path: root/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/database/Repository.scala
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Move database-related functionality to separate projectJakob Odersky2018-10-091-74/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This committ includes a breaking change. The database-specific utility "Converters" trait threw an exception "DatabaseException" defined in the rest package, thus breaking the dependency graph. The solution was to move the DatabaseException class from rest to database and not inherit ServiceExceptio any more. Unfortunately, the rest classes also require the database exception in propagating errors so this funtionality has been removed. The rationale is: 1. Database exceptions are rare and result in 500 errors anyway making the status code opaque to what actual error caused it. 2. In core 2.0, an improved tracing framework will make diagnosing and following database errors easier, thereby attenuating the need to forward details on service exceptions in responses.
* Upgrade sbt-settings to major version 2 (#201)Jakob Odersky2018-08-241-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This will affect development workflow: instead of running `sbt release` to tag and publish a new version, the release process is now as follows: 1. Create a git tag on a revision that should be published. The tag must be in the format `v[0-9].*` 2. Push the tag to GitHub `git push --tags` 3. CI will build that tag and publish the resulting binary to our artifactory Since the new sbt settings do not enable advanced or risky language features globally anymore (such as higher kinds, reflective calls and implicit conversions), the other changes in this PR either import language features locally or refactor the code to avoid using them entirely.
* Renaming `Dal` to `Repository` (#161)v1.9.0Vlad Uspensky2018-05-031-0/+73
* Renaming `Dal` to `Repository`