path: root/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/common/db/SqlContext.scala
diff options
authorvlad <vlad@driver.xyz>2017-06-13 16:12:20 -0700
committervlad <vlad@driver.xyz>2017-06-13 16:12:20 -0700
commitcd1b635b2ae90d9ac2d8b1779183a1fbd8c5fd5c (patch)
tree062e8dad1a1513e26b0fd08b1742d6ff2ee874f7 /src/main/scala/xyz/driver/common/db/SqlContext.scala
parent0000a65ab4479a2a40e2d6468036438e9705b4aa (diff)
Adding domain entitiesv0.1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/scala/xyz/driver/common/db/SqlContext.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/common/db/SqlContext.scala b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/common/db/SqlContext.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b9d676..0000000
--- a/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/common/db/SqlContext.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-package xyz.driver.common.db
-import java.io.Closeable
-import java.net.URI
-import java.time._
-import java.util.UUID
-import java.util.concurrent.Executors
-import javax.sql.DataSource
-import xyz.driver.common.logging.{PhiLogging, Unsafe}
-import xyz.driver.common.concurrent.MdcExecutionContext
-import xyz.driver.common.db.SqlContext.Settings
-import xyz.driver.common.domain._
-import xyz.driver.common.error.IncorrectIdException
-import xyz.driver.common.utils.JsonSerializer
-import com.typesafe.config.Config
-import io.getquill._
-import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
-import scala.util.control.NonFatal
-import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
-object SqlContext extends PhiLogging {
- case class DbCredentials(user: String,
- password: String,
- host: String,
- port: Int,
- dbName: String,
- dbCreateFlag: Boolean,
- dbContext: String,
- connectionParams: String,
- url: String)
- case class Settings(credentials: DbCredentials,
- connection: Config,
- connectionAttemptsOnStartup: Int,
- threadPoolSize: Int)
- def apply(settings: Settings): SqlContext = {
- // Prevent leaking credentials to a log
- Try(JdbcContextConfig(settings.connection).dataSource) match {
- case Success(dataSource) => new SqlContext(dataSource, settings)
- case Failure(NonFatal(e)) =>
- logger.error(phi"Can not load dataSource, error: ${Unsafe(e.getClass.getName)}")
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not load dataSource from config. Check your database and config")
- }
- }
-class SqlContext(dataSource: DataSource with Closeable, settings: Settings)
- extends MysqlJdbcContext[MysqlEscape](dataSource)
- with EntityExtractorDerivation[Literal] {
- private val tpe = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(settings.threadPoolSize)
- implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = {
- val orig = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(tpe)
- MdcExecutionContext.from(orig)
- }
- override def close(): Unit = {
- super.close()
- tpe.shutdownNow()
- }
- // ///////// Encodes/Decoders ///////////
- /**
- * Overrode, because Quill JDBC optionDecoder pass null inside decoders.
- * If custom decoder don't have special null handler, it will failed.
- *
- * @see https://github.com/getquill/quill/issues/535
- */
- implicit override def optionDecoder[T](implicit d: Decoder[T]): Decoder[Option[T]] =
- decoder(
- sqlType = d.sqlType,
- row => index => {
- try {
- val res = d(index - 1, row)
- if (row.wasNull) {
- None
- }
- else {
- Some(res)
- }
- } catch {
- case _: NullPointerException => None
- case _: IncorrectIdException => None
- }
- }
- )
- implicit def encodeStringId[T] = MappedEncoding[StringId[T], String](_.id)
- implicit def decodeStringId[T] = MappedEncoding[String, StringId[T]] {
- case "" => throw IncorrectIdException("'' is an invalid Id value")
- case x => StringId(x)
- }
- def decodeOptStringId[T] = MappedEncoding[Option[String], Option[StringId[T]]] {
- case None | Some("") => None
- case Some(x) => Some(StringId(x))
- }
- implicit def encodeLongId[T] = MappedEncoding[LongId[T], Long](_.id)
- implicit def decodeLongId[T] = MappedEncoding[Long, LongId[T]] {
- case 0 => throw IncorrectIdException("0 is an invalid Id value")
- case x => LongId(x)
- }
- // TODO Dirty hack, see REP-475
- def decodeOptLongId[T] = MappedEncoding[Option[Long], Option[LongId[T]]] {
- case None | Some(0) => None
- case Some(x) => Some(LongId(x))
- }
- implicit def encodeUuidId[T] = MappedEncoding[UuidId[T], String](_.toString)
- implicit def decodeUuidId[T] = MappedEncoding[String, UuidId[T]] {
- case "" => throw IncorrectIdException("'' is an invalid Id value")
- case x => UuidId(x)
- }
- def decodeOptUuidId[T] = MappedEncoding[Option[String], Option[UuidId[T]]] {
- case None | Some("") => None
- case Some(x) => Some(UuidId(x))
- }
- implicit def encodeTextJson[T: Manifest] = MappedEncoding[TextJson[T], String](x => JsonSerializer.serialize(x.content))
- implicit def decodeTextJson[T: Manifest] = MappedEncoding[String, TextJson[T]] { x =>
- TextJson(JsonSerializer.deserialize[T](x))
- }
- implicit val encodeUserRole = MappedEncoding[User.Role, Int](_.bit)
- implicit val decodeUserRole = MappedEncoding[Int, User.Role] {
- // 0 is treated as null for numeric types
- case 0 => throw new NullPointerException("0 means no roles. A user must have a role")
- case x => User.Role(x)
- }
- implicit val encodeEmail = MappedEncoding[Email, String](_.value.toString)
- implicit val decodeEmail = MappedEncoding[String, Email](Email)
- implicit val encodePasswordHash = MappedEncoding[PasswordHash, Array[Byte]](_.value)
- implicit val decodePasswordHash = MappedEncoding[Array[Byte], PasswordHash](PasswordHash(_))
- implicit val encodeUri = MappedEncoding[URI, String](_.toString)
- implicit val decodeUri = MappedEncoding[String, URI](URI.create)
- implicit val encodeCaseId = MappedEncoding[CaseId, String](_.id.toString)
- implicit val decodeCaseId = MappedEncoding[String, CaseId](CaseId(_))
- implicit val encodeFuzzyValue = {
- MappedEncoding[FuzzyValue, String] {
- case FuzzyValue.No => "No"
- case FuzzyValue.Yes => "Yes"
- case FuzzyValue.Maybe => "Maybe"
- }
- }
- implicit val decodeFuzzyValue = MappedEncoding[String, FuzzyValue] {
- case "Yes" => FuzzyValue.Yes
- case "No" => FuzzyValue.No
- case "Maybe" => FuzzyValue.Maybe
- case x =>
- Option(x).fold {
- throw new NullPointerException("FuzzyValue is null") // See catch in optionDecoder
- } { _ =>
- throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unknown fuzzy value: $x")
- }
- }
- implicit val encodeRecordRequestId = MappedEncoding[RecordRequestId, String](_.id.toString)
- implicit val decodeRecordRequestId = MappedEncoding[String, RecordRequestId] { x =>
- RecordRequestId(UUID.fromString(x))
- }
- final implicit class LocalDateTimeDbOps(val left: LocalDateTime) {
- // scalastyle:off
- def <=(right: LocalDateTime): Quoted[Boolean] = quote(infix"$left <= $right".as[Boolean])
- }