path: root/site/src/main/jekyll/core/tracing/basics.md
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-title: Kamon | Core | Documentation
-layout: documentation
-A trace is a story, told by some events in your application that explain how the execution of a particular portion of
-functionality went during a single invocation. For example, if in order to fulfil a `GET` request to the `/users/kamon`
-resource, a application sends a message to an actor, which reads the user data from a database and sends a message back
-with the user information to finish the request, all those interactions would be considered as part of the same trace.
-If the application described above were to handle a hundred clients requesting for user's details, there might be a
-handful of database access actors handling those requests. When the dispatcher gives an actor some time to execute, it
-will process as many messages as possible (as per dispatcher configuration) before the Thread is taken away from it, but
-during that time it is incorrect to say that either the actor or the Thread are tied to a trace, because each message
-might come from a different source which is probably waiting for a different response.
-Back in the day tracing used to be simpler: if you use single dedicated `Thread` during the execution of a request and
-everything related to that request happens in that single `Thread`, then you could use a `ThreadLocal` and store all the
-valuable information you want about the processing of that request from anywhere in the codebase and flush it all when
-the request is finished. Sounds easy, right?, hold on that thought, it isn't that easy in the reactive world!
-When developing reactive applications on top of Akka the perspective of a trace changes from "thread local" to "event
-local" and in order to cope with this Kamon provides the notion of a `TraceContext` to group all related events and
-collect the information we need about them. Once a `TraceContext` is created, Kamon will propagate it automatically
-under specific conditions and once the `TraceContext` is finished, all the gathered information is flushed. The
-`TraceContext` is effectively stored in a ThreadLocal, but only during the processing of certain specific events and
-then it is cleared out to avoid propagating it to unrelated events.
-Starting a `TraceContext`
-The `TraceRecorder` companion object provides a simple API to create, propagate and finish a `TraceContext`. To start a
-new context use the `TraceRecorder.withNewTraceContext(..)` method. Let's dig into this with a simple example:
-Suppose you want to trace a process that involves a couple actors, and you want to make sure all related events become
-part of the same `TraceContext`. Our actors might look like this:
-{% include_code kamon/docs/trace/SimpleContextPropagation.scala start:47 end:63 linenos:false %}
-You should feel familiar with this code, there is nothing new there. Let's spawn an `UpperCaser` actor and send it five
-string messages and see the output on the log file:
-22:24:07.197 INFO [undefined][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser] Upper casing [Hello without context]
-22:24:07.198 INFO [undefined][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser] Upper casing [Hello without context]
-22:24:07.198 INFO [undefined][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser/length-calculator] Calculating the length of: [HELLO WITHOUT CONTEXT]
-22:24:07.199 INFO [undefined][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser] Upper casing [Hello without context]
-22:24:07.200 INFO [undefined][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser] Upper casing [Hello without context]
-22:24:07.200 INFO [undefined][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser] Upper casing [Hello without context]
-22:24:07.204 INFO [undefined][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser/length-calculator] Calculating the length of: [HELLO WITHOUT CONTEXT]
-22:24:07.205 INFO [undefined][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser/length-calculator] Calculating the length of: [HELLO WITHOUT CONTEXT]
-22:24:07.205 INFO [undefined][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser/length-calculator] Calculating the length of: [HELLO WITHOUT CONTEXT]
-22:24:07.206 INFO [undefined][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser/length-calculator] Calculating the length of: [HELLO WITHOUT CONTEXT]
-Can you tell which log statement from `LengthCalculator` corresponds to each log statement from `UpperCaser`?, seems
-easy to figure it out manually in this case, but as the number of events happening concurrently in your app grows it
-becomes harder to answer that question without some extra help. Let's see how Kamon can help us in this situation:
-{% include_code kamon/docs/trace/SimpleContextPropagation.scala start:38 end:40 linenos:false %}
-When using the `TraceRecorder.withNewTraceContext(..)` method, Kamon will create a new `TraceContext` and make it
-available during the execution of the piece of code passed as argument. This time, we are sending a message to an actor
-which happens to be one of the situations under which Kamon will automatically propagate a `TraceContext`, so we can
-expect the current context to be available to the actor when processing the message we just sent, and
-<strong>only</strong> when processing that message. Let's repeat the exercise of sending five messages to this actor,
-now doing it with a new `TraceContext` each time and look at the log:
-22:24:07.223 INFO [Ivan-Topolnjaks-MacBook-Pro.local-1][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser] Upper casing [Hello World with TraceContext]
-22:24:07.224 INFO [Ivan-Topolnjaks-MacBook-Pro.local-2][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser] Upper casing [Hello World with TraceContext]
-22:24:07.225 INFO [Ivan-Topolnjaks-MacBook-Pro.local-1][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser/length-calculator] Calculating the length of: [HELLO WORLD WITH TRACECONTEXT]
-22:24:07.225 INFO [Ivan-Topolnjaks-MacBook-Pro.local-3][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser] Upper casing [Hello World with TraceContext]
-22:24:07.226 INFO [Ivan-Topolnjaks-MacBook-Pro.local-4][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser] Upper casing [Hello World with TraceContext]
-22:24:07.227 INFO [Ivan-Topolnjaks-MacBook-Pro.local-5][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser] Upper casing [Hello World with TraceContext]
-22:24:07.227 INFO [Ivan-Topolnjaks-MacBook-Pro.local-2][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser/length-calculator] Calculating the length of: [HELLO WORLD WITH TRACECONTEXT]
-22:24:07.228 INFO [Ivan-Topolnjaks-MacBook-Pro.local-3][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser/length-calculator] Calculating the length of: [HELLO WORLD WITH TRACECONTEXT]
-22:24:07.228 INFO [Ivan-Topolnjaks-MacBook-Pro.local-4][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser/length-calculator] Calculating the length of: [HELLO WORLD WITH TRACECONTEXT]
-22:24:07.229 INFO [Ivan-Topolnjaks-MacBook-Pro.local-5][akka://simple-context-propagation/user/upper-caser/length-calculator] Calculating the length of: [HELLO WORLD WITH TRACECONTEXT]
-Can you tell which log statement from `LengthCalculator` corresponds to each log statement from `UpperCaser` now?, it
-has become a no brainer: each `TraceContext` created by Kamon gets a unique token that we are including in the log
-patterns (the first value between square brackets) and with that small but important piece of information the relation
-between each log line is clear.
-Just by logging the trace token you can get a lot of visibility and coherence in the information available on your logs,
-please refer to the [logging](../logging/) section to learn how to include the trace token in your logs.
-Rules for `TraceContext` Propagation
-* Actor creation.
-* Sending messages to a Actor.
-* Using ActorLogging.
-* Creating and transforming a Future.