path: root/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/ModuleLoader.scala
blob: 84d939435fdc2d5cbf2c13358d8eabbb5f101078 (plain) (tree)

package kamon

import _root_.akka.actor
import _root_.akka.actor._
import _root_.akka.event.Logging
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.{Around, Pointcut, Aspect}

private[kamon] object ModuleLoader extends ExtensionId[ModuleLoaderExtension] with ExtensionIdProvider {
  def lookup(): ExtensionId[_ <: actor.Extension] = ModuleLoader
  def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): ModuleLoaderExtension = new ModuleLoaderExtension(system)

private[kamon] class ModuleLoaderExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Kamon.Extension {
  val log = Logging(system, "ModuleLoader")
  val settings = ModuleLoaderSettings(system)

  if (settings.modulesRequiringAspectJ.nonEmpty && !isAspectJPresent && settings.showAspectJMissingWarning)

  // Force initialization of all modules marked with auto-start.
  settings.availableModules.filter(_.autoStart).foreach { module 
    if (module.extensionClass == "none")
      log.debug("Ignoring auto start of the [{}] module with no extension class.")
      system.dynamicAccess.getObjectFor[ExtensionId[Kamon.Extension]](module.extensionClass).map { moduleID 
        log.debug("Auto starting the [{}] module.", module.name)

      } recover {
        case th: Throwable  log.error(th, "Failed to auto start the [{}] module.", module.name)


  // When AspectJ is present the kamon.supervisor.AspectJPresent aspect will make this return true.
  def isAspectJPresent: Boolean = false

  def logAspectJWeaverMissing(modulesRequiringAspectJ: List[AvailableModuleInfo]): Unit = {
    val moduleNames = modulesRequiringAspectJ.map(_.name).mkString(", ")
    val weaverMissingMessage =
        |  ___                           _      ___   _    _                                 ___  ___ _            _
        | / _ \                         | |    |_  | | |  | |                                |  \/  |(_)          (_)
        |/ /_\ \ ___  _ __    ___   ___ | |_     | | | |  | |  ___   __ _ __   __ ___  _ __  | .  . | _  ___  ___  _  _ __    __ _
        ||  _  |/ __|| '_ \  / _ \ / __|| __|    | | | |/\| | / _ \ / _` |\ \ / // _ \| '__| | |\/| || |/ __|/ __|| || '_ \  / _` |
        || | | |\__ \| |_) ||  __/| (__ | |_ /\__/ / \  /\  /|  __/| (_| | \ V /|  __/| |    | |  | || |\__ \\__ \| || | | || (_| |
        |\_| |_/|___/| .__/  \___| \___| \__|\____/   \/  \/  \___| \__,_|  \_/  \___||_|    \_|  |_/|_||___/|___/|_||_| |_| \__, |
        |            | |                                                                                                      __/ |
        |            |_|                                                                                                     |___/
        | It seems like your application was not started with the -javaagent:/path-to-aspectj-weaver.jar option but Kamon detected
        | the following modules which require AspecJ to work properly:
      """.stripMargin + moduleNames +
          | If you need help on setting up the aspectj weaver go to http://kamon.io/introduction/get-started/ for more info. On the
          | other hand, if you are sure that you do not need or do not want to use the weaver then you can disable this error message
          | by changing the kamon.show-aspectj-missing-warning setting in your configuration file.


private[kamon] case class AvailableModuleInfo(name: String, extensionClass: String, requiresAspectJ: Boolean, autoStart: Boolean)
private[kamon] case class ModuleLoaderSettings(showAspectJMissingWarning: Boolean, availableModules: List[AvailableModuleInfo]) {
  val modulesRequiringAspectJ = availableModules.filter(_.requiresAspectJ)

private[kamon] object ModuleLoaderSettings {

  def apply(system: ActorSystem): ModuleLoaderSettings = {
    import kamon.util.ConfigTools.Syntax

    val config = system.settings.config.getConfig("kamon.modules")
    val showAspectJMissingWarning = system.settings.config.getBoolean("kamon.show-aspectj-missing-warning")

    val modules = config.firstLevelKeys
    val availableModules = modules.map { moduleName 
      val moduleConfig = config.getConfig(moduleName)


    } toList

    ModuleLoaderSettings(showAspectJMissingWarning, availableModules)

private[kamon] class AspectJPresent {

  @Pointcut("execution(* kamon.ModuleLoaderExtension.isAspectJPresent())")
  def isAspectJPresentAtModuleSupervisor(): Unit = {}

  def aroundIsAspectJPresentAtModuleSupervisor(pjp: ProceedingJoinPoint): Boolean = true
