path: root/README.md
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[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/drivergroup/sbt-settings.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/drivergroup/sbt-settings)
-# _sbt_ plugin for common _sbt_ settings
-Provides common Driver Scala projects configuration for sbt, Scala compiler, testing, linting, formatting, release process, packaging, publication. Allows to use only necessary parts. Sets artifact `organization` to `xyz.driver`.
+# Common sbt settings
+Provides common settings for Scala projects, as they are typically
+configured at Driver.
+sbt-settings is a suite of [sbt
+autoplugins](https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.0/docs/Plugins.html) that
+provide common settings for the scala compiler, testing, linting,
+formatting, release process, packaging and publication.
## Getting started
-### project/plugins.sbt
+Adding the following snippet to `project/plugins.sbt` will make the
+plugins available:
+addSbtPlugin("xyz.driver" % "sbt-settings" % "<latest_tag>")
+The next section exlains what plugins are available and which ones are
+activated out-of-the-box.
+## Plugins
+### Summary
+| Name | Enabled |
+| Linting | automatic |
+| Versioning | automatic |
+| IntegrationTestPackaging | automatic, if ServicePlugin is enabled |
+| Library | manual |
+| Service | manual |
+### Linting
+- Includes configuration for scalafmt and scalastyle, modifies the
+ `test` task to check for formatting and styling.
+- Sets strict compiler flags and treats warnings as errors (with the
+ exception of deprecations).
+This plugin can get in the way of developer productivity. If that is
+the case, it can simply be disabled.
+### Versioning
- addSbtPlugin("xyz.driver" % "sbt-settings" % "<latest_tag>")
+Sets the project organization and reads version information from
+git. It also enables overriding the version by setting a `VERSION`
+environment variable (which may be useful to do from CI).
-### build.sbt
+### Integration Test Packaging
-There are two different ways to use the `sbt-settings` configuration:
- * As a "Service" — deployed application distributed as a Docker container. Includes Driver Inc.'s artifactory settings, Docker packaging with truststore configuration, build info generation. Versioned using `version.sbt` file for major and minor versions. Usage example, as follows
+Augments the packaging configuration of ServicePlugin, to include
+integration tests in deployed applications images.
- ```
- lazy val root = (project in file("."))
- .driverService ("Name-Of-Your-Service")
- .integrationTestingConfiguration // Enable integration tests
- .packagingConfiguration // To package to zip file as java server app
- .settings(lintingSettings) // Scala code linting settings
- .settings(formatSettings) // Standard Scala code formatting
- .settings(releaseSettings(ServiceReleaseProcess)) // Release process configuration
- ```
+### Library Plugin
- * As a "Library" — commonly used code, distributed as jar using artifactory. Versioned using git tag-based versioning. Includes Driver Inc.'s artifactory settings, publication to artifactory, `sbt release` settings,
- ```
- lazy val root = (project in file("."))
- .driverLibrary("Name-Of-Your-Library")
- .settings(lintingSettings ++ formatSettings)
- ```
+Common settings for libraries. It only sets the default publish
+target to Driver's artifactory.
-Do `sbt reload` after adding a plugin and changing project configuration.
+### Service Plugin
-## Reference
-Artifact organization is set to `xyz.driver`.
+Packages an application as a docker image and provides a way to
+include internal TLS certificates.
-### Scala compiler settings
-Scala version — 2.12, flags configured:
+It also includes some utility commands such as `start` and `stop`
+(based on [sbt-revolver](https://github.com/spray/sbt-revolver), to
+enable rapid local development cycles of applications.
- - Common settings: `-unchecked -feature -encoding utf8`,
- - _Advanced Scala features_: `-language:higherKinds -language:implicitConversions -language:postfixOps -language:reflectiveCalls`,
- - _Compiler linting_: `-Xlint -deprecation -Ywarn-numeric-widen -Ywarn-dead-code -Ywarn-unused -Ywarn-unused-import -Xfatal-warnings -Xlint:-missing-interpolator`.
+## Canonical Use Case
+sbt-settings provides many plugins, which may be used in various
+ways. Typically however, a project is either a Library or a Service,
+and as such, it will enable one of those plugins explicitly. The other
+plugins will provide general settings for common conventions and are
+always enabled.
-### Used sbt plugins
+The following provides a typical example for configuring a project as
+a service called "myservice":
- - [sbt-scalafmt](https://olafurpg.github.io/scalafmt/) - code formatter for Scala,
- - [scalastyle-sbt-plugin](https://github.com/scalastyle) - examines your Scala code and indicates potential problems with it,
- - [sbt-revolver](https://github.com/spray/sbt-revolver) - for dangerously fast development turnaround in Scala,
- - [sbt-buildinfo](https://github.com/sbt/sbt-buildinfo) - generates Scala source from your build definitions,
- - [sbt-git](https://github.com/sbt/sbt-git) - to get access to git data (commit hash, branch) in sbt,
- - [sbt-native-packager](https://github.com/sbt/sbt-native-packager) - build application packages in native formats,
- - [sbt-assembly](https://github.com/sbt/sbt-assembly) - deploy fat JARs. Restart processes (sbt-native-packager is used instead,)
- - [sbt-release](https://github.com/sbt/sbt-release) - customizable release process,
- - [sbt-docker](https://github.com/marcuslonnberg/sbt-docker) - create Docker images directly from sbt.
+lazy val myservice = project
+ .in(file("."))
+ .enablePlugin(ServicePlugin)
+ .disablePlugins(IntegrationTestPackaging) // we don't need integration tests
+ .disablePlugins(LintPlugin) // I don't need style check during development!
+ .settings( /* custom settings */)
-## Developing
+## Developing this Plugin
This project is set up to auto-deploy on push. If an annotated tag in
the form `v<digit>.*` is pushed, a new version of this project will be
built and published to Maven Central.