path: root/CHANGELOG.md
blob: ad63117b1e7c242469fe268f9f8dc7636310d75b (plain) (tree)

Version 0.3.1
- Rename packages to "spray.json" for seamless integration with spray-json.
- Add companion object back to `DerivedFormats`.

Version 0.3.0
Don't make derived formats implicitly available by default. This
copies functionality from `DerivedFormats` to `ImplicitDerivedFormats`
and removes the implicit qualifier from `DerivedFormats` generation.

Version 0.2.2
Fix Scaladoc markup for warning-free builds.

Version 0.2.1
Build for Scala 2.11 as well as 2.12.

Version 0.2.0
Generate RootJsonFormats instead of JsonFormats.

Version 0.1.1
Fix publish process through Travis CI.

Version 0.1
Initial release.