path: root/src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_ftp.h
diff options
authorDon Gagne <don@thegagnes.com>2014-09-02 15:36:32 -0700
committerDon Gagne <don@thegagnes.com>2014-09-02 15:36:32 -0700
commit828fb5efd10355d0d33b05fcf597bc4c05cd4db4 (patch)
tree0d3347ff76ad1f4156f19bd9809f52655a33cfae /src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_ftp.h
parent37ea85968da111f7dc63cdfa8ca02ad6e601a8c3 (diff)
Additional FTP command support plus unit test
- Restructured to a flatter class implementation - Added support for create/remove directory, remove file - Refactored error codes and command opcodes - Added unit test support - Fixed bugs found by unit test
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_ftp.h')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_ftp.h b/src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_ftp.h
index 1dd8f102e..b4cc154d1 100644
--- a/src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_ftp.h
+++ b/src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_ftp.h
@@ -33,17 +33,8 @@
#pragma once
- * @file mavlink_ftp.h
- *
- * MAVLink remote file server.
- *
- * A limited number of requests (currently 2) may be outstanding at a time.
- * Additional messages will be discarded.
- *
- * Messages consist of a fixed header, followed by a data area.
- *
- */
+/// @file mavlink_ftp.h
+/// @author px4dev, Don Gagne <don@thegagnes.com>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <queue.h>
@@ -54,183 +45,131 @@
#include "mavlink_messages.h"
#include "mavlink_main.h"
+class MavlinkFtpTest;
+/// @brief MAVLink remote file server. Support FTP like commands using MAVLINK_MSG_ID_FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL message.
+/// A limited number of requests (kRequestQueueSize) may be outstanding at a time. Additional messages will be discarded.
class MavlinkFTP
+ /// @brief Returns the one Mavlink FTP server in the system.
+ static MavlinkFTP* get_server(void);
+ /// @brief Contructor is only public so unit test code can new objects.
- static MavlinkFTP *getServer();
- // static interface
- void handle_message(Mavlink* mavlink,
- mavlink_message_t *msg);
- static const unsigned kRequestQueueSize = 2;
- static MavlinkFTP *_server;
- /// @brief Trying to pack structures across differing compilers is questionable for Clients, so we pad the
- /// structure ourselves to 32 bit alignment which should get us what we want.
- struct RequestHeader
+ /// @brief Adds the specified message to the work queue.
+ void handle_message(Mavlink* mavlink, mavlink_message_t *msg);
+ typedef void (*ReceiveMessageFunc_t)(const mavlink_message_t *msg, MavlinkFtpTest* ftpTest);
+ /// @brief Sets up the server to run in unit test mode.
+ /// @param rcvmsgFunc Function which will be called to handle outgoing mavlink messages.
+ /// @param ftp_test MavlinkFtpTest object which the function is associated with
+ void set_unittest_worker(ReceiveMessageFunc_t rcvMsgFunc, MavlinkFtpTest *ftp_test);
+ /// @brief This is the payload which is in mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t.payload. We pad the structure ourselves to
+ /// 32 bit alignment to avoid usage of any pack pragmas.
+ struct PayloadHeader
- uint16_t seqNumber; ///< sequence number for message
- uint8_t session; ///< Session id for read and write commands
- uint8_t opcode; ///< Command opcode
- uint8_t size; ///< Size of data
- uint8_t padding[3];
- uint32_t crc32; ///< CRC for entire Request structure, with crc32 and padding set to 0
- uint32_t offset; ///< Offsets for List and Read commands
- uint8_t data[];
+ uint16_t seqNumber; ///< sequence number for message
+ uint8_t session; ///< Session id for read and write commands
+ uint8_t opcode; ///< Command opcode
+ uint8_t size; ///< Size of data
+ uint8_t padding[3]; ///< 32 bit aligment padding
+ uint32_t crc32; ///< CRC for entire Request structure, with crc32 and padding set to 0
+ uint32_t offset; ///< Offsets for List and Read commands
+ uint8_t data[]; ///< command data, varies by Opcode
+ /// @brief Command opcodes
enum Opcode : uint8_t
- kCmdNone, // ignored, always acked
- kCmdTerminate, // releases sessionID, closes file
- kCmdReset, // terminates all sessions
- kCmdList, // list files in <path> from <offset>
- kCmdOpen, // opens <path> for reading, returns <session>
- kCmdRead, // reads <size> bytes from <offset> in <session>
- kCmdCreate, // creates <path> for writing, returns <session>
- kCmdWrite, // appends <size> bytes at <offset> in <session>
- kCmdRemove, // remove file (only if created by server?)
- kRspAck,
- kRspNak
+ kCmdNone, ///< ignored, always acked
+ kCmdTerminateSession, ///< Terminates open Read session
+ kCmdResetSessions, ///< Terminates all open Read sessions
+ kCmdListDirectory, ///< List files in <path> from <offset>
+ kCmdOpenFile, ///< Opens file at <path> for reading, returns <session>
+ kCmdReadFile, ///< Reads <size> bytes from <offset> in <session>
+ kCmdCreateFile, ///< Creates file at <path> for writing, returns <session>
+ kCmdWriteFile, ///< Appends <size> bytes to file in <session>
+ kCmdRemoveFile, ///< Remove file at <path>
+ kCmdCreateDirectory, ///< Creates directory at <path>
+ kCmdRemoveDirectory, ///< Removes Directory at <path>, must be empty
+ kRspAck, ///< Ack response
+ kRspNak ///< Nak response
+ /// @brief Error codes returned in Nak response PayloadHeader.data[0].
enum ErrorCode : uint8_t
- {
+ {
- kErrNoRequest,
- kErrNoSession,
- kErrSequence,
- kErrNotDir,
- kErrNotFile,
- kErrEOF,
- kErrNotAppend,
- kErrTooBig,
- kErrIO,
- kErrPerm
- };
- int _findUnusedSession(void);
- bool _validSession(unsigned index);
- static const unsigned kMaxSession = 2;
- int _session_fds[kMaxSession];
- class Request
+ kErrFail, ///< Unknown failure
+ kErrFailErrno, ///< Command failed, errno sent back in PayloadHeader.data[1]
+ kErrInvalidDataSize, ///< PayloadHeader.size is invalid
+ kErrInvalidSession, ///< Session is not currently open
+ kErrNoSessionsAvailable, ///< All available Sessions in use
+ kErrEOF, ///< Offset past end of file for List and Read commands
+ kErrUnknownCommand, ///< Unknown command opcode
+ kErrCrc ///< CRC on Payload is incorrect
+ };
+ /// @brief Unit of work which is queued to work_queue
+ struct Request
- public:
- union {
- dq_entry_t entry;
- work_s work;
- };
- bool decode(Mavlink *mavlink, mavlink_message_t *fromMessage) {
- if (fromMessage->msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL) {
- _systemId = fromMessage->sysid;
- _mavlink = mavlink;
- mavlink_msg_file_transfer_protocol_decode(fromMessage, &_message);
- return _message.target_system == _mavlink->get_system_id();
- }
- return false;
- }
- void reply() {
- // XXX the proper way would be an IOCTL / uORB call, rather than exploiting the
- // flat memory architecture, as we're operating between threads here.
- mavlink_message_t msg;
- msg.checksum = 0;
- unsigned len = mavlink_msg_file_transfer_protocol_pack_chan(_mavlink->get_system_id(), // Sender system id
- _mavlink->get_component_id(), // Sender component id
- _mavlink->get_channel(), // Channel to send on
- &msg, // Message to pack payload into
- 0, // Target network
- _systemId, // Target system id
- 0, // Target component id
- rawData()); // Payload to pack into message
- _mavlink->lockMessageBufferMutex();
- bool success = _mavlink->message_buffer_write(&msg, len);
- _mavlink->unlockMessageBufferMutex();
- if (!success) {
- warnx("FTP TX ERR");
- }
- else {
- warnx("wrote: sys: %d, comp: %d, chan: %d, len: %d, checksum: %d",
- _mavlink->get_system_id(),
- _mavlink->get_component_id(),
- _mavlink->get_channel(),
- len,
- msg.checksum);
- }
- }
- uint8_t *rawData() { return &_message.payload[0]; }
- RequestHeader *header() { return reinterpret_cast<RequestHeader *>(&_message.payload[0]); }
- uint8_t *requestData() { return &(header()->data[0]); }
- unsigned dataSize() { return header()->size + sizeof(RequestHeader); }
- mavlink_channel_t channel() { return _mavlink->get_channel(); }
- char *dataAsCString();
- private:
- Mavlink *_mavlink;
- mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t _message;
- uint8_t _systemId;
+ work_s work; ///< work queue entry
+ Mavlink *mavlink; ///< Mavlink to reply to
+ uint8_t serverSystemId; ///< System ID to send from
+ uint8_t serverComponentId; ///< Component ID to send from
+ uint8_t serverChannel; ///< Channel to send to
+ uint8_t targetSystemId; ///< System ID to target reply to
+ mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t message; ///< Protocol message
- static const char kDirentFile = 'F';
- static const char kDirentDir = 'D';
- static const char kDirentUnknown = 'U';
- static const uint8_t kMaxDataLength = MAVLINK_MSG_FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_FIELD_PAYLOAD_LEN - sizeof(RequestHeader);
- /// Request worker; runs on the low-priority work queue to service
- /// remote requests.
- ///
- static void _workerTrampoline(void *arg);
- void _worker(Request *req);
- /// Reply to a request (XXX should be a Request method)
- ///
- void _reply(Request *req);
- ErrorCode _workList(Request *req);
- ErrorCode _workOpen(Request *req, bool create);
- ErrorCode _workRead(Request *req);
- ErrorCode _workWrite(Request *req);
- ErrorCode _workRemove(Request *req);
- ErrorCode _workTerminate(Request *req);
- ErrorCode _workReset();
- // work freelist
- Request _workBufs[kRequestQueueSize];
- dq_queue_t _workFree;
- sem_t _lock;
- void _qLock() { do {} while (sem_wait(&_lock) != 0); }
- void _qUnlock() { sem_post(&_lock); }
- void _qFree(Request *req) {
- _qLock();
- dq_addlast(&req->entry, &_workFree);
- _qUnlock();
- }
- Request *_dqFree() {
- _qLock();
- auto req = reinterpret_cast<Request *>(dq_remfirst(&_workFree));
- _qUnlock();
- return req;
- }
+ Request *_get_request(void);
+ void _return_request(Request *req);
+ void _lock_request_queue(void);
+ void _unlock_request_queue(void);
+ uint32_t _payload_crc32(PayloadHeader *hdr);
+ char *_data_as_cstring(PayloadHeader* payload);
+ static void _worker_trampoline(void *arg);
+ void _process_request(Request *req);
+ void _reply(Request *req);
+ ErrorCode _workList(PayloadHeader *payload);
+ ErrorCode _workOpen(PayloadHeader *payload, bool create);
+ ErrorCode _workRead(PayloadHeader *payload);
+ ErrorCode _workWrite(PayloadHeader *payload);
+ ErrorCode _workTerminate(PayloadHeader *payload);
+ ErrorCode _workReset(PayloadHeader* payload);
+ ErrorCode _workRemoveDirectory(PayloadHeader *payload);
+ ErrorCode _workCreateDirectory(PayloadHeader *payload);
+ ErrorCode _workRemoveFile(PayloadHeader *payload);
+ static const unsigned kRequestQueueSize = 2; ///< Max number of queued requests
+ Request _request_bufs[kRequestQueueSize]; ///< Request buffers which hold work
+ dq_queue_t _request_queue; ///< Queue of available Request buffers
+ sem_t _request_queue_sem; ///< Semaphore for locking access to _request_queue
+ int _find_unused_session(void);
+ bool _valid_session(unsigned index);
+ static const char kDirentFile = 'F'; ///< Identifies File returned from List command
+ static const char kDirentDir = 'D'; ///< Identifies Directory returned from List command
+ static const char kDirentUnknown = 'U'; ///< Identifies Unknown entry returned from List command
+ /// @brief Maximum data size in RequestHeader::data
+ static const uint8_t kMaxDataLength = MAVLINK_MSG_FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_FIELD_PAYLOAD_LEN - sizeof(PayloadHeader);
+ static const unsigned kMaxSession = 2; ///< Max number of active sessions
+ int _session_fds[kMaxSession]; ///< Session file descriptors, 0 for empty slot
+ ReceiveMessageFunc_t _utRcvMsgFunc; ///< Unit test override for mavlink message sending
+ MavlinkFtpTest *_ftp_test; ///< Additional parameter to _utRcvMsgFunc;