git a/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/MockConnection.scala b/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/MockConnection.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5949a3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/MockConnection.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+package mavigator.uav
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
+import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
+import scala.util.Random
+import org.mavlink.Packet
+import org.mavlink.enums.MavAutopilot
+import org.mavlink.enums.MavModeFlag
+import org.mavlink.enums.MavState
+import org.mavlink.enums.MavType
+import org.mavlink.messages.Heartbeat
+import Connection.Received
+import akka.actor.Actor
+import akka.actor.ActorLogging
+import akka.actor.Props
+import akka.util.ByteString
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import org.mavlink.messages.Message
+import mock.RandomFlightPlan
+class MockConnection(
+ localSystemId: Byte,
+ localComponentId: Byte,
+ remoteSystemId: Byte,
+ prescaler: Int
+ extends Actor with ActorLogging with Connection with MavlinkUtil {
+ import context._
+ override val systemId = remoteSystemId
+ override val componentId = remoteSystemId
+ val plan = new RandomFlightPlan
+ def scheduleMessage(delay: FiniteDuration)(fct: => Message) = system.scheduler.schedule(delay, delay) {
+ sendAll(Received(assemble(fct)))
+ }
+ def scheduleBytes(delay: FiniteDuration)(fct: => Array[Byte]) = system.scheduler.schedule(delay, delay) {
+ sendAll(Received(ByteString(fct)))
+ }
+ override def preStart() = {
+ //increment state
+ system.scheduler.schedule(0.01.seconds * prescaler, 0.01.seconds * prescaler) { plan.tick(0.01) }
+ //send messages
+ scheduleMessage(0.1.seconds * prescaler)(plan.position)
+ scheduleMessage(0.05.seconds * prescaler)(plan.attitude)
+ scheduleMessage(0.05.seconds * prescaler)(plan.motors)
+ scheduleMessage(0.1.seconds * prescaler)(plan.distance)
+ scheduleMessage(1.seconds)(plan.heartbeat)
+ //simulate noisy line
+ scheduleBytes(0.3.seconds * prescaler)(MockPackets.invalidCrc)
+ scheduleBytes(1.5.seconds * prescaler)(MockPackets.invalidOverflow)
+ }
+ override def receive = handleRegistration
+object MockConnection {
+ def apply(systemId: Byte, componentId: Byte, remoteSystemId: Byte, prescaler: Int = 1) =
+ Props(classOf[MockConnection], systemId, componentId, remoteSystemId, prescaler)
+object MockPackets {
+ val invalidCrc = Array(254, 1, 123, 13, 13).map(_.toByte)
+ val invalidOverflow = {
+ val data = Array.fill[Byte](Packet.MaxPayloadLength + 100)(42)
+ data(0) = -2
+ data(1) = 2
+ data(1) = -1
+ data
+ }
diff --git a/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/SerialConnection.scala b/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/SerialConnection.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c70a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/SerialConnection.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+package mavigator.uav
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
+import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
+import org.mavlink.enums.MavAutopilot
+import org.mavlink.enums.MavModeFlag
+import org.mavlink.enums.MavState
+import org.mavlink.enums.MavType
+import org.mavlink.messages.Heartbeat
+import com.github.jodersky.flow.Parity
+import com.github.jodersky.flow.Serial
+import com.github.jodersky.flow.SerialSettings
+import akka.actor.Actor
+import akka.actor.ActorLogging
+import akka.actor.ActorRef
+import akka.actor.Props
+import akka.actor.Terminated
+import akka.actor.actorRef2Scala
+import akka.io.IO
+class SerialConnection(
+ val systemId: Byte,
+ val componentId: Byte,
+ heartbeatInterval: Option[FiniteDuration],
+ port: String,
+ settings: SerialSettings) extends Actor with ActorLogging with Connection with MavlinkUtil {
+ import context._
+ override def preStart() = heartbeatInterval foreach { interval =>
+ context.system.scheduler.schedule(interval, interval) {
+ self ! Connection.Send(
+ assemble(
+ Heartbeat(
+ MavType.MavTypeGeneric.toByte,
+ MavAutopilot.MavAutopilotGeneric.toByte,
+ 0, //no base mode
+ 0, //no custom mode
+ MavState.MavStateActive.toByte,
+ 0 //TODO properly implement read-only fields
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ def _closed: Receive = {
+ case Connection.Register =>
+ register(sender)
+ IO(Serial) ! Serial.Open(port, settings)
+ context become opening
+ case Connection.Send(_) =>
+ IO(Serial) ! Serial.Open(port, settings)
+ context become opening
+ }
+ def _opening: Receive = {
+ case Serial.CommandFailed(cmd: Serial.Open, reason) =>
+ sendAll(Connection.Closed(reason.toString))
+ context become closed
+ case Serial.Opened(_) =>
+ context watch (sender)
+ context become opened(sender)
+ case Connection.Send(_) => () // ignore
+ /*
+ * During opening, any outgoing messages are discarded.
+ * By using some kind of message stashing, maybe messages could be treated
+ * once the port has been opened. However, in such a case failure also needs
+ * to be considered, thus complicating the protocol. Since opening is typically
+ * quite fast and since mavlink uses heartbeats and acknowledgements (in certain
+ * circumstances) anyway, keeping messages is not really required.
+ */
+ }
+ def _opened(operator: ActorRef): Receive = {
+ case Terminated(`operator`) =>
+ sendAll(Connection.Closed("Serial connection crashed."))
+ context become closed
+ case Serial.Closed =>
+ sendAll(Connection.Closed("Serial connection was closed."))
+ context become closed
+ case Serial.Received(bstr) =>
+ sendAll(Connection.Received(bstr))
+ incoming.push(bstr)
+ case Connection.Send(bstr) =>
+ outgoing.push(bstr)
+ //no sending is currently enabled
+ }
+ def closed = _closed orElse handleRegistration
+ def opening = _opening orElse handleRegistration
+ def opened(op: ActorRef) = _opened(op) orElse handleRegistration
+ override def receive = closed
+object SerialConnection {
+ def apply(
+ systemId: Byte,
+ componentId: Byte,
+ heartbeatInterval: Int,
+ port: String,
+ baud: Int,
+ tsb: Boolean,
+ parity: Int): Props = {
+ val settings = SerialSettings(
+ baud,
+ 8,
+ tsb,
+ parity match {
+ case 0 => Parity.None
+ case 1 => Parity.Odd
+ case 2 => Parity.Even
+ })
+ val hb = if (heartbeatInterval == 0) None else Some(FiniteDuration(heartbeatInterval, MILLISECONDS))
+ Props(classOf[SerialConnection], systemId, componentId, hb, port, settings)
+ }
diff --git a/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/mock/RandomFlightPlan.scala b/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/mock/RandomFlightPlan.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e5431e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavigator-uav/src/main/scala/mavigator/uav/mock/RandomFlightPlan.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+package mavigator.uav
+package mock
+import scala.util.Random
+import org.mavlink.Mavlink
+import org.mavlink.enums._
+import org.mavlink.messages._
+class RandomFlightPlan {
+ private var time: Double = 0
+ private def millis = (time * 1000).toInt
+ private def micros = (time * 1E6).toInt
+ // an oscilliating function
+ private def osc[A](min: A, max: A, period: Double, offset: Double = 0)(implicit n: Numeric[A]): A = {
+ val amplitude = (n.toDouble(max) - n.toDouble(min)) / 2
+ val base = (n.toDouble(max) + n.toDouble(min)) / 2
+ val factor = math.sin(2 * math.Pi * (time + offset) / period)
+ n.fromInt((base + amplitude * factor).toInt)
+ }
+ private var x: Double = 0.0
+ private var y: Double = 0.0
+ private var vX: Double = 0.0
+ private var vY: Double = 0.0
+ def tick(delta: Double) {
+ val aX = Random.nextDouble() * 5
+ val aY = Random.nextDouble() * 5
+ x += vX * delta
+ y += vY * delta
+ vX += aX * delta
+ vY += aY * delta
+ time += delta
+ }
+ private final val EarthRadius = 6000000 //m
+ private final val StartLat = 46.518513 //deg N
+ private final val StartLon = 6.566923 //deg E
+ def position = GlobalPositionInt(
+ millis,
+ (StartLat + x / EarthRadius).toInt,
+ (StartLon + y / EarthRadius).toInt,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ (vX * 100).toShort,
+ (vY * 100).toShort,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ )
+ def attitude = Attitude(
+ millis,
+ (2 * math.Pi * time / 6).toFloat,
+ (math.sin(2 * math.Pi * time / 5) * math.Pi / 6).toFloat,
+ (2 * math.Pi * time / 4).toFloat,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ )
+ def heartbeat = Heartbeat(
+ MavType.MavTypeGeneric.toByte,
+ MavAutopilot.MavAutopilotGeneric.toByte,
+ (MavModeFlag.MavModeFlagSafetyArmed | MavModeFlag.MavModeFlagManualInputEnabled).toByte,
+ 0, //no custom mode
+ MavState.MavStateActive.toByte,
+ Mavlink.MavlinkVersion
+ )
+ private final val DistanceMin: Short = 10
+ private final val DistanceMax: Short = 500
+ def distance = DistanceSensor(
+ timeBootMs = millis,
+ minDistance = DistanceMin,
+ maxDistance = DistanceMax,
+ currentDistance = osc(DistanceMin, DistanceMax, 6),
+ `type` = MavDistanceSensor.MavDistanceSensorUltrasound.toByte,
+ id = 0: Byte,
+ orientation = -1: Byte,
+ covariance = 3: Byte)
+ private final val MotorsMax: Short = 2000 //usec, ppm signal => 100%
+ private final val MotorsMin: Short = 1000 //usec, ppm signal => 0%
+ def motors = ServoOutputRaw(
+ timeUsec = micros,
+ port = 0: Byte,
+ servo1Raw = osc(MotorsMin, MotorsMax, 6, 0),
+ servo2Raw = osc(MotorsMin, MotorsMax, 6, 5),
+ servo3Raw = osc(MotorsMin, MotorsMax, 6, 2),
+ servo4Raw = osc(MotorsMin, MotorsMax, 6, 4),
+ servo5Raw = 0,
+ servo6Raw = 0,
+ servo7Raw = 0,
+ servo8Raw = 0
+ )