path: root/beliefs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'beliefs')
14 files changed, 819 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/beliefs/factors/BernoulliOrFactor.py b/beliefs/factors/BernoulliOrFactor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f973ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/factors/BernoulliOrFactor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import numpy as np
+class BernoulliOrFactor:
+ """CPD class for a Bernoulli random variable whose relationship to its
+ parents is described by OR logic.
+ If at least one of a child's parents is True, then the child is True, and
+ False otherwise."""
+ def __init__(self, child, parents=set()):
+ self.child = child
+ self.parents = set(parents)
+ self.variables = set([child] + list(parents))
+ self.cardinality = [2]*len(self.variables)
+ self._values = None
+ @property
+ def values(self):
+ if self._values is None:
+ self._values = self._build_kwise_values_array(len(self.variables))
+ self._values = self._values.reshape(self.cardinality)
+ return self._values
+ def get_values(self):
+ """
+ Returns the tabular cpd form of the values.
+ """
+ if len(self.cardinality) == 1:
+ return self.values.reshape(1, np.prod(self.cardinality))
+ else:
+ return self.values.reshape(self.cardinality[0], np.prod(self.cardinality[1:]))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _build_kwise_values_array(k):
+ # special case a completely independent factor, and
+ # return the uniform prior
+ if k == 1:
+ return np.array([0.5, 0.5])
+ return np.array(
+ [1.,] + [0.]*(2**(k-1)-1) + [0.,] + [1.]*(2**(k-1)-1)
+ )
diff --git a/beliefs/factors/__init__.py b/beliefs/factors/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/factors/__init__.py
diff --git a/beliefs/inference/__init__.py b/beliefs/inference/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/inference/__init__.py
diff --git a/beliefs/inference/belief_propagation.py b/beliefs/inference/belief_propagation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..972fd5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/inference/belief_propagation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+import numpy as np
+from collections import namedtuple
+from beliefs.types.Node import InvalidLambdaMsgToParent
+from beliefs.utils.math_helper import is_kronecker_delta
+MsgPassers = namedtuple('MsgPassers', ['msg_receiver', 'msg_sender'])
+class ConflictingEvidenceError(Exception):
+ """Failed to run belief propagation on label graph because of conflicting evidence."""
+ def __init__(self, evidence):
+ message = (
+ "Can't run belief propagation with conflicting evidence: {}"
+ .format(evidence)
+ )
+ super().__init__(message)
+class BeliefPropagation:
+ def __init__(self, model, inplace=True):
+ """
+ Input:
+ model: an instance of BayesianModel class or subclass
+ inplace: bool
+ modify in-place the nodes in the model during belief propagation
+ """
+ if inplace is False:
+ self.model = model.copy()
+ else:
+ self.model = model
+ def _belief_propagation(self, nodes_to_update, evidence):
+ """
+ Implementation of Pearl's belief propagation algorithm for polytrees.
+ ref: "Fusion, Propagation, and Structuring in Belief Networks"
+ Artificial Intelligence 29 (1986) 241-288
+ Input:
+ nodes_to_update: list
+ list of MsgPasser namedtuples.
+ evidence: dict,
+ a dict key, value pair as {var: state_of_var observed}
+ """
+ if len(nodes_to_update) == 0:
+ return
+ node_to_update_label_id, msg_sender_label_id = nodes_to_update.pop()
+ print("Node", node_to_update_label_id)
+ node = self.model.nodes[node_to_update_label_id]
+ # exclude the message sender (either a parent or child) from getting an
+ # outgoing msg from the node to update
+ parent_ids = node.parents - set([msg_sender_label_id])
+ child_ids = node.children - set([msg_sender_label_id])
+ print("parent_ids:", parent_ids)
+ print("child_ids:", child_ids)
+ if msg_sender_label_id is not None:
+ # update triggered by receiving a message, not pinning to evidence
+ assert len(node.parents) + len(node.children) - 1 == len(parent_ids) + len(child_ids)
+ if node_to_update_label_id not in evidence:
+ node.compute_pi_agg()
+ print("belief propagation pi_agg", node.pi_agg)
+ node.compute_lambda_agg()
+ print("belief propagation lambda_agg", node.lambda_agg)
+ for parent_id in parent_ids:
+ try:
+ new_lambda_msg = node.compute_lambda_msg_to_parent(parent_k=parent_id)
+ except InvalidLambdaMsgToParent:
+ raise ConflictingEvidenceError(evidence=evidence)
+ parent_node = self.model.nodes[parent_id]
+ parent_node.update_lambda_msg_from_child(child=node_to_update_label_id,
+ new_value=new_lambda_msg)
+ nodes_to_update.add(MsgPassers(msg_receiver=parent_id,
+ msg_sender=node_to_update_label_id))
+ for child_id in child_ids:
+ new_pi_msg = node.compute_pi_msg_to_child(child_k=child_id)
+ child_node = self.model.nodes[child_id]
+ child_node.update_pi_msg_from_parent(parent=node_to_update_label_id,
+ new_value=new_pi_msg)
+ nodes_to_update.add(MsgPassers(msg_receiver=child_id,
+ msg_sender=node_to_update_label_id))
+ self._belief_propagation(nodes_to_update, evidence)
+ def initialize_model(self):
+ """
+ Apply boundary conditions:
+ - Set pi_agg equal to prior probabilities for root nodes.
+ - Set lambda_agg equal to vector of ones for leaf nodes.
+ - Set lambda_agg, lambda_received_msgs to vectors of ones (same effect as
+ actually passing lambda messages up from leaf nodes to root nodes).
+ - Calculate pi_agg and pi_received_msgs for all nodes without evidence.
+ (Without evidence, belief equals pi_agg.)
+ """
+ self.model.set_boundary_conditions()
+ for node in self.model.nodes.values():
+ ones_vector = np.ones([node.cardinality])
+ node.lambda_agg = ones_vector
+ for child in node.lambda_received_msgs.keys():
+ node.update_lambda_msg_from_child(child=child,
+ new_value=ones_vector)
+ print("Finished initializing Lambda(x) and lambda_received_msgs per node.")
+ print("Start downward sweep from nodes. Sending Pi messages only.")
+ topdown_order = self.model.get_topologically_sorted_nodes(reverse=False)
+ for node_id in topdown_order:
+ print('label in iteration through top-down order:', node_id)
+ node_sending_msg = self.model.nodes[node_id]
+ child_ids = node_sending_msg.children
+ if node_sending_msg.pi_agg is None:
+ node_sending_msg.compute_pi_agg()
+ for child_id in child_ids:
+ print("child", child_id)
+ new_pi_msg = node_sending_msg.compute_pi_msg_to_child(child_k=child_id)
+ print(new_pi_msg)
+ child_node = self.model.nodes[child_id]
+ child_node.update_pi_msg_from_parent(parent=node_id,
+ new_value=new_pi_msg)
+ def _run_belief_propagation(self, evidence):
+ """
+ Input:
+ evidence: dict
+ a dict key, value pair as {var: state_of_var observed}
+ """
+ for evidence_id, observed_value in evidence.items():
+ nodes_to_update = set()
+ if evidence_id not in self.model.nodes.keys():
+ raise KeyError("Evidence supplied for non-existent label_id: {}"
+ .format(evidence_id))
+ if is_kronecker_delta(observed_value):
+ # specific evidence
+ self.model.nodes[evidence_id].lambda_agg = observed_value
+ else:
+ # virtual evidence
+ self.model.nodes[evidence_id].lambda_agg = \
+ self.model.nodes[evidence_id].lambda_agg * observed_value
+ nodes_to_update.add(MsgPassers(msg_receiver=evidence_id,
+ msg_sender=None))
+ self._belief_propagation(nodes_to_update=nodes_to_update,
+ evidence=evidence)
+ def query(self, evidence={}):
+ """
+ Run belief propagation given evidence.
+ Input:
+ evidence: dict
+ a dict key, value pair as {var: state_of_var observed},
+ e.g. {'3': np.array([0,1])} if label '3' is True.
+ Returns:
+ beliefs: dict
+ a dict key, value pair as {var: belief}
+ Example
+ -------
+ >> from label_graph_service.pgm.inference.belief_propagation import BeliefPropagation
+ >> from label_graph_service.pgm.models.BernoulliOrModel import BernoulliOrModel
+ >> edges = [('1', '3'), ('2', '3'), ('3', '5')]
+ >> model = BernoulliOrModel(edges)
+ >> infer = BeliefPropagation(model)
+ >> result = infer.query({'2': np.array([0, 1])})
+ """
+ if not self.model.all_nodes_are_fully_initialized:
+ self.initialize_model()
+ if evidence:
+ self._run_belief_propagation(evidence)
+ return {label_id: node.belief for label_id, node in self.model.nodes.items()}
diff --git a/beliefs/models/BayesianModel.py b/beliefs/models/BayesianModel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdfd037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/models/BayesianModel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import copy
+import numpy as np
+import networkx as nx
+from beliefs.models.DirectedGraph import DirectedGraph
+from beliefs.utils.edges_helper import EdgesHelper
+from beliefs.utils.math_helper import is_kronecker_delta
+class BayesianModel(DirectedGraph):
+ """
+ Bayesian model stores nodes and edges described by conditional probability
+ distributions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, edges, nodes=None):
+ """
+ Input:
+ edges: list of edge tuples of form ('parent', 'child')
+ nodes: (optional) dict
+ a dict key, value pair as {label_id: instance_of_node_class_or_subclass}
+ """
+ if nodes is not None:
+ super().__init__(edges, nodes.keys())
+ else:
+ super().__init__(edges)
+ self.nodes = nodes
+ @classmethod
+ def from_node_class(cls, edges, node_class):
+ """Automatically create all nodes from the same node class
+ Input:
+ edges: list of edge tuples of form ('parent', 'child')
+ node_class: (optional) the Node class or subclass from which to
+ create all the nodes from edges.
+ """
+ nodes = cls.create_nodes(edges, node_class)
+ return cls.__init__(edges=edges, nodes=nodes)
+ @staticmethod
+ def create_nodes(edges, node_class):
+ """Returns list of Node instances created from edges using
+ the default node_class"""
+ edges_helper = EdgesHelper(edges)
+ nodes = edges_helper.create_nodes_from_edges(node_class=node_class)
+ label_to_node = dict()
+ for node in nodes:
+ label_to_node[node.label_id] = node
+ return label_to_node
+ def set_boundary_conditions(self):
+ """
+ 1. Root nodes: if x is a node with no parents, set Pi(x) = prior
+ probability of x.
+ 2. Leaf nodes: if x is a node with no children, set Lambda(x)
+ to an (unnormalized) unit vector, of length the cardinality of x.
+ """
+ for root in self.get_roots():
+ self.nodes[root].pi_agg = self.nodes[root].cpd.values
+ for leaf in self.get_leaves():
+ self.nodes[leaf].lambda_agg = np.ones([self.nodes[leaf].cardinality])
+ @property
+ def all_nodes_are_fully_initialized(self):
+ """
+ Returns True if, for all nodes in the model, all lambda and pi
+ messages and lambda_agg and pi_agg are not None, else False.
+ """
+ for node in self.nodes.values():
+ if not node.is_fully_initialized:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def copy(self):
+ """
+ Returns a copy of the model.
+ """
+ copy_edges = self.edges().copy()
+ copy_nodes = copy.deepcopy(self.nodes)
+ copy_model = self.__class__(edges=copy_edges, nodes=copy_nodes)
+ return copy_model
+ def get_variables_in_definite_state(self):
+ """
+ Returns a set of labels of all nodes in a definite state, i.e. with
+ label values that are kronecker deltas.
+ set of strings (labels)
+ """
+ return {label for label, node in self.nodes.items() if is_kronecker_delta(node.belief)}
+ def get_unobserved_variables_in_definite_state(self, observed=set()):
+ """
+ Returns a set of labels that are inferred to be in definite state, given
+ list of labels that were directly observed (e.g. YES/NOs, but not MAYBEs).
+ observed: set of strings, directly observed labels
+ set of strings, labels inferred to be in a definite state
+ """
+ # Assert that beliefs of directly observed vars are kronecker deltas
+ for label in observed:
+ assert is_kronecker_delta(self.nodes[label].belief), \
+ ("Observed label has belief {} but should be kronecker delta"
+ .format(self.nodes[label].belief))
+ vars_in_definite_state = self.get_variables_in_definite_state()
+ assert observed <= vars_in_definite_state, \
+ "Expected set of observed labels to be a subset of labels in definite state."
+ return vars_in_definite_state - observed
+ def _get_ancestors_of(self, observed):
+ """Return list of ancestors of observed labels, including the observed labels themselves."""
+ ancestors = observed.copy()
+ for label in observed:
+ ancestors.update(nx.ancestors(self, label))
+ return ancestors
+ def reachable_observed_variables(self, source, observed=set()):
+ """
+ Returns list of observed labels (labels with direct evidence to be in a definite
+ state) that are reachable from the source.
+ source: string, label of node for which to evaluate reachable observed labels
+ observed: set of strings, directly observed labels
+ reachable_observed_vars: set of strings, observed labels (variables with direct
+ evidence) that are reachable from the source label.
+ """
+ ancestors_of_observed = self._get_ancestors_of(observed)
+ visit_list = set()
+ visit_list.add((source, 'up'))
+ traversed_list = set()
+ reachable_observed_vars = set()
+ while visit_list:
+ node, direction = visit_list.pop()
+ if (node, direction) not in traversed_list:
+ if node in observed:
+ reachable_observed_vars.add(node)
+ traversed_list.add((node, direction))
+ if direction == 'up' and node not in observed:
+ for parent in self.predecessors(node):
+ # causal flow
+ visit_list.add((parent, 'up'))
+ for child in self.successors(node):
+ # common cause flow
+ visit_list.add((child, 'down'))
+ elif direction == 'down':
+ if node not in observed:
+ # evidential flow
+ for child in self.successors(node):
+ visit_list.add((child, 'down'))
+ if node in ancestors_of_observed:
+ # common effect flow (activated v-structure)
+ for parent in self.predecessors(node):
+ visit_list.add((parent, 'up'))
+ return reachable_observed_vars
diff --git a/beliefs/models/BernoulliOrModel.py b/beliefs/models/BernoulliOrModel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da18fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/models/BernoulliOrModel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from beliefs.models.BayesianModel import BayesianModel
+from beliefs.types.BernoulliOrNode import BernoulliOrNode
+class BernoulliOrModel(BayesianModel):
+ """
+ BernoulliOrModel stores node instances of BernoulliOrNodes (Bernoulli
+ variables associated with an OR conditional probability distribution).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, edges, nodes=None):
+ """
+ Input:
+ edges: an edge list, e.g. [(parent1, child1), (parent1, child2)]
+ """
+ if nodes is None:
+ nodes = self.create_nodes(edges, node_class=BernoulliOrNode)
+ super().__init__(edges, nodes=nodes)
diff --git a/beliefs/models/DirectedGraph.py b/beliefs/models/DirectedGraph.py
index 8dfb9bd..8fce894 100644
--- a/beliefs/models/DirectedGraph.py
+++ b/beliefs/models/DirectedGraph.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class DirectedGraph(nx.DiGraph):
Base class for all directed graphical models.
- def __init__(self, edges, node_labels):
+ def __init__(self, edges=None, node_labels=None):
edges: an edge list, e.g. [(parent1, child1), (parent1, child2)]
diff --git a/beliefs/types/BernoulliOrNode.py b/beliefs/types/BernoulliOrNode.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27da85a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/types/BernoulliOrNode.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import numpy as np
+from functools import reduce
+from beliefs.types.Node import (
+ Node,
+ MessageType,
+ InvalidLambdaMsgToParent
+from beliefs.factors.BernoulliOrFactor import BernoulliOrFactor
+class BernoulliOrNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self,
+ label_id,
+ children,
+ parents):
+ super().__init__(label_id=label_id,
+ children=children,
+ parents=parents,
+ cardinality=2,
+ cpd=BernoulliOrFactor(label_id, parents))
+ def compute_pi_agg(self):
+ if not self.parents:
+ self.pi_agg = self.cpd.values
+ else:
+ pi_msg_values = self.validate_and_return_msgs_received_for_msg_type(MessageType.PI)
+ parents_p0 = [p[0] for p in pi_msg_values]
+ p_0 = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, parents_p0)
+ p_1 = 1 - p_0
+ self.pi_agg = np.array([p_0, p_1])
+ return self.pi_agg
+ def compute_lambda_msg_to_parent(self, parent_k):
+ if np.array_equal(self.lambda_agg, np.ones([self.cardinality])):
+ return np.ones([self.cardinality])
+ else:
+ # TODO: cleanup this validation
+ _ = self.validate_and_return_msgs_received_for_msg_type(MessageType.PI)
+ p0_excluding_k = [msg[0] for par_id, msg in self.pi_received_msgs.items() if par_id != parent_k]
+ p0_product = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, p0_excluding_k, 1)
+ lambda_0 = self.lambda_agg[1] + (self.lambda_agg[0] - self.lambda_agg[1])*p0_product
+ lambda_1 = self.lambda_agg[1]
+ lambda_msg = np.array([lambda_0, lambda_1])
+ if not any(lambda_msg):
+ raise InvalidLambdaMsgToParent
+ return self._normalize(lambda_msg)
diff --git a/beliefs/types/Node.py b/beliefs/types/Node.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8dca7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/types/Node.py
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+import numpy as np
+from functools import reduce
+from enum import Enum
+class InvalidLambdaMsgToParent(Exception):
+ """Computed invalid lambda msg to send to parent."""
+ pass
+class MessageType(Enum):
+ LAMBDA = 'lambda'
+ PI = 'pi'
+class Node:
+ """A node in a DAG with methods to compute the belief (marginal probability
+ of the node given evidence) and compute pi/lambda messages to/from its neighbors
+ to update its belief.
+ Implemented from Pearl's belief propagation algorithm.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ label_id,
+ children,
+ parents,
+ cardinality,
+ cpd):
+ """
+ Input:
+ label_id: str
+ children: str
+ parents: set of strings
+ cardinality: int, cardinality of the random variable the node represents
+ cpd: an instance of a conditional probability distribution,
+ e.g. BernoulliOrFactor or pgmpy's TabularCPD
+ """
+ self.label_id = label_id
+ self.children = children
+ self.parents = parents
+ self.cardinality = cardinality
+ self.cpd = cpd
+ self.pi_agg = None # np.array dimensions [1, cardinality]
+ self.lambda_agg = None # np.array dimensions [1, cardinality]
+ self.pi_received_msgs = self._init_received_msgs(parents)
+ self.lambda_received_msgs = self._init_received_msgs(children)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_cpd_class(cls,
+ label_id,
+ children,
+ parents,
+ cardinality,
+ cpd_class):
+ cpd = cpd_class(label_id, parents)
+ return cls(label_id, children, parents, cardinality, cpd)
+ @property
+ def belief(self):
+ if self.pi_agg.any() and self.lambda_agg.any():
+ belief = np.multiply(self.pi_agg, self.lambda_agg)
+ return self._normalize(belief)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def _normalize(self, value):
+ return value/value.sum()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _init_received_msgs(keys):
+ return {k: None for k in keys}
+ def _return_msgs_received_for_msg_type(self, message_type):
+ """
+ Input:
+ message_type: MessageType enum
+ Returns:
+ msg_values: list of message values (each an np.array)
+ """
+ if message_type == MessageType.LAMBDA:
+ msg_values = [msg for msg in self.lambda_received_msgs.values()]
+ elif message_type == MessageType.PI:
+ msg_values = [msg for msg in self.pi_received_msgs.values()]
+ return msg_values
+ def validate_and_return_msgs_received_for_msg_type(self, message_type):
+ """
+ Check that all messages have been received from children (parents).
+ Raise error if all messages have not been received. Called
+ before calculating lambda_agg (pi_agg).
+ Input:
+ message_type: MessageType enum
+ Returns:
+ msg_values: list of message values (each an np.array)
+ """
+ msg_values = self._return_msgs_received_for_msg_type(message_type)
+ if any(msg is None for msg in msg_values):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Missing value for {msg_type} msg from child: can't compute {msg_type}_agg.".
+ format(msg_type=message_type.value)
+ )
+ else:
+ return msg_values
+ def compute_pi_agg(self):
+ # TODO: implement explict factor product operation
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def compute_lambda_agg(self):
+ if not self.children:
+ return self.lambda_agg
+ else:
+ lambda_msg_values = self.validate_and_return_msgs_received_for_msg_type(MessageType.LAMBDA)
+ self.lambda_agg = reduce(np.multiply, lambda_msg_values)
+ return self.lambda_agg
+ def _update_received_msg_by_key(self, received_msg_dict, key, new_value):
+ if key not in received_msg_dict.keys():
+ raise ValueError("Label id '{}' to update message isn't in allowed set of keys: {}".
+ format(key, received_msg_dict.keys()))
+ if not isinstance(new_value, np.ndarray):
+ raise TypeError("Expected a new value of type numpy.ndarray, but got type {}".
+ format(type(new_value)))
+ if new_value.shape != (self.cardinality,):
+ raise ValueError("Expected new value to be of dimensions ({},) but got {} instead".
+ format(self.cardinality, new_value.shape))
+ received_msg_dict[key] = new_value
+ def update_pi_msg_from_parent(self, parent, new_value):
+ self._update_received_msg_by_key(received_msg_dict=self.pi_received_msgs,
+ key=parent,
+ new_value=new_value)
+ def update_lambda_msg_from_child(self, child, new_value):
+ self._update_received_msg_by_key(received_msg_dict=self.lambda_received_msgs,
+ key=child,
+ new_value=new_value)
+ def compute_pi_msg_to_child(self, child_k):
+ lambda_msg_from_child = self.lambda_received_msgs[child_k]
+ if lambda_msg_from_child is not None:
+ with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
+ # 0/0 := 0
+ return self._normalize(
+ np.nan_to_num(np.divide(self.belief, lambda_msg_from_child)))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Can't compute pi message to child_{} without having received" \
+ "a lambda message from that child.")
+ def compute_lambda_msg_to_parent(self, parent_k):
+ # TODO: implement explict factor product operation
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def is_fully_initialized(self):
+ """
+ Returns True if all lambda and pi messages and lambda_agg and
+ pi_agg are not None, else False.
+ """
+ lambda_msgs = self._return_msgs_received_for_msg_type(MessageType.LAMBDA)
+ if any(msg is None for msg in lambda_msgs):
+ return False
+ pi_msgs = self._return_msgs_received_for_msg_type(MessageType.PI)
+ if any(msg is None for msg in pi_msgs):
+ return False
+ if (self.pi_agg is None) or (self.lambda_agg is None):
+ return False
+ return True
diff --git a/beliefs/types/__init__.py b/beliefs/types/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/types/__init__.py
diff --git a/beliefs/utils/__init__.py b/beliefs/utils/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/utils/__init__.py
diff --git a/beliefs/utils/edges_helper.py b/beliefs/utils/edges_helper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ac783c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/utils/edges_helper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+from beliefs.types.Node import Node
+from beliefs.factors.BernoulliOrFactor import BernoulliOrFactor
+class EdgesHelper:
+ """Class with convenience methods for working with edges."""
+ def __init__(self, edges):
+ self.edges = edges
+ def get_label_to_children_dict(self):
+ """returns dictionary keyed on label, with value a set of children"""
+ label_to_children_dict = defaultdict(set)
+ for parent, child in self.edges:
+ label_to_children_dict[parent].add(child)
+ return label_to_children_dict
+ def get_label_to_parents_dict(self):
+ """returns dictionary keyed on label, with value a set of parents
+ Only used to help create dummy factors from edges (not for algo).
+ """
+ label_to_parents_dict = defaultdict(set)
+ for parent, child in self.edges:
+ label_to_parents_dict[child].add(parent)
+ return label_to_parents_dict
+ def get_labels_from_edges(self):
+ """Return the set of labels that comprise the vertices of a list of edge tuples."""
+ all_labels = set()
+ for parent, child in self.edges:
+ all_labels.update({parent, child})
+ return all_labels
+ def create_cpds_from_edges(self, CPD=BernoulliOrFactor):
+ """
+ Create factors from list of edges.
+ Input:
+ cpd: a factor class, assumed initialization takes in a label_id, the label_id of
+ the child (should = label_id of the node), and set of label_ids of parents.
+ Returns:
+ factors: a set of (unique) factors of the graph
+ """
+ labels = self.get_labels_from_edges()
+ label_to_parents = self.get_label_to_parents_dict()
+ factors = set()
+ for label in labels:
+ parents = label_to_parents[label]
+ cpd = CPD(label, parents)
+ factors.add(cpd)
+ return factors
+ def get_label_to_factor_dict(self, CPD=BernoulliOrFactor):
+ """Create a dictionary mapping each label_id to the CPD/factor where
+ that label_id is a child.
+ Returns:
+ label_to_factor: dict mapping each label to the cpd that
+ has that label as a child.
+ """
+ factors = self.create_cpds_from_edges(CPD=CPD)
+ label_to_factor = dict()
+ for factor in factors:
+ label_to_factor[factor.child] = factor
+ return label_to_factor
+ def get_label_to_node_dict(self, CPD=BernoulliOrFactor):
+ """Create a dictionary mapping each label_id to a Node instance.
+ Returns:
+ label_to_node: dict mapping each label to the node that has that
+ label as a label_id.
+ """
+ nodes = self.create_nodes_from_edges()
+ label_to_node = dict()
+ for node in nodes:
+ label_to_node[node.label_id] = node
+ return label_to_node
+ def get_label_to_node_dict_for_manual_cpds(self, cpds_list):
+ """Create a dictionary mapping each label_id to a node that is
+ instantiated with a manually defined pgmpy factor instance.
+ Input:
+ cpds_list - list of instances of pgmpy factors, e.g. TabularCPD
+ Returns:
+ label_to_node: dict mapping each label to the node that has that
+ label as a label_id.
+ """
+ label_to_children = self.get_label_to_children_dict()
+ label_to_parents = self.get_label_to_parents_dict()
+ label_to_node = dict()
+ for cpd in cpds_list:
+ label_id = cpd.variable
+ node = Node(label_id=label_id,
+ children=label_to_children[label_id],
+ parents=label_to_parents[label_id],
+ cardinality=2,
+ cpd=cpd)
+ label_to_node[label_id] = node
+ return label_to_node
+ def create_nodes_from_edges(self, node_class):
+ """
+ Create instances of the node_class. Assumes the node class is
+ initialized by label_id, children, and parents.
+ Returns:
+ nodes: a set of (unique) nodes of the graph
+ """
+ labels = self.get_labels_from_edges()
+ labels_to_parents = self.get_label_to_parents_dict()
+ labels_to_children = self.get_label_to_children_dict()
+ nodes = set()
+ for label in labels:
+ parents = labels_to_parents[label]
+ children = labels_to_children[label]
+ node = node_class(label_id=label,
+ children=children,
+ parents=parents)
+ nodes.add(node)
+ return nodes
diff --git a/beliefs/utils/math_helper.py b/beliefs/utils/math_helper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a25ea68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/utils/math_helper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+"""Random math utils."""
+def is_kronecker_delta(vector):
+ """Returns True if vector is a kronecker delta vector, False otherwise.
+ Specific evidence ('YES' or 'NO') is a kronecker delta vector, whereas
+ virtual evidence ('MAYBE') is not.
+ """
+ count = 0
+ for x in vector:
+ if x == 1:
+ count += 1
+ elif x != 0:
+ return False
+ if count == 1:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
diff --git a/beliefs/utils/random_variables.py b/beliefs/utils/random_variables.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a0b0f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beliefs/utils/random_variables.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+def get_reachable_observed_variables_for_inferred_variables(model, observed=set()):
+ """
+ After performing inference on a BayesianModel, get the labels of observed variables
+ ("reachable observed variables") that influenced the beliefs of variables inferred
+ to be in a definite state.
+ model: instance of BayesianModel class or subclass
+ observed: set of labels (strings) corresponding to vars pinned to definite
+ state during inference.
+ dict, of form key - source label (a string), value - a list of strings
+ """
+ if not observed:
+ return {}
+ source_vars = model.get_unobserved_variables_in_definite_state(observed)
+ return {var: model.reachable_observed_variables(var, observed) for var in source_vars}