path: root/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/tag
diff options
authorIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2019-02-24 18:49:59 +0100
committerIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2019-03-27 13:56:30 +0100
commitff7c7b89335e3d3c463a57cd24321a1419a587ed (patch)
tree0ba8deb0b653e92d39a48667aaccdd0d5ee8e81b /kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/tag
parent8e177b66d99c166244e1d831d41b14f54f6e73d3 (diff)
implement a generic abstraction for handling Tags
Diffstat (limited to 'kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/tag')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/tag/TagsSpec.scala b/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/tag/TagsSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a83e1c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/tag/TagsSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+package kamon.tag
+import java.util.Optional
+import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters.mapAsJavaMapConverter
+class TagsSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
+ import Lookups._
+ "Tags" should {
+ "silently drop null and unacceptable keys and/or values when constructed from the companion object builders" in {
+ Tags.from(NullString, NullString).all().size shouldBe 0
+ Tags.from(EmptyString, NullString).all().size shouldBe 0
+ Tags.from(EmptyString, "value").all().size shouldBe 0
+ Tags.from(NullString, "value").all().size shouldBe 0
+ Tags.from("key", NullString).all().size shouldBe 0
+ Tags.from("key", NullBoolean).all().size shouldBe 0
+ Tags.from("key", NullLong).all().size shouldBe 0
+ Tags.from(BadScalaTagMap).all().size shouldBe 0
+ Tags.from(BadJavaTagMap).all().size shouldBe 0
+ }
+ "silently drop null keys and/or values when created with the .withTag, withTags or .and methods" in {
+ val tags = Tags.from("initialKey", "initialValue")
+ .withTag(NullString, NullString)
+ .withTag(EmptyString, NullString)
+ .withTag(EmptyString, "value")
+ .withTag(NullString, "value")
+ .withTag("key", NullString)
+ .withTag("key", NullBoolean)
+ .withTag("key", NullLong)
+ .and(NullString, NullString)
+ .and(EmptyString, NullString)
+ .and(EmptyString, "value")
+ .and(NullString, "value")
+ .and("key", NullString)
+ .and("key", NullBoolean)
+ .and("key", NullLong)
+ tags.all().length shouldBe 1
+ tags.all().head.asInstanceOf[Tag.String].key shouldBe "initialKey"
+ tags.all().head.asInstanceOf[Tag.String].value shouldBe "initialValue"
+ }
+ "create a properly populated instance when valid pairs are provided" in {
+ Tags.from("isAwesome", true).all().size shouldBe 1
+ Tags.from("name", "kamon").all().size shouldBe 1
+ Tags.from("age", 5L).all().size shouldBe 1
+ Tags.from(GoodScalaTagMap).all().size shouldBe 3
+ Tags.from(GoodJavaTagMap).all().size shouldBe 3
+ Tags.from("initial", "initial")
+ .withTag("isAwesome", true)
+ .withTag("name", "Kamon")
+ .withTag("age", 5L)
+ .and("isAvailable", true)
+ .and("website", "kamon.io")
+ .and("supportedPlatforms", 1L)
+ .all().size shouldBe 7
+ }
+ "override pre-existent tags when merging with other Tags instance" in {
+ val leftTags = Tags.from(GoodScalaTagMap)
+ val rightTags = Tags
+ .from("name", "New Kamon")
+ .and("age", 42L)
+ .and("isAwesome", false) // just for testing :)
+ val tags = leftTags.withTags(rightTags)
+ tags.get(plain("name")) shouldBe "New Kamon"
+ tags.get(plainLong("age")) shouldBe 42L
+ tags.get(plainBoolean("isAwesome")) shouldBe false
+ val andTags = tags and leftTags
+ andTags.get(plain("name")) shouldBe "Kamon"
+ andTags.get(plainLong("age")) shouldBe 5L
+ andTags.get(plainBoolean("isAwesome")) shouldBe true
+ }
+ "provide typed access to the contained pairs when looking up values" in {
+ val tags = Tags.from(GoodScalaTagMap)
+ tags.get(plain("name")) shouldBe "Kamon"
+ tags.get(plain("none")) shouldBe null
+ tags.get(option("name")) shouldBe Option("Kamon")
+ tags.get(option("none")) shouldBe None
+ tags.get(optional("name")) shouldBe Optional.of("Kamon")
+ tags.get(optional("none")) shouldBe Optional.empty()
+ tags.get(plainLong("age")) shouldBe 5L
+ tags.get(plainLong("nil")) shouldBe null
+ tags.get(longOption("age")) shouldBe Option(5L)
+ tags.get(longOption("nil")) shouldBe None
+ tags.get(longOptional("age")) shouldBe Optional.of(5L)
+ tags.get(longOptional("nil")) shouldBe Optional.empty()
+ tags.get(plainBoolean("isAwesome")) shouldBe true
+ tags.get(plainBoolean("isUnknown")) shouldBe null
+ tags.get(booleanOption("isAwesome")) shouldBe Some(true)
+ tags.get(booleanOption("isUnknown")) shouldBe None
+ tags.get(booleanOptional("isAwesome")) shouldBe Optional.of(true)
+ tags.get(booleanOptional("isUnknown")) shouldBe Optional.empty()
+ tags.get(coerce("age")) shouldBe "5"
+ tags.get(coerce("isAwesome")) shouldBe "true"
+ tags.get(coerce("unknown")) shouldBe "unknown"
+ }
+ "allow iterating over all contained tags" in {
+ val tags = Tags.from(Map(
+ "age" -> 5L,
+ "name" -> "Kamon",
+ "isAwesome" -> true,
+ "hasTracing" -> true,
+ "website" -> "kamon.io",
+ "luckyNumber" -> 7L
+ ))
+ tags.iterator().length shouldBe 6
+ tags.iterator().find(matchPair("age", 5L)) shouldBe defined
+ tags.iterator().find(matchPair("luckyNumber", 7L)) shouldBe defined
+ tags.iterator().find(matchPair("hasTracing", true)) shouldBe defined
+ tags.iterator().find(matchPair("isAwesome", true)) shouldBe defined
+ tags.iterator().find(matchPair("website", "kamon.io")) shouldBe defined
+ tags.iterator().find(matchPair("name", "Kamon")) shouldBe defined
+ }
+ "be equal to other Tags instance with the same tags" in {
+ Tags.from(GoodScalaTagMap) shouldBe Tags.from(GoodScalaTagMap)
+ Tags.from(GoodJavaTagMap) shouldBe Tags.from(GoodJavaTagMap)
+ }
+ "have a readable toString implementation" in {
+ Tags.from(GoodScalaTagMap).toString() should include("age=5")
+ Tags.from(GoodScalaTagMap).toString() should include("name=Kamon")
+ Tags.from(GoodScalaTagMap).toString() should include("isAwesome=true")
+ }
+ }
+ def matchPair(key: String, value: Any) = { tag: Tag => {
+ tag match {
+ case t: Tag.String => t.key == key && t.value == value
+ case t: Tag.Long => t.key == key && t.value == value
+ case t: Tag.Boolean => t.key == key && t.value == value
+ }
+ }}
+ val NullString: java.lang.String = null
+ val NullBoolean: java.lang.Boolean = NullString.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Boolean]
+ val NullLong: java.lang.Long = null
+ val EmptyString: java.lang.String = ""
+ val GoodScalaTagMap: Map[String, Any] = Map(
+ "age" -> 5L,
+ "name" -> "Kamon",
+ "isAwesome" -> true
+ )
+ val BadScalaTagMap: Map[String, Any] = Map(
+ NullString -> NullString,
+ EmptyString -> NullString,
+ NullString -> NullString,
+ EmptyString -> NullString,
+ EmptyString -> "value",
+ NullString -> "value",
+ "key" -> NullString,
+ "key" -> NullBoolean,
+ "key" -> NullLong
+ )
+ val GoodJavaTagMap = GoodScalaTagMap.asJava
+ val BadJavaTagMap = BadScalaTagMap.asJava