path: root/src/modules/ekf_att_pos_estimator/ekf_att_pos_estimator_main.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/ekf_att_pos_estimator/ekf_att_pos_estimator_main.cpp')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 291 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/ekf_att_pos_estimator/ekf_att_pos_estimator_main.cpp b/src/modules/ekf_att_pos_estimator/ekf_att_pos_estimator_main.cpp
index 8ec7c43a1..511492b5a 100644
--- a/src/modules/ekf_att_pos_estimator/ekf_att_pos_estimator_main.cpp
+++ b/src/modules/ekf_att_pos_estimator/ekf_att_pos_estimator_main.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
* @author Johan Jansen <jnsn.johan@gmail.com>
+#include "AttitudePositionEstimatorEKF.h"
+#include "estimator_22states.h"
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
@@ -52,39 +55,15 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <float.h>
-#include <drivers/drv_hrt.h>
-#include <drivers/drv_gyro.h>
-#include <drivers/drv_accel.h>
-#include <drivers/drv_mag.h>
-#include <drivers/drv_baro.h>
-#include <drivers/drv_range_finder.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/sensor_combined.h>
#include <arch/board/board.h>
-#include <uORB/uORB.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/airspeed.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_global_position.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_local_position.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_gps_position.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_attitude.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/actuator_controls.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_status.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/parameter_update.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/estimator_status.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/actuator_armed.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/home_position.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/wind_estimate.h>
#include <systemlib/param/param.h>
#include <systemlib/err.h>
-#include <geo/geo.h>
-#include <systemlib/perf_counter.h>
#include <systemlib/systemlib.h>
#include <mathlib/mathlib.h>
#include <mathlib/math/filter/LowPassFilter2p.hpp>
#include <mavlink/mavlink_log.h>
#include <platforms/px4_defines.h>
-#include "estimator_22states.h"
static uint64_t IMUmsec = 0;
static uint64_t IMUusec = 0;
@@ -114,273 +93,6 @@ uint64_t getMicros()
return IMUusec;
-class AttitudePositionEstimatorEKF
- /**
- * Constructor
- */
- AttitudePositionEstimatorEKF();
- /* we do not want people ever copying this class */
- AttitudePositionEstimatorEKF(const AttitudePositionEstimatorEKF& that) = delete;
- AttitudePositionEstimatorEKF operator=(const AttitudePositionEstimatorEKF&) = delete;
- /**
- * Destructor, also kills the sensors task.
- */
- ~AttitudePositionEstimatorEKF();
- /**
- * Start the sensors task.
- *
- * @return OK on success.
- */
- int start();
- /**
- * Task status
- *
- * @return true if the mainloop is running
- */
- bool task_running() { return _task_running; }
- /**
- * Print the current status.
- */
- void print_status();
- /**
- * Trip the filter by feeding it NaN values.
- */
- int trip_nan();
- /**
- * Enable logging.
- *
- * @param enable Set to true to enable logging, false to disable
- */
- int enable_logging(bool enable);
- /**
- * Set debug level.
- *
- * @param debug Desired debug level - 0 to disable.
- */
- int set_debuglevel(unsigned debug) { _debug = debug; return 0; }
- bool _task_should_exit; /**< if true, sensor task should exit */
- bool _task_running; /**< if true, task is running in its mainloop */
- int _estimator_task; /**< task handle for sensor task */
- int _sensor_combined_sub;
- int _distance_sub; /**< distance measurement */
- int _airspeed_sub; /**< airspeed subscription */
- int _baro_sub; /**< barometer subscription */
- int _gps_sub; /**< GPS subscription */
- int _vstatus_sub; /**< vehicle status subscription */
- int _params_sub; /**< notification of parameter updates */
- int _manual_control_sub; /**< notification of manual control updates */
- int _mission_sub;
- int _home_sub; /**< home position as defined by commander / user */
- orb_advert_t _att_pub; /**< vehicle attitude */
- orb_advert_t _global_pos_pub; /**< global position */
- orb_advert_t _local_pos_pub; /**< position in local frame */
- orb_advert_t _estimator_status_pub; /**< status of the estimator */
- orb_advert_t _wind_pub; /**< wind estimate */
- struct vehicle_attitude_s _att; /**< vehicle attitude */
- struct gyro_report _gyro;
- struct accel_report _accel;
- struct mag_report _mag;
- struct airspeed_s _airspeed; /**< airspeed */
- struct baro_report _baro; /**< baro readings */
- struct vehicle_status_s _vstatus; /**< vehicle status */
- struct vehicle_global_position_s _global_pos; /**< global vehicle position */
- struct vehicle_local_position_s _local_pos; /**< local vehicle position */
- struct vehicle_gps_position_s _gps; /**< GPS position */
- struct wind_estimate_s _wind; /**< wind estimate */
- struct range_finder_report _distance; /**< distance estimate */
- struct gyro_scale _gyro_offsets[3];
- struct accel_scale _accel_offsets[3];
- struct mag_scale _mag_offsets[3];
- struct sensor_combined_s _sensor_combined;
- struct map_projection_reference_s _pos_ref;
- float _baro_ref; /**< barometer reference altitude */
- float _baro_ref_offset; /**< offset between initial baro reference and GPS init baro altitude */
- float _baro_gps_offset; /**< offset between baro altitude (at GPS init time) and GPS altitude */
- hrt_abstime _last_debug_print = 0;
- perf_counter_t _loop_perf; ///< loop performance counter
- perf_counter_t _loop_intvl; ///< loop rate counter
- perf_counter_t _perf_gyro; ///<local performance counter for gyro updates
- perf_counter_t _perf_mag; ///<local performance counter for mag updates
- perf_counter_t _perf_gps; ///<local performance counter for gps updates
- perf_counter_t _perf_baro; ///<local performance counter for baro updates
- perf_counter_t _perf_airspeed; ///<local performance counter for airspeed updates
- perf_counter_t _perf_reset; ///<local performance counter for filter resets
- float _gps_alt_filt;
- float _baro_alt_filt;
- float _covariancePredictionDt; ///< time lapsed since last covariance prediction
- bool _gpsIsGood; ///< True if the current GPS fix is good enough for us to use
- uint64_t _previousGPSTimestamp; ///< Timestamp of last good GPS fix we have received
- bool _baro_init;
- bool _gps_initialized;
- hrt_abstime _filter_start_time;
- hrt_abstime _last_sensor_timestamp;
- hrt_abstime _last_run;
- hrt_abstime _distance_last_valid;
- bool _gyro_valid;
- bool _accel_valid;
- bool _mag_valid;
- int _gyro_main; ///< index of the main gyroscope
- int _accel_main; ///< index of the main accelerometer
- int _mag_main; ///< index of the main magnetometer
- bool _ekf_logging; ///< log EKF state
- unsigned _debug; ///< debug level - default 0
- bool _newDataGps;
- bool _newHgtData;
- bool _newAdsData;
- bool _newDataMag;
- bool _newRangeData;
- int _mavlink_fd;
- struct {
- int32_t vel_delay_ms;
- int32_t pos_delay_ms;
- int32_t height_delay_ms;
- int32_t mag_delay_ms;
- int32_t tas_delay_ms;
- float velne_noise;
- float veld_noise;
- float posne_noise;
- float posd_noise;
- float mag_noise;
- float gyro_pnoise;
- float acc_pnoise;
- float gbias_pnoise;
- float abias_pnoise;
- float mage_pnoise;
- float magb_pnoise;
- float eas_noise;
- float pos_stddev_threshold;
- } _parameters; /**< local copies of interesting parameters */
- struct {
- param_t vel_delay_ms;
- param_t pos_delay_ms;
- param_t height_delay_ms;
- param_t mag_delay_ms;
- param_t tas_delay_ms;
- param_t velne_noise;
- param_t veld_noise;
- param_t posne_noise;
- param_t posd_noise;
- param_t mag_noise;
- param_t gyro_pnoise;
- param_t acc_pnoise;
- param_t gbias_pnoise;
- param_t abias_pnoise;
- param_t mage_pnoise;
- param_t magb_pnoise;
- param_t eas_noise;
- param_t pos_stddev_threshold;
- } _parameter_handles; /**< handles for interesting parameters */
- AttPosEKF *_ekf;
- /**
- * Update our local parameter cache.
- */
- int parameters_update();
- /**
- * Update control outputs
- *
- */
- void control_update();
- /**
- * Check for changes in vehicle status.
- */
- void vehicle_status_poll();
- /**
- * Shim for calling task_main from task_create.
- */
- static void task_main_trampoline(int argc, char *argv[]);
- /**
- * Main filter task.
- */
- void task_main();
- /**
- * Check filter sanity state
- *
- * @return zero if ok, non-zero for a filter error condition.
- */
- int check_filter_state();
- /**
- * @brief
- * Publish the euler and quaternions for attitude estimation
- **/
- void publishAttitude();
- /**
- * @brief
- * Publish local position relative to reference point where filter was initialized
- **/
- void publishLocalPosition();
- /**
- * @brief
- * Publish global position estimation (WSG84 and AMSL).
- * A global position estimate is only valid if we have a good GPS fix
- **/
- void publishGlobalPosition();
- /**
- * @brief
- * Publish wind estimates for north and east in m/s
- **/
- void publishWindEstimate();
- /**
- * @brief
- * Runs the sensor fusion step of the filter. The parameters determine which of the sensors
- * are fused with each other
- **/
- void updateSensorFusion(const bool fuseGPS, const bool fuseMag, const bool fuseRangeSensor,
- const bool fuseBaro, const bool fuseAirSpeed);
- /**
- * @brief
- * Initialize first time good GPS fix so we can get a reference point to calculate local position from
- * Should only be required to call once
- **/
- void initializeGPS();
- /**
- * @brief
- * Polls all uORB subscriptions if any new sensor data has been publish and sets the appropriate
- * flags to true (e.g newDataGps)
- **/
- void pollData();
namespace estimator