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6 files changed, 584 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/nuttx/Documentation/NuttXBinfmt.html b/nuttx/Documentation/NuttXBinfmt.html
index 830a05caa..9c9fd3a51 100644
--- a/nuttx/Documentation/NuttXBinfmt.html
+++ b/nuttx/Documentation/NuttXBinfmt.html
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ struct binary_s
- <sup>1</sup>The <code>filename</code> must be the full, absolute path to the file to be executed unless <code>CONFIG_BINFMT_EXEPATH</code> is defined.
- In that case, <code>filename</code> may be a relative path;
- a set of candidate absolute paths will be generated using the <code>PATH</code> environment variable and <a href="#load_module"><code>load_module()</code></a> will attempt to load each file that is found at those absolute paths.
+ <p><small>
+ <sup>1</sup>The <code>filename</code> must be the full, absolute path to the file to be executed unless <code>CONFIG_BINFMT_EXEPATH</code> is defined.
+ In that case, <code>filename</code> may be a relative path;
+ a set of candidate absolute paths will be generated using the <code>PATH</code> environment variable and <a href="#load_module"><code>load_module()</code></a> will attempt to load each file that is found at those absolute paths.
+ </small></p>
Where the types <code>binfmt_ctor_t</code> and <code>binfmt_dtor_t</code> define the type of one C++ constructor or destructor:
diff --git a/nuttx/Documentation/NuttxPortingGuide.html b/nuttx/Documentation/NuttxPortingGuide.html
index 5361a2866..526892d3e 100644
--- a/nuttx/Documentation/NuttxPortingGuide.html
+++ b/nuttx/Documentation/NuttxPortingGuide.html
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<h1><big><font color="#3c34ec">
<i>NuttX RTOS Porting Guide</i>
- <p>Last Updated: December 17, 2012</p>
+ <p>Last Updated: December 18, 2012</p>
@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@
<a href="#upenableirq">4.1.17 <code>up_enable_irq()</code></a><br>
<a href="#upprioritizeirq">4.1.18 <code>up_prioritize_irq()</code></a></br>
<a href="#upputc">4.1.19 <code>up_putc()</code></a></br>
- <a href="#systemtime">4.1.20 System Time and Clock</a>
+ <a href="#systemtime">4.1.20 System Time and Clock</a><br>
+ <a href="#addrenv">4.1.21 Address Environments</a>
<a href="#exports">4.2 APIs Exported by NuttX to Architecture-Specific Logic</a>
@@ -1622,7 +1623,7 @@ The system can be re-made subsequently by just typing <code>make</code>.
is defined.
+<p><b>Input Parameters</b>:</p>
<code>tcb</code>: The TCB of new task.
@@ -1658,7 +1659,7 @@ The system can be re-made subsequently by just typing <code>make</code>.
is defined.
+<p><b>Input Parameters:</b></p>
<code>tcb</code>: The TCB of new task.
@@ -1694,7 +1695,7 @@ The system can be re-made subsequently by just typing <code>make</code>.
function is called.
+<p><b>Input Parameters</b>:
<li><code>tcb</code>: Refers to the tcb to be unblocked. This tcb is
in one of the waiting tasks lists. It must be moved to
@@ -1715,7 +1716,7 @@ The system can be re-made subsequently by just typing <code>make</code>.
logic. Interrupts will always be disabled when this
function is called.
+<p><b>Input Parameters:</b></p>
<li><code>tcb</code>: Refers to a task in the ready-to-run list (normally
the task at the head of the list). It most be
@@ -1771,7 +1772,7 @@ The system can be re-made subsequently by just typing <code>make</code>.
function is called.
+<p><b>Input Parameters:</b></p>
<code>tcb</code>: The TCB of the task that has been reprioritized
@@ -2110,6 +2111,236 @@ else
To retrieve that variable use:
+<h3><a name="addrenv">4.1.21 Address Environments</a></h3>
+ CPUs that support memory management units (MMUs) may provide <i>address environments</i> within which tasks and their child threads execute.
+ The configuration indicates the CPUs ability to support address environments by setting the configuration varabile <code>CONFIG_ADDRENV=y</code>.
+ These address environments are created only when tasks are created via <code>exec()</code> or <code>exec_module()</code> (see <code>include/nuttx/binfmt/binfmt.h</code>).
+ When <code>CONFIG_ADDRENV=y</code> is set in the board configuration, the CPU-specific logic must provide a set of interfaces as defined in the header file <code>include/nuttx/arch.h</code>.
+ These interfaces are listed below and described in detail in the following paragraphs.
+ The CPU-specific logic must provide two categories in interfaces:
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ <b>Binary Loader Support</b>.
+ These are low-level interfaces used in <code>binfmt/</code> to instantiate tasks with address environments.
+ These interfaces all operate on type <code>task_addrenv_t</code> which is an abstract representation of a asks's address environment and must be defined in arch/arch.h if <code>CONFIG_ADDRENVM</code> is defined.
+ These low-level interfaces include:
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#up_addrenv_create"> <code>up_addrenv_create()</code></a>:
+ Create an address environment.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#up_addrenv_vaddr"> <code>up_addrenv_vaddr()</code></a>:
+ Returns the virtual base address of the address environment.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#up_addrenv_select"> <code>up_addrenv_select()</code></a>:
+ Instantiate an address environment.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#up_addrenv_restore"> <code>up_addrenv_restore()</code></a>:
+ Restore an address environment.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#up_addrenv_destroy"> <code>up_addrenv_destroy()</code></a>:
+ Destroy an address environment.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#up_addrenv_assign"> <code>up_addrenv_assign()</code></a>:
+ Assign an address environment to a TCB.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ <b>Tasking Support</b>.
+ Other interfaces must be provided to support higher-level interfaces used by the NuttX tasking logic.
+ These interfaces are* used by the functions in <code>sched/</code> and all operate on the TCB which as been assigned an address environment by <code>up_addrenv_assign()</code>.
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#up_addrenv_share"> <code>up_addrenv_share()</code></a>:
+ Clone the address environment assigned to one TCB to another.
+ This operation is done when a pthread is created that share's the same address environment.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#up_addrenv_release"> <code>up_addrenv_release()</code></a>:
+ ARelease the TCBs reference to an address environment when a task/thread exits.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<h4><a name="up_addrenv_create"> <code>up_addrenv_create()</code></a></h4>
+ <code>int up_addrenv_create(size_t envsize, FAR task_addrenv_t *addrenv);</code>
+ This function is called from the binary loader logic when a new task is created in order to instantiate an address environment for the task.
+ <code>up_addrenv_create()</code> is essentially the allocator of the physical memory for the new task.
+<p><b>Input Parameters</b>:</p>
+ <li><code>envsize</code>: The size (in bytes) of the address environment needed by the task.</li>
+ <li><code>addrenv</code>: The location to return the representation of the task address environment.</li>
+<p><b>Returned Value</b>:</p>
+ Zero (<code>OK</code>) on success; a negated <code>errno</code> value on failure.
+<h4><a name="up_addrenv_vaddr"> <code>up_addrenv_vaddr()</code></a></h4>
+ <code>int up_addrenv_vaddr(FAR task_addrenv_t addrenv, FAR void **vaddr);</code>
+ Return the virtual address associated with the newly create address environment.
+ This function is used by the binary loaders in order get an address that can be used to initialize the new task.
+<p><b>Input Parameters</b>:</p>
+ <li><code>addrenv</code>: The representation of the task address environment previously returned by up_addrenv_create.</li>
+ <li><code>vaddr</code>: The location to return the virtual address.</li>
+<p><b>Returned Value</b>:</p>
+ Zero (<code>OK</code>) on success; a negated <code>errno</code> value on failure.
+<h4><a name="up_addrenv_select"> <code>up_addrenv_select()</code></a></h4>
+ <code>int up_addrenv_select(task_addrenv_t addrenv, hw_addrenv_t *oldenv);</code>
+ After an address environment has been established for a task (via <code>up_addrenv_create())</code>, this function may be called to to instantiate that address environment in the virtual address space.
+ This might be necessary, for example, to load the code for the task from a file or to access address environment private data.
+<p><b>Input Parameters</b>:</p>
+ <li><code>addrenv</code>: The representation of the task address environment previously returned by up_addrenv_create.</li>
+ <li><code>oldenv</code>:
+ The address environment that was in place before <code>up_addrenv_select()</code> was called.
+ This may be used with <code>up_addrenv_restore()</code> to restore the original address environment that was in place before <code>up_addrenv_select()</code> was called.
+ Note that this may be a task agnostic, hardware representation that is different from <code>task_addrenv_t</code>.
+ </li>
+<p><b>Returned Value</b>:</p>
+ Zero (<code>OK</code>) on success; a negated <code>errno</code> value on failure.
+<h4><a name="up_addrenv_restore"> <code>up_addrenv_restore()</code></a></h4>
+ <code>int up_addrenv_restore(hw_addrenv_t oldenv);</code>
+ After an address environment has been temporarilty instantiated by <code>up_addrenv_select</code>,
+ this function may be called to to restore the original address environment.
+<p><b>Input Parameters</b>:</p>
+ <li><code>oldenv</code>: The hardware representation of the address environment previously returned by <code>up_addrenv_select()</code>.</li>
+<p><b>Returned Value</b>:</p>
+ Zero (<code>OK</code>) on success; a negated <code>errno</code> value on failure.
+<h4><a name="up_addrenv_destroy"> <code>up_addrenv_destroy()</code></a></h4>
+ <code>int up_addrenv_destroy(task_addrenv_t addrenv);</code>
+ Called from the binary loader loader during error handling to destroy the address environment previously created by <code>up_addrenv_create()</code>.
+<p><b>Input Parameters</b>:</p>
+ <li><code>addrenv</code>: The representation of the task address environment previously returned by up_addrenv_create.</li>
+<p><b>Returned Value</b>:</p>
+ Zero (<code>OK</code>) on success; a negated <code>errno</code> value on failure.
+<h4><a name="up_addrenv_assign"> <code>up_addrenv_assign()</code></a></h4>
+ <code>int up_addrenv_assign(task_addrenv_t addrenv, FAR _TCB *tcb);</code>
+ Assign an address environment to a TCB.
+<p><b>Input Parameters</b>:</p>
+ <li><code>addrenv</code>: The representation of the task address environment previously returned by up_addrenv_create.</li>
+ <li><code>tcb</code>: The TCB of the task to receive the address environment.</li>
+<p><b>Returned Value</b>:</p>
+ Zero (<code>OK</code>) on success; a negated <code>errno</code> value on failure.
+<h4><a name="up_addrenv_share"> <code>up_addrenv_share()</code></a></h4>
+ <code>int up_addrenv_share(FAR const _TCB *ptcb, FAR _TCB *ctcb);</code>
+ This function is called from the core scheduler logic when a thread is created that needs to share the address ennvironment of its parent task.
+ In this case, the parent's address environment needs to be &quot;cloned&quot; for the child thread.
+<p><b>Input Parameters</b>:</p>
+ <li><code>ptcb</code>: The TCB of the parent task that has the address environment.</li>
+ <li><code>ctcb</code>: The TCB of the child thread needing the address environment.</li>
+<p><b>Returned Value</b>:</p>
+ Zero (<code>OK</code>) on success; a negated <code>errno</code> value on failure.
+<h4><a name="up_addrenv_release"> <code>up_addrenv_release()</code></a></h4>
+ <code>int up_addrenv_release(FAR _TCB *tcb);</code>
+ This function is called when a task or thread exits in order to release its reference to an address environment.
+ When there are no furtherreferences to an address environment, that address environment should
+ be destroyed.
+<p><b>Input Parameters</b>:</p>
+ <li><code>tcb</code>: The TCB of the task or thread whose the address environment will be released.</li>
+<p><b>Returned Value</b>:</p>
+ Zero (<code>OK</code>) on success; a negated <code>errno</code> value on failure.
<h2><a name="exports">4.2 APIs Exported by NuttX to Architecture-Specific Logic</a></h2>
These are standard interfaces that are exported by the OS
@@ -3470,7 +3701,7 @@ extern void up_ledoff(int led);
All PM interfaces are declared in the file <code>include/nuttx/power/pm.h</code>.
-<h4><a name="pminitialize"> pm_initialize()</a></h4>
+<h4><a name="pminitialize"> <code>pm_initialize()</code></a></h4>
<p><b>Function Prototype:</b></p>
#include &lt;nuttx/power/pm.h&gt;
@@ -3487,7 +3718,7 @@ None
-<h4><a name="pmregister"> pm_register()</a></h4>
+<h4><a name="pmregister"> <code>pm_register()</code></a></h4>
<p><b>Function Prototype:</b></p>
#include &lt;nuttx/power/pm.h&gt;
@@ -3507,7 +3738,7 @@ int pm_register(FAR struct pm_callback_s *callbacks);
Zero (<code>OK</code>) on success; otherwise a negater <code>errno</code> value is returned.
-<h4><a name="pmactivity"> pm_activity()</a></h4>
+<h4><a name="pmactivity"> <code>pm_activity()</code></a></h4>
<p><b>Function Prototype:</b></p>
#include &lt;nuttx/power/pm.h&gt;
@@ -3534,7 +3765,7 @@ void pm_activity(int priority);
This function may be called from an interrupt handler (this is the ONLY PM function that may be called from an interrupt handler!).
-<h4><a name="pmcheckstate"> pm_checkstate()</a></h4>
+<h4><a name="pmcheckstate"> <code>pm_checkstate()</code></a></h4>
<p><b>Function Prototype:</b></p>
#include &lt;nuttx/power/pm.h&gt;
@@ -3561,7 +3792,7 @@ enum pm_state_e pm_checkstate(void);
The recommended power management state.
-<h4><a name="pmchangestate"> pm_changestate()</a></h4>
+<h4><a name="pmchangestate"> <code>pm_changestate()</code></a></h4>
<p><b>Function Prototype:</b></p>
#include &lt;nuttx/power/pm.h&gt;
@@ -3596,7 +3827,7 @@ enum pm_state_e pm_checkstate(void);
These callback functions can be used to provide power management information to the driver.
-<h4><a name="pmprepare"> prepare()</a></h4>
+<h4><a name="pmprepare"> <code>prepare()</code></a></h4>
<p><b>Function Prototype:</b></p>
int (*prepare)(FAR struct pm_callback_s *cb, enum pm_state_e pmstate);
@@ -3624,7 +3855,7 @@ int (*prepare)(FAR struct pm_callback_s *cb, enum pm_state_e pmstate);
consumption modes!
-<h4><a name="pmnotify"> notify()</a></h4>
+<h4><a name="pmnotify"> <code>notify()</code></a></h4>
<p><b>Function Prototype:</b></p>
#include &lt;nuttx/power/pm.h&gt;
diff --git a/nuttx/arch/z80/include/z180/arch.h b/nuttx/arch/z80/include/z180/arch.h
index 9e2197522..d7cf82a26 100644
--- a/nuttx/arch/z80/include/z180/arch.h
+++ b/nuttx/arch/z80/include/z180/arch.h
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@
* Included Files
+#include <nuttx/config.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <arch/irq.h>
* Pre-processor Definitions
@@ -52,6 +58,23 @@
* Public Types
+/* The z180 address environment is represented in hardware as the 8-bit
+ * Common Base Register (CBR). CBR specifies the base address (on 4KB
+ * boundaries) used to generate a 20-bit physical address for Common Area 1
+ * accesses. CBR is the upper 8-bits of the 20-bit address; the lower 14-bits
+ * of the base address are implicitly zero (hence the 4KB boundary alignment).
+ */
+typedef uint8_t hw_addrenv_t;
+/* At the task-level, the z180 address environment is represented as struct
+ * z180_cbr_s which is defined in irq.h.
+ */
+struct z180_cbr_s;
+typedef FAR struct z180_cbr_s *task_addrenv_t;
* Public Variables
diff --git a/nuttx/arch/z80/src/z180/z180_mmu.c b/nuttx/arch/z80/src/z180/z180_mmu.c
index e24b22b8e..5f9b26be2 100644
--- a/nuttx/arch/z80/src/z180/z180_mmu.c
+++ b/nuttx/arch/z80/src/z180/z180_mmu.c
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ static struct z180_cbr_s g_cbrs[CONFIG_MAX_TASKS];
- * Name: z180_mmu_findcbr
+ * Name: z180_mmu_alloccbr
* Description:
* Find an unused struture in g_cbrs (i.e., one with reference count == 0).
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static struct z180_cbr_s g_cbrs[CONFIG_MAX_TASKS];
-static FAR struct z180_cbr_s *z180_mmu_findcbr(void)
+static inline FAR struct z180_cbr_s *z180_mmu_alloccbr(void)
int i;
@@ -177,24 +177,53 @@ return g_physhandle ? OK : -ENOMEM;
+ * Address Environment Interfaces
+ *
+ * Low-level interfaces used in binfmt/ to instantiate tasks with address
+ * environments. These interfaces all operate on task_addrenv_t which is an
+ * abstract representation of the address environment and must be provided
+ * by arch/arch.h is CONFIG_ADDRENV is defined.
+ *
+ * up_addrenv_create - Create an address environment
+ * up_addrenv_vaddr - Returns the virtual base address of the address
+ * environment
+ * up_addrenv_select - Instantiate an address environment
+ * up_addrenv_destroy - Destroy an address environment.
+ * up_addrenv_assign - Assign an address environment to a TCB
+ *
+ * Higher-level interfaces used by the tasking logic. These interfaces are
+ * used by the functions in sched/ and all operate on the TCB which as been
+ * assigned an address environment by up_addrenv_assign().
+ *
+ * up_addrenv_share - Clone the address environment assigned to one TCB
+ * to another. This operation is done when a pthread
+ * is created that share's the same address
+ * environment.
+ * up_addrenv_release - Release the TCBs reference to an address
+ * environment when a task/thread exists.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
* Name: up_addrenv_create
* Description:
* This function is called from the binary loader logic when a new
- * task is created in RAM in order to instantiate an address environment for
- * the task.
+ * task is created in order to instantiate an address environment for the
+ * task. up_addrenv_create is essentially the allocator of the physical
+ * memory for the new task.
* Input Parameters:
- * tcb - The TCB of the task needing the address environment.
* envsize - The size (in bytes) of the address environment needed by the
* task.
+ * addrenv - The location to return the representation of the task address
+ * environment.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
-int up_addrenv_create(FAR _TCB *tcb, size_t envsize)
+int up_addrenv_create(size_t envsize, FAR task_addrenv_t *addrenv)
FAR struct z180_cbr_s *cbr;
irqstate_t flags;
@@ -202,10 +231,6 @@ int up_addrenv_create(FAR _TCB *tcb, size_t envsize)
unsigned int npages;
int ret;
- /* Make sure that there is no address environment in place on this TCB */
- DEBUGASSERT(tcb->xcp.cbr == NULL);
/* Convert the size from bytes to numbers of pages */
npages = PHYS_ALIGNUP(envsize);
@@ -225,7 +250,7 @@ int up_addrenv_create(FAR _TCB *tcb, size_t envsize)
flags = irqsave();
- cbr = z180_mmu_findcbr();
+ cbr = z180_mmu_alloccbr();
if (!cbr)
sdbg("ERROR: No free CBR structures\n");
@@ -235,7 +260,6 @@ int up_addrenv_create(FAR _TCB *tcb, size_t envsize)
/* Now allocate the physical memory to back up the address environment */
alloc = (uintptr_t)gran_alloc(npages);
@@ -254,9 +278,9 @@ int up_addrenv_create(FAR _TCB *tcb, size_t envsize)
DEBUGASSERT(alloc <= 0xff);
- cbr->cbr = alloc;
- cbr->pages = npages;
- tcb->xcp.cbr = cbr;
+ cbr->cbr = (uint8_t)alloc;
+ cbr->pages = (uint8_t)npages;
+ *addrenv = (task_addrenv_t)cbr;
return OK;
@@ -270,111 +294,204 @@ errout_with_irq:
- * Name: up_addrenv_share
+ * Name: up_addrenv_vaddr
* Description:
- * This function is called from the core scheduler logic when a thread
- * is created that needs to share the address ennvironment of its parent
- * task. In this case, the parent's address environment needs to be
- * "cloned" for the child.
+ * Return the virtual address associated with the newly create address
+ * environment. This function is used by the binary loaders in order
+ * get an address that can be used to initialize the new task..
* Input Parameters:
- * ptcb - The TCB of the parent task that has the address environment.
- * ctcb - The TCB of the child thread needing the address environment.
+ * addrenv - The representation of the task address environment previously
+ * returned by up_addrenv_create.
+ * vaddr - The location to return the virtual address.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
-int up_addrenv_share(FAR const _TCB *ptcb, FAR _TCB *ctcb)
+int up_addrenv_vaddr(FAR task_addrenv_t addrenv, FAR void **vaddr)
+ * Name: up_addrenv_select
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * After an address environment has been established for a task (via
+ * up_addrenv_create()), this function may be called to to instantiate
+ * that address environment in the virtual address space. This might be
+ * necessary, for example, to load the code for the task from a file or
+ * to access address environment private data.
+ *
+ * Input Parameters:
+ * addrenv - The representation of the task address environment previously
+ * returned by up_addrenv_create.
+ * oldenv
+ * The address environment that was in place before up_addrenv_select().
+ * This may be used with up_addrenv_restore() to restore the original
+ * address environment that was in place before up_addrenv_select() was
+ * called. Note that this may be a task agnostic, hardware
+ * representation that is different from task_addrenv_t.
+ *
+ * Returned Value:
+ * Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+int up_addrenv_select(task_addrenv_t addrenv, hw_addrenv_t *oldenv)
+ FAR struct z180_cbr_s *cbr = (FAR struct z180_cbr_s *)addrenv;
irqstate_t flags;
- /* Make sure that the child has no address environment. It is okay if
- * if the parent does not have one.
- */
+ DEBUGASSERT(cbr && oldenv);
- DEBUGASSERT(ctcb->xcp.cbr == NULL);
+ /* Return the current CBR value from the CBR register */
flags = irqsave();
- if (ptcb->xcp.cbr)
- {
- /* Clone the CBR by incrementing the reference counting and saving a
- * copy in the child thread's TCB.
- */
+ *oldenv = (hw_addrenv_t)inp(Z180_MMU_CBR);
- ptcb->xcp.cbr->crefs++;
- ctcb->xcp.cbr = ptcb->xcp.cbr;
- }
+ /* Write the new CBR value into CBR register */
+ outp(Z180_MMU_CBR, cbr->cbr);
return OK;
- * Name: up_addrenv_instantiate
+ * Name: up_addrenv_restore
* Description:
- * After an address environment has been established for a task (via
- * up_addrenv_create(). This function may be called to to instantiate
- * that address environment in the virtual address space. this might be
- * necessary, for example, to load the code for the task from a file or
- * to access address environment private data.
+ * After an address environment has been temporarilty instantiated by
+ * up_addrenv_select, this function may be called to to restore the
+ * original address environment.
* Input Parameters:
- * tcb - The TCB of the task or thread whose the address environment will
- * be instantiated.
+ * oldenv - The hardware representation of the address environment
+ * previously returned by up_addrenv_select.
* Returned Value:
- * A handle that may be used with up_addrenv_restore() to restore the
- * address environment before up_addrenv_instantiate() was called.
+ * Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
-FAR void *up_addrenv_instantiate(FAR _TCB *tcb)
+int up_addrenv_restore(hw_addrenv_t oldenv)
- uint8_t oldcbr;
- irqstate_t flags;
+ outp(Z180_MMU_CBR, (uint8_t)oldenv);
+ return OK;
- /* Get the current CBR value from the CBR register */
+ * Name: up_addrenv_destroy
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Called from the binary loader loader during error handling to destroy
+ * the address environment previously created by up_addrenv_create().
+ *
+ * Input Parameters:
+ * addrenv - The representation of the task address environment previously
+ * returned by up_addrenv_create.
+ *
+ * Returned Value:
+ * Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
- flags = irqsave();
- oldcbr = inp(Z180_MMU_CBR);
+int up_addrenv_destroy(task_addrenv_t addrenv)
+ FAR struct z180_cbr_s *cbr = (FAR struct z180_cbr_s *)addrenv;
- /* Check if the task has an address environment. */
- if (tcb->xcp.cbr)
- {
- /* Yes.. Write the new CBR value into CBR register */
+ /* Free the physical address space backing up the mapping */
- outp(Z180_MMU_CBR, tcb->xcp.cbr->cbr);
- }
+ gran_free((FAR void *)cbr->cbr, cbr->pages);
+ gran_free(g_physhandle, (FAR void *)cbr->cbr, cbr->pages);
- irqrestore(flags);
- return (FAR void *)oldcbr;
+ /* And make the CBR structure available for re-use */
+ z180_mmu_freecbr(cbr);
+ return OK;
- * Name: up_addrenv_restore
+ * Name: up_addrenv_assign
* Description:
- * Restore an address environment using a handle previously returned by
- * up_addrenv_instantiate().
+ * Assign an address environment to a TCB.
* Input Parameters:
- * handle - A handle previously returned by up_addrenv_instantiate.
+ * addrenv - The representation of the task address environment previously
+ * returned by up_addrenv_create.
+ * tcb - The TCB of the task to receive the address environment.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
-int up_addrenv_restore(FAR void *handle)
+int up_addrenv_assign(task_addrenv_t addrenv, FAR _TCB *tcb)
- /* Restore the CBR value */
+ FAR struct z180_cbr_s *cbr = (FAR struct z180_cbr_s *)addrenv;
+ int ret;
+ /* Make sure that there is no address environment in place on this TCB */
- outp(Z180_MMU_CBR, (uint8_t)handle);
+ DEBUGASSERT(cbr && tcb->xcp.cbr == NULL);
+ /* Save the CBR strucure in the TCB. This is an atomic operation so no
+ * special precautions should be needed.
+ */
+ tcb->xcp.cbr = cbr;
+ return OK;
+ * Name: up_addrenv_share
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * This function is called from the core scheduler logic when a thread
+ * is created that needs to share the address ennvironment of its parent
+ * task. In this case, the parent's address environment needs to be
+ * "cloned" for the child.
+ *
+ * Input Parameters:
+ * ptcb - The TCB of the parent task that has the address environment.
+ * ctcb - The TCB of the child thread needing the address environment.
+ *
+ * Returned Value:
+ * Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+int up_addrenv_share(FAR const _TCB *ptcb, FAR _TCB *ctcb)
+ irqstate_t flags;
+ /* Make sure that the child has no address environment. It is okay if
+ * if the parent does not have one.
+ */
+ DEBUGASSERT(ctcb->xcp.cbr == NULL);
+ flags = irqsave();
+ if (ptcb->xcp.cbr)
+ {
+ /* Clone the CBR by incrementing the reference counting and saving a
+ * copy in the child thread's TCB.
+ */
+ ptcb->xcp.cbr->crefs++;
+ ctcb->xcp.cbr = ptcb->xcp.cbr;
+ }
+ irqrestore(flags);
return OK;
@@ -407,7 +524,7 @@ int up_addrenv_release(FAR _TCB *tcb)
cbr = tcb->xcp.cbr;
if (cbr)
- /* Nullify the reference to the CBR structgure and decrement the number
+ /* Nullify the reference to the CBR structure and decrement the number
* of references on the CBR.
@@ -419,7 +536,7 @@ int up_addrenv_release(FAR _TCB *tcb)
if (cbr->crefs <= 1)
- z180_mmu_freecbr(cbr);
+ up_addrenv_destroy(cbr);
diff --git a/nuttx/include/nuttx/arch.h b/nuttx/include/nuttx/arch.h
index 7c444602e..8b4b10ade 100644
--- a/nuttx/include/nuttx/arch.h
+++ b/nuttx/include/nuttx/arch.h
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <arch/arch.h>
@@ -381,17 +382,47 @@ void up_allocate_heap(FAR void **heap_start, size_t *heap_size);
+ * Address Environment Interfaces
+ *
+ * Low-level interfaces used in binfmt/ to instantiate tasks with address
+ * environments. These interfaces all operate on type task_addrenv_t which
+ * is an abstract representation of a task's address environment and must be
+ * defined in arch/arch.h if CONFIG_ADDRENV is defined.
+ *
+ * up_addrenv_create - Create an address environment
+ * up_addrenv_vaddr - Returns the virtual base address of the address
+ * environment
+ * up_addrenv_select - Instantiate an address environment
+ * up_addrenv_restore - Restore an address environment
+ * up_addrenv_destroy - Destroy an address environment.
+ * up_addrenv_assign - Assign an address environment to a TCB
+ *
+ * Higher-level interfaces used by the tasking logic. These interfaces are
+ * used by the functions in sched/ and all operate on the TCB which as been
+ * assigned an address environment by up_addrenv_assign().
+ *
+ * up_addrenv_share - Clone the address environment assigned to one TCB
+ * to another. This operation is done when a pthread
+ * is created that share's the same address
+ * environment.
+ * up_addrenv_release - Release the TCBs reference to an address
+ * environment when a task/thread exits.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
* Name: up_addrenv_create
* Description:
* This function is called from the binary loader logic when a new
- * task is created in RAM in order to instantiate an address environment for
- * the task.
+ * task is created in order to instantiate an address environment for the
+ * task. up_addrenv_create is essentially the allocator of the physical
+ * memory for the new task.
* Input Parameters:
- * tcb - The TCB of the task needing the address environment.
* envsize - The size (in bytes) of the address environment needed by the
* task.
+ * addrenv - The location to return the representation of the task address
+ * environment.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
@@ -399,21 +430,21 @@ void up_allocate_heap(FAR void **heap_start, size_t *heap_size);
-int up_addrenv_create(FAR _TCB *tcb, size_t envsize);
+int up_addrenv_create(size_t envsize, FAR task_addrenv_t *addrenv);
- * Name: up_addrenv_share
+ * Name: up_addrenv_vaddr
* Description:
- * This function is called from the core scheduler logic when a thread
- * is created that needs to share the address ennvironment of its parent
- * task. In this case, the parent's address environment needs to be
- * "cloned" for the child.
+ * Return the virtual address associated with the newly create address
+ * environment. This function is used by the binary loaders in order
+ * get an address that can be used to initialize the new task.
* Input Parameters:
- * ptcb - The TCB of the parent task that has the address environment.
- * ctcb - The TCB of the child thread needing the address environment.
+ * addrenv - The representation of the task address environment previously
+ * returned by up_addrenv_create.
+ * vaddr - The location to return the virtual address.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
@@ -421,11 +452,11 @@ int up_addrenv_create(FAR _TCB *tcb, size_t envsize);
-int up_addrenv_share(FAR const _TCB *ptcb, FAR _TCB *ctcb);
+int up_addrenv_vaddr(FAR task_addrenv_t addrenv, FAR void **vaddr);
- * Name: up_addrenv_instantiate
+ * Name: up_addrenv_select
* Description:
* After an address environment has been established for a task (via
@@ -435,28 +466,97 @@ int up_addrenv_share(FAR const _TCB *ptcb, FAR _TCB *ctcb);
* to access address environment private data.
* Input Parameters:
- * tcb - The TCB of the task or thread whose the address environment will
- * be instantiated.
+ * addrenv - The representation of the task address environment previously
+ * returned by up_addrenv_create.
+ * oldenv
+ * The address environment that was in place before up_addrenv_select().
+ * This may be used with up_addrenv_restore() to restore the original
+ * address environment that was in place before up_addrenv_select() was
+ * called. Note that this may be a task agnostic, hardware
+ * representation that is different from task_addrenv_t.
* Returned Value:
- * A handle that may be used with up_addrenv_restore() to restore the
- * address environment before up_addrenv_instantiate() was called.
+ * Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
-FAR void *up_addrenv_instantiate(FAR _TCB *tcb);
+int up_addrenv_select(task_addrenv_t addrenv, hw_addrenv_t *oldenv);
* Name: up_addrenv_restore
* Description:
- * Restore an address environment using a handle previously returned by
- * up_addrenv_instantiate().
+ * After an address environment has been temporarilty instantiated by
+ * up_addrenv_select, this function may be called to to restore the
+ * original address environment.
+ *
+ * Input Parameters:
+ * oldenv - The hardware representation of the address environment
+ * previously returned by up_addrenv_select.
+ *
+ * Returned Value:
+ * Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+int up_addrenv_restore(hw_addrenv_t oldenv);
+ * Name: up_addrenv_destroy
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Called from the binary loader loader during error handling to destroy
+ * the address environment previously created by up_addrenv_create().
+ *
+ * Input Parameters:
+ * addrenv - The representation of the task address environment previously
+ * returned by up_addrenv_create.
+ *
+ * Returned Value:
+ * Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+int up_addrenv_destroy(task_addrenv_t addrenv);
+ * Name: up_addrenv_assign
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Assign an address environment to a TCB.
+ *
+ * Input Parameters:
+ * addrenv - The representation of the task address environment previously
+ * returned by up_addrenv_create.
+ * tcb - The TCB of the task to receive the address environment.
+ *
+ * Returned Value:
+ * Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+int up_addrenv_assign(task_addrenv_t addrenv, FAR _TCB *tcb);
+ * Name: up_addrenv_share
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * This function is called from the core scheduler logic when a thread
+ * is created that needs to share the address ennvironment of its parent
+ * task. In this case, the parent's address environment needs to be
+ * "cloned" for the child.
* Input Parameters:
- * handle - A handle previously returned by up_addrenv_instantiate.
+ * ptcb - The TCB of the parent task that has the address environment.
+ * ctcb - The TCB of the child thread needing the address environment.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno value on failure.
@@ -464,7 +564,7 @@ FAR void *up_addrenv_instantiate(FAR _TCB *tcb);
-int up_addrenv_restore(FAR void *handle);
+int up_addrenv_share(FAR const _TCB *ptcb, FAR _TCB *ctcb);
diff --git a/nuttx/include/nuttx/binfmt/binfmt.h b/nuttx/include/nuttx/binfmt/binfmt.h
index 200823bb8..2e2c6dda8 100644
--- a/nuttx/include/nuttx/binfmt/binfmt.h
+++ b/nuttx/include/nuttx/binfmt/binfmt.h
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ typedef FAR void (*binfmt_dtor_t)(void);
/* This describes the file to be loaded.
- * NOTE: The 'filename' must be the full, absolute path to the file to be
+ * NOTE 1: The 'filename' must be the full, absolute path to the file to be
* executed unless CONFIG_BINFMT_EXEPATH is defined. In that case,
* 'filename' may be a relative path; a set of candidate absolute paths
* will be generated using the PATH environment variable and load_module()
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ struct binary_s
/* Information provided to the loader to load and bind a module */
- FAR const char *filename; /* Full path to the binary to be loaded (See NOTE above) */
+ FAR const char *filename; /* Full path to the binary to be loaded (See NOTE 1 above) */
FAR const char **argv; /* Argument list */
FAR const struct symtab_s *exports; /* Table of exported symbols */
int nexports; /* The number of symbols in exports[] */