path: root/src/sims/collision/GridDetector.scala
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1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sims/collision/GridDetector.scala b/src/sims/collision/GridDetector.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c027a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sims/collision/GridDetector.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.collision
+import sims.dynamics._
+import sims.geometry._
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.mutable._
+/**Eine konkrete Implementierung von <code>Detector</code>. <code>GridDetector</code> ermittelt
+ * alle Kollisionen mit einem Gittersystem.*/
+class GridDetector(override val world: World) extends Detector {
+ /**Array von Kollisionserkennungsmethoden fuer Formenpaare.*/
+ val detectionMethods = new ArrayBuffer[PartialFunction[(Shape, Shape), Boolean]]
+ detectionMethods += {
+ case (c1: Circle, c2: Circle) => { //Kollision wenn Distanz <= Summe der Radien
+ val d = (c1.pos - c2.pos).length
+ val rSum = c1.radius + c2.radius
+ d - rSum <= 0
+ }
+ case (p1: ConvexPolygon, p2: ConvexPolygon) => { //SAT
+ val sides = p1.sides ++ p2.sides
+ val axes = sides map (_.n0)
+ axes.forall((a: Vector2D) => p1.project(a) overlaps p2.project(a))
+ }
+ case (p: ConvexPolygon, c: Circle) => { //Distanz von Zentrum zu Seiten oder Eckpunkten
+ val distances = for (s <- p.sides) yield (s distance c.pos)
+ distances.exists(_ - c.radius <= 0) || (p contains c.pos)
+ }
+ case (c: Circle, p: ConvexPolygon) => { //Distanz von Zentrum zu Seiten oder Eckpunkten
+ val distances = for (s <- p.sides) yield (s distance c.pos)
+ distances.exists(_ - c.radius <= 0) || (p contains c.pos)
+ }
+ }
+ /**Array von Kollisionsmethoden fuer Formenpaare.*/
+ val collisionMethods = new ArrayBuffer[PartialFunction[(Shape, Shape), Collision]]
+ collisionMethods += {
+ case (c1: Circle, c2: Circle) => CircleCollision(c1, c2)
+ case (p1: ConvexPolygon, p2: ConvexPolygon) => PolyCollision(p1, p2)
+ case (p: ConvexPolygon, c: Circle) => PolyCircleCollision(p, c)
+ case (c: Circle, p: ConvexPolygon) => PolyCircleCollision(p, c)
+ }
+ /**Gibt an, ob das Formenpaar <code>p</code> kollidiert.
+ * @param p Formenpaar.*/
+ def colliding(p: Pair) = {
+ if (detectionMethods.exists(_.isDefinedAt(p)))
+ detectionMethods.find(_.isDefinedAt(p)).get.apply(p)
+ else throw new IllegalArgumentException("No collision method for colliding pair!")
+ }
+ /**Gibt die Kollision des Formenpaares <code>p</code> zurueck.
+ * @param p Formenpaar.*/
+ def collision(p: Pair): Collision = {
+ if (collisionMethods.exists(_.isDefinedAt(p)))
+ collisionMethods.find(_.isDefinedAt(p)).get.apply(p)
+ else throw new IllegalArgumentException("No collision found in colliding pair!")
+ }
+ /**Breite und Hoehe einer Gitterzelle.*/
+ var gridSide: Double = 2
+ /**Ergibt potenzielle Kollisionspaare der Welt <code>world</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * Ein Kollisionspaar ist ein Paar aus zwei verschiedenen Formen, das folgenden Bedingungen unterliegt:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Die Formen muessen sich in der gleichen Gitterzelle befinden.</li>
+ * <li>Ihre AABBs muessen sich ueberlappen.</li>
+ * <li>Die Formen duerfen nicht von dem gleichen Koerper sein.</li>
+ * <li>Mindestens eine Form darf nicht Fixiert sein.</li>
+ * <li>Beide muessen {@link dynamics.Shape#collidable collidierbar} sein.</li>
+ * </ul>*/
+ def getPairs = {
+ val grid = new HashMap[(Int, Int), List[Shape]]
+ def gridCoordinates(v: Vector2D) = ((v.x / gridSide).toInt, (v.y / gridSide).toInt)
+ def addToGrid(s: Shape) = {
+ val aabb = s.AABB
+ val minCell = gridCoordinates(aabb.minVertex)
+ val maxCell = gridCoordinates(aabb.maxVertex)
+ val coords = for(i <- (minCell._1 to maxCell._1); j <- (minCell._2 to maxCell._2)) yield (i, j)
+ for (c <- coords) {
+ if (grid.contains(c))
+ {if (grid(c).forall(_ ne s)) grid(c) = s :: grid(c)}
+ else
+ grid += (c -> List(s))
+ }
+ }
+ for(s <- world.shapes) addToGrid(s)
+ var ps: List[Pair] = Nil
+ for(cell <- grid.values) {
+ ps = ps ::: (for (s1: Shape <- cell; s2: Shape <- cell;
+ if (s1 ne s2);
+ if (s1.body ne s2.body);
+ if (s1.collidable && s2.collidable);
+ if (s1.AABB overlaps s2.AABB);
+ if (!s1.transientShapes.contains(s2) && !s2.transientShapes.contains(s1))) yield Pair(s1, s2)
+ ).removeDuplicates
+ }
+ ps.toSeq
+ }
+ private var cache = (world.time, getPairs)
+ /**Alle potentiellen Kollisionspaare der Welt.
+ * @see getPairs*/
+ def pairs = {if (world.time != cache._1) cache = (world.time, getPairs); cache._2}
+ /**Ergibt alle kollidierenden Paare.*/
+ def collidingPairs: Seq[Pair] = for(p <- pairs; if (colliding(p))) yield p
+ /**Ergibt alle Kollisionen.*/
+ def collisions: Seq[Collision] = for(p <- pairs; if (colliding(p))) yield collision(p)