path: root/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/context/Context.scala
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authorIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2018-08-30 10:40:53 +0200
committerIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2018-08-30 10:40:53 +0200
commite4abea098ef4d6e71a805812bfa95c14bd9002b5 (patch)
treef5fcb8222e293f420a9e7c06953805a7428d0f0e /kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/context/Context.scala
parent794fbf02664ac8c31072d8b955d897901f1f22e0 (diff)
working on context tags and http propagation improvements
Diffstat (limited to 'kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/context/Context.scala')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/context/Context.scala b/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/context/Context.scala
index e0b084cb..1eed7e14 100644
--- a/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/context/Context.scala
+++ b/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/context/Context.scala
@@ -13,90 +13,83 @@
* =========================================================================================
-package kamon.context
+package kamon
+package context
-import java.io._
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import java.util.{Map => JavaMap}
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import kamon.Kamon
+class Context private (private[context] val entries: Map[Context.Key[_], Any], private[context] val tags: Map[String, String]) {
-class Context private (private[context] val entries: Map[Key[_], Any]) extends scala.Serializable {
- def get[T](key: Key[T]): T =
+ def get[T](key: Context.Key[T]): T =
entries.getOrElse(key, key.emptyValue).asInstanceOf[T]
- def withKey[T](key: Key[T], value: T): Context =
- new Context(entries.updated(key, value))
+ def getTag(tagKey: String): Option[String] =
+ tags.get(tagKey)
- var _deserializedEntries: Map[Key[_], Any] = Map.empty
+ def withKey[T](key: Context.Key[T], value: T): Context =
+ new Context(entries.updated(key, value), tags)
- @throws[IOException]
- private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = out.write(
- Kamon.contextCodec().Binary.encode(this).array()
- )
+ def withTag(tagKey: String, tagValue: String): Context =
+ new Context(entries, tags.updated(tagKey, tagValue))
- @throws[IOException]
- @throws[ClassNotFoundException]
- private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream): Unit = {
- val buf = new Array[Byte](in.available())
- in.readFully(buf)
- _deserializedEntries = Kamon.contextCodec().Binary.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf)).entries
- }
- def readResolve(): AnyRef = new Context(_deserializedEntries)
+ def withTags(tags: Map[String, String]): Context =
+ new Context(entries, this.tags ++ tags)
- override def equals(obj: scala.Any): Boolean = {
- obj != null &&
- obj.isInstanceOf[Context] &&
- obj.asInstanceOf[Context].entries != null &&
- obj.asInstanceOf[Context].entries == this.entries
- }
+ def withTags(tags: JavaMap[String, String]): Context =
+ new Context(entries, this.tags ++ tags.asScala.toMap)
- override def hashCode(): Int = entries.hashCode()
object Context {
- val Empty = new Context(Map.empty)
- def apply(): Context =
- Empty
+ val Empty = new Context(Map.empty, Map.empty)
- def create(): Context =
- Empty
+ def of(tags: JavaMap[String, String]): Context =
+ new Context(Map.empty, tags.asScala.toMap)
- def apply[T](key: Key[T], value: T): Context =
- new Context(Map(key -> value))
+ def of(tags: Map[String, String]): Context =
+ new Context(Map.empty, tags)
- def create[T](key: Key[T], value: T): Context =
- apply(key, value)
+ def of[T](key: Context.Key[T], value: T): Context =
+ new Context(Map(key -> value), Map.empty)
-sealed abstract class Key[T] {
- def name: String
- def emptyValue: T
- def broadcast: Boolean
+ def of[T](key: Context.Key[T], value: T, tags: JavaMap[String, String]): Context =
+ new Context(Map(key -> value), tags.asScala.toMap)
-object Key {
+ def of[T](key: Context.Key[T], value: T, tags: Map[String, String]): Context =
+ new Context(Map(key -> value), tags)
- def local[T](name: String, emptyValue: T): Key[T] =
- new Default[T](name, emptyValue, false)
+ def of[T, U](keyOne: Context.Key[T], valueOne: T, keyTwo: Context.Key[U], valueTwo: U): Context =
+ new Context(Map(keyOne -> valueOne, keyTwo -> valueTwo), Map.empty)
- def broadcast[T](name: String, emptyValue: T): Key[T] =
- new Default[T](name, emptyValue, true)
+ def of[T, U](keyOne: Context.Key[T], valueOne: T, keyTwo: Context.Key[U], valueTwo: U, tags: JavaMap[String, String]): Context =
+ new Context(Map(keyOne -> valueOne, keyTwo -> valueTwo), tags.asScala.toMap)
- def broadcastString(name: String): Key[Option[String]] =
- new Default[Option[String]](name, None, true)
+ def of[T, U](keyOne: Context.Key[T], valueOne: T, keyTwo: Context.Key[U], valueTwo: U, tags: Map[String, String]): Context =
+ new Context(Map(keyOne -> valueOne, keyTwo -> valueTwo), tags)
+ def key[T](name: String, emptyValue: T): Context.Key[T] =
+ new Context.Key(name, emptyValue)
- private class Default[T](val name: String, val emptyValue: T, val broadcast: Boolean) extends Key[T] {
+ /**
+ * Encapsulates the type, name and empty value for a context entry. All reads and writes from a context instance
+ * must be done using a context key, which will ensure the right type is used on both operations. The key's name
+ * is used when configuring mappings and incoming/outgoing/returning codecs for context propagation across channels.
+ *
+ * If you try to read an entry from a context and such entry is not present, the empty value for the key is returned
+ * instead.
+ *
+ * @param name Key name. Must be unique.
+ * @param emptyValue Value to be returned when reading from a context that doesn't have an entry with this key.
+ * @tparam ValueType Type of the value to be held on the context with this key.
+ */
+ final class Key[ValueType](val name: String, val emptyValue: ValueType) {
override def hashCode(): Int =
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
- that.isInstanceOf[Default[_]] && that.asInstanceOf[Default[_]].name == this.name
+ that.isInstanceOf[Context.Key[_]] && that.asInstanceOf[Context.Key[_]].name == this.name
} \ No newline at end of file