path: root/kamon-core/src/test/scala/kamon/metric/MetricLookupSpec.scala
blob: 1d60a28f90434fd1977d89836151a22257fff61f (plain) (tree)

package kamon.metric

import kamon.Kamon
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}

class MetricLookupSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {

  "the Kamon companion object" can {
    "lookup a metric and" should {
      "always return the same histogram metric" in {
        val histogramOne = Kamon.histogram("histogram-lookup")
        val histogramTwo = Kamon.histogram("histogram-lookup")
        histogramOne shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(histogramTwo)

      "always return the same counter metric" in {
        val counterOne = Kamon.counter("counter-lookup")
        val counterTwo = Kamon.counter("counter-lookup")
        counterOne shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(counterTwo)

      "always return the same gauge metric" in {
        val gaugeOne = Kamon.gauge("gauge-lookup")
        val gaugeTwo = Kamon.gauge("gauge-lookup")
        gaugeOne shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(gaugeTwo)

      "always return the same min-max-counter metric" in {
        val minMaxCounterOne = Kamon.minMaxCounter("min-max-counter-lookup")
        val minMaxCounterTwo = Kamon.minMaxCounter("min-max-counter-lookup")
        minMaxCounterOne shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(minMaxCounterTwo)

    "refine a metric with tags and" should {
      "always return the same histogram for a set of tags" in {
        val histogramOne = Kamon.histogram("histogram-lookup").refine("tag" -> "value")
        val histogramTwo = Kamon.histogram("histogram-lookup").refine("tag" -> "value")
        histogramOne shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(histogramTwo)

      "always return the same counter for a set of tags" in {
        val counterOne = Kamon.counter("counter-lookup").refine("tag" -> "value")
        val counterTwo = Kamon.counter("counter-lookup").refine("tag" -> "value")
        counterOne shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(counterTwo)

      "always return the same gauge for a set of tags" in {
        val gaugeOne = Kamon.gauge("gauge-lookup").refine("tag" -> "value")
        val gaugeTwo = Kamon.gauge("gauge-lookup").refine("tag" -> "value")
        gaugeOne shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(gaugeTwo)

      "always return the same min-max-counter for a set of tags" in {
        val minMaxCounterOne = Kamon.minMaxCounter("min-max-counter-lookup").refine("tag" -> "value")
        val minMaxCounterTwo = Kamon.minMaxCounter("min-max-counter-lookup").refine("tag" -> "value")
        minMaxCounterOne shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(minMaxCounterTwo)
