path: root/readme.md
blob: ba132c23b8dd1433855822a770dec5e1907b70cb (plain) (tree)








# Best Practices

Make your code πŸ’― - A collection of best practices for software

## πŸ™ GitHub πŸ™

* Branch off `master` and complete your feature. 
* Pull request `master` and tag relevant people for review.

## β˜•οΈ JavaScript β˜•οΈ

* 2 spaces (instead of tabs)
* Lint with `eslint:recommended` at a minimum
* Promises (not callbacks)
* No [decorators](https://medium.com/google-developers/exploring-es7-decorators-76ecb65fb841)
* No [mobx](https://mobx.js.org/)
* Test with [jest](https://facebook.github.io/jest/)
  * Place jest tests alongside the file(s) it tests (not in a separate directory)
  * End test files with `.test.js`

### βš›οΈ React/Redux βš›οΈ

* Lint with [`tslint-react`](https://github.com/palantir/tslint-react) or eslint's [`plugin:react/recommended`](https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react) at a minimum.
* No unnecessary and empty `<div>`’s
* If `this.props.<variable name>` is used more than once, dereference it at the top of `render`.
* Extract variables used in `render()` to the top of `render()`
* API calls should lie in a testable file outside of components.

* Components should not wait for promises to resolve, instead listen on props via redux’ `mapStateToProps()`.
* Declare and export components in separate places (otherwise the web inspector cannot name components properly)

### Flowtype

* Any types used in more than one file should be placed in `src/types.js`
* Add flow linting via [eslint-plugin-flowtype](https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-flowtype)
* Disallow `any` with [eslint no-weak-types](https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-flowtype#no-weak-types)

###  𝓣𝓒 TypeScript 𝓣𝓒

* Lint with [`tslint:recommended`](https://github.com/palantir/tslint) at a minimum.
* No implicit any (type everything that’s not inferable)
* Any variable declared without an initial value should be typed (`let patientId;`)
* In components which use `mapStateToProps`, separate `ownProps` from `connectedProps` into separate interfaces

## πŸ’… CSS πŸ’…

* Prefer Flexbox
* Classes should describe elements and not be generic (`Bigbox` -> `FAQContainer`)
* Mobile: <= 620px
* Tablet: 620px - 1024px
* Desktop: > 1024px


* Use `<button>` tags over `<a>` tags for actions.
* Use svg's over all other image formats when possible.
* All `<img>` tags should have `β€œalt”` text.
* Only use tables for tabular data (not for layout)
* Make use of html5 elements like `<header>`, `<footer>`, `<nav>`, `<section>`, etc.

## Npm

* Support the following `script`'s in your root `package.json`:

1. `β€œwatch”`: Starts the dev server
2. `β€œbuild”`: Builds static assets (if they exist)
4. `β€œtest”`: Runs all tests (linting first, then unit tests)

## πŸ•Έ Browsers πŸ•Έ

* Avoid supporting versions of Internet Explorer before IE11.