path: root/ROMFS/logging
diff options
authorpx4dev <px4@purgatory.org>2013-01-16 23:40:40 -0800
committerpx4dev <px4@purgatory.org>2013-02-23 22:00:59 -0800
commita7a1cc4625ea4097761a9aef88f9f0b4608944a4 (patch)
tree485d956b313182e5c768682ffe76d91c86e330e1 /ROMFS/logging
parent963621c1f34ce3ed7fd43c9943a0841404431d89 (diff)
Add support for per-config ROMFS generation.
Diffstat (limited to 'ROMFS/logging')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/ROMFS/logging/logconv.m b/ROMFS/logging/logconv.m
deleted file mode 100755
index 5ea2aeb95..000000000
--- a/ROMFS/logging/logconv.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-% This Matlab Script can be used to import the binary logged values of the
-% PX4FMU into data that can be plotted and analyzed.
-% Clear everything
-clear all
-close all
-% Set the path to your sysvector.bin file here
-filePath = 'sysvector.bin';
-% Work around a Matlab bug (not related to PX4)
-% where timestamps from 1.1.1970 do not allow to
-% read the file's size
-if ismac
- system('touch -t 201212121212.12 sysvector.bin');
-% //All measurements in NED frame
-% uint64_t timestamp; //[us]
-% float gyro[3]; //[rad/s]
-% float accel[3]; //[m/s^2]
-% float mag[3]; //[gauss]
-% float baro; //pressure [millibar]
-% float baro_alt; //altitude above MSL [meter]
-% float baro_temp; //[degree celcius]
-% float control[4]; //roll, pitch, yaw [-1..1], thrust [0..1]
-% float actuators[8]; //motor 1-8, in motor units (PWM: 1000-2000,AR.Drone: 0-512)
-% float vbat; //battery voltage in [volt]
-% float bat_current - current drawn from battery at this time instant
-% float bat_discharged - discharged energy in mAh
-% float adc[3]; //remaining auxiliary ADC ports [volt]
-% float local_position[3]; //tangent plane mapping into x,y,z [m]
-% int32_t gps_raw_position[3]; //latitude [degrees] north, longitude [degrees] east, altitude above MSL [millimeter]
-% float attitude[3]; //pitch, roll, yaw [rad]
-% float rotMatrix[9]; //unitvectors
-% float actuator_control[4]; //unitvector
-% float optical_flow[4]; //roll, pitch, yaw [-1..1], thrust [0..1]
-% float diff_pressure; - pressure difference in millibar
-% float ind_airspeed;
-% float true_airspeed;
-% Definition of the logged values
-logFormat{1} = struct('name', 'timestamp', 'bytes', 8, 'array', 1, 'precision', 'uint64', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le.l64');
-logFormat{2} = struct('name', 'gyro', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 3, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{3} = struct('name', 'accel', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 3, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{4} = struct('name', 'mag', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 3, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{5} = struct('name', 'baro', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 1, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{6} = struct('name', 'baro_alt', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 1, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{7} = struct('name', 'baro_temp', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 1, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{8} = struct('name', 'control', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 4, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{9} = struct('name', 'actuators', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 8, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{10} = struct('name', 'vbat', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 1, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{11} = struct('name', 'bat_current', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 1, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{12} = struct('name', 'bat_discharged', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 1, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{13} = struct('name', 'adc', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 3, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{14} = struct('name', 'local_position', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 3, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{15} = struct('name', 'gps_raw_position', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 3, 'precision', 'uint32', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{16} = struct('name', 'attitude', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 3, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{17} = struct('name', 'rot_matrix', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 9, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{18} = struct('name', 'vicon_position', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 6, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{19} = struct('name', 'actuator_control', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 4, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{20} = struct('name', 'optical_flow', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 6, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{21} = struct('name', 'diff_pressure', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 1, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{22} = struct('name', 'ind_airspeed', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 1, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-logFormat{23} = struct('name', 'true_airspeed', 'bytes', 4, 'array', 1, 'precision', 'float', 'machineformat', 'ieee-le');
-% First get length of one line
-columns = length(logFormat);
-lineLength = 0;
-for i=1:columns
- lineLength = lineLength + logFormat{i}.bytes * logFormat{i}.array;
-if exist(filePath, 'file')
- fileInfo = dir(filePath);
- fileSize = fileInfo.bytes;
- elements = int64(fileSize./(lineLength));
- fid = fopen(filePath, 'r');
- offset = 0;
- for i=1:columns
- % using fread with a skip speeds up the import drastically, do not
- % import the values one after the other
- sysvector.(genvarname(logFormat{i}.name)) = transpose(fread(...
- fid, ...
- [logFormat{i}.array, elements], [num2str(logFormat{i}.array),'*',logFormat{i}.precision,'=>',logFormat{i}.precision], ...
- lineLength - logFormat{i}.bytes*logFormat{i}.array, ...
- logFormat{i}.machineformat) ...
- );
- offset = offset + logFormat{i}.bytes*logFormat{i}.array;
- fseek(fid, offset,'bof');
- end
- % shot the flight time
- time_us = sysvector.timestamp(end) - sysvector.timestamp(1);
- time_s = time_us*1e-6;
- time_m = time_s/60;
- % close the logfile
- fclose(fid);
- disp(['end log2matlab conversion' char(10)]);
- disp(['file: ' filePath ' does not exist' char(10)]);
-%% Plot GPS RAW measurements
-% Only plot GPS data if available
-if cumsum(double(sysvector.gps_raw_position(200:end,1))) > 0
- figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])
- plot3(sysvector.gps_raw_position(200:end,1), sysvector.gps_raw_position(200:end,2), sysvector.gps_raw_position(200:end,3));
-%% Plot optical flow trajectory
-flow_sz = size(sysvector.timestamp);
-flow_elements = flow_sz(1);
-xt(1:flow_elements,1) = sysvector.timestamp(:,1); % time column [ms]
-%calc dt
-dt = zeros(flow_elements,1);
-for i = 1:flow_elements-1
- dt(i+1,1) = double(xt(i+1,1)-xt(i,1)) * 10^(-6); % timestep [s]
-dt(1,1) = mean(dt);
-global_speed = zeros(flow_elements,3);
-%calc global speed (with rot matrix)
-for i = 1:flow_elements
- rotM = [sysvector.rot_matrix(i,1:3);sysvector.rot_matrix(i,4:6);sysvector.rot_matrix(i,7:9)]';
- speedX = sysvector.optical_flow(i,3);
- speedY = sysvector.optical_flow(i,4);
- relSpeed = [-speedY,speedX,0];
- global_speed(i,:) = relSpeed * rotM;
-px = zeros(flow_elements,1);
-py = zeros(flow_elements,1);
-distance = 0;
-last_vx = 0;
-last_vy = 0;
-elem_cnt = 0;
-% Very basic accumulation, stops on bad flow quality
-for i = 1:flow_elements
- if sysvector.optical_flow(i,6) > 5
- px(i,1) = global_speed(i,1)*dt(i,1);
- py(i,1) = global_speed(i,2)*dt(i,1);
- distance = distance + norm([px(i,1) py(i,1)]);
- last_vx = px(i,1);
- last_vy = py(i,1);
- else
- px(i,1) = last_vx;
- py(i,1) = last_vy;
- last_vx = last_vx*0.95;
- last_vy = last_vy*0.95;
- end
-px_sum = cumsum(px);
-py_sum = cumsum(py);
-time = cumsum(dt);
-set(gca, 'Units','normal');
-plot(py_sum, px_sum, '-blue', 'LineWidth',2);
-axis equal;
-% set title and axis captions
-xlabel('X position (meters)','fontsize',14)
-ylabel('Y position (meters)','fontsize',14)
-% mark begin and end
-hold on
-hold on
-% add total length as annotation
-legend('Trajectory', 'START', sprintf('END\n(%.2f m, %.0f:%.0f s)', distance, time_m, time_s - time_m*60));
-title('Optical Flow Position Integration', 'fontsize', 15);
-plot(time, sysvector.optical_flow(:,5), 'blue');
-axis([time(1,1) time(end,1) 0 (max(sysvector.optical_flow(i,5))+0.2)]);
-title('Ultrasound Altitude', 'fontsize', 15);
-plot(time, global_speed(:,2), 'red');
-hold on;
-plot(time, global_speed(:,1), 'blue');
-legend('y velocity (m/s)', 'x velocity (m/s)');
-title('Optical Flow Velocity', 'fontsize', 15);