path: root/shared/src/test/scala/OptionFieldTests.scala
blob: 8cabf25d59e16e71139edb47dde085e5fba4272c (plain) (tree)

package spray.json

import org.scalatest._

class OptionFieldTests
    extends FlatSpec
    with FormatTests {

  case class Opt(x: Option[Int])

  object HideNull extends DerivedJsonProtocol {
    override def printNull = false
    implicit val optFmt = jsonFormat[Opt]

  object ShowNull extends DerivedJsonProtocol {
    override def printNull = true
    implicit val optFmt = jsonFormat[Opt]

  "Option fields with some value" should behave like checkRoundtrip(

  "Option fields with some value (show null)" should behave like checkRoundtrip(

  "Option fields with null value" should behave like checkRoundtrip(

  "Option fields with null value (show null)" should behave like checkRoundtrip(

  "Option fields with undefined value" should "deserialize" in {
    import HideNull._
    assert("{}".parseJson.convertTo[Opt] == Opt(None))

  "Option fields with undefined value (show null)" should "deserialize" in {
    import ShowNull._
    assert("{}".parseJson.convertTo[Opt] == Opt(None))
