path: root/kamon-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf
blob: 8f5a8b451ac1a8f39f7b34520f41bc6074a5f88d (plain) (tree)
























# ================================== #
# Kamon-Core Reference Configuration #
# ================================== #

kamon {

  # Default dispatcher for all Kamon components, unless a more specific one is configured.
  default-dispatcher = "kamon.kamon-dispatcher"

  metrics {

    # Time interval for collecting all metrics and send the snapshots to all subscribed actors.
    tick-interval = 1 second

    # Time interval for recording values on all registered gauges.
    gauge-recording-interval = 100 milliseconds

    # Default size for the LongBuffer that gets allocated for metrics collection and merge. The
    # value should correspond to the highest number of different buckets with values that might
    # exist in a single histogram during a metrics collection. The default value of 33792 is a
    # very conservative value and its equal to the total number of buckets required to cover values
    # from 1 nanosecond to 1 hour with 0.1% precision (3 significant value digits). That means
    # that would need to have at least one measurement on every bucket of a single histogram to
    # fully utilize this buffer, which is *really* unlikely to ever happen. Since the buffer should
    # be allocated once and reused it shouldn't impose a memory footprint issue.
    default-collection-context-buffer-size = 33792

    # Disables a big error message that will be typically logged if your application wasn't started
    # with the -javaagent:/path-to-aspectj-weaver.jar option. If you are only using KamonStandalone
    # it might be ok for you to turn this error off.
    disable-aspectj-weaver-missing-error = false

    dispatchers {

      # Dispatcher for periodical gauge value recordings.
      gauge-recordings = ${kamon.default-dispatcher}

      # Dispatcher for subscriptions and metrics collection actors.
      metric-subscriptions = ${kamon.default-dispatcher}

    filters = [
        actor {
          includes = []
          excludes = [ "system/*", "user/IO-*" ]
        router {
          includes = []
          excludes = [ "system/*", "user/IO-*" ]
        trace {
          includes = [ "*" ]
          excludes = []
        dispatcher {
          includes = [ "default-dispatcher" ]
          excludes = []

    precision {
      default-histogram-precision {
        highest-trackable-value = 3600000000000
        significant-value-digits = 2

      default-min-max-counter-precision {
        refresh-interval = 100 milliseconds
        highest-trackable-value = 999999999
        significant-value-digits = 2

      default-gauge-precision {
        refresh-interval = 100 milliseconds
        highest-trackable-value = 999999999
        significant-value-digits = 2

      trace {
        elapsed-time = ${kamon.metrics.precision.default-histogram-precision}
        segment = ${kamon.metrics.precision.default-histogram-precision}

  trace {

    # Level of detail used when recording trace information. The posible values are:
    #  - metrics-only: metrics for all included traces and all segments are recorded, but no Trace messages will be sent
    #    to the subscriptors of trace data.
    #  - simple-trace: metrics for all included traces and all segments are recorded and additionally a Trace message
    #    containing the trace and segments details and metadata.
    level = metrics-only

    # Sampling strategy to apply when the tracing level is set to `simple-trace`. The options are: all, random, ordered
    # and threshold. The details of each sampler are bellow.
    sampling = random

    # Use a ThreadLocalRandom to generate numbers between 1 and 100, if the random number is less or equal to .chance
    # then tracing information will be gathered and reported for the current trace.
    random-sampler {
      chance = 10

    # Use a AtomicLong to ensure that every .sample-interval number of requests tracing information will be gathered and
    # reported.
    ordered-sampler {
      # must be power of two
      sample-interval = 8

    # Gather tracing information for all traces but only report those whose elapsed-time is equal or greated to the
    # .minimum-elapsed-time setting.
    threshold-sampler {
      minimum-elapsed-time = 1 second

    incubator {
      # Minimum time to stay in the trace incubator before checking if the trace should not be incubated anymore. No
      # checks are made at least until this period has passed.
      min-incubation-time = 5 seconds

      # Time to wait between incubation checks. After min-incubation-time, a trace is checked using this interval and if
      # if shouldn't be incubated anymore, the TraceInfo is collected and reported for it.
      check-interval = 1 second

      # Max amount of time that a trace can be in the incubator. If this time is reached for a given trace then it will
      # be reported with whatever information is available at the moment, logging a warning for each segment that remains
      # open after this point.
      max-incubation-time = 20 seconds

    # Default dispatcher for all trace module operations
    dispatcher = ${kamon.default-dispatcher}

  kamon-dispatcher {
    # Dispatcher is the name of the event-based dispatcher
    type = Dispatcher
    # What kind of ExecutionService to use
    executor = "fork-join-executor"
    # Configuration for the fork join pool
    fork-join-executor {
      # Min number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
      parallelism-min = 2

      # The parallelism factor is used to determine thread pool size using the
      # following formula: ceil(available processors * factor). Resulting size
      # is then bounded by the parallelism-min and parallelism-max values.
      parallelism-factor = 2.0

      # Max number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
      parallelism-max = 10

    # Throughput defines the maximum number of messages to be
    # processed per actor before the thread jumps to the next actor.
    # Set to 1 for as fair as possible.
    throughput = 3