path: root/CHANGELOG.md
blob: 4c5215566f5329ba56c74894efb7bc6cf4f854a9 (plain) (tree)






















# Version 0.6.0

- Value classes are handled transparently. I.e. their values are
  encoded directly, without being wrapped in a JSON object.

- Rename default type field from 'type' to @type'. This makes name
  clashes less likely.

# Version 0.5.0

- None values are no longer written to objects by default. This is
  configurable by overriding `printNull` in DerivedFormats.

- Change references of GADTs to ADTs

# Version 0.4.7

 Upgrade Magnolia from 0.7.1-1 to 0.8.0-1.

# Version 0.4.6

- Fix a bug in the derivation macro that prevented deriving formats for
  parameterized types. I.e. it is now possible to derive the following:
  class A[B](b: B)
  implicit def fmt[B: JsonFormat] = jsonFormat[A]

- Formatting and documentation tweaks

# Version 0.4.5

Fixes an issue in when serializing field names with an alternate case.

# Version 0.4.4

- Add utility mixins to change serialization of fieldnames, such as
  snake_case and kebab-case.

# Version 0.4.3

- Allow overriding of how field names are extracted from case class
  parameter names. This enables alternative naming conventions such as
  snake_case without having to change the name of parameters in the
  Scala representation.

- Deserialize `Option[_]` fields to `None` in case they are not
  present in JSON form. This was previously not handled correctly and
  caused deserialization errors.

# Version 0.4.2

Build and publish for ScalaJS and Scala Native. This release adds a
dependency on a binary compatible fork of spray-json.

# Version 0.4.1

Add MiMa plugin to check binary backwards compatibility.

# Version 0.4.0

Same as version 0.3.1; the package rename should have warranted a
major version bump.

# Version 0.3.1

- Rename packages to "spray.json" for seamless integration with
- Add companion object back to `DerivedFormats`.

# Version 0.3.0

Don't make derived formats implicitly available by default. This
copies functionality from `DerivedFormats` to `ImplicitDerivedFormats`
and removes the implicit qualifier from `DerivedFormats` generation.

# Version 0.2.2

Fix Scaladoc markup for warning-free builds.

# Version 0.2.1

Build for Scala 2.11 as well as 2.12.

# Version 0.2.0

Generate RootJsonFormats instead of JsonFormats.

# Version 0.1.1

Fix publish process through Travis CI.

# Version 0.1

Initial release.